Scan2CAD Hints & Tips - Carlson Software

Scan2CAD Hints & Tips - Carlson Software Scan2CAD Hints & Tips - Carlson Software
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Raster Quality ChecklistFuzziness is most common in JPEG images, sotake care not to save your image in JPEG format.Overlaid informationThe drawing on the rightcontains a lot of overlaiddata.Sadly, Scan2CAD is nothuman. It doesn’t knowthat it is looking at textand a wiring scheduleoverlaid on a building plan.All it sees are blackpatterns on a white background and it is not goingto be able to separate the data.You are not going to be able to get a sensible... continuedvectorization from an image with overlaidinformation. There is nothing you can do aboutthis.Low resolution linesIf shapes in your image aredefined by only a fewpixels and look jagged, asin the image on the right,your image is too lowresolution. This is particularlycommon in logos anddrawings with fine detail.The drawing needs to berescanned at a muchhigher resolution - aim for lines that are about 5pixels thick.Raster Text Quality ChecklistScan2CAD has a capability for converting raster text to vector textusing OCR. When you convert raster text using OCR, the vectortext is proper editable text rather than a series of uneditable linesand arcs.Scan2CAD’s OCR recognizes raster text where the followingconditions are met:• The raster text is easily legible.• The raster text characters do not touch each other.• The raster text characters do not touch other drawing elements.• The raster text characters are not at different orientations.• The raster text characters are in a font that Scan2CAD canrecognize.To ensure that your text meets these conditions, work through thefollowing Raster Text Quality Checklist.First, place your cursor over a piece of text on your image.Press M to Magnify. Press M again and again until your image ishighly magnified. Or, zoom in by scrolling your mouse wheelforward. To zoom out again, click .Is the text easily legible?If you cannot read the texteasily, as in the examplesbelow, Scan2CAD won’t be ableto read it either.If the text is not easily legible,the only remedy is to start offwith a better quality rasterimage.If this is not possible, you willhave to retype the textmanually. You can either do thisin Scan2CAD (see Typing overpoor quality text included withthese Hints and Tips) or in yourCAD program after you haveimported the converted file intoit.You may want to erase areas ofvery poor quality text from theraster image so that these areasare not vectorized to lines andarcs.Are the characterstouching?Scan2CAD cannot recognizecharacters that touch othercharacters, even if thecharacters are only connectedby a few pixels:If the characters touch, tryselecting OCR > Settings >Split before doing OCRrecognition. When this option isselected Scan2CAD will attemptto split and identify touchingcharacters.This will improve textrecognition on some rasterimages, however on others itmay result in a lot of “junkcharacters” being recognized.This is because characters thattouch are often very poorquality and are unrecognizableeven after splitting. Forexample, the characters in theexample above have “bled”. Notonly has this caused them totouch each other but it has alsofilled in the “A”. This means thatthe “A” is no longer typical ofStuck? Questions? Email us at Web: www.softcover.comPage 6© Softcover International Ltd 2002-2006. Scan2CAD is a registered trademark of Softcover International Ltd.

Raster Text Quality Checklist... continuedan “A” and Scan2CAD may havedifficulty recognizing it even ifit is not touching othercharacters.You can often improve thequality of an image that hasbled by rescanning it ingrayscale and thresholding it(see the Scanning Checklistincluded with these Hints andTips).Is the text written overother drawing elements?If text is written over drawingelements or is attached tounderlining or boxes as in theexamples below, Scan2CADwon’t be able to recognize it.Is the text at more thanone orientation?Scan2CAD can only reliablyrecognize text at oneorientation at a time.Where text at differentorientations is physicallyseparate it can be recognizedusing separate OCR runs.However, where text at oneorientation is intermingled withtext at another orientation it isvirtually impossible to recognizeall the text. This typically affectsdrawings with dimension text atdifferent angles, contour mapsand site plan drawings such asthe one below.Can Scan2CAD recognizethe font?By default, Scan2CAD can onlyrecognize text that has beenwritten using a standard fontsuch as the font below.It may not recognize other fontswell. It may also fail torecognize standard fonts thatare narrower or wider thannormal or that are italicized.If Scan2CAD’s default textrecognition cannot recognize afont well and you have a lot ofimages containing that font,you can train Scan2CAD torecognize the font (Pro versiononly). You can do this if the fontcharacters are consistent anddo not touch.For example:Scan2CAD’s default textrecognition will recognize thisfont but it will not recognize itoptimally because the font isnarrower than normal. Youcould train Scan2CAD torecognize this font well.Viewing vector elementsViewing Grab Points at vectorends is a quick way to seevector extents.Press G to turn Grab PointsOn/Off.To change Grab Point size goto View > Grab Point Size.You can see different vectortypes in different colors:Press C to turn vector ColorsOn/Off.Scan2CAD’s default textrecognition will recognize thisfont very poorly because it isitalicized and hand written.However, because thecharacters are clear and do nottouch you could train Scan2CADto recognize it.Scan2CAD’s default textrecognition will recognize thisfont very poorly because it ishand written and because thecharacters touch each other.You could not train Scan2CADto recognize this font becausethe characters touch.Despite the fact that the qualityof this text is poor you couldtrain Scan2CAD to recognize itbecause the characters areconsistent and do not toucheach other.It takes a few hours to trainScan2CAD to recognize a fontbut it can significantly improvetext recognition.Vector types are shown in thefollowing colors:Continuous linesDash linesArrow linesHatch linesPolylinesCirclesArcsBezier curvesTextRedBlackGrayBrownGreenDark blueMagentaPale blueMagentaStuck? Questions? Email us at Web: www.softcover.comPage 7© Softcover International Ltd 2002-2006. Scan2CAD is a registered trademark of Softcover International Ltd.

Raster Quality ChecklistFuzziness is most common in JPEG images, sotake care not to save your image in JPEG format.Overlaid informationThe drawing on the rightcontains a lot of overlaiddata.Sadly, <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> is nothuman. It doesn’t knowthat it is looking at textand a wiring scheduleoverlaid on a building plan.All it sees are blackpatterns on a white background and it is not goingto be able to separate the data.You are not going to be able to get a sensible... continuedvectorization from an image with overlaidinformation. There is nothing you can do aboutthis.Low resolution linesIf shapes in your image aredefined by only a fewpixels and look jagged, asin the image on the right,your image is too lowresolution. This is particularlycommon in logos anddrawings with fine detail.The drawing needs to berescanned at a muchhigher resolution - aim for lines that are about 5pixels thick.Raster Text Quality Checklist<strong>Scan2CAD</strong> has a capability for converting raster text to vector textusing OCR. When you convert raster text using OCR, the vectortext is proper editable text rather than a series of uneditable linesand arcs.<strong>Scan2CAD</strong>’s OCR recognizes raster text where the followingconditions are met:• The raster text is easily legible.• The raster text characters do not touch each other.• The raster text characters do not touch other drawing elements.• The raster text characters are not at different orientations.• The raster text characters are in a font that <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> canrecognize.To ensure that your text meets these conditions, work through thefollowing Raster Text Quality Checklist.First, place your cursor over a piece of text on your image.Press M to Magnify. Press M again and again until your image ishighly magnified. Or, zoom in by scrolling your mouse wheelforward. To zoom out again, click .Is the text easily legible?If you cannot read the texteasily, as in the examplesbelow, <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> won’t be ableto read it either.If the text is not easily legible,the only remedy is to start offwith a better quality rasterimage.If this is not possible, you willhave to retype the textmanually. You can either do thisin <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> (see Typing overpoor quality text included withthese <strong>Hints</strong> and <strong>Tips</strong>) or in yourCAD program after you haveimported the converted file intoit.You may want to erase areas ofvery poor quality text from theraster image so that these areasare not vectorized to lines andarcs.Are the characterstouching?<strong>Scan2CAD</strong> cannot recognizecharacters that touch othercharacters, even if thecharacters are only connectedby a few pixels:If the characters touch, tryselecting OCR > Settings >Split before doing OCRrecognition. When this option isselected <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> will attemptto split and identify touchingcharacters.This will improve textrecognition on some rasterimages, however on others itmay result in a lot of “junkcharacters” being recognized.This is because characters thattouch are often very poorquality and are unrecognizableeven after splitting. Forexample, the characters in theexample above have “bled”. Notonly has this caused them totouch each other but it has alsofilled in the “A”. This means thatthe “A” is no longer typical ofStuck? Questions? Email us at Web: www.softcover.comPage 6© Softcover International Ltd 2002-2006. <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> is a registered trademark of Softcover International Ltd.

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