Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ... Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...


07Descriptionof the activitiesIn the following fl ow chart theproductive cycle of the site isdescribed.Mono Crystal Silicon Bar(MEMC Merano)Wire-sawLappingChemical VapourDepositionSolar Silicon cleaningPolishingCleaningEpitaxyWafersCustomerSolar FotovoltaicCustomer12

08Quantification of the Environmental AspectsThe following table shows a summaryof the levels of importanceof impacts associated with directenvironmental aspects, manageddirectly by the factory’s organisationalstructure, for 2007.The following sections contain acollection of environmental indicatorsrelated to MEMC in Novara,updated to 31st December2007, which provide a qualitativeand quantitative indication ofthe factory’s most important environmentalaspects and showthe progress of the company’senvironmental performanceduring the 2000-2007 period.The indicators shown herein derivefrom data collected duringactivities implemented by thecompany to control their own environmentalaspects and, unlessotherwise indicated, refer to all ofthe activities performed on site.Two types of indicators havebeen used:“absolute”, that is the annualquantity of the parameter in question(e.g. amount of waste producedin a year expressed in kilograms);“specific”, obtained by dividingthe absolute quantity of the parameterconsidered by the quantityof product manufactured in ayear for the electronic and solarphotovoltaic markets (millionsof equivalent square inches ofsilicon). This type of indicator isimportant as it shows the company’sperformance expressedin terms of product units. Someenvironmental aspects also showthe percentage value taken fromthe ratio: specifi c datum of theyear considered related to specific datum of the year 2000.The indicators are also shown ina graphic format for ease of reference.Each one of the following paragraphsis marked with a colouredcircle to indicate the level of importanceof impacts associatedwith the environmental aspectsdescribed therein (red for very importantimpacts, yellow for importantimpacts and green for unimportantimpacts).To individualise the direct or indirecteffects of the production cycleon the external environment theenvironmental aspects associatedwith different activities have beensubjected to a significance evaluation.The results of the evaluation arereported in the following tables.DIRECT ENVIRONMENTALASPECTSElectrical energy, steam and methan consumptionRaw material consumptionOil and combustible consumptionGroundwater consumptionDrinkable water consumptionAuxiliary materials consumption(for production, facility, shipping)Auxiliary materials consumption(for maintenance, storage, offices)Emissions to atmosphereDiffused emissionsWastewater dischargeCooling water, stormwater, civil wastewaterdischargeHazardous waste (recoverable or not)Not hazardous waste (recoverable or not)PCBODS: Ozone depleting chemicalsAsbestosOdorsExternal noiseRadiationSoil contaminationSoil occupationLandscape modificationInternal transportationBiodiversity effectsNormal conditionsEmergencyconditionsPastconditions✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ very significative ✖ significative ✖ not significative✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖✖✖ ✖ ✖✖✖✖✖ ✖13

08Quantification of the <strong>Environmental</strong> AspectsThe following table shows a summaryof the levels of importanceof impacts associated with directenvironmental aspects, manageddirectly by the factory’s organisationalstructure, for <strong>2007</strong>.The following sections contain acollection of environmental indicatorsrelated to <strong>MEMC</strong> in <strong>Novara</strong>,updated to 31st December<strong>2007</strong>, which provide a qualitativeand quantitative indication ofthe factory’s most important environmentalaspects and showthe progress of the company’senvironmental performanceduring the 2000-<strong>2007</strong> period.The indicators shown herein derivefrom data collected duringactivities implemented by thecompany to control their own environmentalaspects and, unlessotherwise indicated, refer to all ofthe activities performed on site.Two types of indicators havebeen used:“absolute”, that is the annualquantity of the parameter in question(e.g. amount of waste producedin a year expressed in kilograms);“specific”, obtained by dividingthe absolute quantity of the parameterconsidered by the quantityof product manufactured in ayear for the electronic and solarphotovoltaic markets (millionsof equivalent square inches ofsilicon). This type of indicator isimportant as it shows the company’sperformance expressedin terms of product units. Someenvironmental aspects also showthe percentage value taken fromthe ratio: specifi c datum of theyear considered related to specific datum of the year 2000.The indicators are also shown ina graphic format for ease of reference.Each one of the following paragraphsis marked with a colouredcircle to indicate the level of importanceof impacts associatedwith the environmental aspectsdescribed therein (red for very importantimpacts, yellow for importantimpacts and green for unimportantimpacts).To individualise the direct or indirecteffects of the production cycleon the external environment theenvironmental aspects associatedwith different activities have beensubjected to a significance evaluation.The results of the evaluation arereported in the following tables.DIRECT ENVIRONMENTALASPECTSElectrical energy, steam and methan consumptionRaw material consumptionOil and combustible consumptionGroundwater consumptionDrinkable water consumptionAuxiliary materials consumption(for production, facility, shipping)Auxiliary materials consumption(for maintenance, storage, offices)Emissions to atmosphereDiffused emissionsWastewater dischargeCooling water, stormwater, civil wastewaterdischargeHazardous waste (recoverable or not)Not hazardous waste (recoverable or not)PCBODS: Ozone depleting chemicalsAsbestosOdorsExternal noiseRadiationSoil contaminationSoil occupationLandscape modificationInternal transportationBiodiversity effectsNormal conditionsEmergencyconditionsPastconditions✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ very significative ✖ significative ✖ not significative✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖ ✖✖✖✖ ✖ ✖✖✖✖✖ ✖13

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