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548 Economic thought before Adam SmithBoisgui Ibert, Pierre Ie Pesant 269-73Burgundy circle 263-7cardinal rule (1624-61) 243-5Colbert and Colbertism 216-20,246-9collectivism opposition 259-62croquants' rebellion 255-7Fenelon of Cambrai 263-7Fleury, Abbe Claude 263-7the fronde 257Ioly, Claude 257Laffemas, Barthelemy de 236-9laissez-faire 267-9, 269-73Louis XIV (the Sun King) 246-9,249-51merchants and council of commerce262Montchretien, Antoine de 240-41Noyer, Fran90is du 241-3ruling elite 235-6single tax 257-9Sully, Maximilien de Bethune Baronde Rosny, Duc de 239-40Vauban, Marshal 262-3and inflation 227-30in Spain 214-16Merchant Adventurers 223-4, 283, 285,286,288,289,290,304Merchant Staple 221, 285merchantsand collectivism opposition 259-62and council of commerce 262early attitudes towards 32-6Mercier de la Riviere, Pierre Fran90is366,370,371Mersenne, Father Marin 297Mesopotamia 18, 43Mettayer. F. 256Meules, Monsieur 227Michels, Robert 205Middle Agesto Renaissance 67-95absolutism 71-2Buridan de Bethune. Jean 72-7great depression of fourteenthcentury 67-71Langenstein. Heinrich von 77-9natural rights. active 93-4nominalism 71-2, 93-4Oresme, Nicole 72-7San Bernardino of Siena 81-5Sant' Antonino of Florence 85-8Swabian liberals 88-93Thomism break-up 71-2usury and foreign exchange 79-81usury prohibition 88-93utility and money 72-7see also ChristianMiddle East 261,289,323Mill, James 324, 403, 437, 442, 457,478,480,500Mill, John S. 402Millar, John 498Milles, Thomas 285-6, 5] 9Millward, Robert 517Mirabeau, Victor Riqueti, Marquis de365-6,375,378,379The Friend ofMan 365, 482Theory ofTaxes 366Mirror for Magistrates 278Mises, Ludwig von 18, 75, ]22, 324,348,352,397,401,406,515Theory ofMoney and Credit 74Miskimin, Professor Harry A. 222, 226,230,231,5]0,51],512,516,517Misselden, Edward 288, 289, 290, 519Mississippi bubble 331, 332, 341,346Mitchell, Neil 1. 522Molina, Luis de 112-]3, ] ]4, 115, 116,117,121, 122, 123, 125, 131, 133,511Molinaeus, Carolus see Du Moulin,Charlesmonarchists 184-8monarchomachs see Catholicism;Huguenotsmonetarytheory 100, 112, 329, 358see also international; moneymoney and credit theory 74money and process analysis 354-8money theory 73, 105.40]-2,460-63see also quantity theorymonopolies 221-6Monroe, Arthur Eli 357, 362, 5] 4, 524Montaigne fallacy 236, 246Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de 201-3,,411,515Essay Number 22 203

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