Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ... Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...


Indice01 Introduction 302 General information 4The MEMC Electronic Materials Inc. group 4Novara site 5Silicon and its applications 6A look at the history 7MEMC’s commitment to environmental protection 703 Geographical position and environmental background 804 Environmental Policy 905 The organisational structure 1006 The Environmental Management System 1107 Description of the activities 1208 Quantifi cation of the Environmental Aspects 13Production 14Energy consumption 15Water consumption 16Consumption of auxiliary materials 19Emissions into the atmosphere 23Emission of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent 27Waste and fl uid drainage 28Waste 31Ground contamination 33Polyclorobiphenil PCB 33Ozone depleting substances 33Outside noise 34Signifi cance of indirect environmental aspects 34Activities that are sub contracted on the site 34Procurement of products and services 34External transport 35Processing and employment of the productsupplied by MEMC 35Local activities 3609 Environmental Improvement ActionsThe environmental program 37Summary of 2007 environmental program 372008 - 2011 Environmental program 392

01IntroductionMEMC’s Novara site has adopteda UNI EN ISO 14001 certified Environmental ManagementSystem since 1999 and hasbeen registered on the EMASRegister, a register of Europeanorganisations participatingin the EMAS scheme (RegulationEC 761/2001) since 2002(registration number I-000123).In compliance with EMAS regulations,every year MEMC ofNovara places information relatedto the company, the resultsobtained and its environmentalimprovement programs at thedisposal of interested parties bymeans of an Environmental Declarationvalidated by an auditor.The Environmental Declarationis a communication tool that cementsMEMC’s desire to operatewith the greatest transparencywith regards to their personnel,the local community and publicbodies, not to mention surroundingcompanies and any companiesoperating within the site itself.This document is a free translationof an extract of the third editionof the factory’s EnvironmentalDeclaration.3

Indice01 Introduction 302 General information 4The <strong>MEMC</strong> Electronic Materials Inc. group 4<strong>Novara</strong> site 5Silicon and its applications 6A look at the history 7<strong>MEMC</strong>’s commitment to environmental protection 703 Geographical position and environmental background 804 <strong>Environmental</strong> Policy 905 The organisational structure 1006 The <strong>Environmental</strong> Management System 1107 Description of the activities 1208 Quantifi cation of the <strong>Environmental</strong> Aspects 13Production 14Energy consumption 15Water consumption 16Consumption of auxiliary materials 19Emissions into the atmosphere 23Emission of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent 27Waste and fl uid drainage 28Waste 31Ground contamination 33Polyclorobiphenil PCB 33Ozone depleting substances 33Outside noise 34Signifi cance of indirect environmental aspects 34Activities that are sub contracted on the site 34Procurement of products and services 34External transport 35Processing and employment of the productsupplied by <strong>MEMC</strong> 35Local activities 3609 <strong>Environmental</strong> Improvement ActionsThe environmental program 37Summary of <strong>2007</strong> environmental program 372008 - 2011 <strong>Environmental</strong> program 392

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