Animal traction A bibliography - usaid

Animal traction A bibliography - usaid Animal traction A bibliography - usaid
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our greatest appreciation goes to Tesfaye Berhane and MRacos Sahlu who did most of the entries and checking on the computer. We are also greatly indebted to the contributionc offered to us by Guido Gryseels, Dr. Frank Anderson, Edward Sprague and Sirak Teklu. Last but not least, we would like to thank the staff of Documentation and Publications Sections of ILCA for their cooperation and assistance. M R.G. M.H. vi

GENERAL WORKS 000i Anon. 1933. Theox. s.l., s.n., 7p. Extracted from Animal Management, 1933, War Office (UK), p. 303-309. 0002 Anon. 1972. Buffalo at the crossrouds. World Farming (USA), v. 14(7), p. 10-1 . 0003 Anon. i973. (Extesion project of teem cultivation and rural anlmatongarisation In Adamawa). de la culture -Projet attel~e d'opdration et d'anmaton de vulrua3 d Ida culturatt c d6ap.at4-n8. rale dans lrAdamaoua."~ 65p. 0004 Anon. 1974. The elk as a new domestic animal. Blue Book, (Germany, FR.) v. 24, p. 111. 0005 Anon 1978. (An example of succasful mechanization: The FAO projoct on team cultivation In Upper Volts). "Un exemple de mdcanisation rdussi: le projet FAO d'assistance Ala culture attele en Haute Volta." Afnque Agriculture (France), no. 32, p. 28-31. 0006 Anon. 1979. (Some thoughts on animal traction). "Rdflexions Apropos de la traction animale." Section Machinisme. B. P.A. CRD de l'Est, Fada N'Gourman, p. 11-12. 0007 Anon. 1981. The water buffalo: New orospects for an underutized animal. Waiviington, D.C., National Academy Press, 116p. 0006 Anon. 1982. Bullock power survey. In: National seminar on draught animal power systems in India, Jal 16-17 1982, Bangalore, India. Seminar papers. Indian institutc of Management. Bangalore. • p. 0009 Ali. N.; Pandey, M.M. 1982. Use of animal power In harvest and postharvest operations. In: National seminar on draughtanimal power systems in India, July 16-17 1982, Bangalore, India. Seminar papers. Indian Institute of Management. Bangalore. 14p. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX 0010 Andromedas, J.H.; Lewis, R.E. 1977. Appropriate technology, energetics and draft animals. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Houston, Texas, 2 December 1977. 0011 ASPAC, Taipei City (Taiwan). 1975. The Asiatic water buffalo: ProceedIngs from the Asian and Pacific Council/ Food and Fertilizer Technology Center. 0012 Baron, S. 1968. Cheapr than frctora. Ceres. FAO Review, v. 1(2), p. 34-38. 0013 Benjamin, T.P. 1982. Impact of dairy developmet In draught animal power. In: National seminar on draught animal power systems in India, July 16-17 1982, Bangalore, India. .et, inar papers. Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. 241.. 0014 Bhaid, M.U. 1975. OIl crlslsandthe bullockon the farm. Agriculture and Agro-industries Journal (India), v. 31(3), p. 26-28. 0015 Bonnabaud, R. 1970. (Development project foi agronomic research and pit applications In the Senegal river basin. Note on soil cultivation by animal tracton and the association of agriculture and animal husbandrylnSenegal)."Projetpourleddveloppement de la recherche agronomique et de ses applications dans le bassin du Fleuve Sdn~gal. Note sur la culture ottelde et I'association agriculture­ .levage au Sendgal." 22p.; FAO/AGO--RAF/68 114. 0016 BoudetuG. (s.d). (intagrtion of agriculture and animal productWn). "Association Agriculture-Elevag. IEMVTI. lIIp. 0017 Bourn, D.; Scott, M. 1978. The successful use of work oxen In agricultural development of tsetse Infested land In Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK), v. 10(4), p. 191-203.


Our greatest appreciation goes to Tesfaye Berhane and MRacos Sahlu who did most of the entries and<br />

checking on the computer.<br />

We are also greatly indebted to the contributionc offered to us by Guido Gryseels, Dr. Frank<br />

Anderson, Edward Sprague and Sirak Teklu.<br />

Last but not least, we would like to thank the staff of Documentation and Publications Sections of<br />

ILCA for their cooperation and assistance.<br />

M R.G.<br />

M.H.<br />


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