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Index 549see also Montaigne fallacy;Montaigne-typeMontaigne-type 250, 263, 269Montausier, Due de, Charles de Sainte-Maure 266Montchretien, Antoine de 240-41, 518Mora, Jose Perrater 528moral restraint and population 488moral theory 102Morel, Father Jean ('Colonel Sandhills')256-7Morellet, Abbe Andre 412, 429Mornay, Philippe Du Plessis 168, 169-70, 171, 172Morton, A.L. 339Mosca, Gaetano 205Mousnier, Roland 518Mun, John 289Mun, Sir Thomas 289, 290, 291, 519see also MunianMunian 309, 310Mtinster 150-9, 162, 164Mtinsterites 154, 155Mtintzer, Thomas 146-50, 151, 162,164,339Murphy, Antoin E. 341, 362, 523, 524,525Muscovy Company 225Mussato, Alberto 182natural,law 3-6, 296, 369-71needs 14price 453property rights theory 316rights, acti ve 93-4Navarrus analysis 281Navigation Act 299, 342NcNulty, Paul J. 509Nef, John Ulric 516Netherlands 94, 194, 264, 318, 418Catholicism 138, 142, 158, 167laissez-faire and free trade 388Ii nen manufacture 240mercantilism 216, 219, 222, 224and mercantiIism in England 286,289,313,330and mercantilism in France 247, 260,261Protestantism 138, ]42, 158, 167,316New World 99,102,104,106, 111,113,165absolutism 206, 210mercantilism 214, 261, 270, 288Newton, Sir Isaac 272, 302, 312, 323,365,370,522Nicholas of Basle 161Nicholas I, Czar 500Nicholas III, Pope 59Niclaes, Henry 339Nider, Johannes 88, 89, 109nobles and collectivism opposition 259-62nominalism 71-2, 93-4, 102Non-Contradiction Law 4non-scholastic Catholicism 164-7, 514Noonan, Professor John T. Jr 87, 92, 95,108,126,133,144,145,175,510,511,513North America 121, 128, 142,479,486,491and Cantillon, Richard 353colonial tradition 316Massachusetts 227and mercantilism in England 331population 489Protestantism and Catholicism 146and the scholastics 111North, Charles 340North, Dudley 323-7, 340, 522North, fourth Baron 323North, Gary 139, 174,513North, John 340North, Roger 323-7, 340, 522Noyer, Fran~ois du 241-3Oberman, Heiko A. 511objective value and cost of production374-5Obrecht, Georg von 492O'Brien, Patrick K. 517,518Occitan 515Ockhamites 89, 102, 168O'Connell, Marvin R. 512Odofredus 41Olivecrona, Karl 522Olivi, Pierre de Jean 60-61, 62, 79, 81,82,88,5100'Mahony, Count Daniel 346O'Mahony, Mary Anne 346

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