PDF CODE OF ETHICS English version - MBDA

PDF CODE OF ETHICS English version - MBDA PDF CODE OF ETHICS English version - MBDA

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OUR PEOPLEHealth and SafetyEqual opportunity and diversity6MBDA is committed to pursuing the highest health and safety standards in the workplace.MBDA endeavours to implement the necessary programmes, training and internalcontrols to consistently promote safe work practices.We must familiarise ourselves with, and follow, health and safety policies andprocedures set up within MBDA.Security of employeesMBDA does its utmost to protect its employees, wherever they are working.MBDA informs people of risks and sets out internal procedures to be followed, suchas in the event of unstable political situations, criminal acts or health matters.We must be aware of updated information delivered by MBDA, particularly withregards to business travel.Treating each other with respectOur responsibility is to treat others with respect.MBDA aims to create an environment where employees feel comfortable to voicetheir opinions in a professional and constructive way.MBDA does not tolerate any form of humiliation, harassment - sexual, physical orpsychological –, coercion, bullying or other offensive conduct.All of us are required to comply with all laws and regulations forbidding anydiscrimination.MBDA believes that diversity strengthens the companyand seeks to recognise and value the differencesbetween employees by building teams that reflect themarkets and communities in which it operates.The recruitment process is exclusively based on theapplicant’s experience, qualifications and skills, withremuneration solely determined on the basis of thecontribution to the company.Career managementMBDA aims to promote personal development.One of the key tools to facilitate development is regularface-to-face interviews with our manager.These interviews help focus on required skills, achievements,development plan and career paths according to individual needsand aspirations, as well as business requirements.Training and collaborative ways of working also contribute to thisprocess.

Social relationsMBDA respects the right of all of us to form and jointrade unions and workers’ organisations to organise andbargain collectively.MBDA respects the role and responsibilities of the socialpartners and commits to communicating and negotiatingopenly to address issues of collective interest.Data privacyAccess to personal data shall be limited to those whosefunction and responsibility necessitates the handling of personaldata.MBDA does not communicate personal information to thirdparties, except to the extent necessary and allowed by applicablelaws and regulations.7

Social relations<strong>MBDA</strong> respects the right of all of us to form and jointrade unions and workers’ organisations to organise andbargain collectively.<strong>MBDA</strong> respects the role and responsibilities of the socialpartners and commits to communicating and negotiatingopenly to address issues of collective interest.Data privacyAccess to personal data shall be limited to those whosefunction and responsibility necessitates the handling of personaldata.<strong>MBDA</strong> does not communicate personal information to thirdparties, except to the extent necessary and allowed by applicablelaws and regulations.7

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