Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ... Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...


As per previous versions of thisdocument, values related toanother parameter used to assessthe effi cient use of water onsite are also shown here below,that is to say the quantity ratioof recycled water in productionprocesses or for technologicalpurposes divided by the overallquantity of water procured: Qr/Qa.It can be seen that in 2007 thetotal amount of water recycledcompared to the amount suppliedremains unchanged compared to2006 and is lower than the previousyears.Totalrecovered waterTotal groundwaterconsumption(Qr/Qa)*100Year m 3 /year m 3 /year %2000 420.761 2.763.920 15,22001 459.790 2.627.059 18,92002 451.407 2.931.534 15,02003 467.908 3.027.662 15,52004 461.201 3.096.293 14,92005 350.412 3.313.581 10,62006 226.351 3.173.748 7,12007 211.376 3.045.239 6,9Recovery of groundwater20,0% recovered water referred tototal groundwater consumption16,012,08,04,0-2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YEAR18

Consumption ofauxiliary materialsVarious chemical substances (acids,bases, detergents, alcohols,inert and special gases, colloidalsolutions, oils and greases) areused in the production processesthat can give rise to direct or indirectenvironmental impacts. Theformer can be controlled directly onsite and derive from the formationof contaminating or non-contaminatingby-products in productionprocesses, that may lead to emissionsto the atmosphere, the dischargeof liquid, waste and risk ofground contamination during loadingand transport operations. Thelatter involves the areas in whichfactories producing said chemicalsubstances are located. Variousprocess stages performed in thefactory require the use of hydrofl uoricacid, which is classified as verytoxic in concentrations greater than7%. The storage and use of saidsubstance, even when mixed withother acids, means that the factoryfalls under the scope of ItalianDecree 334/99 Art. 6 concerningmajor accident hazards. A SafetyManagement System has thereforebeen defi ned and implementedthat, together with the EnvironmentalManagement System, defi nesaction to improve the managementof said substances designed to reducethe hazards associated withtheir use and storage. The tablehere below shows trends in theconsumption of substances in usein the factory, considered signifi -cant due to the quantity consumed(> 3 tons/year) or their hazardousnature (classifi ed: Toxic, Corrosiveor Highly Flammable), whilst trendsrelated to substances for whichspecifi c improvement actions havebeen defi ned are also shown ingraphs for ease of reference.Potassiumhydroxide 45%CSodiumhydroxide 30%CHydrofloridricacid 49%T+, CHydrocloridric acidanidrous (gas)T, CHydrocloridricacid 37%CNitricacid 65%CAceticacid 80%CPhosphoric, nitric andhydrofloridric acid mix (50%HNO3, 10%CH3COOH,6% HF)T, CYear ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE2000 4 0,03 951 5,50 175 1,01 29 0,17 1019 5,87 34 0,2 non disp --- 660 3,822001 5 0,03 795 4,60 135 0,98 21 0,12 942 6,83 18 0,1 13 0,09 361 2,092002 5 0,03 884 5,12 152 0,88 38 0,22 718 4,20 14 0,08 16 0,09 344 1,992003 6 0,03 902 5,22 172 0,90 31 0,18 761 3,99 13 0,07 13 0,07 310 1,792004 58 0,26 1074 4,77 152 0,68 48 0,22 875 3,89 13 0,06 13 0,06 340 1,512005 94 0,44 1404 6,55 125 0,58 50 0,23 849 3,96 12 0,06 11 0,05 299 1,392006 94 0,37 1151 4,57 114 0,45 60 0,24 730 2,90 12 0,05 13 0,05 225 0,892007 66 0,29 1156 5,08 104 0,46 58 0,25 724 3,18 11 0,05 7 0,03 198 0,87Phosphoric and nitric acidmix (50% HNO3, 39% H3PO4)CTrichlorosylaneF+, CIsopropylicalcoholF+Ammonia25%CChandler mix (Hydrofluoricacid, Acetic acid, nitric acid)T+, CHydrogenPeroxide 33%XnLiquidOxygenOLiquidHydrogenF+Year ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE m 3 m 3 /MSIE m 3 m 3 /MSIE2000 582 3,37 21 0,12 72 0,41 84,55 0,49 non disp -- 101 0,58 26.468 152 817.228 4.7082001 536 3,10 17 0,12 68 0,39 63,23 0,46 2,94 0,02 92 0,67 35.711 259 638.803 4.6322002 400 2,31 18 0,10 92 0,53 72,98 0,42 4,2 0,02 89 0,52 40.752 236 741.314 4.2892003 360 2,08 31 0,18 96 0,50 53,56 0,28 6,72 0,04 75 0,39 38.451 202 768.818 4.0322004 525 2,33 38 0,17 103 0,46 66,19 0,29 9,45 0,04 79 0,35 36.838 164 961.415 4.2712005 454 2,12 36 0,17 104 0,49 65,64 0,31 7,35 0,03 76 0,36 39.823 186 879.101 4.1012006 445 1,77 43 0,17 99 0,39 64,83 0,26 7,77 0,03 72 0,29 27.102 108 955.508 3.7942007 440 1,94 46 0,20 83 0,36 56,40 0,25 5,46 0,02 63 0,28 31.084 137 931.675 4.09619

Consumption ofauxiliary materialsVarious chemical substances (acids,bases, detergents, alcohols,inert and special gases, colloidalsolutions, oils and greases) areused in the production processesthat can give rise to direct or indirectenvironmental impacts. Theformer can be controlled directly onsite and derive from the formationof contaminating or non-contaminatingby-products in productionprocesses, that may lead to emissionsto the atmosphere, the dischargeof liquid, waste and risk ofground contamination during loadingand transport operations. Thelatter involves the areas in whichfactories producing said chemicalsubstances are located. Variousprocess stages performed in thefactory require the use of hydrofl uoricacid, which is classified as verytoxic in concentrations greater than7%. The storage and use of saidsubstance, even when mixed withother acids, means that the factoryfalls under the scope of ItalianDecree 334/99 Art. 6 concerningmajor accident hazards. A SafetyManagement System has thereforebeen defi ned and implementedthat, together with the <strong>Environmental</strong>Management System, defi nesaction to improve the managementof said substances designed to reducethe hazards associated withtheir use and storage. The tablehere below shows trends in theconsumption of substances in usein the factory, considered signifi -cant due to the quantity consumed(> 3 tons/year) or their hazardousnature (classifi ed: Toxic, Corrosiveor Highly Flammable), whilst trendsrelated to substances for whichspecifi c improvement actions havebeen defi ned are also shown ingraphs for ease of reference.Potassiumhydroxide 45%CSodiumhydroxide 30%CHydrofloridricacid 49%T+, CHydrocloridric acidanidrous (gas)T, CHydrocloridricacid 37%CNitricacid 65%CAceticacid 80%CPhosphoric, nitric andhydrofloridric acid mix (50%H<strong>NO</strong>3, 10%CH3COOH,6% HF)T, CYear ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE2000 4 0,03 951 5,50 175 1,01 29 0,17 1019 5,87 34 0,2 non disp --- 660 3,822001 5 0,03 795 4,60 135 0,98 21 0,12 942 6,83 18 0,1 13 0,09 361 2,092002 5 0,03 884 5,12 152 0,88 38 0,22 718 4,20 14 0,08 16 0,09 344 1,992003 6 0,03 902 5,22 172 0,90 31 0,18 761 3,99 13 0,07 13 0,07 310 1,792004 58 0,26 1074 4,77 152 0,68 48 0,22 875 3,89 13 0,06 13 0,06 340 1,512005 94 0,44 1404 6,55 125 0,58 50 0,23 849 3,96 12 0,06 11 0,05 299 1,392006 94 0,37 1151 4,57 114 0,45 60 0,24 730 2,90 12 0,05 13 0,05 225 0,89<strong>2007</strong> 66 0,29 1156 5,08 104 0,46 58 0,25 724 3,18 11 0,05 7 0,03 198 0,87Phosphoric and nitric acidmix (50% H<strong>NO</strong>3, 39% H3PO4)CTrichlorosylaneF+, CIsopropylicalcoholF+Ammonia25%CChandler mix (Hydrofluoricacid, Acetic acid, nitric acid)T+, CHydrogenPeroxide 33%XnLiquidOxygenOLiquidHydrogenF+Year ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE ton ton/MSIE m 3 m 3 /MSIE m 3 m 3 /MSIE2000 582 3,37 21 0,12 72 0,41 84,55 0,49 non disp -- 101 0,58 26.468 152 817.228 4.7082001 536 3,10 17 0,12 68 0,39 63,23 0,46 2,94 0,02 92 0,67 35.711 259 638.803 4.6322002 400 2,31 18 0,10 92 0,53 72,98 0,42 4,2 0,02 89 0,52 40.752 236 741.314 4.2892003 360 2,08 31 0,18 96 0,50 53,56 0,28 6,72 0,04 75 0,39 38.451 202 768.818 4.0322004 525 2,33 38 0,17 103 0,46 66,19 0,29 9,45 0,04 79 0,35 36.838 164 961.415 4.2712005 454 2,12 36 0,17 104 0,49 65,64 0,31 7,35 0,03 76 0,36 39.823 186 879.101 4.1012006 445 1,77 43 0,17 99 0,39 64,83 0,26 7,77 0,03 72 0,29 27.102 108 955.508 3.794<strong>2007</strong> 440 1,94 46 0,20 83 0,36 56,40 0,25 5,46 0,02 63 0,28 31.084 137 931.675 4.09619

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