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554 Economic thought before Adam SmithSomerset, Lord 280Sommer, Louise 525Sonnenfels, Baron Joseph von 494Sorokin, Pitirim A. 9, 302, 305Sorrento, Archbishop of (Rufinus) 38Soudek,JosefI6,508South Sea bubble 341Spain 94, 244, 255, 316mercantilism 214-16, 224, 284see also Spanish'Spanish Fury' 216Spanish Inquisition 121Spanish scholastics 99-133Cajetan, Cardinal Thomas De Vio 99­101commercial expansion of sixteenthcentury 99decline 127-31Jesuits 131-3last Salamancans: Lessius and deLugo 122-7late Salamancans 112-16Mariana, Juan de 117-22see also School of Salamancaspatial economics 354Spengler, Joseph J. 272-3, 274, 507,508,518,523,525Spiegel, Professor Henry W. 340, 373,431,507,525,533Spinoza, Baruch or Benedictus de 302state absolutism 137-9state reform 258statistics 497Statute of Artificers 223, 284Statute of Labourers of 1351 70Statute of Monopolies (1623) 284Stayer, James M. 514Stein, Baron Karl von 496, 533Stein, Heinrich 498Stephens, Meic 515Steuart, Sir James Denham 437-8, 528,533Stewart, Dugald 457, 478-81, 502, 533Stewart, James, Earl of Moray 171Stewart, Matthew 478Stockton, Constant Noble 528Stoics 21, 22Storch, Heinrich Friedrich FreiheIT von499-500,533Storch, Niklas 147Strauss, Leo 339Strayer, Joseph R. 517Stuarts 313, 316, 320, 345absolutism 277-80monarchy 300pretender 346Restoration 303Suarez, Francisco 115-16, 117, 118,122, 131, 314,418, 511, 512, 528Sully, MaximiIien de Bethune, Baron deRosny, Due de 239-40, 518Summenhart, Conrad 91, 92, 93, 94, 101,107,108,114,125,128,141,144and usury 104, 105Sun King see Louis XIVSupple, Barry E. 305, 519Supreme Court 128Surigone, Stefano 195surplus value theory 455Swabian liberals and prohibition ofusury 88-93Sweden 298Swift, Jonathan 303-4, 309, 522Switzerland 138, 167Tableau economique see QuesnayTaborites 162-3, 164Tacitus 166taille reelle (land tax) 220Taoism 23-7Tarascio, Professor Vincent 349,352,353,524,525Tassie, James 435Tawney, Richard Henry 52, 64, 78, 139,141,174,513taxation 300, 301, 303, 366, 389,469­71see also singleTaylor, C.H. 517Taylor, William Leslie 457,472,473,527,529,530terms-of-trade argument 287-8Terray, Abbe 388-9Tertullian 33Teutonicus, John 55Tew circle 305, 339textiles 221-6Theodosian Code 31, 37, 39Theodosius, Emperor 31theologians 47-51, 51-8

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