Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ... Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...


Year20002001200220032004200520062007Hazardous wasteTotal Spect/year t/MSIE5,87 0,037,46 0,0510,33 0,0616,40 0,0918,12 0,0810,15 0,0511,81 0,057,60 0,03%10016017725424013913999Hazardous waste production20,00ANNUAL PRODUCTION (t/year)18,0016,0014,0012,0010,008,006,004,002,000,10,10,10,0SPECIFIC PRODUCTION (t/MSIE)Hazardous waste productionSpecific production-2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YEAR0,0Non hazardous wasteYearTotal Spect/year t/MSIE%200020012002200320042005200620074.2362.1092.6433.0483.2353.5212.7622.68724,4015,2915,2915,9914,4516,4210,9711,8110063636659674548Non hazardous waste production5.000ANNUAL PRODUCTION (t/year)4.5004.0003.5003.0002.5002.0001.50040,035,030,025,020,015,0SPECIFIC PRODUCTION (t/MSIE)Non hazardous waste productionSpecific production1.0002000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YEAR10,032

Areas covered by reclaiming planM2M1ABWestsideReclaimed areas at 1997Reclaimed areas at 2004Reclaimed areas at 2006Water proofed areas at 2006Areas to be water proofed at 2008Storical plantCNGround contaminationThe area on which the trigenerationplant stands has been decontaminatedover the last threeyears by means of removal of excavatedearth from the site (about2,000 tons of earth contaminatedwith heavy metals and 400tons contaminated with asbestosfrom activities conducted on thesite before it was purchased byMEMC). In fact said plant standson a portion of land covered by adecontamination program agreedwith the relevant authorities, thelast stage of which is to be completedby the end of 2008 andconsists of: waterproofi ng of thesurface and the creation of a meteoricwater collection network.With regards to the aquifer, pumpingfrom active wells and drainagepiezometers and monitoringactivities have been continued.Concentration values of pollutantsin the aquifer have maintainedthe downward trend seen inthe past, highlighting the effectivenessof decontamination measuresalready implemented. Inparticular, this three year periodhas seen the absence of fl uoridesin concentrations in excess ofthose allowed for groundwater inthe monitoring piezometer upstreamfrom the factory.Polyclorobiphenil PCBThe facility is not currently equippedwith transformers with an oilconcentration of over 50ppm, a limitover which a number of are securitymeasures are provided forby current legislation. In anycase, every three years analysesare carried out to verifythe concentration of PCB inoil of the three transformers inwhich previous tests detectedthe presence of PCB traces.Ozone depletingsubstanceFreon 22 is used in the factoryas a cooling liquid in someof the air-conditioning units.A survey of these plants is updatedevery year.Said chemical product is includedin the list of ozone depleting substancesprepared by the EuropeanCommunity (Regulation CE2037/00), for which special actionmust be taken to control its useand prevent emissions to the atmosphere.The date set for completionof the phasing out processis 31/12/2005.A plan to eliminate any R22 stillcontained in some of the factory’scooling systems was defi ned in2005 and plants that still containthe substance are being replacedin compliance with said plan.33

Areas covered by reclaiming planM2M1ABWestsideReclaimed areas at 1997Reclaimed areas at 2004Reclaimed areas at 2006Water proofed areas at 2006Areas to be water proofed at 2008Storical plantCNGround contaminationThe area on which the trigenerationplant stands has been decontaminatedover the last threeyears by means of removal of excavatedearth from the site (about2,000 tons of earth contaminatedwith heavy metals and 400tons contaminated with asbestosfrom activities conducted on thesite before it was purchased by<strong>MEMC</strong>). In fact said plant standson a portion of land covered by adecontamination program agreedwith the relevant authorities, thelast stage of which is to be completedby the end of 2008 andconsists of: waterproofi ng of thesurface and the creation of a meteoricwater collection network.With regards to the aquifer, pumpingfrom active wells and drainagepiezometers and monitoringactivities have been continued.Concentration values of pollutantsin the aquifer have maintainedthe downward trend seen inthe past, highlighting the effectivenessof decontamination measuresalready implemented. Inparticular, this three year periodhas seen the absence of fl uoridesin concentrations in excess ofthose allowed for groundwater inthe monitoring piezometer upstreamfrom the factory.Polyclorobiphenil PCBThe facility is not currently equippedwith transformers with an oilconcentration of over 50ppm, a limitover which a number of are securitymeasures are provided forby current legislation. In anycase, every three years analysesare carried out to verifythe concentration of PCB inoil of the three transformers inwhich previous tests detectedthe presence of PCB traces.Ozone depletingsubstanceFreon 22 is used in the factoryas a cooling liquid in someof the air-conditioning units.A survey of these plants is updatedevery year.Said chemical product is includedin the list of ozone depleting substancesprepared by the EuropeanCommunity (Regulation CE2037/00), for which special actionmust be taken to control its useand prevent emissions to the atmosphere.The date set for completionof the phasing out processis 31/12/2005.A plan to eliminate any R22 stillcontained in some of the factory’scooling systems was defi ned in2005 and plants that still containthe substance are being replacedin compliance with said plan.33

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