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Index 543Grice-Hutchinson, Marjorie 511Grocyn, William 195, 196Groenewegen, Peter D. 413, 526Grotian 339, 370Grotius, Hugo 72, 110,296,314,369­70,417,418,419,442,473,528see also OrotianGuilford, Francis 323, 340Guise, Duc de 119, 173Gustavus III, King of Sweden 379Haak, Theodore 299Hales, John 280, 281, 282, 519Hamilton, Bernice 511Hamowy, Professor Ronald 339, 443,472, 521, 530Haney, Lewis H. 533Hansen, Alvin Henry 209hard money response 332-5Hardenberg, Karl August, FOrst von498,533Harris, James 441Harris, Joseph 335, 342, 462, 523Hartlib, Samuel 297-8, 299,305Hartmann, Johann 162Hartwell, Ronald Max 531Harvey, William 328Hasek, Carl William 533Havelock, Eric A. 509Hay, Paul, Marquis du Chastelet 258Hayek, FA. von 25, 347, 352, 358,362,397,413,421,523,524,527see also HayekianHayekian 268, 369, 388, 527Hebert, Professor Robert F 354, 356,412,524,525,526Heckscher, Eli F. 213, 230, 515, 516, 533Hegel, G.W.F 533Henneman, John Bell 517Henry of Hesse see Langenstein,Heinrich vonHenry III, King 46,119,173,204,217,244Henry IV, King (Henry of Navarre) 119,173,174,208,209,217,236,238,239,241,242,244,255Henry of Navarre see Henry IVHenry V, King] 95Henry VII, Emperor] 79Henry VIII, King] 38Heraclitus of Ephesus 5-6Hesiod 8-9, 15, 19, 507Hesselberg, A. Kenneth 528Hieron, Samuel 142-3Higgs, Henry 523, 525Hill, Christopher 283Himmelfarb, Gertrude 534Hinderliter, Roger H. 5] 4history of science theory 438Hobbes, Thomas 279, 296, 297, 305,314,339,341Hoffman, Melchior 151Holland see NetherlandsHollander, Jacob B. 533Hollander, Samuel 530, 532Home, Henry (later Lord Kames) 336,424,439,440,474Home, John 424homesteading theory 57Hooker, Richard 278Horner, Francis 478, 479-80, 533Hornigk, Philipp Wilhelm von 493Horsefield, 1. Keith 5]7Hoselitz, Professor Bert F. 395, 412, 525Hostiensis de Segusio, CardinalHenricus4~4~54,61,79,84Hotman, Fran~ois 168, 169household management 12-13, 19Hsiao, Kung-chuan 507Huet, Pierre Daniel, Bishop ofAvranches 266Hugh of St Victor 44Huguccian doctrine 40, 49Huguccio (Bishop of Ferrara) 38, 39,44-5see also Huguccian doctrineHuguenots 167-70, 171, 172, 173, 174,196-7,204,205,206,515and mercantilism 216, 219, 241, 263see also CalvinismHull, James 196humanism 1I4, 515France 199-201monarchists 184-8republicans 181-4spread in Europe 194-6Hume, David 332,333,335,341,342,360-61,400,401,413,424,430,431,439,441,460-61,501,523,524,528,532

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