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538 Economic thought before Adam Smith375,379,386,395,411,412,413,426-7,435,436,448,450,451,459,460,467,474,482,483,501,523-5,531background 345-7Essai sur La nature du commerce engeneral 332, 347, 348,355, 360,362,365,437influence 360-61international monetary relations 358-9market self-regulation 359-60methodology 347-9money and process analysis 354-8population theory 352-3spatial economics 354uncertainty and the entrepreneur 351­2value and price 349-51see also CantillonianCantillonian 428Cantor, Peter 48capital 61, 402entrepreneurship, savings and interesttheory 395-401and interest theory 395, 396,402capitalization concept 400Carafa, Diomede 187, 515cardinal rule (1624-61) 243-5carentia pecuniae (charging for lack ofmoney) 125-6Caritat. Marquis de see CondorcetCarloman, Emperor 37Carlyle, Reverend Alexander ('Jupiter')424,443Carmichael, Gershom 335, 417-20, 423,430,501,527Carolingians and canon law 36-7CarsweII, John 362Castiglione, Baldassare 186Catherine the Great 371, 498, 499, 533Catholicism 515Anabaptists 146-50Buchanan, George 171-3Calvin and Calvinism 137-9, 140-43CantilIon, Richard 345Counter-Reformation 99, 107, 108Habsburgs 244Huguenots 167-70Luther's economics 137-40and mercantilism 244, 277, 298, 316messianic communism 159-64Middle Ages to Renaissance 68, 69Munster and totalitarian communism150-59non-scholastic 164-7, 514politiques 173-4and scholastics 102, 119, 128, 131,132,314,360,369Scottish Enlightenment 418state absolutism 137-9see also LeaguersCavendish family 296Cecil, Sir William (later Lord Burghley)280,281,283,295Cecil, Thomas, second Lord Burghley295census 90, 91,107,108.140Cesarano, Filippo 527Chabham, Thomas 48, 49Chafuen, Alejandro 512Chalmers, George 474Chamillart, Michel 270charging for lack of money 125-6Charlemagne, Emperor 36-7, 43Charles I, King 220, 228Charles II, King 228, 296, 300, 309,315,320,323Charles IV, Emperor 196Charles V, Emperor 103, 105, 186, 196,443Charles VIII, King 199Charon, Marie 248Chasseneux, Barthelemy de 200, 20 1Chicago School 78Ch'ien, Ssu-ma 26-7Child, Sir Josiah 317-23, 340, 386, 522A New Discourse ofTrade 321,322BriefObservations concerning tradeand interest ofmoney 318China 18,23-7,43, 174, 175,491Chitnis, Anand C. 527, 530, 533Ch'iu Chung-ni see ConfuciusChristian Middle Ages 31-64Aquinas. Saint Thomas 51-8canonists 37-42, 42-7Carolingians and canon law 36-7merchants, early attitudes towards32-6Roman law 31-2

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