Scan2CAD Hints & Tips - Carlson Software

Scan2CAD Hints & Tips - Carlson Software Scan2CAD Hints & Tips - Carlson Software
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Typing over poor quality textIt doesn’t matter that the raster text is alsoenclosed within the box. As you are in VectorEdit mode, only the vectors will be deleted.Typing new vector text1. Ensure the Vector Edit, Draw and Text Iconsare selected:If they’re not, select them by clicking on them.2.Click at the bottom left of the raster text youwant to write over:Moving vector text... continued1. Ensure the Vector Edit and Move Grab PointIcons are selected:If they’re not, select them by clicking on them.2.If grab points are off, press G on your keyboardto turn them on. Pressing G toggles grab pointson and off. If you need to make the grab pointsbigger so you can see them better go to theView Menu and choose Grab Point Size.Grab points OFF:The Vector Text Edit dialog appears. If it appearspartially over the raster text you want to writeover, drag it out of the way.3.Type the text into the dialog.4.Press [Enter] or click OK to exit the dialog.The vector text you have typed appears overthe raster text:Editing vector text1. Ensure the Vector Edit, Draw and Text Iconsare selected:If they’re not, select them by clicking on them.2.Click on the text you want to edit. The VectorText Edit dialog appears.3.Edit the text in the dialog.4.Press [Enter] or click OK to exit the dialog.Grab points ON:The text’s grab point is the gray box at thebottom left.3.Position the cursor over the text’s grab pointand drag the text to its new position.If the text doesn’t move, try increasing the GrabSnap Distance. You can do this by pressing thePeriod key on your keyboard (also marked >)or by using Vector Edit > Grab Snap Distance.Erasing the raster text beneath1. Ensure the Raster Edit, Erase and Area Iconsare selected:If they’re not, select them by clicking on them.2.Drag a box around the raster text you want toerase:Changing vector text size1. Ensure the Vector Edit, Draw and Text Iconsare selected:If they’re not, select them by clicking on them.2.Click on the text you want to change the sizeof. The Vector Text Edit dialog appears.3. Edit the Height value in the dialog.4.Press [Enter] or click OK to exit the dialog.It doesn’t matter if your newly-typed vectortext is also enclosed within the box. As you arein Raster Edit mode, only the raster text willbe deleted although initially it will look asthough the vector text has been deleted as well.3.Press B on your keyboard or click on the ViewBoth Icon to re-display the vector text:Stuck? Questions? Email us at Web: www.softcover.comPage 16© Softcover International Ltd 2002-2006. Scan2CAD is a registered trademark of Softcover International Ltd.

How to edit raster text on a scanned drawingWe’ve been in contact with a lot of users who areusing Scan2CAD as a raster editor and who areusing it to re-type and edit raster text.Rather than using Scan2CAD’s raster text writingtool to do this, we suggest the following.1. Write your new or edited text using Scan2CAD’sVECTOR text writing tool.Writing text as vector instead of as raster givesyou the advantage of being able to easilychange the size of the text, correct any errorsyou make and move the text around after youhave written it. For information on writing,editing and moving vector text, see Typingover poor quality text included with theseHints and Tips.2.After you have written all your vector text (anddeleted any raster text beneath):a)Click to make sure you are fully zoomedout.b)Press C to turn the vector text black, if it isdisplayed in magenta.c) Go to File Menu > Vector > Rasterize.This will convert the vector text to raster.You can also rasterize individual bits of vectortext by windowing them or zooming into them,then choosing File Menu > Vector > Rasterize.Use Scan2CAD to load raster images into AutoCAD LT!Because AutoCAD LT’s image insert command isdisabled, you can’t load raster images into itdirectly.Scan2CAD’s Attach Raster Image option gives youa way to load raster images into LT. See theScan2CAD Help for more information on theAttach Raster Image option.If you have Scan2CAD and AutoCAD LT, this opensup a whole range of possibilities. For exampleyou can:• View and edit the vectors in LT with the rasterunderneath in a different color (Raster Overlay).• Vectorize only the parts of a drawing you needto change - and leave the parts you don’t needto change in raster format.• Load just the raster image into LT without anyvectors - and trace or draw over it in CAD.To load the raster image into LT without vectors:1.Load the raster image into Scan2CAD.2.Select the Attach Raster Image option asfollows:a)Go to File Menu > Vector > Export Options.b)Select the Attach Raster Image option.c) Select a raster color by entering a number intothe CAD Color Index box. Good colors tochoose for LT are:2 (yellow)8 (dark gray)9 (light gray)d)Click OK.3.Create a blank DXF file by clicking .4.Save the DXF file.5.Open the DXF file in AutoCAD LT.Outlining an object on a photoUsers sometimes send us color or grayscalephotos of objects they’d like to vectorize theoutline of. We’ve seen cows, cats, cars ...Unfortunately, vectorizing an object on a photocan be very difficult. This is because before youcan vectorize the object you need to divide thephoto into two discrete color areas: The objectand the background. This is usually hard to doautomatically because the object and thebackground tend to share colors or shades of graythat make it difficult or impossible to separate them.Here’s a quick “cheat” approach:1. Get a piece of tracing paper and trace aroundthe object on the photo with a pen or pencil.2. Scan the traced outline.3. Vectorize the outline in Scan2CAD.Stuck? Questions? Email us at Web: www.softcover.comPage 17© Softcover International Ltd 2002-2006. Scan2CAD is a registered trademark of Softcover International Ltd.

How to edit raster text on a scanned drawingWe’ve been in contact with a lot of users who areusing <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> as a raster editor and who areusing it to re-type and edit raster text.Rather than using <strong>Scan2CAD</strong>’s raster text writingtool to do this, we suggest the following.1. Write your new or edited text using <strong>Scan2CAD</strong>’sVECTOR text writing tool.Writing text as vector instead of as raster givesyou the advantage of being able to easilychange the size of the text, correct any errorsyou make and move the text around after youhave written it. For information on writing,editing and moving vector text, see Typingover poor quality text included with these<strong>Hints</strong> and <strong>Tips</strong>.2.After you have written all your vector text (anddeleted any raster text beneath):a)Click to make sure you are fully zoomedout.b)Press C to turn the vector text black, if it isdisplayed in magenta.c) Go to File Menu > Vector > Rasterize.This will convert the vector text to raster.You can also rasterize individual bits of vectortext by windowing them or zooming into them,then choosing File Menu > Vector > Rasterize.Use <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> to load raster images into AutoCAD LT!Because AutoCAD LT’s image insert command isdisabled, you can’t load raster images into itdirectly.<strong>Scan2CAD</strong>’s Attach Raster Image option gives youa way to load raster images into LT. See the<strong>Scan2CAD</strong> Help for more information on theAttach Raster Image option.If you have <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> and AutoCAD LT, this opensup a whole range of possibilities. For exampleyou can:• View and edit the vectors in LT with the rasterunderneath in a different color (Raster Overlay).• Vectorize only the parts of a drawing you needto change - and leave the parts you don’t needto change in raster format.• Load just the raster image into LT without anyvectors - and trace or draw over it in CAD.To load the raster image into LT without vectors:1.Load the raster image into <strong>Scan2CAD</strong>.2.Select the Attach Raster Image option asfollows:a)Go to File Menu > Vector > Export Options.b)Select the Attach Raster Image option.c) Select a raster color by entering a number intothe CAD Color Index box. Good colors tochoose for LT are:2 (yellow)8 (dark gray)9 (light gray)d)Click OK.3.Create a blank DXF file by clicking .4.Save the DXF file.5.Open the DXF file in AutoCAD LT.Outlining an object on a photoUsers sometimes send us color or grayscalephotos of objects they’d like to vectorize theoutline of. We’ve seen cows, cats, cars ...Unfortunately, vectorizing an object on a photocan be very difficult. This is because before youcan vectorize the object you need to divide thephoto into two discrete color areas: The objectand the background. This is usually hard to doautomatically because the object and thebackground tend to share colors or shades of graythat make it difficult or impossible to separate them.Here’s a quick “cheat” approach:1. Get a piece of tracing paper and trace aroundthe object on the photo with a pen or pencil.2. Scan the traced outline.3. Vectorize the outline in <strong>Scan2CAD</strong>.Stuck? Questions? Email us at Web: www.softcover.comPage 17© Softcover International Ltd 2002-2006. <strong>Scan2CAD</strong> is a registered trademark of Softcover International Ltd.

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