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550 Economic thought before Adam SmithO'Mahony, Professor David 349-51,352,524opportunity costs 391optimum population 482, 483Order of the Templars 68Ordinance of 1349 70Oresme, Nicole 72-7,89, 165,514Orleans, Duchess of 362Orleans. Duke of 331, 345-66'Sl1illeabhain, Michael 524Oswald, of Dunnikier, James 431, 439Overton, Richard 313Palmerston, Viscount 478Palmieri, Matteo 184Palyi, Melchior 533Panaetius of Rhodes 22Pao Ching-yen 25-6paradigms theory 438Pareto, Vilfredo 205Paris, University of 47-51partnership (societas) 55-6Pascal, Blaise 132-3, 297Paterson, William 229Patrizi, Francesco 187-8Paul, Ellen Frankel 532Paul, Saint 33Peasants' War 149, 150Pelham family 340Pell, Dr John 297,298Perkins, Reverend William 143Perrin. Abbe 247Perroy, Edouard 510Peter the Great 498Peter of Poitiers 47Peter ofTarentaise see Innocent V, PopePetrella. Professor Frank 461, 473, 532Petty. Sir William 296-304, 305, 480Political Arithmetic 301, 302Treatise ofTaxes... 300, 301, 303see also PettyitesPettyites 309-12Philip of Hesse 138Philip II, King of Spain 117, 199, 215,216Philip III, King of Spain 117, 119-20,121, 123Philip IV, the Fair, King of France 68,69,517Philip, King 7physiocracy 411in France 365-81Bernoulli, Daniel and mathematicaleconomics 379-81laissez-faire 367-9natural law and property rights369-71objective value and cost ofproduction 374-5the sect 365-6single tax on land 371-4strategy and influence 377-9Tableau economique 375-7laissez-faire 367-9, 389, 525-6in Russia 498Pius V, Pope 107-8Placentinus 41Plant, Raymond 533Plato 5,6, 7, 15, 19,20,21,73, 182,202,205,370,425,508-9and collectivist utopia 10-12The Laws 10The Republic 10, 11, 13Plotinus 5, 161Pocock,JohnG.A.314.339,521see also PocockianPocockian 314,339Poland 226, 346Pole, Cardinal Reginald 196, 199polis 6-8,11,12,21,35,57,73political arithmetic 296-304, 310Political Discourses (anonymous) 168political economy 240, 241, 437-8, 478,500political theory of order 277politiques 72, 173-4, 180, 204, 205,207,209,216and mercantilism in France 244Pompadour, Madame de 365, 366, 378Pomponius 31Pontano, Giovanni 188Poor Law 487Popham, Colonel Alexander 314Popper, Karl R. 508, 509populationand Cantillon, Richard 352-3and Malthus, Reverend ThomasRobert 481-92, 533-4positive/preventive check 488Portugal 99, 102, 105

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