Package 'ChIPpeakAnno' - Bioconductor

Package 'ChIPpeakAnno' - Bioconductor

Package 'ChIPpeakAnno' - Bioconductor


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24 getEnrichedGOArgumentsValueannotatedPeakRangedData such as data(annotatedPeak) or a vector of feature IDsorgAnn organism annotation package such as org.Hs.eg.db for human and org.Mm.eg.dbfor mouse, org.Dm.eg.db for fly, org.Rn.eg.db for rat, org.Sc.eg.db for yeast andorg.Dr.eg.db for zebrafishfeature_id_typethe feature type in annotatedPeakRanges such as ensembl_gene_id, refseq_id,gene_symbol or entrez_idmaxPmultiAdjminGOtermmaximum p-value to be considered to be significantWhether apply multiple hypothesis testing adjustment, TURE or FALSEminimum count in a genome for a GO term to be includedmultiAdjMethod multiple testing procedures, for details, see mt.rawp2adjp in multtest packageA list of 3bpmfccenriched biological process with the following 9 variablesgo.id:GO biological process idgo.term:GO biological process termgo.Definition:GO biological process descriptionOntology: Ontology branch, i.e. BP for biological processcount.InDataset: count of this GO term in this datasetcount.InGenome: count of this GO term in the genomepvalue: pvalue from the hypergeometric testtotaltermInDataset: count of all GO terms in this datasettotaltermInGenome: count of all GO terms in the genomeenriched molecular function with the following 9 variablesgo.id:GO molecular function idgo.term:GO molecular function termgo.Definition:GO molecular function descriptionOntology: Ontology branch, i.e. MF for molecular functioncount.InDataset: count of this GO term in this datasetcount.InGenome: count of this GO term in the genomepvalue: pvalue from the hypergeometric testtotaltermInDataset: count of all GO terms in this datasettotaltermInGenome: count of all GO terms in the genomeenriched cellular component the following 9 variablesgo.id:GO cellular component idgo.term:GO cellular component termgo.Definition:GO cellular component descriptionOntology: Ontology type, i.e. CC for cellular componentcount.InDataset: count of this GO term in this dataset

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