Animal traction A bibliography - usaid

Animal traction A bibliography - usaid Animal traction A bibliography - usaid
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0311 Sen, K.C. 1966. Nutritive values of Indian cattle feeds and the feeding of animals. Indian Council of Agricultural Research Bulletin, v. 25. 0312 Stillions. M.C.: Nelson, W.E. 1972. Digestible energy during maintenance of the light horse. Journal of Animal Science (USA), v. 34, p. 981-982. 0313 Tourte. R 1962. (Working animals and their feeding. Profitability of their rearing under the ecokgical conditions at Bambey). -Le betail de trait et son alimentation. Un tel elevage est rentable dans les conditions ecologiques de Bambey.'" Agronomie iropi. cale (France), no. 17. p 166-173. 0r214 Waldo. D.R., Coppock, C.E.; Moore. L.A.; Sykes, J.F. 1960. Estimates of the net energy maintenance requirement of grazing dairy cattle. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on ,Vurttion. Washington. D. C . September 1960. PHYSIOLOGY AND ENERGY EXPENDITURE 0315 Agarwal, S P . Singh, N.; Agarwal, V. Dwaraknath, P.K. 1982. Draught capacity in castrated vis-a-vis entire male buffaloes. In .Vationalserninaron draught onimal power s',srerrs in India, July 16.17 1982, Bangalore, India. Seminar papers. Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. l8p 0316 Benedict, F.G 1936. Physiology of the elephant. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication (USA), no 474 0317 Brody. S 1945 Bloenergetics and growth. New York, Reinhold Co. 0318 Chambers, W.H.; Milhorat, A.T 1928 MuLcular eoxrc.e ari ntirogen meaocOlisif, ^ doo.. Journal of Biological Chem'itry (USA), v. 77, p. 603 0319 Cheema. S R., Tanuja, N.R. 1976 An Invectiation Into the average energy output by bullocks. B Tech Project Report. Facult-, of Agricultural Engg. and Techn . Uniersitq of Agriculture; Lyallpur, Pakistan 0320 Consolazio. C F . Nelson. R.A. .Mitoush, 1. 0. Ifarding, S R. ; Canham. I E 1963 Nitrogen excretion In sweat and its relation to nitrogen balance requirenoents. Journal of Vutruion (UK), v 79. p. 399. 16 0321 Hoffman, L.; Klippel, W.; Schiemann, R. 1967. (Energy exchange in the horse with particular reference to horizontal movement). Archly fuer Tierenachrung (Germany, D.R.) v. 17, p. 441-449. Nutr. Abstr. and Rev. 38:633; 1968 (abstract no. 3604). 0322 Hcnzawa, S.; Ishizaki, S.; Shinohara, A. Koyama, K. 1960. (Relation between body dimensions and work power In the horse [Relation between sizo and work power In the horse. V.]). J. Kanto-Tosan Agric. Exp. Sta. (Japan). Anim. 2reed. Abstr. 28:378; 1960 (abstract no. 1787). 0323 Indian Council for Agricultural Reseaich, New Delhi. 1973. Definition of characteristics of cattle and buffalo brceds. no. 86, 0324 Ishizaki, S.; Honzawa, S. 1949. (Relation between size and working power In the horue. I. On the working power of Korean ponies). Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science, v. 20, p. 92-96. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 19:33; 1951 (abstract no. 34). 0325 Ishizaki, S.; Honzawa, S.; Shinohara, A.; Koyama, K. 1954. (Relation between body weight and work power In the horse. IV.). Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science, v. 25(2/4), p. 168-173. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 30:123; 1955 (abstract no. 1522). 0326 Ishizaki, S.; Honzawa, A.; Shinoha­ ra, A.; Koyama, K. 1961. (Comparison of the working ability of cattle and horses). J. Kanto-Tosan Agric. Exp. Sta. (Japan), v. 18, p. 259-268. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 30:314; 1962 (abstract no. 1522). 0327 Ishizaki, S.; lionzawa, A.; Shinohara, A.; Koyama, K. 1961. [What lze of working home is necesowry for deep ploughing? (Relationship between size and working ability in the horse. VI,)]. J. Kanto-Tosan Agric. Exp. Sta. (Japan), v. 18, p. 251-258. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 30:319; 1962 (abstract no. 1560). 0328 Kleiber. M. 1947. Body size and metabolic rate. Physiological Reviews (USA), v. 27(4), p. 511-541. 0329 Kownacki, M.; Hoffmannowa, H.; Piotrowski, J. 1962. (Preliminary Investigations on some physiological Indices facilitating the evaluation of performance In draft horses). Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, B (Poland), v. 79, p. 393-401. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 31:457; 1963 (abstract no. 2707).

0340 Rhoad, A.O. 1928. Relation be­ 0330 Knger, L.; Seefeldt, G. 1955. (Dotermination of prformance of tween conformation and pulling large and small horse). Zeitschrift fuer Tier- ability of draft horses. In: Rec. American Soc. zuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie (Germany, Anim. Prod. Proceedings (USA), Annual Meet- F.R.), v. 64, p. 175-190. Anim. Breed. Abstr. ing held 30 Nov-2 Dec 1928, p. 182-188. 23:123; 1955 (abstract no. 516). 0341 Schmidt-Nielsen, K. 1964. Desert 0331 Maurya, N.L.; Guruswamy, T. 1981. animals: Physiological problems Draft charactrlstics of crossbred of heat and water. Oxford, England, Clarendon and local bullocks - a case study. CurrentRe- Press. search (India), v 10(4), p. 4-6. 0342 Shibata, M.; Mukai, A.; Kume, S. 0332 Maurya, N.L.; Devadattam, D.S.K. 1981. Estimation of energy expen­ 1982. Response of some phylo- dtureIndalryhefm walklngontheleveland Iogical Parmeters of crossr'e Illocks to on gradients. Bull. Kyushu. Nat. Agric. Exp. d=fferent draft and amient conditions. Indian Sta. (Japan),v. 21:589-609. Journalof DairyScience, v. 35(1). St--milor, P.I.; Podkorytov, F.M. 0333 McDowell, R.E.; McDaniel, B.T.; 0343 1915. (Body conformation of the Hoven, N.W. 1958. The relation of on reindeer from the talga uplands of the Chithe Rhomboldeus (hump) muscle InZea European type cattle. Paper presented at the tinsk region). Nauchno-Issledovatel'sk;i-Institut Sel'skogo Khozyaistva KrainigoSevera, v. 21, p. Annual Meeting of the American Society ofAnim- 22-28. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 45(4):251; 1977 (abal Production,Chicago, Illinois, USA, 28-29 Nostract no. 2064). vember, 1958. 0334 Milne, A.H. 1955. The humps of East African cattle. Experimental Agriculture (UK), v 23, p.234-239. 0335 Nadaljak, E.A. 1961. (Gaseous oxchange In horses In transport work 0344 Sundar, C.S. 1973. Draft character­ Istics of crossbred bullocks. Unpublished B. Tech. Thesis, Agricultural Engineering Department, I.I.T., Kharapur, West Bengal, India. at the wall' and trot with different loads and 0345 Tatsumi, H.; Chiba, H.; Kato, M.; rates of movement). Trudy Vses. Inst. Kone- Ueno, K.; Okabe, T.; Seto, Y.; Ka­ 23 vodsrvo, v. ,p. 228-245. Nutr. Abstr. and Rev. no, Y. 1958. (Energy expense of horses Incul­ 32:463; 1962 (abstract no. 2230). ture In a field). Bulletin ofthe Nationrl Institute of Agricultural Science (Japan), no. 14, p. 81-91. 0336 Nadal'jak, E.A. 1961. (Gaseous ex- Nutr. Abstr. and Rev. 29:146; 1959 (abstract no. change and energy expenditure at 689). tast and during differtl tasks by breeding stlllonr of heavy draught breeds). Trudy 0340 Tatsumi, H.; Chiba, H.; Ueno, K. 1958. (Infuenc ofthe depth of we- Vses. Init. Konevodirvo, v. 23, p. 246-261. Nutr. Abstr. and Re%. 32:463; 1962 (abstract no. 2231). tor or energy expenciture of walking horses). Bulletin of the National Institwe of Agricultural 0337 Nadalak, E.A. 1961. (Effect of Science (Japan),no. 15, p. 27-34. Nutr. Abstr. and state of training on gaseous ex- Re". 29:869; 1959 (abstract no. 4100). charVg and energy expenditure in horses of heavy draught breets). Trudy Vses. Inst. Kone­ 0347 Tatsumi, H.; Chiba, H.; Kato, M. vodstvo, v.23, p 263-274. Nutr. Abstr. and Rev. 32:463; 1962 (abstract no. 2232). 1960. (Bloenergetical study on the drawing method of horse). Bulletin of the NationalInstituteofAgriculturalScience (Japan),nn. 0338 Nangia, O.P.; Rana, R.D.; Singh, 19, p. 75-85. Nutr. Abstr. and Rev. 31:515; 1961 N.; Ahmed, A. 1978. A note on (abstract no. 2437). 6raught capacity In castrated and entire male buffaloesk as reflacted In some blood constitu­ onts. Animal Production (UK). v. 27(pt.2), p. 0348 Vercoc, J.E. 1973. The energy cost 237-240 of standing and lying in adult cattle.British Journal of Nurition (UK), v. 30, p. 207-210. Pno, N. 1947. (The variation In the 0339 lactose con'ant of cow's milk before and after work). Zootecnica e Vetennaria 0349 Winchester, C.F. 1943. The energy (Italy), v. 2(7), p. 233-235. Dairy Sci. Abstr. cost of standing In horses. Science 12:140; 1950-51. (USA), v. 9(2505). 1'i

0311 Sen, K.C. 1966. Nutritive values of<br />

Indian cattle feeds and the feeding<br />

of animals. Indian Council of Agricultural Research<br />

Bulletin, v. 25.<br />

0312 Stillions. M.C.: Nelson, W.E. 1972.<br />

Digestible energy during maintenance<br />

of the light horse. Journal of <strong>Animal</strong><br />

Science (USA), v. 34, p. 981-982.<br />

0313 Tourte. R 1962. (Working animals<br />

and their feeding. Profitability of<br />

their rearing under the ecokgical conditions<br />

at Bambey). -Le betail de trait et son alimentation.<br />

Un tel elevage est rentable dans les conditions<br />

ecologiques de Bambey.'" Agronomie iropi.<br />

cale (France), no. 17. p 166-173.<br />

0r214 Waldo. D.R., Coppock, C.E.;<br />

Moore. L.A.; Sykes, J.F. 1960. Estimates<br />

of the net energy maintenance requirement<br />

of grazing dairy cattle. In: Proceedings of<br />

the Fifth International Congress on ,Vurttion. Washington.<br />

D. C . September 1960.<br />



0315 Agarwal, S P . Singh, N.; Agarwal,<br />

V. Dwaraknath, P.K. 1982.<br />

Draught capacity in castrated vis-a-vis entire<br />

male buffaloes. In .Vationalserninaron draught<br />

onimal power s',srerrs in India, July 16.17 1982,<br />

Bangalore, India. Seminar papers. Indian Institute<br />

of Management, Bangalore. l8p<br />

0316 Benedict, F.G 1936. Physiology of<br />

the elephant. Carnegie Institution of<br />

Washington Publication (USA), no 474<br />

0317 Brody. S 1945 Bloenergetics and<br />

growth. New York, Reinhold Co.<br />

0318 Chambers, W.H.; Milhorat, A.T<br />

1928 MuLcular eoxrc.e ari ntirogen<br />

meaocOlisif, ^ doo.. Journal of Biological<br />

Chem'itry (USA), v. 77, p. 603<br />

0319 Cheema. S R., Tanuja, N.R. 1976<br />

An Invectiation Into the average<br />

energy output by bullocks. B Tech Project<br />

Report. Facult-, of Agricultural Engg. and<br />

Techn . Uniersitq of Agriculture; Lyallpur, Pakistan<br />

0320 Consolazio. C F . Nelson. R.A. .Mitoush,<br />

1. 0. Ifarding, S R. ; Canham.<br />

I E 1963 Nitrogen excretion In sweat<br />

and its relation to nitrogen balance requirenoents.<br />

Journal of Vutruion (UK), v 79. p. 399.<br />

16<br />

0321 Hoffman, L.; Klippel, W.; Schiemann,<br />

R. 1967. (Energy exchange<br />

in the horse with particular reference to horizontal<br />

movement). Archly fuer Tierenachrung<br />

(Germany, D.R.) v. 17, p. 441-449. Nutr. Abstr.<br />

and Rev. 38:633; 1968 (abstract no. 3604).<br />

0322 Hcnzawa, S.; Ishizaki, S.; Shinohara,<br />

A. Koyama, K. 1960. (Relation between<br />

body dimensions and work power In<br />

the horse [Relation between sizo and work<br />

power In the horse. V.]). J. Kanto-Tosan Agric.<br />

Exp. Sta. (Japan). Anim. 2reed. Abstr. 28:378;<br />

1960 (abstract no. 1787).<br />

0323 Indian Council for Agricultural Reseaich,<br />

New Delhi. 1973. Definition<br />

of characteristics of cattle and buffalo brceds.<br />

no. 86,<br />

0324 Ishizaki, S.; Honzawa, S. 1949. (Relation<br />

between size and working<br />

power In the horue. I. On the working power of<br />

Korean ponies). Japanese Journal of Zootechnical<br />

Science, v. 20, p. 92-96. Anim. Breed. Abstr.<br />

19:33; 1951 (abstract no. 34).<br />

0325 Ishizaki, S.; Honzawa, S.; Shinohara,<br />

A.; Koyama, K. 1954. (Relation between<br />

body weight and work power In the<br />

horse. IV.). Japanese Journal of Zootechnical<br />

Science, v. 25(2/4), p. 168-173. Anim. Breed.<br />

Abstr. 30:123; 1955 (abstract no. 1522).<br />

0326 Ishizaki, S.; Honzawa, A.; Shinoha­<br />

ra, A.; Koyama, K. 1961. (Comparison<br />

of the working ability of cattle and<br />

horses). J. Kanto-Tosan Agric. Exp. Sta. (Japan),<br />

v. 18, p. 259-268. Anim. Breed. Abstr.<br />

30:314; 1962 (abstract no. 1522).<br />

0327 Ishizaki, S.; lionzawa, A.; Shinohara,<br />

A.; Koyama, K. 1961. [What lze<br />

of working home is necesowry for deep<br />

ploughing? (Relationship between size and<br />

working ability in the horse. VI,)]. J. Kanto-Tosan<br />

Agric. Exp. Sta. (Japan), v. 18, p. 251-258.<br />

Anim. Breed. Abstr. 30:319; 1962 (abstract no.<br />

1560).<br />

0328 Kleiber. M. 1947. Body size and<br />

metabolic rate. Physiological Reviews<br />

(USA), v. 27(4), p. 511-541.<br />

0329 Kownacki, M.; Hoffmannowa, H.;<br />

Piotrowski, J. 1962. (Preliminary Investigations<br />

on some physiological Indices<br />

facilitating the evaluation of performance In<br />

draft horses). Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, B (Poland),<br />

v. 79, p. 393-401. Anim. Breed. Abstr.<br />

31:457; 1963 (abstract no. 2707).

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