Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone

Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone


TABLE OF CONTENTSA. GENERAL........................................................................................ 71. Scope of Bid ..........................................................................................72. Source of Funds.....................................................................................73. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive, and Coercive Practices..............................74. Conflict of Interest .................................................................................95. Eligible Bidders ....................................................................................106. Bidder’s Responsibilities........................................................................127. Origin of GOODS and Services ..............................................................148. Subcontracts........................................................................................14B. CONTENTS OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS.................................................... 149. Pre-Bid Conference ..............................................................................1410. Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents...............................15C. PREPARATION OF BIDS..................................................................... 1511. Language of Bids .................................................................................1512. Documents Comprising the Bid: Eligibility and Technical Components .....1613. Documents Comprising the Bid: Financial Component ............................1814. Alternative Bids....................................................................................1915. Bid Prices ............................................................................................2016. Bid Currencies .....................................................................................2017. Bid Validity ..........................................................................................2118. Bid Security .........................................................................................2119. Format and Signing of Bids...................................................................2320. Sealing and Marking of Bids..................................................................24D. SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BIDS .................................................... 2521. Deadline for Submission of Bids ............................................................2522. Late Bids .............................................................................................2523. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids......................................................2524. Opening and Preliminary Examination of Bids ........................................26E. EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF BIDS ............................................... 2725. Process to be Confidential ....................................................................2726. Clarification of Bids ..............................................................................2727. Detailed Evaluation and Comparison of Bids ..........................................2828. Post Qualification .................................................................................2929. Reservation Clause...............................................................................30F. AWARD OF CONTRACT...................................................................... 3130. Contract Award....................................................................................3131. Signing of the Contract.........................................................................3232. Performance Security ...........................................................................3333. Notice to Proceed.................................................................................336Clark Development CorporationSection II Instructions to BiddersProposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

A. General1. Scope of Bid1.1. The Procuring Entity as defined in the BDS, invites bids for theconstruction of Works, as described in Section VI Specifications. Thename and identification number of the Contract is provided in the BDS.1.2. The successful bidder will be expected to complete the Works by theintended completion date specified in SCC Clause 1.17.2. Source of FundsThe Procuring Entity has a budget or has applied for or received funds fromthe Funding Source named in the BDS, and in the amount indicated in theBDS. It intends to apply part of the funds received for the Project, as definedin the BDS, to cover eligible payments under the Contract for the Works.3. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive, and Coercive Practices3.1. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Procuring Entity, as well asbidders and contractors, shall observe the highest standard of ethicsduring the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuanceof this policy, the Funding Source:(a)defines, for purposes of this provision, the terms set forth belowas follows:(i)(ii)"corrupt practice" means behavior on the part of officialsin the public or private sectors by which they improperlyand unlawfully enrich themselves, others, or induceothers to do so, by misusing the position in which theyare placed, and includes the offering, giving, receiving, orsoliciting of anything of value to influence the action ofany such official in the procurement process or incontract execution; entering, on behalf of the ProcuringEntity, into any contract or transaction manifestly andgrossly disadvantageous to the same, whether or not thepublic officer profited or will profit thereby, and similaracts as provided in Republic Act 3019;"fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of factsin order to influence a procurement process or theexecution of a contract to the detriment of the ProcuringEntity, and includes collusive practices among Bidders(prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish7Clark Development CorporationSection II Instructions to BiddersProposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

A. General1. Scope <strong>of</strong> Bid1.1. The Procuring Entity as defined in the BDS, invites bids for theconstruction <strong>of</strong> Works, as described in Section VI Specifications. Thename and identification number <strong>of</strong> the Contract is provided in the BDS.1.2. The successful bidder will be expected to complete the Works by theintended completion date specified in SCC Clause 1.17.2. Source <strong>of</strong> FundsThe Procuring Entity has a budget or has applied for or received funds fromthe Funding Source named in the BDS, and in the amount indicated in theBDS. It intends to apply part <strong>of</strong> the funds received for the Project, as definedin the BDS, to cover eligible payments under the Contract for the Works.3. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive, and Coercive Practices3.1. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Procuring Entity, as well asbidders and contractors, shall observe the highest standard <strong>of</strong> ethicsduring the procurement and execution <strong>of</strong> such contracts. In pursuance<strong>of</strong> this policy, the Funding Source:(a)defines, for purposes <strong>of</strong> this provision, the terms set forth belowas follows:(i)(ii)"corrupt practice" means behavior on the part <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficialsin the public or private sectors by which they improperlyand unlawfully enrich themselves, others, or induceothers to do so, by misusing the position in which theyare placed, and includes the <strong>of</strong>fering, giving, receiving, orsoliciting <strong>of</strong> anything <strong>of</strong> value to influence the action <strong>of</strong>any such <strong>of</strong>ficial in the procurement process or incontract execution; entering, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the ProcuringEntity, into any contract or transaction manifestly andgrossly disadvantageous to the same, whether or not thepublic <strong>of</strong>ficer pr<strong>of</strong>ited or will pr<strong>of</strong>it thereby, and similaracts as provided in Republic Act 3019;"fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> factsin order to influence a procurement process or theexecution <strong>of</strong> a contract to the detriment <strong>of</strong> the ProcuringEntity, and includes collusive practices among Bidders(prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish7<strong>Clark</strong> Development CorporationSection II Instructions to Bidders<strong>Proposed</strong> <strong>Renovation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Former</strong> <strong>Jacinto</strong> <strong>Building</strong>(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

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