Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone

Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone Proposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building - Clark Freeport Zone


6.8. Bidders should note that the Procuring Entity will only accept bids onlyfrom those that have paid the nonrefundable fee for the BiddingDocuments at the office indicated in the Invitation to Bid.7. Origin of GOODS and ServicesThere is no restriction on the origin of Goods, or Contracting of Works orServices other than those prohibited by a decision of the United NationsSecurity Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.8. Subcontracts8.1. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder may subcontractportions of the Works to an extent as may be approved by theProcuring Entity and stated in the BDS. However, subcontracting ofany portion shall not relieve the Bidder from any liability or obligationthat may arise from the contract for this Project.8.2. Subcontractors must submit the documentary requirements under ITBClause 12 and comply with the eligibility criteria specified in the BDS.In the event that any subcontractor is found by the Procuring Entity tobe ineligible, the subcontracting of such portion of the Works shall bedisallowed.8.3. The Bidder may identify the subcontractor to whom a portion of theWorks will be subcontracted at any stage of the bidding process orduring contract implementation. If the Bidder opts to disclose thename of the subcontractor during bid submission, the Bidder shallinclude the required documents as part of the technical component ofits bid.9. Pre-Bid ConferenceB. Contents of Bidding Documents9.1. (a) If so specified in the BDS, a pre-bid conference shall be held at thevenue and on the date indicated therein, to clarify and address theBidders’ questions on the technical and financial components of thisProject.(b) The pre-bid conference shall be held at least twelve (12) calendardays before the deadline for the submission of and receipt of bids. Ifthe Procuring Entity determines that, by reason of the method, nature,or complexity of the contract to be bid, or when internationalparticipation will be more advantageous to the GOP, a longer period forthe preparation of bids is necessary, the pre-bid conference shall beheld at least thirty (30) calendar days before the deadline for thesubmission and receipt of bids, as specified in the BDS.14Clark Development CorporationSection II Instructions to BiddersProposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

9.2. Bidders are encouraged to attend the pre-bid conference to ensurethat they fully understand the Procuring Entity’s requirements. Nonattendanceof the Bidder will in no way prejudice its bid; however, theBidder is expected to know the changes and/or amendments to theBidding Documents as recorded in the minutes of the pre-bidconference and the Supplemental/Bid Bulletin.9.3. Any statement made at the pre-bid conference shall not modify theterms of the bidding documents unless such statement is specificallyidentified in writing as an amendment thereto and issued as aSupplemental/Bid Bulletin.10. Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents10.1. Bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents may request forclarification(s) on any part of the Bidding Documents or for aninterpretation. Such a request must be in writing and submitted to theProcuring Entity at the address indicated in the BDS at least ten (10)calendar days before the deadline set for the submission and receipt ofBids.10.2. Supplemental/Bid Bulletins may be issued upon the Procuring Entity’sinitiative for purposes of clarifying or modifying any provision of theBidding Documents not later than seven (7) calendar days before thedeadline for the submission and receipt of Bids. Any modification tothe Bidding Documents shall be identified as an amendment.10.3. Any Supplemental/Bid Bulletin issued by the BAC shall also be postedon the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System(PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity concerned, ifavailable. Unless, otherwise provided in the BDS, it shall be theresponsibility of all Bidders who secure the Bidding Documents toinquire and secure Supplemental/Bid Bulletins that may be issued bythe BAC. However, bidders who have submitted bids before theissuance of the Supplemental/Bid Bulletin must be informed andallowed to modify or withdraw their bids in accordance with ITBClause 23.11. Language of BidsC. Preparation of BidsThe Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bidexchanged by the Bidder and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in English.Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may bein another language provided they are accompanied by an accuratetranslation in English certified by the appropriate embassy or consulate in the15Clark Development CorporationSection II Instructions to BiddersProposed Renovation of Former Jacinto Building(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

9.2. Bidders are encouraged to attend the pre-bid conference to ensurethat they fully understand the Procuring Entity’s requirements. Nonattendance<strong>of</strong> the Bidder will in no way prejudice its bid; however, theBidder is expected to know the changes and/or amendments to theBidding Documents as recorded in the minutes <strong>of</strong> the pre-bidconference and the Supplemental/Bid Bulletin.9.3. Any statement made at the pre-bid conference shall not modify theterms <strong>of</strong> the bidding documents unless such statement is specificallyidentified in writing as an amendment thereto and issued as aSupplemental/Bid Bulletin.10. Clarification and Amendment <strong>of</strong> Bidding Documents10.1. Bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents may request forclarification(s) on any part <strong>of</strong> the Bidding Documents or for aninterpretation. Such a request must be in writing and submitted to theProcuring Entity at the address indicated in the BDS at least ten (10)calendar days before the deadline set for the submission and receipt <strong>of</strong>Bids.10.2. Supplemental/Bid Bulletins may be issued upon the Procuring Entity’sinitiative for purposes <strong>of</strong> clarifying or modifying any provision <strong>of</strong> theBidding Documents not later than seven (7) calendar days before thedeadline for the submission and receipt <strong>of</strong> Bids. Any modification tothe Bidding Documents shall be identified as an amendment.10.3. Any Supplemental/Bid Bulletin issued by the BAC shall also be postedon the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System(PhilGEPS) and the website <strong>of</strong> the Procuring Entity concerned, ifavailable. Unless, otherwise provided in the BDS, it shall be theresponsibility <strong>of</strong> all Bidders who secure the Bidding Documents toinquire and secure Supplemental/Bid Bulletins that may be issued bythe BAC. However, bidders who have submitted bids before theissuance <strong>of</strong> the Supplemental/Bid Bulletin must be informed andallowed to modify or withdraw their bids in accordance with ITBClause 23.11. Language <strong>of</strong> BidsC. Preparation <strong>of</strong> BidsThe Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bidexchanged by the Bidder and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in English.Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may bein another language provided they are accompanied by an accuratetranslation in English certified by the appropriate embassy or consulate in the15<strong>Clark</strong> Development CorporationSection II Instructions to Bidders<strong>Proposed</strong> <strong>Renovation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Former</strong> <strong>Jacinto</strong> <strong>Building</strong>(Motorpool, Records, Warehouses and Maintenance Area)

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