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to read Strathmore's FY2010-2011 Annual Report (PDF).

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16TITLE I WORKSHOPS HELP CHILDREN, PARENTS,COMMUNITYCONNECTING ARTISTSTO KIDSOne of Strathmore’s greatest strengths is the ability <strong>to</strong> connect artists withkids, and bringing Artists in Residence in<strong>to</strong> the schools for performances andworkshops creates a complete circle of education and engagement.That circle continues in our Title I program, where teaching artists, Strathmoreeducation and artistic staff and Artists in Residence collaborate <strong>to</strong> create anintensive, multi-disciplinary, year-long arts experience for low-income 4th and 5thgraders each year. Students who may otherwise be deeply under-exposed <strong>to</strong> thearts get <strong>to</strong> spend eight out-of-school days creating their own s<strong>to</strong>ries using music,visual art and theater under the guidance of the best teaching artists in the region.In FY10 and FY 11 Strathmore’s Title I Education Program expanded as 30students from Broad Acres Elementary School participated in the program.Supported in part by endowment gifts from Jim and Carol Trawick and Carolynand Jeffrey Leonard, the Title I Education Program was implemented <strong>to</strong> reachout <strong>to</strong> underserved populations in schools where many families have limitedincome. The program helps working families when school is out of session bykeeping kids engaged on holidays, staff planning days and over breaks. Atthe same time, the Title I workshops provide art education experiences thesestudents would not get in traditional school setting.Strathmore also connects kids withnational artists by bringing <strong>to</strong>getherpartners in the community. One highimpactway <strong>to</strong> connect artists withkids is through multi-day residencies,a format Strathmore launched<strong>to</strong> great success in April 2010with Classical Jam, the renownedchamber music ensemble featuringyoung professional musicians. Schoolperformances, which got kids firedup about classical music, and amajor collaboration with MarylandClassic Youth Orchestras, culminatedin a thrilling performance on theMusic Center Stage. This is whatStrathmore does best: bringing<strong>to</strong>gether diverse elements of thecommunity with <strong>to</strong>p-tier artists forunforgettable experiences..........................Classical Jam musicians work withMontgomery County High School students.Jim SaahStudents, teachers and men<strong>to</strong>rs worked <strong>to</strong>gether throughout the year <strong>to</strong> createan original performance that incorporated music, dance, puppetry and thevisual arts, created during a week-long Spring Break Workshop that capped offthe program and culminated in a performance for families and friends.“ When our kids are in thepresence of young, accomplishedmusicians it is as if a path hasbeen lit for them. They see, hearand know what is possible forthem.”Members of University of Maryland’s Gamer Symphonyrehearsed and performed one of their arrangements withprofessional orchestra and chorus for the Video GamesLive performance in <strong>2011</strong>.Alison Serino, Principal, A. MarioLoiederman Middle School for theCreative and Performing ArtsJim Saah

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