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Index 541Protestantism and Catholicism 138,142,167and Smithian movement 479, 480,481,500textiles and monopolies 221-6, 240trade 309see also Bank; mercantilismEnlightenment 369, 370in France 292in Russia 498see also Scottishenserfdom in eastern Europe 226-7entrepreneurship 395-401theory 411and uncertainty 351-2Eon, Jean (Mathias de Saint-Jean) 245Epicurus/Epicureans 20equilibrium pricing theory 349Erasmus, Desiderius 196escobarderie 132Eugene III, Pope 44Eugene IV, Pope 86Europe see eastern and under individualcountriesEvers, Williamson M. 509exchange 390-93and value 15-18Excluded Middle Law 4extremism 117-22Fabert, Abraham de 258-9fairs of Champagne 67-8, 69, 99Fanfani, Amintore 78Far East 214, 285, 317Fay, C.R. 530Fenelon of Cambrai, ArchbishopFran~ois de Salignac de 1a Mothe263-7,268,272,378,518Ferdinand, King of Naples 187, 188Ferguson, Adam 424, 440, 443, 472,478,499,530Fermat, Pierre de 297Ferrara, Bishop of see HuguccioFerreti. Ferreto 185Fetter. Frank A. 413, 526Fetter, Frank W. 533Fieschi. Sinibaldo see Innocent IV, PopeFifth Monarchists 313Figgis. John 5] 3Filmer. Sir Robert 279.519Finley, Moses I. 16, 27, 508Fisher, Irving 329Fitzjames, James, Duke of Berwick 346Flanders 68, 104, 111, 221Flemings 68Fleury, Abbe Claude 263-7,377Fludd, Robert 305Foley, Vernard 509foreign exchange 79-81, 284-8Forset, Edward 278, 279Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth 373, 525Frame, Donald 515France 99,199,201,266,269,270Cantillon, Richard 345, 346, 348Catholicism 138,142,143,167,174Colbertism 216-20commerce 238-9Enlightenment 292humanism 199-201laissez-faire 318, 386and mercantilism in England 284,330-31Middle Ages to Renaissance 68, 69,72,94Paris, University of 47-51population 491Protestantism 138, 142, 143, 167, 174and scholastics 102, 105, 106, 132Seven Years' War 336and Smithian movement 479,500see also absolutism; French Revolution;mercantilism; physiocracyFrancesco, the Medici Grand Duke ofTuscany 166Francis of Assisi, Saint 62Francis I, King 199, 200Franciscans and utility theory 59-64Franklin, Benjamin 482free trade 386-90French Quebec 227French Revolution 255,378,379,478,483,485,488Friedrich, Carl 378fronde 257, 267Fugger, Jacob 140, 142Furniss, Edgar S. 305, 520Fusfeld, Daniel R. 519gabelle (salt tax) 220Gabrielistae 89

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