Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ... Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...


Waste and fluid drainageWaste water from the variousproduction processes are channelledto the facility’s wastewater purifi cation plant, in functionsince mid 1997, in whichpollutants are treated and purified waters returned to the CavoVeveri irrigation canal, a confluent of the Terdoppio stream,where cooling waters are alsodischarged.Meteoric waters are also channelledinto the same streamthrough separate piping. Civiliandischarges are channelledto the Agogna stream throughthe municipal sewage system,after treatment in the municipalwater purifi cation plant.Listed in the charts below are thecapacities of the different typesof discharges, and the concentrationvalues (highest monthlyaverage recorded in the year considered,calculated as the mathematicalaverage of the concentrationsidentifi ed through internalanalyses on samples from eachdischarge, taken at least threetimes a week on alternate days)of the typical pollutants recordedat the waste water’s purifi cationplant’s discharge. Also indicatedare the limits imposed by currentlegislation:as shown in the charts,these limits are respected in allcases.To provide a complete picture,from 2007 the graph also showsthe maximum concentration valuefound throughout the year in thesamples described above. Theoffi cial sampling well is locatedimmediately upstream from thepoint of entry into the receivingbody of water (as set forth in theregulations in force) and outsideof the factory’s grounds. Boththe process water and part ofthe cooling water deriving fromthe factory meet at that point.In absolute terms, discharge ratesmaintain the downward trend alreadyseen in 2006. In particularthere has been a more signifi cantdecrease in process dischargerates, in line with the reductionin the consumption of deionisedwater used in production. Thedecrease in cooling water wasless relevant, also due to thefact that since March 2007 partof the water supplied for this purposeis sent to the nearby trigenerationplant to cool the motors.Analysis of the graphs showingthe concentration valuesfor polluting parameters typicalof the purifi cation plant dischargeshows that, overall,trends are in line with those ofthe previous three-year period.Year20002001200220032004200520062007Industrial waterdischargem 3 /year2.758.6012.622.1372.931.5343.027.6223.091.7033.313.5813.173.7483.033.580Waste waterfacility dischargem 3 /year2.093.0011.951.8172.638.1942.532.9132.317.5242.615.9072.485.0952.356.383The site industrial water dischargeTOTAL DISCHARGE (mc/year)3.310.0003.010.0002.710.0002.410.0002.110.0001.810.0001.510.0001.210.000910.000610.000310.00010.000INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER(Water pumped from 1st and 2nd groundwater private wells)Cooling waterdischargem 3 /year665.600670.320293.340494.749774.179697.674688.653677.197Specific industrialwater dischargem 3 /MSIE15.89119.01316.96215.87913.73415.45812.60213.337% Annual specificconsumption2000=100100120107100869779842000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YEARWaste water facility dischargeCooling water dischargeTotal industrial water dischargeSpecific industrial water dischargeCIVIL WASTE WATER(water suppliedby municipal waterservice and 2ndgroundwater wells)Civil dischargem 3 /year30.52123.99825.55322.54520.22522.71324.82620.53720.00018.00016.00014.00012.00010.0008.0006.0004.0002.0000SPECIFIC DISCHARGE (mc/MSIE)28

YearLimit by LawDLgs 152/06200020012002200320042005200620077,407,507,807,587,707,587,497,65pH-5,5 - 9,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,59,545,677,066,060,726,738,421,413,8CODmg/l160160160160160160160160160Fluoridemg/l4,305,405,504,905,004,795,054,106666666668,24,811,714,67,812,327,45,3TSSmg/l808080808080808080Nitrite NO 2-mg/l0,200,200,400,500,300,260,210,050,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,6NitricNitrogen NO 3-mg/l1,201,501,802,305,505,192,353,65202020202020202020AmmoniacalNitrogen NH 4+mg/l0,800,301,700,701,101,040,060,18151515151515151515P - Phosphormg/l1,905,205,902,502,603,272,502,5410101010101010101022,728,033,168,460,361,146,443,7Sulfatemg/l100010001000100010001000100010001000Chloridemg/l231,10218,00193,00178,10220,00180,50161,34180,85120012001200120012001200120012001200Waste water - pHValori medi riscontrati10,09,59,08,58,07,57,06,56,05,55,08,186,52000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YEARWaste water - CODConcentrazione allo scarico (mg/l)170150130110907050301048,962000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YEARWaste water - Fluoride: F-Concentrazione allo scarico (mg/l)765432105,42000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YEARYearly average valueYearly minimal valueAverage valueMax and minimum limit by lawYearly average valueAverage valueMax limit by lawYearly average valueAverage valueMax limit by law29

Waste and fluid drainageWaste water from the variousproduction processes are channelledto the facility’s wastewater purifi cation plant, in functionsince mid 1997, in whichpollutants are treated and purified waters returned to the CavoVeveri irrigation canal, a confluent of the Terdoppio stream,where cooling waters are alsodischarged.Meteoric waters are also channelledinto the same streamthrough separate piping. Civiliandischarges are channelledto the Agogna stream throughthe municipal sewage system,after treatment in the municipalwater purifi cation plant.Listed in the charts below are thecapacities of the different typesof discharges, and the concentrationvalues (highest monthlyaverage recorded in the year considered,calculated as the mathematicalaverage of the concentrationsidentifi ed through internalanalyses on samples from eachdischarge, taken at least threetimes a week on alternate days)of the typical pollutants recordedat the waste water’s purifi cationplant’s discharge. Also indicatedare the limits imposed by currentlegislation:as shown in the charts,these limits are respected in allcases.To provide a complete picture,from <strong>2007</strong> the graph also showsthe maximum concentration valuefound throughout the year in thesamples described above. Theoffi cial sampling well is locatedimmediately upstream from thepoint of entry into the receivingbody of water (as set forth in theregulations in force) and outsideof the factory’s grounds. Boththe process water and part ofthe cooling water deriving fromthe factory meet at that point.In absolute terms, discharge ratesmaintain the downward trend alreadyseen in 2006. In particularthere has been a more signifi cantdecrease in process dischargerates, in line with the reductionin the consumption of deionisedwater used in production. Thedecrease in cooling water wasless relevant, also due to thefact that since March <strong>2007</strong> partof the water supplied for this purposeis sent to the nearby trigenerationplant to cool the motors.Analysis of the graphs showingthe concentration valuesfor polluting parameters typicalof the purifi cation plant dischargeshows that, overall,trends are in line with those ofthe previous three-year period.Year2000200120022003200420052006<strong>2007</strong>Industrial waterdischargem 3 /year2.758.6012.622.1372.931.5343.027.6223.091.7033.313.5813.173.7483.033.580Waste waterfacility dischargem 3 /year2.093.0011.951.8172.638.1942.532.9132.317.5242.615.9072.485.0952.356.383The site industrial water dischargeTOTAL DISCHARGE (mc/year)3.310.0003.010.0002.710.0002.410.0002.110.0001.810.0001.510.0001.210.000910.000610.000310.00010.000INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER(Water pumped from 1st and 2nd groundwater private wells)Cooling waterdischargem 3 /year665.600670.320293.340494.749774.179697.674688.653677.197Specific industrialwater dischargem 3 /MSIE15.89119.01316.96215.87913.73415.45812.60213.337% Annual specificconsumption2000=100100120107100869779842000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong>YEARWaste water facility dischargeCooling water dischargeTotal industrial water dischargeSpecific industrial water dischargeCIVIL WASTE WATER(water suppliedby municipal waterservice and 2ndgroundwater wells)Civil dischargem 3 /year30.52123.99825.55322.54520.22522.71324.82620.53720.00018.00016.00014.00012.00010.0008.0006.0004.0002.0000SPECIFIC DISCHARGE (mc/MSIE)28

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