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Index 555Thimoleon, Fran~ois, Abbe de Choisy267Third World countries 491Thirty Tyrants, Rule of the 6Thirty Years' War 244Thomism 51, 59, 72, 80, 85, 88, 102,115,143break-up 71-2and the scholastics 128, 129, 131see also Aquinas, Saint Thomas;Cajetan, CardinalThornton, Henry 480thought experiment 348Tillot 409Timberlake, Richard H. Jr 529time-preference 399-400Titus, Colonel Silius 319Todd, W.B. 529Tollison, Robert D. 472, 516, 528, 531Tory laissez-faire 323-7Townshend, Charles, the third Viscount335-8,342,523trade 309,318,321,322,324balance of 309-10, 311England to East Indies 289, 291free 288grain 408Trenchard, John 521Tretyakov, Ivan Andreyevich 498-9Trevor-Roper, H.R. 305, 520True Warning, A (anonymous) 170Tuck. Professor Richard 58, 59, 64, 95,115.133,305,339,510,51 ITucker, Dean Josiah 335-8, 342, 523Tudors 277-80see also mercantilismTurgot, Anne Robert Jacques, baron deL' Aulne 85, 261, 266, 333, 335,360,366,367,378,379,425,429,430,436,437,441,448,451,459,467,478,479,483,500,501,522,526background 385-6capitaL entrepreneurship, savings andinterest theory 395-401Elegy to Gournay 386influence 402-3laissez-faire and free trade 386-90Letter to the Abbe Terray on the Dutyon Iron 388-9money theory 401-2Observations on a Paper by Saint­Peravy 394Paper on Lending at Interest 399Plan for a Paper on Taxation inGeneral 389production and distribution theory393-5Reflections on the Formation andDistribution ofWealth 385, 392,393,395,396,400,402,403,412value, exchange and price 390-93Value and Money 390, 401Turgot, Michel-Etienne 385turpe lucrum 40-41, 43Tuscany, Duke of see Leopold IItwo-person exchange 390, 392Ugolino de Segni see Gregory IX, PopeUnited States see North Americaunnatural wants 14Urban III, Pope 44, 104usefulness (virtuositas) 60usury 79-80, 81, 83, 87, 91, 92, 104,105,107, 108, 128, 140, 143,201,318and Calvinists 143-5defence 467, 477in fourteenth century 79-81laws 318prohibition 42-7, 88-93, 141utilityand money 72-7, 310-scarcity theory of value 501theory 59-64, 403-12costs and distribution 410of value 52, 403see also Franciscans; Turgotvalue 390-93of money 101paradox 61and price 349-51theory 448-57Van Dyke Roberts, Hazel 518Vanderlint, Jacob 335, 341, 523, 524Money Answers All Things 334,462Vasa, Gustav, King of Sweden 138

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