Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone

Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone


in the approved Plan shall undertaken by the Contractor under the control ofthe Engineer to serve as basis for the computation of the actual volume of theembankment materials.Embankment of earth material shall be placed in horizontal layers notexceeding 200 mm (8 inches), loose measurement, before the next layer isplaced, However, thicker layer maybe placed if vibratory roller with highcompactive effort is used provided that density requirement is attained and asapproved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall compact the material placed inall embankment layers and the material scarified to the designated depthbelow subgrade in cut sections, until uniform density of not less than 95 masspercent of the maximum dry density determined by AASHTO T 99 Method C, isattained, at a moisture content determined by the Engineer to be suitable forsuch density.The quantity of embankment to be paid for shall be the volume of materialcompacted in place and accepted by the Engineer.PART B1 -CONCRETE AND MASONRY WORKSItem 404 Reinforcing SteelPlacing of steel reinforcement shall be in accordance with the Specification and inconformity with the requirements shown on the Approved Plans or as directed bythe Engineer. Steel reinforcement shall be deformed bars with a minimum tensilestrength of 33,000 psi.Steel reinforcement shall be stored above the surface of the ground uponplatforms, skids, or other supports and shall be protected as far as practicablefrom mechanical injury and surface deterioration caused by exposure toconditions producing rust. When placed in the work, reinforcement shall be freefrom dirt, detrimental rust, loose scale, paint, grease, oil or other foreignmaterials.All reinforcing bars requiring bending shall be cold bent to the shapes shown onthe Plans or required by the Engineer. It shall be accurately placed in the positionshown on the Plans or required by the Engineer and firmly held there during theplacing and setting of the concrete. Bars shall be tied at all intersections exceptwhere splicing is less than 300mm in each directions, in which case, alternateintersections shall be tied, Ties shall be fastened on the inside inside.Reinforcement in any member shall be placed and then inspected and approvedby the Engineer before placing of concrete begins. Concrete placed in violation ofthis provision may be rejected and removal may be required.All reinforcement shall be furnished in the full lengths indicated on the approvedplans. Splicing of bars, except where shown on the plans, will not be permitted84Clark Development Corporation Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

without the written approval of the Engineer. Splices shall be staggered as far aspossible and with a minimum separation of not less than 40 bar diameter. Notmore than one-third of the bars may be spliced in the same cross-section, exceptwhere shown on the plans.The quantity of reinforcing steel to be paid for will be the final quantity inkilogram placed and accepted in the completed structure.Item 704 4” Thk. CHB WallThis item shall consist of furnishing and placing of Concrete Hollow Block (CHB)wall in accordance with this specification and conforming to the lines, grades anddimensions shown on the approved plans.Material Requirements:Concrete Hollow Blocks shall be machine made and have a minimum facethickness of 1” (0.025). Nominal size shall be 100mm (4”) thick x 200mm (8”) x400mm (16”). Hollow blocks shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 90.Sand shall be washed river sand, well screened, clean, and free from loam, silt andother impurities.Mixture of cement mortar shall be made of one part Portland Cement and twoparts fine aggregate by volume.Reinforcing bar shall be 10mm. deformed bar conforming to item 404.The quantity of CHB wall (including its reinforcements) to be paid for will be thefinal quantity in Square Meter placed and accepted in the completed structure.Item 900(a) & (b) Structural Concrete (3,000psi) including false workThis item shall consist of furnishing; placing and finishing of concrete inaccordance with this specification and conforming to the lines, grades anddimensions shown on the approved Plans. Concrete shall consist of a mixture ofPortland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water.Material Requirements:All cement shall be Portland type –1, ASTM C-150.Fine aggregates used in the composition of concrete shall consist of washed riversand.Coarse Aggregate shall consist of stone, gravel or other approved inert materialswith similar characteristics. Size shall be ¾” crushed gravel.The water to be used in the project for the concrete works shall be potable.85Clark Development Corporation Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

without the written approval <strong>of</strong> the Engineer. Splices shall be staggered as far aspossible and with a minimum separation <strong>of</strong> not less than 40 bar diameter. Notmore than one-third <strong>of</strong> the bars may be spliced in the same cross-section, exceptwhere shown on the plans.The quantity <strong>of</strong> reinforcing steel to be paid for will be the final quantity inkilogram placed and accepted in the completed structure.Item 704 4” Thk. CHB WallThis item shall consist <strong>of</strong> furnishing and placing <strong>of</strong> Concrete Hollow Block (CHB)wall in accordance with this specification and conforming to the lines, grades anddimensions shown on the approved plans.Material Requirements:Concrete Hollow Blocks shall be machine made and have a minimum facethickness <strong>of</strong> 1” (0.025). Nominal size shall be 100mm (4”) thick x 200mm (8”) x400mm (16”). Hollow blocks shall conform to the requirements <strong>of</strong> ASTM C 90.Sand shall be washed river sand, well screened, clean, and free from loam, silt andother impurities.Mixture <strong>of</strong> cement mortar shall be made <strong>of</strong> one part Portland Cement and twoparts fine aggregate by volume.Reinforcing bar shall be 10mm. deformed bar conforming to item 404.The quantity <strong>of</strong> CHB wall (including its reinforcements) to be paid for will be thefinal quantity in Square Meter placed and accepted in the completed structure.Item 900(a) & (b) Structural Concrete (3,000psi) including false workThis item shall consist <strong>of</strong> furnishing; placing and finishing <strong>of</strong> concrete inaccordance with this specification and conforming to the lines, grades anddimensions shown on the approved Plans. Concrete shall consist <strong>of</strong> a mixture <strong>of</strong>Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water.Material Requirements:All cement shall be Portland type –1, ASTM C-150.Fine aggregates used in the composition <strong>of</strong> concrete shall consist <strong>of</strong> washed riversand.Coarse Aggregate shall consist <strong>of</strong> stone, gravel or other approved inert materialswith similar characteristics. Size shall be ¾” crushed gravel.The water to be used in the project for the concrete works shall be potable.85<strong>Clark</strong> Development Corporation <strong>Proposed</strong> <strong>Renovation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Former</strong> <strong>Jacinto</strong> <strong>Building</strong>(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

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