Submerged Arc Welding Technical Handbook - Esab

Submerged Arc Welding Technical Handbook - Esab Submerged Arc Welding Technical Handbook - Esab



<strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><strong>Submerged</strong> <strong>Arc</strong> <strong>Welding</strong>FLUXES AND WIRES FOR JOINING NON AND LOW-ALLOYEDSTEELS, STAINLESS STEELS AND NICKEL-BASE ALLOYS

It’s all hereA complete range of welding and cuttingequipment, filler materials and accessoriesfor any type of industry? We’ve got it.The expertise and application experience to sharewith you? Absolutely. A worldwide network of salesoffices and distributors to give you service andsupport wherever you are? Positive.It’s all here to help you boost your weldingproductivity. All from a single dependablesource. From ESAB.Visit us at www.esab.comGLOBAL SOLUTIONS FOR LOCAL CUSTOMERS – EVERYWHERE

Contentspage pageIntroduction to the SAW technical handbook 4 The best flux for LNG applications 55OK Flux 10.92 56ESAB stainless flux package 57OK Flux 10.93 58OK Flux 10.94 60OK Flux 10.95 61OK Grain 21.85 62Flux selection pagesFlux selection by industry segment 5Flux selection by parent material 6Flux selection by flux characteristics 9Flux selection by classification 10Flux selection by wire type 13Chemical composition of SAW wires 14How to choose the right flux/wire combination 15Product data pagesOK Flux 10.16 16OK Flux 10.30 17OK Flux 10.40 18OK Flux 10.45 19OK Flux 10.47 20OK Flux 10.47 & OK Tubrod 15.24S basic cored wire 22OK Flux 10.50 23OK Flux 10.61 24OK Flux 10.62 26Narrow gap welding - complete ESAB solution for repetitivefabrication of thick sections 29OK Flux 10.63 30OK Flux 10.69 31OK Flux 10.70 32OK Flux 10.71 34OK Flux 10.72 36OK Flux 10.72 - wind towers, pressure vesselsand general construction 38OK Flux 10.73 39OK Flux 10.74 40OK Flux 10.76 42OK Flux 10.77 43OK Flux 10.78 44OK Flux 10.80 45OK Flux 10.81 46OK Flux 10.81 – For power generation, beams,automotive industry, general construction 48OK Flux 10.83 49OK Flux 10.87 50Overlap welds on thin material;also butt and fillet welds 51OK Flux 10.88 52Heavy mill scale - not all customersremove it from the weld area 53OK Flux 10.90 54General information pagesProduct documents 64The submerged arc welding process 65SAW variants 68Neutral, active or alloying fluxes 70Weld metal alloying 70Hydrogen in ferritic weld metal 71Agglomerated and fused fluxes 72Cored wires for submerged arc welding 73Automation 74Handling equipment 76Global manufacturing 77Production facility certificates 77R&D and Central Laboratory 78<strong>Welding</strong> Process Centre 78SAW joint preparations 79Trouble shooting guide 81High productivity packaging 83A suitable spool for each application 84Always the most productive delivery packaging 86Easy and efficient storage and handling of fluxes 87Classification Standards 88Approvals 94DISCLAIMERWhilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy ofthe information contained in this handbook at the time of going to press,ESAB gives no warranty with regard to its accuracy or completeness. It isthe responsibility of the reader to check the accuracy of the informationcontained in this handbook, read product labels and equipmentinstructions and comply with current regulations. If the reader is in anydoubt with regard to the proper use of any technology they shouldcontact the manufacturer or obtain alternative expert advice. ESABaccepts no responsibility or liability for any injury, loss or damage incurredas a result of any use or reliance upon the information contained in thishandbook.3

Introduction to the SAW technicalhandbookThis technical handbook gives detailedinformation of the extensive range of ESABconsumables for joining materials with thesubmerged arc welding process, along withgeneral information associated with thisprocess. Consumables for cladding andhardfacing are described in otherdocuments available from ESAB. Thishandbook consists of three main sections: The flux selection tables enable the correctflux to be chosen for various practicalwelding situations: page 5 and AWS, page 10-12 page 13Page 15 gives a theoretical background forthe choice of the most suitable flux/wirecombination.The product data pages give acomprehensive description of fluxcharacteristics and application areas, and allrelevant data on the flux and flux/wirecombinations, including approvals.<strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>Chemical composition, mechanicalproperties and other data are typical, unlessotherwise stated. Only the main approvalauthorities are listed.An extended overview of mechanicalproperties and a full list of approvals foreach product may be given in the productdata sheets (PDS) available from ESAB.Certain products, with particularly beneficialproperties, are discussed in detail onseparate pages following the product datapage of the flux in question.<strong>Submerged</strong> <strong>Arc</strong> <strong>Welding</strong>The general information pages discuss theSAW process in detail - including its processvariants, packaging and handling, ESAB asa global producer of SAW flux and wiresand classification standards.FLUXES AND WIRES FOR JOINING NON AND LOW-ALLOYEDSTEELS, STAINLESS STEELS AND NICKEL-BASE ALLOYS4

Flux selection by industry segmentOK Flux 10.16OK Flux 10.30OK Flux 10.40OK Flux 10.45OK Flux 10.47OK Flux 10.50OK Flux 10.61OK Flux 10.62OK Flux 10.63OK Flux 10.69OK Flux 10.70OK Flux 10.71OK Flux 10.72OK Flux 10.73OK Flux 10.74OK Flux 10.76OK Flux 10.77OK Flux 10.78OK Flux 10.80OK Flux 10.81OK Flux 10.83OK Flux 10.87OK Flux 10.88OK Flux 10.90OK Flux 10.92OK Flux 10.93OK Flux 10.94OK Flux 10.95Segments Applicationsenergy wind towers monopilesboilers membrane walls turbines nuclear pipemills spiral (2- run) longitudinal (2-run) multi run - longitudinal pipelines double-jointing valves, fittings shipbuilding butt welds fillet welds one-sided backing fluxship tanks for: LPG LNG chemicals offshore jacket legs / top sides / decks process components transport wheels air compressor tankstrucks mobile cranesearth moving equipment road construction equipment trains trailer beams civilconstruction bridges buildings cranes lamp posts beams land-basedstorage tanks oil LPG LNG chemicals pressurevessels vessels gas bottles /air compressor tanks processindustry hydrocrackers pulp & paper ureacladrestorationothers electroslag welding vertical up 5

Flux selection by parent materialSteelcategoriesVarious flux-wire combinations, dependenton application, see product data pagesOther specific wires with OK Flux 10.47,10.61, 10.62, 10.71, see product data pagesFlux wire combination on requestOK Flux 10.40 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.45 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.47 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.47 / OK Tubrod 15.24SOK Flux 10.61 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.61 / OK Autrod 12.32OK Flux 10.61 / OK Autrod 12.40OK Flux 10.61 / OK Autrod 13.10 SCOK Flux 10.61 / OK Autrod 13.20 SCOK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 12.22OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 12.32OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 12.34OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 12.40OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 12.44OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.10 SCOK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.20 SCOK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.24OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.27Normal strengthReL 355 MPa ReL 355 MPa ReL 420 MPa ReL 460 MPa ReL 500 MPa High strengthReL 620 MpaReL 690 MPaPipe steelsReL = 241 - 448MPa (B - X65)ReL = 485 MPa(X70)ReL = 552 MPa(X80)Low temperature-40°C ( 47J) -50°C ( 47J) -60°C ( 47J) -70°C ( 47J)-80°C ( 47J)Creep resistant0.5% Mo 1.25% Cr, 0.5% Mo 2.25% Cr, 1% Mo 2.25% Cr, 1% Mo,0.25%V5% Cr, 0.5% Mo 9% Cr, 1% Mo 9% Cr, 1% MoVNb Weather resistantNi, Cu, Cr-alloyed6

OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.40OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.43OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.44OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.49OK Flux 10.62 / OK Tubrod 15.24SOK Flux 10.62 / OK Tubrod 15.25SOK Flux 10.63 / OK Autrod 13.10 SCOK Flux 10.63 / OK Autrod 13.20 SCOK Flux 10.70 / OK Autrod 12.20OK Flux 10.70 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.71 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.71 / OK Autrod 12.32OK Flux 10.71 / OK Autrod 12.34OK Flux 10.71 / OK Autrod 13.24OK Flux 10.71 / OK Autrod 13.27OK Flux 10.71 / OK Autrod 13.36OK Flux 10.71 / OK Tubrod 15.24SOK Flux 10.72 / OK Autrod 12.20OK Flux 10.72 / OK Autrod 12.22OK Flux 10.72 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.73 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.73 / OK Autrod 12.34OK Flux 10.74 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.74 / OK Autrod 12.34OK Flux 10.77 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.77 / OK Autrod 12.34OK Flux 10.81 / OK Autrod 12.24OK Flux 10.81 / OK Autrod 13.36 7

SteelcategoriesOK Flux 10.16 / OK Autrod 19.82OK Flux 10.16 / OK Autrod 19.85OK Flux 10.63 / OK Autrod 410NiMoOK Flux 10.90 / OK Autrod 19.81OK Flux 10.90 / OK Autrod 19.82OK Flux 10.90 / OK Autrod 19.85OK Flux 10.92 / OK Autrod 308LOK Flux 10.92 / OK Autrod 309LOK Flux 10.92 / OK Autrod 316LOK Flux 10.92 / OK Autrod 318OK Flux 10.92 / OK Autrod 347OK Flux 10.92 / OK Autrod 16.97OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 308LOK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 308HOK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 309LOK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 309MoLOK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 310OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 312OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 316LOK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 316HOK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 317LOK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 318OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 347OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 385OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 2209OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 2509OK Flux 10.93 / OK Autrod 16.97OK Flux 10.94 / OK Autrod 308LOK Flux 10.94 / OK Autrod 316LOK Flux 10.94 / OK Autrod 318OK Flux 10.94 / OK Autrod 347OK Flux 10.94 / OK Autrod 2509OK Flux 10.95 / OK Autrod 308LOK Flux 10.95 / OK Autrod 308HOK Flux 10.95 / OK Autrod 316LOK Flux 10.95 / OK Autrod 318OK Flux 10.95 / OK Autrod 347Stainless302 304 304L 304LN 307 308 308L 308H309 309L309S309Mo309LMo310 310S312 316 316L 316Ti 316LN 316H317 317L318 321 347 347L 385 403 410 410NiMo 420 430 430Nb 446 904L2209 2507 CMn/SS NickelbaseAlloy 600 Alloy 625 Alloy 686Alloy 800 Alloy 800H Alloy 825 8Cryogenic-150°C

Flux selection by flux characteristicsRecommended applications; other use is possible.CharacteristicsFluxAgglomeratedFusedHigh BasicBasicNeutral basicityLow basicitySi alloyingMn alloyingMo alloyingNi alloyingCr alloyingNeutral, see page 70Active, see page 70DC currentAC currentOne sidedHigh speedElectro slagHigh ProductivityRust and millscalePipemill weldingLow Impurity LevelHigh DilutionNarrow GapH5 hydrogen classgood low-temperaturetoughnessWith stainless wiresWith Ni-base wiresUnlimited platethicknessPage numberOK Flux 10.30 L M 17OK Flux 10.40 H H 18OK Flux 10.45 M 19OK Flux 10.47 L 20OK Flux 10.50 23OK Flux 10.61 L 24OK Flux 10.62 26OK Flux 10.63 30OK Flux 10.69 31OK Flux 10.70 M H 32OK Flux 10.71 L M 34OK Flux 10.72 M 36OK Flux 10.73 M L 39OK Flux 10.74 L M 40OK Flux 10.76 H H 42OK Flux 10.77 L M 43OK Flux 10.78 H M 44OK Flux 10.80 H H 45OK Flux 10.81 H M 46OK Flux 10.83 H 49OK Flux 10.87 H 50OK Flux 10.88 H H 52High Alloy FluxesOK Flux 10.16 16OK Flux 10.90 54OK Flux 10.92 56OK Flux 10.93 58OK Flux 10.94 60OK Flux 10.95 61 ValidH HighM MediumL Low9

Flux selection by classificationClassifications according to ENProduct/combinationEN Flux Wirenot applicable OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.10S 35 A AR S1 OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.10S 35 0 MS S1 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.10S 35 0 AB S1 OK Flux 10.78 OK Autrod 12.10S 35 2 MS S1 OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.10S 35 3 AB S2 OK Flux 10.47 OK Autrod 12.20S 35 4 AB S1 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.10S 38 Z AR S1 OK Flux 10.83 OK Autrod 12.10S 38 A MS S3 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.30S 38 0 MS S2 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.20S 38 0 CS S1 OK Flux 10.80 OK Autrod 12.10S 38 0 AR S1 OK Flux 10.88 OK Autrod 12.10S 38 2 MS S2Si OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.22S 38 2 AB S2 OK Flux 10.78 OK Autrod 12.20S 38 2 AB S2Si OK Flux 10.78 OK Autrod 12.22S 38 4 AB TZ OK Flux 10.47 OK Tubrod 15.00SS 38 4 FB S2Si OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.22S 38 4 AB S2 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.20S 38 4 AB S2Si OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.22S 38 4 AB S2 OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.20S 38 4 AB S2Si OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.22S 38 5 FB S2Si OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.22S 38 5 AB S2 OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.20S 38 5 AB S2Si OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.22S 42 Z AR S2Si OK Flux 10.83 OK Autrod 12.22S 42 A MS S2Mo OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.24S 42 A AR S1 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.10S 42 A AR S2 OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.20S 42 A AR S2Si OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.22S 42 0 CS S2 OK Flux 10.80 OK Autrod 12.20S 42 2 MS S2Mo OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.24Product/combinationEN Flux WireS 46 2 AB S2Mo OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.24S 46 3 FB S4 OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.40S 46 3 AB S2 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.20S 46 3 AB S3 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.30S 46 3 AB S2Ni1Cu OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.36S 46 3 AB S2Mo OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.24S 46 4 FB S2Mo OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.24S 46 4 AB S3Si OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.32S 46 5 AB T3Ni1 OK Flux 10.47 OK Tubrod 15.24SS 46 5 AB S2Ni2 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.27S 46 6 FB S3Si OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.32S 46 7 FB S2Ni2 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.27S 46 8 FB S2Ni3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.49S 50 A AR S2Si OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.22S 50 A AR S2Mo OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.24S 50 A AR S2Ni1Cu OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 13.36S 50 0 AB S2Mo OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.24S 50 0 AR S3 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.30S 50 2 AB S3Mo OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.34S 50 2 AB S3Mo OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.34S 50 3 AB S3Mo OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.34S 50 3 AB S3Mo OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.34S 50 4 FB S3Mo OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.34S 50 4 FB S4 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.40S 50 4 AB SZ OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.24S 50 5 FB S4Mo OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.44S 50 6 FB SZ OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.24S 62 5 FB S3Ni1,5CrMo OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.44S 62 6 FB S3Ni1Mo OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.40S 69 6 FB S3Ni2,5CrMo OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.43S 3T 0 Z S1 OK Flux 10.30 OK Autrod 12.10S 42 2 AB S2Mo OK Flux 10.47 OK Autrod 12.24S 42 2 FB S2Mo OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.24S 42 2 AB T3 OK Flux 10.71 OK Tubrod 14.00SS 42 2 AB S2Si OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.22S 42 2 AR S2 OK Flux 10.88 OK Autrod 12.20S 42 2 AR S2Si OK Flux 10.88 OK Autrod 12.22S 42 3 AB S1 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.10S 42 3 AB S1 OK Flux 10.76 OK Autrod 12.10S 42 4 FB S2Ni1 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.21S 42 4 AB T3 OK Flux 10.71 OK Tubrod 15.00SS 42 4 AB S2 OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.20S 42 4 AB S2Si OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.22S 42 5 FB S3Si OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.32S 46 0 AR S2 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.20S 46 2 AB S2Mo OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.24S 46 2 AB S2Mo OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.24S 46 2 AB S2Mo OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.2410

Classifications according to AWS (as welded)AWSProduct/combinationAWSProduct/combinationAs welded (A) Flux Wirenot applicable OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.10F6AZ-EL12 OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.10F6AZ-EL12 OK Flux 10.88 OK Autrod 12.10F6A0-EL12 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.10F6A0-EM12 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.20F6A0-EL12 OK Flux 10.78 OK Autrod 12.10F6A2-EL12 OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.10F6A4-EM12 OK Flux 10.47 OK Autrod 12.20F6A4-EL12 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.10F7AZ-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.24F7AZ-EL12 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.10F7AZ-EM12K OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.22F7AZ-EL12 OK Flux 10.83 OK Autrod 12.10F7AZ-EM12K OK Flux 10.83 OK Autrod 12.22F7AZ-EM12 OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.20F7AZ-EM12K OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.22F7A0-EM12 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.20F7A0-EM12 OK Flux 10.88 OK Autrod 12.20F7A0-EM12K OK Flux 10.88 OK Autrod 12.22F7A2-EM12K OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.22F7A2-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.24F7A2-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.47 OK Autrod 12.24F7A2-EM12 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.20F7A2-EC1 OK Flux 10.71 OK Tubrod 14.00SF7A2-EM12K OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.22F7A2-EM12 OK Flux 10.78 OK Autrod 12.20F7A2-EM12K OK Flux 10.78 OK Autrod 12.22F7A2-EL12 OK Flux 10.80 OK Autrod 12.10F7A2-EM12 OK Flux 10.80 OK Autrod 12.20F7A4-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.24F7A4-EL12 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.10F7A4-EM12 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.20F7A4-EC1 OK Flux 10.71 OK Tubrod 15.00SAs welded (A) Flux WireF7A8-EM12K OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.22F7A8-EH12K OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.32F7A8-EC-Ni2 OK Flux 10.62 OK Tubrod 15.25SF7A8-EM12 OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.20F7A8-EM12K OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.22F8A2-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.24F8A2-EG-G OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.36F8A2-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.24F8A2-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.24F8A4-EC-G OK Flux 10.47 OK Tubrod 15.24SF8A4-EA4-A3 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.34F8A4-EA4-A4 OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.34F8A4-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.24F8A4-EA4-A4 OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.34F8A5-EG-G OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.24F8A5-EA2-A3 OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.24F8A6-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.24F8A6-EA4-A4 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.34F8A6-EC-G OK Flux 10.62 OK Tubrod 15.24SF8A6-ENi2-Ni2 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.27F8A6-EC-G OK Flux 10.71 OK Tubrod 15.24SF8A10-EG-G OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.24F8A10-ENi2-Ni2 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.27F8A15-ENi3-Ni3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.49F9AZ-EC-B2 OK Flux 10.71 OK Tubrod 14.07SF9AZ-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.24F9A0-EA2-A3 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.24F9A0-EG-G OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 13.36F9A2-EA4-A3 OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.34F9A8-EA3-A3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.44F9A8-EG-G OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.44F10A8-EG-F3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.40F11A8-EG-G OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.43F7A4-EL12 OK Flux 10.76 OK Autrod 12.10F7A4-EM12 OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.20F7A5-EM12K OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.22F7A5-EH12K OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.32F7A5-EM12K OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.22F7A6-EH12K OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.32F7A6-EH14 OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.40F7A6-EH14 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.40F7A6-ENi1-Ni1 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.21F7A6-EM12 OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.20F7A6-EM12K OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.22F7A8-EM12K OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.2211

Flux selection by classificationClassifications according to AWS (PWHT)AWSProduct/combinationAWSProduct/combinationPWHT (P) Flux Wirenot applicable OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.10F6PZ-EL12 OK Flux 10.83 OK Autrod 12.10F6PZ-EL12 OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.10F6PZ-EM12 OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.20F6PZ-EM12K OK Flux 10.87 OK Autrod 12.22F6P0-EL12 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.10F6P0-EM12 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.20F6P0-EL12 OK Flux 10.80 OK Autrod 12.10F6P0-EM12 OK Flux 10.80 OK Autrod 12.20F6P0-EM12K OK Flux 10.88 OK Autrod 12.22F6P2-EL12 OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.10F6P2-EM12K OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.22F6P4-EM12 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.20F6P4-EM12K OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.22F6P4-EM12 OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.20F6P5-EL12 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.10F6P5-EM12K OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.22F6P5-EM12K OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.22F6P6-EM12 OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.20F6P6-EM12K OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.22F6P8-EM12K OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.22F6P8-EM12K OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.22PWHT (P) Flux WireF7P8-ENi1-Ni1 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.21F8P0-EB3R-B3 OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 13.20 SCF8P2-EB2R-B2 OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 13.10 SCF8P2-EB2R-B2 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.10 SCF8P2-EB3R-B3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.20 SCF8P2-EA4-A3 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.34F8P2-EA4-A4 OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.34F8P2-EA4-A4 OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.34F8P4-EB2R-B2R OK Flux 10.63 OK Autrod 13.10 SCF8P4-EG-G OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.24F8P5-EA2-A3 OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.24F8P6-EA4-A4 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.34F8P8-EG-G OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.24F8P8-EB3R-B3R OK Flux 10.63 OK Autrod 13.20 SCF8P10-ENi2-Ni2 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.27F8P15-ENi3-Ni3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.49F9PZ-EA2-A3 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.24F9PZ-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.24F9P0-EA4-A3 OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.34F9P6-EG-F3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.40F9P8-EA3-A3 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.44F11P8-EG-G OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 13.43F6P8-EM12 OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.20F6P8-EM12K OK Flux 10.72 OK Autrod 12.22F7PZ-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.40 OK Autrod 12.24F7PZ-EL12 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.10F7PZ-EM12 OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.20F7PZ-EM12K OK Flux 10.81 OK Autrod 12.22F7PZ-EM12K OK Flux 10.83 OK Autrod 12.22F7P0-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.45 OK Autrod 12.24F7P0-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.24F7P0-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.73 OK Autrod 12.24F7P0-EA2-A4 OK Flux 10.74 OK Autrod 12.24F7P2-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.24F7P2-EM12 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.20F7P2-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.77 OK Autrod 12.24F7P4-EL12 OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.10F7P4-EL12 OK Flux 10.76 OK Autrod 12.10F7P5-EH12K OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.32F7P6-EH14 OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.40F7P6-EA2-A2 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.24F7P6-EH14 OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.40F7P6-ENi2-Ni2 OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 13.27F7P8-EH12K OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.32F7P8-EC-G OK Flux 10.61 OK Tubrod 15.24SF7P8-EH12K OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.3212

Flux selection by wire typeWire EN (wire) AWS (wire) OK FluxOK Autrod12.10 S1 EL12 10.30 10.40 10.45 10.61 10.71 10.76 10.78 10.80 10.81 10.83 10.87 10.8812.20 S2 EM12 10.40 10.45 10.47 10.50 10.71 10.72 10.74 10.77 10.78 10.80 10.81 10.87 10.8812.22 S2Si EM12K 10.45 10.61 10.62 10.71 10.72 10.73 10.74 10.77 10.78 10.81 10.83 10.87 10.8812.24 S2Mo; S Mo EA2 10.40 10.45 10.47 10.61 10.62 10.71 10.72 10.73 10.74 10.77 10.8112.30 S3 10.40 10.71 10.8112.32 S3Si EH12K 10.50 10.61 10.62 10.7112.34 S3Mo; S MnMo EA4 10.50 10.62 10.71 10.73 10.74 10.7712.40 S4 EH14 10.50 10.61 10.6212.44 S4Mo EA3 10.6213.10 SC S CrMo1 EB2R 10.61 10.62 10.6313.20 SC S CrMo2 EB3R 10.61 10.62 10.6313.21 S2Ni1 ENi1 10.6213.24 SZ EG 10.62 10.7113.27 S2Ni2 ENi2 10.62 10.7113.33 S CrMo5 EB6 Flux-wire combination on request13.34 S CrMo9 EB8 Flux-wire combination on request13.35 S CrMo91 EB9 Flux-wire combination on request13.36 S2Ni1Cu EG 10.71 10.8113.40 S3Ni1Mo EG 10.6213.43 S3Ni2,5CrMo EG 10.6213.44 S3Ni1,5CrMo EG 10.6213.45 S Z EG Flux-wire combination on request13.49 S2Ni3 ENi3 10.6213.64 SZ EG 10.71 10.72 10.74 10.77OK Tubrod14.00S 10.7114.07S 10.7115.00S 10.47 10.62 10.7115.24S 10.47 10.61 10.62 10.7115.25S 10.62OK Autrod16.38 S 20 16 3 Mn L 10.9316.97 S 18 8 Mn (ER307) 10.9319.81 S Ni6059(NiCr23Mo16)19.82 S Ni6625(NiCr22Mo9Nb)19.83 S Ni 6276(NiCr15Mo16Fe6W4)19.85 S Ni6082(NiCr20Mn3Nb)ERNiCrMo-13 10.90ER NiCrMo-3 10.16 10.90ER NiCrMo-4 10.90ERNiCr-3 10.16 10.90308H S 19 9 H ER308H 10.93 10.95308L S 19 9 L ER308L 10.92 10.93 10.94 10.95309L S 23 12 L ER309L 10.93309MoL S 23 12 L (ER309MoL) 10.92 10.93310MoL S 25 22 2 N L (ER310MoL) 10.93312 S 29 9 ER312 10.93316H S 19 12 3 H ER316H 10.93316L S 19 12 3 L ER316L 10.92 10.93 10.94 10.95317L S 18 15 3 L ER317L 10.93318 S 19 12 3 Nb ER318 10.92 10.93347 S 19 9 Nb ER347 10.92 10.93 10.94 10.95385 S 20 25 5 Cu L ER385 10.932209 S 22 9 3 N L ER2209 10.932509 S 25 9 4 N L 10.93 10.94410NiMo S 13 4 10.6313

Chemical composition of SAW wiresWire Classification Typical chemical compositionEN ISO SFA/AWS C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo other RemarkOK Autrod 12.10 EN 756: S1 A5.17: EL12 0.08 0.08 0.51 0.010 0.012 0.04 0.03 0.01OK Autrod 12.20 EN 756: S2 A5.17: EM12 0.10 0.08 1.01 0.013 0.012 0.05 0.03 0.01OK Autrod 12.22 EN 756: S2Si A5.17: EM12K 0.10 0.19 1.01 0.013 0.010 0.03 0.03 0.01OK Autrod 12.24 EN 756: S2MoA5.23: EA2 0.10 0.15 1.06 0.013 0.010 0.04 0.02 0.50EN 12070: S MoOK Autrod 12.30 EN 756: S3 0.12 0.13 1.52 0.015 0.009 0.04 0.07 0.01OK Autrod 12.32 EN 756: S3Si A5.17: EH12K 0.13 0.33 1.76 0.013 0.007 0.03 0.03 0.01OK Autrod 12.34 EN 756: S3MoEN 12070: S MnMo A5.23: EA4 0.13 0.13 1.45 0.009 0.007 0.07 0.08 0.48OK Autrod 12.40 EN 756: S4 A5.17: EH14 0.13 0.07 1.97 0.011 0.012 0.08 0.08 0.02OK Autrod 12.44 EN 756: S4Mo A5.23: EA3 0.12 0.09 1.84 0.009 0.009 0.05 0.06 0.50OK Autrod 13.10 SC EN 12070: S CrMo1 A5.23: EB2R 0.10 0.16 0.73 0.005 0.004 1.25 0.04 0.53 X ≤ 12OK Autrod 13.20 SC EN 12070: S CrMo2 A5.23: EB3R 0.11 0.16 0.63 0.004 0.004 2.39 0.05 1.01 X ≤ 12OK Autrod 13.21 EN 756: S2Ni1 A5.23: ENi1 0.11 0.18 0.96 0.004 0.007 0.03 0.95 0.01OK Autrod 13.24 EN 756: SZ A5.23: EG 0.11 0.21 1.45 0.010 0.009 0.06 0.84 0.22OK Autrod 13.27 EN 756: S2Ni2 A5.23: ENi2 0.10 0.19 0.99 0.007 0.005 0.04 2.14 0.01OK Autrod 13.33 EN 12070: S CrMo5 A5.23: EB6 0.08 0.40 0.52 0.005 0.011 5.66 0.07 0.54OK Autrod 13.34 EN 12070: S CrMo9 A5.23: EB8 0.07 0.40 0.50 0.009 0.007 8.90 0.22 0.96OK Autrod 13.35 EN 12070: S CrMo91 A5.23: EB9 0.10 0.24 0.52 0.005 0.003 8.64 0.65 0.94 Nb: 0.07; V: 0.20; N: 0.05OK Autrod 13.36 EN 756: S2Ni1Cu A5.23: EG 0.10 0.22 0.93 0.007 0.006 0.29 0.72 0.02 Cu: 0.43OK Autrod 13.40 EN 756: S3Ni1MoEN 14295: S3Ni1Mo A5.23: EG 0.11 0.15 1.65 0.009 0.006 0.07 0.93 0.53OK Autrod 13.43 EN 14295: S3Ni2,5CrMo A5.23: EG 0.12 0.16 1.45 0.011 0.010 0.60 2.25 0.49OK Autrod 13.44 EN 14295: S3Ni1,5CrMo A5.23: EG 0.10 0.09 1.42 0.011 0.014 0.25 1.60 0.47OK Autrod 13.45 EN 12070: S Z A5.23: EG 0.10 0.16 0.66 0.007 0.003 2.46 0.06 1.05 Nb: 0.02; V: 0.27 X ≤ 12OK Autrod 13.49 EN 756: S2Ni3 A5.23: ENi3 0.09 0.18 1.05 0.007 0.007 0.03 3.12 0.01OK Autrod 13.64 EN 756: SZ A5.23: EG 0.07 0.28 1.23 0.010 0.003 0.03 0.02 0.51 Ti: 0.15; B: 0.012OK Tubrod 14.00S 0.06 0.47 1.52 0.013 0.011 0.03 0.03 0.01 weld metal with 10.71OK Tubrod 14.07S 0.07 0.45 1.05 0.015 0.010 1.18 0.03 0.51 weld metal with 10.71OK Tubrod 15.00S 0.07 0.59 1.61 0.015 0.010 0.03 0.03 0.01 weld metal with 10.71OK Tubrod 15.24S 0.08 0.24 1.61 0.013 0.007 0.03 0.65 0.13 weld metal with 10.47OK Tubrod 15.25S 0.05 0.35 1.28 0.012 0.006 0.03 2.26 0.01 weld metal with 10.62Wire Classification Typical chemical compositionEN ISO SFA/AWS C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo N FN otherOK Autrod16.38 EN ISO 14343: S 20 16 3 Mn L A5.9: 0.01 0.4 6.9 0.015 0.010 19.9 16.5 3.0 0.1816.97 EN ISO 14343: S 18 8 Mn A5.9: (ER307) 0.07 0.5 6.5 0.013 0.010 18.5 8.2 0.119.81 EN ISO 18274: S Ni6059 (NiCr23Mo16) A5.14: ERNiCrMo-13 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.010 0.003 23.0 Bal. 16.0 Al: 0.3, Fe: 1.019.82 EN ISO 18274: S Ni6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) A5.14: ER NiCrMo-3 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.015 0.010 22.0 Bal. 9.0 Nb: 3.5, Fe: 1.019.83 EN ISO 18274: S Ni 6276(NiCr15Mo16Fe6W4) A5.14: ER NiCrMo-4 0.01 0.05 0.8 0.015 0.010 15.5 Bal. 15.5 W: 4.0, Co: 2.0, Fe: 5.019.85 EN ISO 18274: S Ni6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) A5.14: ERNiCr-3 0.05 0.3 3.0 0.015 0.010 20.0 Bal. 0.1 Nb: 2.6, Fe: 1.0308H EN ISO 14343: S 19 9 H A5.9: ER308H 0.05 0.5 1.7 0.010 0.010 21.0 10.0 0.2 0.04308L EN ISO 14343: S 19 9 L A5.9: ER308L 0.02 0.4 1.8 0.015 0.010 20.0 10.0 0.2 0.05309L EN ISO 14343: S 23 12 L A5.9: ER309L 0.01 0.4 1.7 0.015 0.010 23.4 13.4 0.1 0.05309MoL EN ISO 14343: S 23 12 L A5.9: (ER309MoL) 0.01 0.4 1.4 0.020 0.010 21.4 15.0 2.7 0.05310 EN ISO 14343: S 25 20 A5.9: ER310 0.11 0.4 1.7 0.010 0.005 25.9 20.8 0.1 0.04310MoL EN ISO 14343: S 25 22 2 N L A5.9: (ER310MoL) 0.01 0.1 4.5 0.013 0.002 25.0 21.9 2.0 0.14312 EN ISO 14343: S 29 9 A5.9: ER312 0.10 0.4 1.8 0.020 0.005 30.3 9.3 0.2 0.04316H EN ISO 14343: S 19 12 3 H A5.9: ER316H 0.05 0.4 1.7 0.010 0.010 19.3 12.5 2.6 0.04316L EN ISO 14343: S 19 12 3 L A5.9: ER316L 0.01 0.4 1.7 0.015 0.010 18.5 12.2 2.7 0.05317L EN ISO 14343: S 18 15 3 L A5.9: ER317L 0.01 0.4 1.7 0.015 0.010 19.0 13.5 3.6 0.05318 EN ISO 14343: S 19 12 3 Nb A5.9: ER318 0.04 0.4 1.7 0.015 0.010 18.5 11.5 2.5 0.08 Nb: 0.8347 EN ISO 14343: S 19 9 Nb A5.9: ER347 0.04 0.4 1.7 0.015 0.010 19.3 10.0 0.1 0.08 Nb: 0.8385 EN ISO 14343: S 20 25 5 Cu L A5.9: ER385 0.01 0.4 1.7 0.010 0.005 20.0 25.0 4.4 0.04 Cu: 1.52209 EN ISO 14343: S 22 9 3 N L A5.9: ER2209 0.01 0.5 1.6 0.015 0.002 23.0 8.6 3.2 0.162509 EN ISO 14343: S 25 9 4 N L A5.9: 0.01 0.4 0.4 0.015 0.020 25.0 9.5 3.9 0.25410NiMo EN ISO 14343: S 13 4 A5.9: 0.05 0.3 0.7 0.025 0.020 12.5 4.5 0.814

How to choose the right flux-wirecombinationStainless steelWhen joining stainless steel the wire shall be of the samechemical composition as the base material or over-alloyed. Forsimilar wires a low-C variant should be chosen over aNb-stabilized as long as it is permitted by the customer contract.OK Flux 10.93 is often the correct flux, but alternative fluxes arechosen if the ferrite content needs to be changed slightly or if therisk of hot cracking needs to be reduced.Ni-alloys and 9% Ni-steelsNi-alloys are welded with OK Flux 10.90. The wire shall be of thesame chemical composition as the base material. 9% Ni-steelsare also welded with OK Flux 10.90 and various welding wirese.g. OK Autrod 19.81, 19.82, or 19.83.Non and low alloyed steelsFluxes can be chosen for particular applications, such as lowimpurity levels in creep resistant steels, pipemills, welding on rustor mill scale, narrow gap welding or low temperature toughness.The correct flux for these applications can be chosen with theflux characteristics selection chart on page 9. For some lowalloyed steels, e.g. creep resistant steels, the chemistry of the fillerwire shall match the chemistry of the base material. Thecorresponding fluxes are selected with the table on page 13. Forother applications, the best flux-wire-combination is identified bycriteria such as running characteristics, specified toughness andstrength or joint preparation.Flux basicityBasicity is calculated from a flux’s chemical components,independently of the wire. Higher basicity gives better impactvalues, but reduces features such as welding speed, parameterenvelope or fine rippling of the weld bead. It is therefore beneficialto choose the lowest possible flux basicity at the specifiedtoughness. From the various basicity formulas the following is themost generally accepted one:The formula shows that low basicity fluxes contain moremultiple oxides. A certain amount of atomically bonded oxygenis favourable for the weld microstructure. In all weld metal,however, this favourable level is already exceeded, even withhigh basic fluxes. Typical oxygen levels are:Low basicity flux> 750 ppm High basic flux< 300 ppmIn highly diluted welds with low oxygen parent material,however, the oxygen level can fall below the favourable level.The different basicity and oxygen levels lead to large differencesin all weld metal toughness with the same wire, Autrod 12.22:Low basicity flux OK Flux 10.81 >47J/ +20°CNeutral basicity flux OK Flux 10.78 >47J/ -20°CBasic flux OK Flux 10.71 >47J/ -40°CHigh basic flux OK Flux 10.62 >47J/ -50°CStrengthThe strength of non-alloyed weld metal is mainly achieved withC, Mn and Si. A number of wires are available for variousstrength levels, using the same flux. Generally, the weldstrength should match the base metal. The flux also influencesthe strength level, because each flux alloys different amounts ofMn and Si to the weld metal.<strong>Welding</strong> jointDilution also affects the Mn and Si content, making mechanicalproperties of actual joints differ largely from all weld metal. Amulti-run V-joint consists of approximately 90% weld metal withmechanical properties similar to all weld metal. In a square buttjoint, however, only 20% is weld metal resulting in mechanicalproperties that are largely influenced by the parent materialchemistry (see page 65 - 67).Based on this formula fluxes are divided into the following groups:B < 0.9 low basicity flux B > 2.0 high basic fluxApprovalsApproval society requirements are taken into account whenspecifying a flux/wire combination. Alternative combinationsmay be used, if the preferred one does not have the requiredapproval (e.g.: CE-marking, marine societies, federal approvals,TÜV, DB). Please contact ESAB, if no combination fulfils thecustomer approval requirements.15

OK Flux 10.16 - All purpose flux forNi-based wires and stripsOK Flux 10.16 is anagglomerated, fluoride basic,non-alloying flux for submergedarc welding specially designedfor butt welding and overlaywelding with nickel-basedalloyed wire. Can also be usedfor overlay welding with nickelbasedstrips. It is primarily usedfor multi-run welding of thicksection materials.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AF 2 DC 2.4 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.25 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferBasic DC+ NoneFlux consumption kg flux / kg wireVoltageDC+26 0.530 0.634 0.838 1.0OK Flux 10.16 is suitable forsingle layer and multi-layerwelding of unlimited platethickness and for strip cladding.It can only be used on DCcurrent when butt welding withnickel-based alloy wires. Thisflux has good weldability in the2G/PC position and the wellbalanced flux compositionminimises silicon transfer fromthe flux to the weld metalproviding good mechanicalproperties, particularly goodimpact toughness reducing therisk of hot cracking. It is alsosuitable for submerged arc stripcladding with all grades ofnickel-based strips.ClassificationWireOK Autrod EN / AWS19.82 S Ni6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) / ERNiCrMo-319.85 S Ni6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) / ERNiCr-3Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod19.82 0.01 0.3 0.3 21.0 Bal. 9.0 Fe: 3.0Nb+Ta: 3.019.85 0.01 0.3 3.2 19.0 Bal. 0.5 Nb: 2.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod +20 -60 -110 -19619.82 425 700 40 130 8019.85 360 600 35 140 100For more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.Applications includecomponents of chemical andpetrochemical plants, offshoreconstructions and pressurevessels.16

OK Flux 10.30 – Highrecovery fluxClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA Z 1 65 AC H5 1.6 ~ 1.4 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenCalcium-silicate plus iron DC+ / ACSlightly Si and moderately 5 HDMpowderMo alloyingFlux consumption (kg flux / kg wire)Voltage DC+ AC30 1.2 1.434 1.7 2.138 2.2 2.642 2.6 3.3ClassificationWireWeld metal classificationOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW12.10 S1 / EL12 S 3T 0 Z S1ApprovalsRecovery (kg weld metal / kg wire)Voltage DC+ AC30 1.3 1.434 1.5 1.838 1.7 1.942 1.9 2.1With OK Autrod ABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CE12.10 2YT IIYT 2YTTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.06 0.2 0.6 0.3For more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.OK Flux 10.30 is anagglomerated, basic flux forsubmerged arc welding. Itcontains around 35% ironpowder and thus contributes tovery high productivity. Primarilydesigned for one-sided weldingof medium and high strengthshipbuilding steels.The flux is slightly Si alloyingand also alloys some Mo to theweld metal.It has a high current carryingcapacity and with a three wirewelding technique plates of upto 25mm thickness can becompleted in one run. This iswith a total of about 3100A anda recommended arc voltage of welding requires a flux-filledcopper backing bar andrelatively high operational effortOK Flux 10.30 is mainly used inthe shipbuilding industry.17

OK Flux 10.40 – Fused flux forhigh speed weldingOK Flux 10.40 is a fused, lowbasicityflux for submerged arcwelding. Its features includevery high welding speeds withlarge or small wire diameters onclean plate. Normally it is usedwithout re-drying even onhydrogen-crack sensitive steels,because the flux grains do notpick-up any moisture due to themanufacturing process used.The flux alloys a high amount ofSi and Mn to the weld metalmaking it well suited for filletand butt welds with a limitednumber of passes. It can beused with single and multi-wireprocedures and works equallywell on DC and AC current.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SF MS 1 88 AC 0.8 ~ 1.5 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferManganese-silicate DC+ / AC High Si and Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 1.0 0.930 1.3 1.234 1.7 1.738 1.9 1.8Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire-0,20,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 35 0 MS S1 A5.17: F6A0-EL12 A5.17: F6P0-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 38 0 MS S2 A5.17: F6A0-EM12 A5.17: F6P0-EM1212.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 42 A MS S2Mo A5.23: F7AZ-EA2-A4 A5.23: F7PZ-EA2-A412.30 S3 S 38 A MS S3OK Flux 10.40 is used in allkind of industries such asgeneral construction, pressurevessels, shipbuilding, pipe mills,transport industries, etc. Thelack of moisture pick-up makesit a very good flux for manycustomers, not just those inareas with severe climateconditions.ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.40 x xwith OK Autrod12.10 x x x12.20 3YM 3YM IIIYM 3YM 3YM x x x12.24 x x12.30 x x xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.05 0.6 1.212.20 0.05 0.6 1.512.24 0.05 0.6 1.5 0.512.30 0.04 0.6 1.8Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPaA4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)AW/SRWith OK Autrod +20 0 -18 -2012.10 370 460 27 80 60 45 AW12.20 395 500 28 70 65 45 40 AW12.24 470 560 25 50 35 AW12.30 420 520 25 60 35 AW12.10 350 440 25 80 60 45 SR12.20 360 470 28 80 70 50 45 SR12.24 450 540 25 40 30 SRRemarks18For more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.

OK Flux 10.45 – Fused flux for veryhigh welding speeds with smalldiameter wires on thin platesClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SF MS 1 57 AC 0.9 ~ 1.6 kg/dm 3 0.1 - 1.0 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferManganese-silicate DC+ / AC No Si, moderately Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 1.0 0.930 1.3 1.234 1.7 1.738 1.9 1.8Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 35 2 MS S1 A5.17: F6A2-EL12 A5.17: F6P2-EL1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 38 2 MS S2Si A5.17: F7A2-EM12K A5.17: F6P2-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 42 2 MS S2Mo A5.23: F7A2-EA2-A4 A5.23: F7P0-EA2-A4750 AOK Flux 10.45 is a fused, lowbasicityflux for submerged arcwelding. It is for very highwelding speeds, exceeding300cm/min, with smalldiameter wires on thin plates.The flux grains do not pick upany moisture due to themanufacturing process used.The flux alloys some Mn to theweld metal. The applicationareas include butt, fillet andoverlap welds. It can be usedwith single or multi-wireprocedures (twin-arc) andworks equally well on DC orAC current.ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.45 xwith OK Autrod12.10 x x12.22 xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.07 0.2 1.112.22 0.06 0.2 1.312.24 0.06 0.1 1.4 0.5OK Flux 10.45 is applied in theproduction of lamp posts e.g.on 4mm thick plates with a wirediameter of 1.6mm and awelding speed of 300cm/min.Other applications are for highspeed welding of hot watertanks and membrane wallpanels.Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod +20 -18 -20 -2912.10 375 480 25 110 70 35 AW12.22 420 510 32 110 70 60 AW12.24 450 540 27 70 50 AWAW/SRRemarksFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.19

OK Flux 10.47 – Fused basic flux withexcellent characteristics – solves allyour problemsOK Flux 10.47 is a fused,aluminate-basic flux forsubmerged arc welding. It hasexcellent slag removal in narrowV-joints, offers high weldingspeeds and very high currentcarrying capacity. It can beused without re-drying evenwhen welding hydrogen cracksensitivesteels such as thoseused in the offshore industry.This is because it is nonhygroscopic due to themanufacturing process used toproduce it.The flux is used for single andmulti-wire procedures, for buttand fillet welds and worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent. The good slagdetachability and limitedalloying of Si and Mn makes ita good flux for multi-pass, thicksection welding.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SF AB 1 65 AC H5 1.3 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenAluminate-basic DC+, AC Slightly Si and no MnalloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 1.0 0.930 1.3 1.234 1.7 1.738 1.9 1.8Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux% Si in wire450 A750 A0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0 5 HDM% Mn pick-upfrom flux% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW12.20 S2 / EM12 S 35 3 AB S2 A5.17: F6A4-EM1212.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 42 2 AB S2Mo A5.23: F7A2-EA2-A2OK Tubrod15.24S S 46 5 AB T3Ni1 A5.23: F8A4-EC-G15.00S S 38 4 AB TZApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.47 x xwith OK Autrod12.20 x x15.24S IVY46M x450 A750 AOK Flux 10.47 is the answer toyour welding problems. It offersadvantages in weldability overthe majority of all other fluxes.In the offshore industry theadvantage of using the fluxwithout re-drying is utilised andvery much appreciated,particularly on hydrogen cracksensitive,thick sectionapplications. The requiredtoughness values are achievedby welding with OK Tubrodbasic cored wires. Otherapplication fields includeshipbuilding, generalconstructions, pressure vesselsand transport industries.Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.20 0.04 0.3 0.912.24 0.04 0.4 0.9 0.5With OK Tubrod15.00S 0.05 0.4 1.415.24S 0.07 0.3 1.6 0.8Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)AW/SRRemarksWith OK Autrod -20 -30 -40 -5012.20 365 455 29 110 90 70 AW12.24 430 520 25 70 AW CVN at - 29°C: 40 JWith OK Tubrod15.00S 440 520 30 120 AW15.24S 550 640 28 140 120 AW CTOD passed at -10°CWith OK Autrod12.20 310 430 32 130 110 90 SR12.24 400 500 26 70 SR CVN at - 29°C: 60 JFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.20

OK Flux 10.47 & OK Tubrod 15.24Sbasic cored wire - no re-baking offlux and high productivityThe use of a basic cored wire,instead of a solid wire, allowsthe weld metal toughnessproperties to be engineeredthrough the cored wire ratherthan through a highly basic flux.This opens the way to the useof a lower basicity fused fluxwith a very low moisture contentand a moisture re-absorptionrate close to zero, which isundoubtedly, the biggestadvantage for applicationswhere low weld metal hydrogencontents are crucial. Thisenables the flux to be usedwithout the costly, and timeconsumingprocedure ofre-baking.As with gas-shielded coredwires, the metal sheathconducts the current, insteadof the complete wire crosssection resulting in a highercurrent density. This highercurrent density is converted toincreased deposition rates and,therefore, productivity.Weldability characteristics areexcellent; comparable to thebest basic agglomerated fluxesavailable on the market. Slagrelease is very good even in thebottom of tight butt joints nearthe root area, enabling the jointangle to be reduced.Due to the glass nature of theflux, the grain strength issignificantly higher than that ofthe fully basic agglomeratedfluxes. This results in lessbreakdown and hence noproblems with “dusting” andtherefore all round improvedrecycling.Mechanical values fulfil mostoffshore requirements: Diffusible Hydrogen (ml/100g)10.0Toughness (J) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14DaysOK-Tubrod 15.24S / OK10.47 -AWS All-weld metal toughness-70 -50 -30 -10 10 30Temperature ( 0 C)AWS All-weld metal procedureDeposition rate (kg/h)2018161412108642Climatic Exposure ResultsDiffusible hydrogen exposure testsOK Flux 10.47 with Tubrod 15.24S 4.0mm600 amps, 30mm Stickout, 30VExposure@19g H 2 0 m -3 (25 0 C 80%RH)25020015010050015.00S 2.4mm15.00S 3mm15.00S 4mm12.20 2.5mm12.20 3mm12.20 4mm0300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000Current (A)4.0mm3.0mm2.4mmDeposition rate comparison OK Tubrod 15.00S andOK Autrod 12.20 / OK Flux 10.71.Increased deposition on 50mm plateProductivity increase of 30%Solid wire 48 runsOK Tubrod 15.24S 37 runs22

OK Flux 10.50 – Electro slag fluxfor vertical up weldingClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeNot applicable 2.0 ~ 1.5 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferFluoride-basicClassificationWireNon alloyingWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW12.20 S2 / EM12 Not applicable12.32 S3Si / EH12K Not applicable12.34 S3Mo; S MnMo / EA4 Not applicable12.40 S4 / EH14 Not applicableApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.50with OK Autrod12.20 x12.32 x12.34 x12.40 xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.20 0.1 0.1 1.012.32 0.1 0.3 1.312.34 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.512.40 0.1 0.1 1.9Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)AW/SRRemarksWith OK Autrod +2012.20 300 420 26 70 AW welded in steelwith ReL > 275 MPa12.32 450 600 30 35 AW welded in steelwith ReL > 355 MPa12.34 390 540 20 50 AW welded in Mo-alloyed steel with ReL> 275 MPa12.40 360 590 17 20 AW welded in steelwith ReL > 275 MPaWith the ES process, the mechanical values of the weld metal are highly dependent on procedure and base material.OK Flux 10.50 is a fused, highbasicflux for electro slagwelding (vertically up). In thisprocess, resistive heating of theliquid slag melts the wire.Depositions rates of 40 kg/hare easily achievable withmulti-wire systems.The flux is suitable for singleand multi-wire procedures, forDC and AC welding and isused for unlimited platethicknesses.Once the welding processbegins, the OK Flux 10.50suppresses the welding arc.Water-cooled copper bars thatslide vertically-up parallel to theproceeding welding processsupport the molten weld pool.The mechanical values of theweld metal can be influencedby the choice of the wireelectrode or welding procedure.Due to the high dilution thebase material also has a majorinfluence. Electro slag weldingvertically-up can be applied toa wide range of steels such asstructural steels, fine-grainedsteels and pressure vesselsteels.For more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.23

OK Flux 10.61 – High basic fluxfor DC weldingOK Flux 10.61 is anagglomerated, high-basic fluxfor submerged arc welding. It isused for single and multi-runbutt welding when demands onimpact toughness values arehigh. This is a good alternativeto other high basic fluxes whenwelding is done with single wireDC+.The flux alloys very little Si andMn to the weld metal and thusit is well suited for welding ofunlimited plate thicknesses.OK Flux 10.61 is used ingeneral construction, pressurevessel construction, powergeneration and transportindustries.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA FB 1 65 DC 2.6 ~ 1.1 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferFluoride-basic DC+ Slightly Si and no Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+26 0.730 1.034 1.338 1.6Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux% Si in wire450 A750 A0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 Not applicable12.22 S2Si / EM12K S 38 4 FB S2Si A5.17: F7A8-EM12K A5.17: F6P8-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 42 2 FB S2Mo A5.23: F7A4-EA2-A2 A5.23: F7P2-EA2-A212.32 S3Si / EH12K S 42 5 FB S3Si A5.17: F7A6-EH12K A5.17: F7P8-EH12K12.40 S4 / EH14 S 46 3 FB S4 A5.17: F7A6-EH14 A5.17: F7P6-EH1413.10 SC S CrMo1 / EB2R A5.23: F8P2-EB2R-B213.20 SC S CrMo2 / EB3R A5.23: F8P0-EB3R-B3OK Tubrod15.24S A5.23: F7P8-EC-GApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.61 x xwith OK Autrod12.10 x x x12.22 x12.24 x x12.32 x13.10 SC x x x13.20 SC xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.07 0.1 0.512.22 0.08 0.3 1.012.24 0.06 0.2 1.0 0.512.32 0.09 0.3 1.412.40 0.08 0.2 1.813.10 SC 0.08 0.3 0.7 1.1 0.513.20 SC 0.08 0.3 0.6 2.0 0.9with OK Tubrod15.24S 0.05 0.4 1.6 0.824

Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod 0 -20 -40 -62AW/SRRemarks12.10 355 445 26 140 100 AW12.22 440 520 30 130 70 35 AW12.24 470 560 26 120 80 35 AW12.32 440 550 26 110 90 40 AW CVN at – 50°C: 55 J12.40 480 570 25 80 40 AW CVN at – 51°C: 35 JWith OK Tubrod15.24S 490 590 29 90 AWWith OK Autrod12.22 410 500 30 110 80 35 SR12.24 440 530 26 70 45 SR CVN at – 29°C: 40 J12.32 420 530 27 180 150 80 SR12.40 440 530 26 85 45 SR CVN at – 51°C: 40 J13.10 SC 510 600 26 SR CVN at – 29°C: 70 J13.10 SC 290 400 SR SR: 720°C / 15 hTest temp.: 400 °C13.10 SC 280 390 SR SR: 720°C / 15 hTest temp.: 500 °C13.20 SC 540 630 25 SR CVN at – 18°C: 80 J13.20 SC 430 530 17 SR SR: 680°C / 1 hTest temp.: 400 °C13.20 SC 360 450 21 SR SR: 680°C / 1 hTest temp.: 500 °CFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.25

OK Flux 10.62 – High impactflux for critical applicationsOK Flux 10.62 is anagglomerated, high-basic fluxfor submerged arc welding. It isused for multi-run welding ofthick section materials. Whenhigh demands on impacttoughness values are required,OK Flux 10.62 is the flux to use.The flux is neutral on Si and Mnalloying.It can be used for single andmulti-wire procedures, for buttand fillet welds and worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent. Since no alloying takesplace, it is perfect for multilayerwelding of unlimited platethickness. OK Flux 10.62 isespecially suited for narrow gapwelding due to good slagdetachability and smoothsidewall blending. It operatesoptimally at the lower end ofthe voltage range. The weldmetal produced has a lowoxygencontent; approx.300ppm and hydrogen levelslower than 5ml/100g.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA FB 1 55 AC H5 3.2 ~ 1.1 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenFluoride-basic DC+ / AC No Si or Mn alloying 5 HDMFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux% Si in wire450 A750 A0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.22 S2Si / EM12K S 38 5 FB S2Si A5.17: F7A8-EM12K A5.17: F6P8-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 46 4 FB S2Mo A5.23: F8A6-EA2-A2 A5.23: F7P6-EA2-A212.32 S3Si / EH12K S 46 6 FB S3Si A5.17: F7A8-EH12K A5.17: F7P8-EH12K12.34 S3Mo; S MnMo / EA4 S 50 4 FB S3Mo A5.23: F8A6-EA4-A4 A5.23: F8P6-EA4-A412.40 S4 / EH14 S 50 4 FB S4 A5.17: F7A6-EH14 A5.17: F7P6-EH1412.44 S4Mo / EA3 S 50 5 FB S4Mo A5.23: F9A8-EA3-A3 A5.23: F9P8-EA3-A313.10 SC S CrMo1 / EB2R A5.23: F8P2-EB2R-B213.20 SC S CrMo2 / EB3R A5.23: F8P2-EB3R-B313.21 S2Ni1 / ENi1 S 42 4 FB S2Ni1 A5.23: F7A6-ENi1-Ni1 A5.23: F7P8-ENi1-Ni113.24 SZ / EG S 50 6 FB SZ A5.23: F8A10-EG-G A5.23: F8P8-EG-G13.27 S2Ni2 / ENi2 S 46 7 FB S2Ni2 A5.23: F8A10-ENi2-Ni2 A5.23: F8P10-ENi2-Ni213.40 S3Ni1Mo / EG S 62 6 FB S3Ni1Mo A5.23: F10A8-EG-F3 A5.23: F9P6-EG-F313.43 S3Ni2,5CrMo / EG S 69 6 FB S3Ni2,5CrMo A5.23: F11A8-EG-G A5.23: F11P8-EG-G13.44 S3Ni1,5CrMo / EG S 62 5 FB S3Ni1,5CrMo A5.23: F9A8-EG-G13.49 S2Ni3 / ENi3 S 46 8 FB S2Ni3 A5.23: F8A15-ENi3-Ni3 A5.23: F8P15-ENi3-Ni3OK Tubrod15.24S A5.23: F8A6-EC-G15.25S A5.23: F7A8-EC-Ni2450 A750 AContinues next pageApprovals *ABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.62 x xwith OK Autrod12.22 3YM 3YM IIIYM 3YM 3YM x x x12.24 3YM x12.32 4YQ420M 4Y42M IVY42M 4Y42M 4Y40M x x x12.34 4YQ500M 4Y50M IVY50M 4Y50M 4Y50M13.10 SC x x x13.27 5YQ460M 5Y46M VY46M 5Y46M 5Y46M x x13.40 4YQ550M 4Y55M IVY55M 4Y55M 4Y55M x x13.43 4YQ690M 4Y69M IVY69M 4Y69M 4Y69M xwith OK Tubrod15.25S x* For a full approval listing, view the Product Data Sheet or contact ESAB26

Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.22 0.07 0.3 1.012.24 0.07 0.2 1.0 0.512.32 0.10 0.3 1.612.34 0.10 0.2 1.4 0.512.40 0.08 0.1 1.912.44 0.08 0.2 1.9 0.513.10 SC 0.08 0.2 0.7 1.1 0.513.20 SC 0.08 0.2 0.6 2.0 0.913.21 0.06 0.2 1.0 0.913.24 0.08 0.3 1.4 0.9 0.213.27 0.06 0.2 1.0 2.113.40 0.07 0.2 1.5 0.9 0.513.43 0.11 0.2 1.5 0.6 2.2 0.513.44 0.08 0.2 1.4 0.2 1.6 0.413.49 0.06 0.2 1.0 3.1With OK Tubrod15.00S 0.05 0.4 1.415.24S 0.06 0.3 1.6 0.815.25S 0.05 0.4 1.3 2.3Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod -40 -50 -60 -73AW/SRRemarks12.22 410 500 33 90 70 40 AW12.24 500 580 25 60 45 AW12.32 475 560 28 110 75 AW12.34 540 620 24 115 45 AW12.40 530 620 26 50 40 AW12.44 600 700 27 80 65 55 AW13.21 470 560 28 70 60 AW13.24 530 620 25 120 110 70 50 AW13.27 490 570 27 110 80 50 AW CVN at – 70°C: 60 J13.40 650 730 23 70 60 AW CVN at – 62°C: 50 J13.43 700 800 21 75 65 55 AW CVN at – 62°C: 50 J13.44 610 700 22 55 AW CVN at – 62°C: 40 J13.49 500 600 27 85 AW CVN at – 101°C: 40 JWith OK Tubrod15.00S 430 510 31 130 AW15.24S 540 630 29 150 130 AW15.25S 490 580 29 100 AWWith OK Autrod12.22 360 480 34 130 75 40 SR12.24 470 530 26 55 40 SR12.32 410 510 28 110 65 SR12.34 540 620 25 70 40 SR12.40 460 560 26 45 35 SR12.44 590 690 26 75 55 45 SR13.10 SC 500 610 26 SR CVN at – 29°C: 80 J13.10 SC 420 530 SR SR: 680°C / 15 hTest temp.: 400 °C13.10 SC 300 430 SR SR: 680°C / 15 hTest temp.: 500 °C13.20 SC 525 620 25 SR CVN at – 29°C: 80 J13.20 SC 455 575 20 SR SR: 750°C / 0.5 hTest temp.: 350 °C13.20 SC 435 545 21 SR SR: 750°C / 0.5 hTest temp.: 450 °C13.21 435 540 30 110 70 65 SR13.24 500 590 27 120 100 70 SR13.27 490 580 29 100 90 40 SR13.40 610 690 24 60 45 SR13.43 695 790 21 60 50 SR CVN at – 62°C: 40 J13.49 510 570 29 85 SR CVN at – 101°C: 50 JFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.OK Flux 10.62 is used whenhigh demands on lowtemperaturetoughness,strength and CTOD-values arerequired. Many offshoreconstructions, drilling rigs,platforms, etc. are welded withOK Flux 10.62. It is used for allkinds of pressure vesselproductions, including those fornuclear applications. In powergeneration it can be weldedwith applicable wires on creepresistant steels. Otherapplications includeshipbuilding steels up to EH69with various wires andapprovals. It is also used onmulti-run welded pipes, e.g. forspecial applications at lowtemperatures, or on highstrength steels, structuralsteels, and fine-grained steels,including in civil constructionand transport industries.OK Flux 10.62 has passed CTODtests with the following wires:OK Autrod 12.32 at -10°C and -15°C,OK Autrod 13.24 at -10°C and -15°C,OK Autrod 13.27 at -10°C,OK Autrod 13.40 at -10°C.27

Narrow gap welding - completeESAB solution for repetitivefabrication of thick sectionsNarrow gap welding becomes attractive with heavy wallthickness sections in repetitive fabrication, e.g. thefabrication of foundation piles for the offshore and windenergy segments. ESAB provides a total solution whichincludes specialised welding equipment, weldingconsumables and automation.The main advantage of narrow gap welding is thegreatly reduced weld volume in very thick sections,which results in weld cycle time reduction. Furthermore,the one-sided butt arrangement makes it easier toavoid linear misalignments, as opposed to two-sidedjoints (X prep.).When considering this process, it must be taken intoaccount that it involves a large initial investment, as wellas the more expensive machining of narrow gap jointpreparations. These need to be fully justified by costanalysis, in which ESAB can assist.It is essential that the process operates free frominconsistencies. The side-wall wetting must be perfectin order to avoid lack of fusion in the following layer.Slag is required to be self releasing, even onpreheated high strength steels.OK Flux 10.62 meets all these criteria, and is also verysuited when low hydrogen is required to avoid coldcracking. It is an EN 760 H5 classified flux which issuited for low-temperature steels, due to its highbasicity.Effect of Configuration on Weld Joint Area - Based on 150 mm ThicknessRelative Joint Area (%)160All Joints have 5 mm landReinforcement is not included in the calculation140120Narrow gap welding can be single or tandem wire;both requiring specially designed welding heads(swords), narrow enough to fit into the jointpreparation. All heads - including types with contactjaws, flux supply, flux recovery or tactile sensors - areinsulated. This is to avoid unwanted arcing, whenthe equipment accidentally moves against the jointedges. Typical wire diameters are 3 and 4 mm. Up to350 mm thickness can be welded with the standardESAB head, but special versions are available forthicker sections.1008060402002 degree NarrowGap50 degree DY 60 degree DY 50 degree Y 60 degree YIn 150 mm material thickness, 5 mm land - reinforcement not included.29

OK Flux 10.63 – High impact fluxespecially for creep resistant steelsOK Flux 10.63 is anagglomerated, high-basic flux forsubmerged arc welding. It isused for multi-run welding ofcreep resistant Cr-Mo-alloyedsteels when high toughnessvalues are required, even afterstep cooling heat treatment.It can be used for single andmulti-wire procedures, for buttand fillet welds and worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent. The flux is neutral interms of Si and Mn alloying andthus it is perfect for multi-layerwelding of unlimited platethicknesses. It is well suited fornarrow gap welding, due togood slag detachability andsmooth sidewall blending. Theoptimum voltage is at the lowerend of the voltage range. Theweld metal produced has a verylow level of impurities with amaximum X-factor value of 15with various wires. It has a lowoxygen content, approx.300ppm and hydrogen levelslower than 5ml/100g.OK Flux 10.63 is used in thepetrochemical, chemical, powergeneration and pressure vesselsindustries, mainly for creepresistant steels when therequirements on toughnessvalues are high. Due to the veryclean weld metal, it is especiallysuited when stringentrequirements after a step coolingtreatment need to be fulfilled.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA FB 1 55 AC H5 3.0 ~ 1.1 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenFluoride-basic DC+ / AC No Si or Mn alloying 5 HDMFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux% Si in wire450 A750 A0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom fluxWireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS AWS / PWHT13.10 SC S CrMo1 / EB2R A5.23: F8P4-EB2R-B2R13.20 SC S CrMo2 / EB3R A5.23: F8P8-EB3R-B3R410NiMo S 13 4Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+(10P + 5Sb + 4Sn + As)* X=100% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo Other RemarksWith OK Autrod13.10 SC 0.08 0.2 0.8 1.2 0.5 P 0.010 X 15*13.20 SC 0.07 0.2 0.6 2.1 1.0 P 0.010 X 15410 NiMo 0.03 0.4 0.8 13.0 4.5 0.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)AW/SR450 A750 Aelements in ppmRemarksWith OK Autrod -20 -29 -40 -6213.10 SC 500 610 25 110 50 SR SR: 690°C / 1 h13.10 SC 480 590 25 120 80 SR SR: 690°C / 6 h13.20 SC 530 630 25 150 110 50 SR SR: 690°C / 1 h410 NiMo 580 880 17 60 SR SR: 600°C / 8 hFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.30

OK Flux 10.69 – Backing fluxfor one-sided weldingClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeNot applicable 1.8 ~ 1.3 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.25 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferCalcium-silicate Not applicable No alloyingFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.An agglomerated, basic fluxspecifically designed as abacking flux for one-sidedsubmerged arc welding.The flux creates a perfect rootweld with a smooth surfaceand has a good capability tosupport the molten weld pool,even at high heat inputs. Sincethis flux is a backing flux it doesnot take part in the weldingprocess in a metallurgical way,so no alloying takes place fromthis flux.Underside of one-sided joint welded usingOK Flux 10.69 backing flux.OK Flux 10.69 is mainly used inshipbuilding industries where itis applied to a copper backingbar with a groove that supportsthe flux on the backside of theweld joint. <strong>Welding</strong> is done withsingle wire, tandem or 3-wiresystems.Plates up to approx25mm thickness can bewelded in one run from a singleside.31

OK Flux 10.70 – For highdilution applicationsOK Flux 10.70 is anagglomerated, basic flux forsubmerged arc welding. It isdesigned for welding joints withhigh dilution such as I-jointswith one run from each sideand fillet welds. Due to its highalloying of mainly Mn, it createsa weld metal with goodtoughness values in thesejoints.It can be used for single andmulti-wire procedures andworks equally well on DC andAC. On multi-pass welding thenumber of passes is limited andthe plate thickness should notexceed approx. 25mm. Nonalloyedwires such as OK Autrod12.10 and OK Autrod 12.20 arethe preferred ones to bematched with OK Flux 10.70.The main application area forOK Flux 10.70 is inshipbuilding. Here it is usedpreferably in the two run,double-sided technique.However, it is also used in othermarket segments where jointswith high dilution or a numberof passes are welded. This is inthe construction of pressurevessels, in the transportindustries and generalconstruction.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 79 AC 1.4 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferAluminate-basic DC+ / AC Moderately Si and very high Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux% Si in wire450 A750 A0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 42 3 AB S1 A5.17: F7A4-EL12 A5.17: F7P4-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 46 3 AB S2 A5.17: F7A2-EM12 A5.17: F7P2-EM1212.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 50 0 AB S2Mo A5.23: F9A0-EA2-A3 A5.23: F9PZ-EA2-A3Approvals*ABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.70 x xwith OK Autrod12.10 3YM, 2YT 3YM, 2YT IIIYM, IIYT 3YM, 2YT 3YM, 2YT x x x12.20 x x x*For a full approval listing, view the Product Data Sheet or contact ESABTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.05 0.5 1.712.20 0.06 0.6 1.912.24 0.06 0.6 2.0 0.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod 0 -18 -30 -4012.10 430 520 30 100 80 55 40 AW12.20 470 580 29 90 80 45 AW12.24 580 670 23 50 40 AW12.10 410 510 30 90 70 35 SR12.20 430 550 28 80 65 40 SR12.24 560 660 24 40 SRAW/SRRemarksFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.32

ptWiehltal highway bridge, Germany.OK Flux 10.71Estadio da Luz (Benfica), Portugal.33

OK Flux 10.71 – Generalapplication flux with excellentwelding performanceOK Flux 10.71 is anagglomerated, basic flux forsubmerged arc welding. It isused for single and multi-runwelding of all plate thicknesses.It can be combined with a widerange of solid wires and coredwires and thus it is suitable forall kinds of steels. OK Flux10.71 combines goodtoughness values with excellentweldability.It is used for single and multiwireprocedures such astandem, twin-arc, tandem-twinwelding and many more, forbutt, overlap and fillet welds. Itworks equally well on DC andAC current. The good slagdetachability and limitedalloying of Si and Mn makes itwell suited for multi-pass thicksection welding. High weldingspeeds can be achievedproducing a finely rippled weldmetal, all this in combinationwith very good impact values.In general construction,OK Flux 10.71 is one of themost used SAW fluxes. Not justfor structural steels and fine-Continues next pageClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 67 AC H5 1.5 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenAluminate-basic DC+ / AC Slightly Si and moderately Mn alloying 5 HDMFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 35 4 AB S1 A5.17: F6A4-EL12 A5.17: F6P5-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 38 4 AB S2 A5.17: F7A4-EM12 A5.17: F6P4-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 38 4 AB S2Si A5.17: F7A5-EM12K A5.17: F6P5-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 46 2 AB S2Mo A5.23: F8A2-EA2-A4 A5.23: F7P0-EA2-A412.30 S3 S 46 3 AB S312.32 S3Si / EH12K S 46 4 AB S3Si A5.17: F7A5-EH12K A5.17: F7P5-EH12K12.34 S3Mo; S MnMo / EA4 S 50 3 AB S3Mo A5.23: F8A4-EA4-A3 A5.23: F8P2-EA4-A313.24 SZ / EG S 50 4 AB SZ A5.23: F8A5-EG-G A5.23: F8P4-EG-G13.27 S2Ni2 / ENi2 S 46 5 AB S2Ni2 A5.23: F8A6-ENi2-Ni2 A5.23: F7P6-ENi2-Ni213.36 S2Ni1Cu / EG S 46 3 AB S2Ni1Cu A5.23: F8A2-EG-G13.64 SZ / EG (two-run classification, see Product Data Sheet)OK Tubrod14.00S S 42 2 AB T3 A5.17: F7A2-EC114.07S A5.23: F9AZ-EC-B215.00S S 42 4 AB T3 A5.17: F7A4-EC115.24S A5.23: F8A6-EC-GApprovals*ABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.71 x xwith OK Autrod12.10 3M 3M IIIM 3M 3M x x x12.20 3YM 3YM IIIYM 3YM 3YM x x x12.22 4Y400M 4Y40M IVY40M 4Y40M 4Y40M x x x12.24 3YTM 3YTM IIIYTM 3YTM 3YTM x x x12.30 x x x12.32 x13.27 x13.36 xwith OK Tubrod14.00S 3YM 3YM IIIYM 3YM 3YM x x x15.00S 3YM IIIYM 3YM 3YM x x x*For a full approval listing, view the Product Data Sheet or contact ESAB34

Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.04 0.3 1.012.20 0.05 0.3 1.412.22 0.05 0.5 1.412.24 0.05 0.4 1.4 0.512.30 0.09 0.4 1.712.32 0.09 0.5 2.012.34 0.09 0.4 1.6 0.513.24 0.07 0.5 1.5 0.9 0.213.27 0.05 0.4 1.4 2.213.36 0.08 0.5 1.3 0.3 0.7 Cu: 0.5with OK Tubrod14.00S 0.05 0.4 1.614.07S 0.05 0.4 0.9 1.3 0.515.00S 0.06 0.5 1.615.24S 0.08 0.5 1.9 0.8Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod -20 -30 -40 -46AW/SRRemarks12.10 360 465 30 95 75 65 AW12.20 410 510 29 80 55 AW12.22 425 520 29 100 60 40 AW12.24 500 580 24 60 35 AW12.30 480 580 29 90 60 AW12.32 480 580 28 95 65 40 AW12.34 535 620 27 70 60 45 AW13.24 560 630 25 85 70 60 40 AW13.27 500 600 28 100 60 AW CVN at -51°C: 50 J13.36 490 580 27 70 50 AWwith OK Tubrod14.00S 454 538 30 130 AW14.07S 620 700 26 AW15.00S 460 540 30 110 AW15.24S 550 640 26 130 AW CVN at - 51°C:120 Jwith OK Autrod12.10 330 430 32 90 75 60 35 SR12.20 390 500 30 55 30 SR12.22 390 500 32 80 65 45 SR12.24 480 560 25 40 SR12.30 450 550 29 85 50 SR12.32 470 570 28 95 50 35 SR12.34 505 605 26 55 35 SR13.24 520 610 28 65 60 40 SR13.27 460 550 29 105 60 SR CVN at - 51 °C:50 Jgrained steels, but also forweather resistant steels e.g. forbridges. Pressure vessels arewelded with this flux, because itcan be used for a wide range ofsteels including lowtemperature steels. Thisreduces the number of differentfluxes a customer needs tohave in stock. Wind towerproduction with platethicknesses of greater than50mm require not only excellentslag detachability, particularly inthe first run, and highdeposition rates in all followingruns, but also excellenttoughness values. Since OKFlux 10.71 offers all this it iswell established in this marketsegment. Other applications arein shipbuilding with approvals orin the production of pipes withsteels up to X70 strength level.OK Flux 10.71 can also becombined with a number ofSAW cored wires in order toincrease the productivity andthe mechanical properties ofthe weld metal.For more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.35

OK Flux 10.72 – Toughness to -50°C– not only for wind towersOK Flux 10.72 is anagglomerated, basic flux,designed for the production ofwind towers. It combines the highdemands for multi-layer thicksection welding, using highdeposition rates with respectabletoughness values down to -50°Cwhen combined with a standardnon-alloyed SAW wire.It is used for single and multi- wireprocedures such as tandem, twinarc,tandem-twin welding andmany more, for butt and filletwelds. It works equally well on DCand AC current. The excellent slagremoval in narrow V-joints allowsthe included angle of the joint tobe reduced. OK Flux 10.72 canbe applied for unlimited platethicknesses.In wind tower production, platethicknesses of 50mm and aboveare common, generally welded slag is easily removable on the firstrun. For the remaining fillingpasses the flux needs to offer ahigh current carrying capacity, toallow for high deposition rates, forexample, 38kg/h with the tandemtwinprocess. Often toughnessvalues down to -50 0 C are requiredthroughout the thickness. Thisexcellent flux can also be utilisedin other market segments withsimilar welding requirements e.g.pressure vessels and generalconstruction welding.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 57 AC H5 1.9 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenAluminate-basic DC+ / AC No Si and moderately MnalloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0 5 HDM% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.20 S2 / EM12 S 38 5 AB S2 A5.17: F7A8-EM12 A5.17: F6P8-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 38 5 AB S2Si A5.17: F7A8-EM12K A5.17: F6P8-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 46 3 AB S2Mo A5.23: F8A5-EA2-A3 A5.23: F8P5-EA2-A313.64 SZ / EG (two-run classification, see Product Data Sheet)ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.72 x xwith OK Autrod12.20 x x x12.22 x x x12.24 x x xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.20 0.05 0.2 1.512.22 0.05 0.3 1.512.24 0.05 0.2 1.6 0.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod -30 -46 -50 -6212.20 415 500 30 125 70 50 AW12.22 415 500 30 120 70 50 AW12.24 500 590 25 60 35 AW12.20 360 460 32 130 70 50 SR12.22 360 460 32 130 70 50 SR12.24 490 580 25 60 35 SRAW/SRRemarksFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.36

OK Flux 10.72 - Wind towers,pressure vessels and generalconstructionptOK Flux 10.72 is designed for multi-run fillet and buttwelding and provides reliable low-temperature toughness at fabricators to increase productivity further with four-wire andtandem-twin arc welding. The flux is well established in windtower fabrication, but also in the manufacturing of pressurevessels, penstocks and in general fabrication.Tandem-twin – a major step forward.The development of tandem-twin SAW coincided with thedevelopment of OK Flux 10.72. The process brings weldingproductivity to new levels. It can be used for all welds with most importantly the circumferential welds that make up themajority in wind tower fabrication. OK Flux 10.72 is capableof accommodating the high deposition rate of the tandemtwinprocess. The table on this page compares thedeposition rates for various SAW techniques and shows thesuperior productivity from the tandem-twin process.Productivity can be further increased by reducing the jointincluded angle from 60 to 50°, enabled by the excellent slagdetachability in narrow joints of OK Flux 10.72. Comparing a 50° joint welded with tandem twin (19% joint volume), it canbe calculated that the arc time is almost halved (seeSvetsaren 2/2005 p.16).Comparison of deposition rates for variousSAW techniques.SAW process Wire combination Deposition rate at 100% dutycycleSingle wire 1 x 4.0 mm 12 kg/hTwin-wire 2 x 2.5 mm 15 kg/hTandem wire 2 x 4.0 mm 25 kg/hTandem-Twin 4 x 2.5 mm 38 kg/hReduction of joint cross section by reduced opening angle,using OK Flux 10.72Plate thicknessCross sectionY- joint 60°Cross sectionY- joint 50°(mm) 5mm land, no gap (mm 2 ) 5mm land, no gap (mm 2 ) (%)25 231 187 -1935 520 420 -1945 924 746 -19Reduction38

OK Flux 10.73 – Spiral pipemill fluxfor sour gas serviceClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 76 AC H5 1.3 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenAluminate-basic DC+ / AC Moderately Si and slightly 5 HDMMn alloyingOK Flux 10.73 is anagglomerated, basic fluxdesigned for multi-wireprocedures, in the productionof spiral welded line pipes.Flux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.22 S2Si / EM12K S 42 2 AB S2Si A5.17: F7A2-EM12K A5.17: F6P4-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 46 2 AB S2Mo A5.23: F8A2-EA2-A2 A5.23: F7P0-EA2-A212.34 S3Mo; S MnMo / EA4 S 50 2 AB S3Mo A5.23: F8A4-EA4-A4 A5.23: F8P2-EA4-A4Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.22 0.06 0.6 1.112.24 0.05 0.5 1.1 0.512.34 0.07 0.6 1.5 0.5The flux alloys some Si and Mnto the weld metal and worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent. It can be used in singlewire, tandem and 3 wiresystems.OK Flux 10.73 produces anexcellent bead shape and asmooth surface finish. Withvarious wires, OK Flux 10.73 issuitable for all pipe steels. Dueto the careful metallurgicaldesign it produces a weldmetal free from hard-spots andis therefore suited for sour gasservice pipelines.Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod -18 -20 -29 -4012.22 430 530 28 60 45 30 AW12.24 500 580 25 55 50 35 AW12.34 550 640 25 60 45 35 AWFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.AW/SR39

OK Flux 10.74 – Pipemill flux forlongitudinal, multi-wire weldingOK Flux 10.74 is anagglomerated, basic fluxdesigned primarily for multi-wireprocedures in the production oflongitudinal welded line pipes.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 67 AC H5 1.4 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenAluminate-basic DC+ / AC Slightly Si and moderately Mn alloying 5 HDMThe flux alloys some Si and Mnto the weld metal and worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent. It offers best weldabilityon SAW processes with at least3 independent welding wires.Flux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.41,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0OK Flux 10.74 produces a lowbead profile in longitudinal linepipe welding at high weldingspeeds. A low profile withoutpeaks means cost saving in thelater pipe coating operation,since the coating thickness canbe reduced. With various wires,OK Flux 10.74 is suited for allpipe steels. In combination withthe Ti-B micro alloyed wire OKAutrod 13.64 toughness valuesare increased to an outstandinglevel. Due to the carefulmetallurgical design OK Flux10.74 produces a weld metalfree of hard spots.ClassificationWireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.20 S2 / EM12 S 42 4 AB S2 A5.17: F7A6-EM12 A5.17: F6P6-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 42 4 AB S2Si A5.17: F7A6-EM12K A5.17: F6P6-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 46 2 AB S2Mo A5.23: F8A2-EA2-A4 A5.23: F7P0-EA2-A412.34 S3Mo; S MnMo / EA4 S 50 2 AB S3Mo A5.23: F9A2-EA4-A3 A5.23: F9P0-EA4-A313.64 SZ / EG (two-run classification, see Product Data Sheet)Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.20 0.07 0.3 1.512.22 0.07 0.5 1.512.24 0.05 0.4 1.4 0.512.34 0.08 0.4 1.6 0.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod -18 -20 -40 -51AW/SRRemarks12.20 440 540 30 60 40 AW12.22 440 540 30 55 35 AW12.24 520 590 24 65 AW CVN at-29°C: 50 J12.34 590 670 24 60 55 AW CVN at-29°C: 40 JFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.40

OK Flux 10.73, 10.74 and 10.77 -for double-sided longitudinal andspiral welded pipes41

OK Flux 10.76 – For highdilution applicationsOK Flux 10.76 is anagglomerated, basic flux forsubmerged arc welding. It isespecially suited for weldingjoints with high dilution, such asI-joints with one run from eachside and fillet welds. Due to itshigh alloying of mainly Mn, itcreates a weld metal withoutstanding toughness valuesin these joint types.It is used for single and multiwireprocedures and worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent. On multi-pass weldingthe number of passes is limitedand the plate thickness shouldnot exceed about 20mm. OKFlux 10.76 is recommended tobe used with OK Autrod 12.10.The main application area forOK Flux 10.76 is in shipbuilding,where it is used preferably fortwo run double-sided welding.However, it is also utilised inother market segments wherejoints with high dilution or withonly a few passes are welded,such as the production ofpressure vessels, in thetransport industry and ingeneral construction.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 89 AC 1.5 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferAluminate-basic DC+ / AC High Si and very high Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min% Mn pick-upfrom flux2,21,81,41,00,60,2-0,2450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 42 3 AB S1 A5.17: F7A4-EL12 A5.17: F7P4-EL12Approvals*ABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.76 x xwith OK Autrod12.10 3YTM 3YTM III YTM 3YTM 3YTM x x*For a full approval listing, view the Product Data Sheet or contact ESABTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+With OK Autrod C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.06 0.5 1.9Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod 0 -20 -30 -4012.10 450 540 25 100 70 55 45 AW12.10 420 520 25 90 65 40 SRAW/SRFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.42

OK Flux 10.77 – Spiral pipemillflux for high speed weldingClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 67 AC H5 1.3 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transfer HydrogenAluminate-basic DC+ / AC Slightly Si and moderately Mn ≤ 5 HDMalloyingOK Flux 10.77 is anagglomerated, basic fluxdesigned primarily for multi-wireprocedures in the production ofspiral welded line pipes.Flux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire-0,20,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.20 S2 / EM12 S 38 4 AB S2 A5.17: F7A4-EM12 A5.17: F6P4-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 38 4 AB S2Si A5.17: F7A5-EM12K A5.17: F6P5-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 46 2 AB S2Mo A5.23: F8A4-EA2-A2 A5.23: F7P2-EA2-A212.34 S3Mo; S MnMo / EA4 S 50 3 AB S3Mo A5.23: F8A4-EA4-A4 A5.23: F8P2-EA4-A413.64 SZ / EG (two-run classification, see Product Data Sheet)Approvals*ABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.77xwith OK Autrod12.20 x12.22 x12.24 xThe flux alloys some Si and Mnto the weld metal and it worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent. It is used in single wire,tandem and 3 wire systemsand it is also suitable forlongitudinal welded pipes oflimited plate thicknesses.OK Flux 10.77 produceswelded joints with shallowreinforcement, low transitionangles and smooth surfacefinish even at high weldingspeeds. A shallowreinforcement means costsaving in the later pipe coatingoperation, since the coatingthickness can be reduced. Withdifferent wires it is suitable forall mild and high strength linepipe steels.Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.20 0.06 0.3 1.412.22 0.07 0.4 1.412.24 0.07 0.3 1.3 0.512.34 0.08 0.3 1.5 0.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod -20 -29 -40 -4612.20 420 500 28 80 65 55 AW12.22 420 520 26 130 110 80 50 AW12.24 495 580 25 60 50 40 AW12.34 540 630 25 70 60 45 AWAW/SRRemarksFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.43

OK Flux 10.78 – <strong>Welding</strong> on rustand mill scale; for unlimitedplate thicknessOK Flux 10.78 is anagglomerated neutral-basicityflux. It offers a high toleranceagainst rust and mill scale onthe plates and can be used forunlimited plate thickness.The flux alloys moderateamounts of Si and Mn to theweld metal and works equallywell on DC and AC current. It isdesigned for butt and filletwelds and can be used forsingle layer and multi layerwelding. The weld beads withOK Flux 10.78 have a smoothsurface. The slag removal isexcellent.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AB 1 67 AC 1.1 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferAluminate-basic DC+ / AC Slightly Si and moderately Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A0,0750 A% Si in wire-0,20,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 35 0 AB S1 A5.17: F6A0-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 38 2 AB S2 A5.17: F7A2-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 38 2 AB S2Si A5.17: F7A2-EM12KIn all market segments wherethese severe surface conditionsare found OK Flux 10.78 isused. These are segments suchas general construction, beamfabrication, pressure vessels,shipbuilding, transportindustries and others.ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEwith OK Autrod12.22 3Y400M 3Y40M IIIY40M 3Y40M 3Y40MTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.04 0.3 1.112.20 0.05 0.3 1.512.22 0.05 0.4 1.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod 0 -20 -29AW/SR12.10 360 440 30 80 35 AW12.20 410 500 30 100 60 40 AW12.22 415 510 30 120 70 45 AWFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.44

OK Flux 10.80 –A highly active fluxClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA CS 1 89 AC 1.1 ~ 1.1 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferCalcium-silicate DC+ / AC High Si and very high Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.6 0.530 0.9 0.734 1.2 1.038 1.5 1.3Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 38 0 CS S1 A5.17: F7A2-EL12 A5.17: F6P0-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 42 0 CS S2 A5.17: F7A2-EM12 A5.17: F6P0-EM12ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.80 x xwith OK Autrod12.10 x x x12.20 x x xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+OK Flux 10.80 is anagglomerated, neutral-basicityflux for submerged arc welding.It alloys a lot of Si and Mn tothe weld metal and thus issuited for single and limitedpass butt welds and forsurfacing tasks.It is welded with single andmulti-wire procedures, witheither DC or AC current. Due tothe high alloying the flux isintended for plate thickness upto approximately 20mm injoining applications.OK Flux 10.80 is used ingeneral construction, pressurevessel industries and others. Itis appreciated for surface buildupjobs such as the repair ofdiesel engine pistons, becausehardness of the weld metal isincreased due to the highalloying.C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.07 0.7 1.412.20 0.09 0.6 1.7Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod +20 0 -18 -2912.10 410 520 28 110 80 40 AW12.20 440 550 29 90 70 40 AW12.10 370 500 30 100 70 45 SR12.20 400 540 30 80 60 40 SRAW/SRRemarksFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.45

OK Flux 10.81 – For smooth weldbeads and nicely formed, concavefillet weldsOK Flux 10.81 is anagglomerated, low-basicity flux.The benefits of this flux are thesmooth surface finish andexcellent slag detachability. It isintended for a limited numberof passes and plate thicknessup to approx. 25mm.It is used for single and multiwireprocedures such astandem and twin-arc welding.Concave fillet welds with anexcellent washing on thesidewalls are created with thisflux as well as attractive buttand overlap welds. It worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent and the high alloying ofSi makes it well suited for highspeed welding.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AR 1 97 AC 0.6 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferAluminate-rutile DC+ / AC Very high Si and moderately Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux% Si in wire450 A750 A0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 42 A AR S1 A5.17: F7AZ-EL12 A5.17: F7PZ-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 46 0 AR S2 A5.17: F7A0-EM12 A5.17: F7PZ-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 50 A AR S2Si A5.17: F7AZ-EM12K A5.17: F7PZ-EM12K12.24 S2Mo; S Mo / EA2 S 50 A AR S2Mo A5.23: F9AZ-EA2-A4 A5.23: F9PZ-EA2-A412.30 S3 S 50 0 AR S313.36 S2Ni1Cu / EG S 50 A AR S2Ni1Cu A5.23: F9A0-EG-GDue to its good weldability, OKFlux 10.81 is often used in theproduction of pressure vesselsand spiral welded water pipes.The excellent sidewall wetting,which is preferred for dynamicloads in horizontal fillet welds ismade use of in generalconstruction, beam fabrication,the automotive industry andtube to fin welding in theproduction of membrane wallpanels. In many applicationswhere the appearance of theweld bead or the nice washingon the sidewalls in fillet weldsare the main requirements,OK Flux 10.81 is chosen.ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.81 x xwith OK Autrod12.10 x x x12.20 2YTM 2YTM II YTM 2YTM 2YTM x x x12.22 x12.24 x12.30 x x x13.36 xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.06 0.8 1.212.20 0.07 0.8 1.512.22 0.07 0.9 1.512.24 0.07 0.8 1.5 0.512.30 0.08 0.7 1.713.36 0.07 0.9 1.4 0.3 0.7 Cu: 0.546

Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod +20 0 -1812.10 450 540 25 50 30 AW12.20 510 610 25 80 60 40 AW12.22 530 610 24 60 AW12.24 565 660 23 65 45 AW12.30 540 640 25 80 60 AW13.36 570 680 23 55 40 35 AW12.10 420 520 27 45 SR12.20 440 550 25 50 40 SR12.22 500 590 27 50 SR12.24 555 650 22 55 40 SR12.30 500 610 24 70 50 SRFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.AW/SRDownhand (PA/1F) fillet weld showing perfect wetting and smooth finish.47

OK Flux 10.81 – For power generation,beam fabrication, automotive industry,general constructionTop class finnished welds, excellent slag detachability and high welding speeds areonly some of the attributes OK Flux 10.81 offers. In fillet welds, OK Flux 10.81shows very good side wall wetting, concave fillets with no risk of undercut on eitherplate; desired for e.g. in production of membrane wall panels for power plants.Because the tubes are thin-walled and under pressure, no undercut is permitted.Dynamic loads on constructions is another good reason to demand concave filletwelds. A well washed fillet weld gives a beneficial distribution of forces. Wheels fortrucks, earth moving equipment and other heavy machinery are, therefore, weldedwith OK Flux 10.81. Also in beam fabrication, OK Flux 10.81 is utilised for itssmooth fillet welds. The superior shape is achieved through a special formulationand low basicity, although there is a limitation on toughness values. Butt welds aremade with OK Flux 10.81 in industries such as pressure vessel or spiral pipeproduction.48

OK Flux 10.83 – Flux forhigh speed weldingClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AR 1 85 AC 0.3 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferAluminate-rutile DC+ / AC High Si, no Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 38 Z AR S1 A5.17: F7AZ-EL12 A5.17: F6PZ-EL1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 42 Z AR S2Si A5.17: F7AZ-EM12K A5.17: F7PZ-EM12KApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.83xwith OK Autrod12.22 x xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.05 0.7 0.512.22 0.05 0.8 0.9OK Flux 10.83 is anagglomerated, low-basicity fluxfor submerged arc welding.Highest welding speeds can beobtained with wire diameters of3.0mm or less with this flux.Further attributes includesmooth weld beads andexcellent slag detachability.It is used for single pass butt,overlap and fillet welds at hightravel speeds and worksequally well on DC and ACcurrent, primarily used withsingle or twin-arc wire systems.High welding speeds areapplied e.g. in long weld runsfor general construction, beamfabrication, membrane wallpanel tube to fin welding and inthe automotive industry for theproduction of car and truckwheels. In all these applicationsOK Flux 10.83 is found, whenno impact toughness isrequired.Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod +20 012.10 440 520 30 30 AW12.22 470 560 26 50 30 AW12.10 400 510 30 SR12.22 440 560 29 50 20 SRFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.AW/SR49

OK Flux 10.87 – High speedflux with perfect wettingOK Flux 10.87 is anagglomerated, low-basicity fluxfor submerged arc welding. Itgives perfect wetting andexcellent weld beadappearance in butt, overlapand fillet welds at high weldingspeeds.OK Flux 10.87 is used forsingle and multi-wireprocedures and works equallywell on DC and AC current. It isintended for a limited numberof passes and plate thicknessup to 25mm.The main application area forOK Flux 10.87 is in theproduction of air compressortanks, LPG bottles and fireextinguishers. A flat weld beadand smooth, clean surface withexcellent slag detachability isachieved, also when thesecond run has been preheatedby the first run. Otherindustries with similarrequirements also make use ofOK Flux 10.87, includinggeneral construction and theautomotive industry.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AR 1 95 AC 0.4 ~ 1.2 kg/dm3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferAluminate-rutile DC+ / AC Very high Si alloying, neutral on MnFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.6 0.530 0.9 0.734 1.2 1.038 1.5 1.3Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Si in wire-0,20,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min1,81,41,00,60,2-0,2-0,6-1,0% Mn pick-upfrom flux450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 35 A AR S1 A5.17: F6AZ-EL12 A5.17: F6PZ-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 42 A AR S2 A5.17: F7AZ-EM12 A5.17: F6PZ-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 42 A AR S2Si A5.17: F7AZ-EM12K A5.17: F6PZ-EM12KTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.05 0.8 0.612.20 0.05 0.8 1.012.22 0.05 0.9 1.0Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod +20 012.10 370 470 25 50 25 AW12.20 410 500 25 50 25 AW12.22 420 510 25 50 25 AW12.10 345 445 25 50 25 SR12.20 360 480 25 50 25 SR12.22 400 490 25 50 25 SRAW/SRFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.50

Overlap welds on thin material;also butt and fillet weldsThe typical plate thickness for air compression tanks and gasbottles is 2.5mm The overlap joints are SA welded with 1.2to 2.5mm diameter wires.Wires of diameter 2.0mm or less are avalable in 450 kgMarathon Pacs which raises productivity drastically byreducing the downtime for spool changes. A good weldbead appearance is just as important as the excellent slagremoval which is evident even on a second pass weldedover a hot first pass. With OK Flux 10.87 these requirementsare fulfilled even at high welding speeds up to 2m/min. Wideweld beads are produced with low transition angles to thebase material. There are no requirements on toughness forweld metals produced with OK Flux 10.87.51

OK Flux 10.88 – High tolerancefor rust and mill scale, for -20°CapplicationsOK Flux 10.88 is anagglomerated, low-basicity fluxfor submerged arc welding. Ifwelding is to be done withoutremoving the heavy mill scaleor rust from the welding areathen this flux is the correct oneto choose. Furthermore itproduces a weld metal withtoughness values down to -20°Cwhen combined with astandard, non-alloyed wire.The flux is designed for singlelayer and multi-layer welding ofup to 30mm plate thickness. Itworks equally well on DC andAC current and is designed forbutt, fillet and overlap welds. Itcan be used over a wideparameter range givingexcellent slag removal andsmooth weld bead surfaces.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AR 1 89 AC 0.7 ~ 1.2 kg/dm 3 0.2 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferAluminate-rutile DC+ / AC High Si and very high Mn alloyingFlux consumptionkg flux / kg wireVoltage DC+ AC26 0.6 0.530 0.9 0.734 1.2 1.038 1.5 1.3Classification1,00,80,60,40,20,0-0,2% Si pick-upfrom flux450 A% Si in wire750 A0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30Single wire, ø 4.0 mm, DC+, 30 V, 60 cm/min% Mn pick-upfrom flux2,21,81,41,00,60,2-0,2450 A750 A% Mn in wire0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0WireWeld metalOK Autrod EN / AWS EN / AW AWS / AW AWS / PWHT12.10 S1 / EL12 S 38 0 AR S1 A5.17: F6AZ-EL1212.20 S2 / EM12 S 42 2 AR S2 A5.17: F7A0-EM1212.22 S2Si / EM12K S 42 2 AR S2Si A5.17: F7A0-EM12K A5.17: F6P0-EM12KApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEwith OK Autrod12.22 3Y400M 3Y40M III Y40M 3Y40M 3Y40MOK Flux 10.88 is used in allmarket segments where severeplate surface conditions arefound. This includes generalconstructions, beamfabrications, pressure vessels,shipbuilding and transportindustries. Addionally, this fluxis appreciated on clean platesfor its high resistance againstporosity and its wideapplication field due to thetoughness of the weld metaldown to -20°C.Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod12.10 0.05 0.6 1.712.20 0.05 0.6 1.812.22 0.05 0.7 1.8Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod 0 -1812.10 400 470 30 45 AW12.20 430 520 25 70 50 AW12.22 440 510 26 70 50 AW12.22 390 470 25 60 50 SRFor more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.AW/SRRemarks52

Heavy mill scale - not all fabricatorsremove it from the weld areaOK Flux 10.88 on rusty plate with mill scale. Porosity-free, shiny weldappearance. Clean weld with no indication of slag residues adheredonto the bead or along the toes of the weld.If you need to weld plate with rust, millscale, moisture or dirt, then OK Flux 10.88is the flux to use. Welds produced withother fluxes will give pock marks andporosity.OK Flux 10.88 is specifically designed tocope with poor surface conditions. It istolerant to surface contaminants and gives asmooth, defect-free weld appearance, evenat higher welding speeds. Due to its alloyingconcept, the plate thickness in multi layerwelding is limited to about 30 mm.several layers above 30mm plate thickness,an aluminate-basic flux, such as OK Flux10.78, is recommended. It is also developedspecifically for unclean plates.OK Flux 10.88 is an easy to weld rutile fluxwith a wide parameter envelope, giving-20°C toughness with standard C-Mnalloyed wires. It combines excellentweldability and slag detachability withsufficient toughness for many applications.Poor surface conditions can also be foundon the joint preparation of plates for multilayer welding. For multi-pass welding with53

OK Flux 10.90 – Flux for 9% Niand Ni-based alloys reducingthe risk of hot crackingOK Flux 10.90 is anagglomerated, fluoride basicflux for submerged arc weldingof 9% nickel steels, other highalloyed steels and nickel-basedalloys, using nickel-basedwires. It is primarily used formulti-run welding of thicksection materials.It can be used for single layerand multi-layer welding ofunlimited plate thickness forbutt and fillet welds and worksvery well on DC current. Theflux gives a good bead shape,and good slag detachabilityand also very good weldabilityin the 2G/PC position. The lowSi addition during weldingprovides good mechanicalproperties, particularly goodimpact toughness. It is achromium compensating flux,adding manganese and slightlyadding nickel. This minimisesthe risk of hot cracking, whenwelding with Ni-basedconsumables.LNG storage tanks are weldedwith OK Flux 10.90 because ofits good mechanical propertiesand, very importantly, thereduction of hot cracking risks.It is also used for welding ofcomponents of chemical andpetrochemical plants, offshoreconstructions and pressurevessels.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AF 2 CrNi DC 1.7 ~ 1.0 kg/dm 3 0.25 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferBasic DC+ Cr compensating, Ni and Mn alloyingFlux consumption kg flux/kg wireVoltageDC+26 0.530 0.634 0.838 1.0ClassificationEN / AWS classification wireOK Autrod19.81 S Ni6059 (NiCr23Mo16) / ERNiCrMo-1319.82 S Ni6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) / ERNiCrMo-319.83 S Ni6276 (NiCr15Mo16Fe6W4) / ERNiCrMo-419.85 S Ni6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) / ERNiCr-3ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEwith OK Autrod19.82 NV 5 NiNV 9 NiTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo OtherWith OK Autrod19.81 0.01 0.2 3.0 22.0 Bal. 14.0 Fe: 319.82 0.01 0.2 2.0 21.0 Bal. 8.5 Nb + Ta: 3.0 Fe: 2.019.83 0.01 0.2 1.9 15.0 Bal. 14.0 W: 3.5, Fe: 7.019.85 0.01 0.5 3.5 20.0 Bal. 0.5 Nb: 2.5Typical weld metal mechanical properties, DC+ReL / Rp0.2(MPa)Rm(MPa)A4 / A5(%)CVN(J at °C)With OK Autrod +20 -60 -110 -19619.81 470 675 46 65 7019.82 440 720 33 130 9019.83 480 700 35 85 7519.85 400 600 35For more information view the Product Data Sheets or contact ESAB.54

The best flux for LNG applicationsOK Flux 10.90, used for SAW with ESABCircotech welding equipment, is the bestsolution for building large LNG storagetanks.A major benefit is the excellent weldability -particularly slag release in the 2G/PCposition - using DC current for single andmulti layer welding of unlimited platethickness.The flux is chromium compensating andslightly manganese and nickel alloying,thereby minimising the risk of hot cracking.The low Si content provides good impactproperties.OK Flux 10.90 is applied for butt welds in9% Ni steels on LNG projects, withNi-based wires.Furthermore, the flux is frequently used incombination with a range of Ni-based wiresfor welding Ni-based alloys with the same orsimilar composition.Circotech is designed for the single ordouble-sided welding in the 2G/PC position,travelling over the top edge of the tank shell.The flux is supplied from a flux hopper ontoa rotating rubber belt, which keeps the fluxin place. From here, the excess flux iscollected and re-circulated.55

OK Flux 10.92 – All-purpose flux forsubmerged arc strip cladding andthe welding of stainless steelsIt operates well on DC currentfor single and multi-layerwelding of unlimited platethicknesses and has goodwelding characteristics witheasy slag removal. If used forstrip cladding with austeniticstainless welding strips, OKFlux 10.92 gives a smoothbead appearance. The Crcontent in the flux produces ahigher ferrite content in theweld metal, thereby reducingthe risk of hot cracking.Application areas for this fluxinclude chemical andpetrochemical plants, offshoreconstructions, pressurevessels, storage tanks,chemical tankers, powergeneration, nuclear, pulp andpaper, civil constructions andtransport industries.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA CS 2 Cr DC 1.0 ~ 1.0 kg/dm 3 0.25 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferNeutral DC+ Cr compensatingFlux consumption kg flux / kg wireVoltageDC+26 0.430 0.534 0.738 0.9ClassificationWireOK AutrodEN / AWS308LS 19 9 L / ER308L347 S 19 9 Nb / ER347316LS 19 12 3 L / ER316L318 S 19 12 3 Nb / ER318309MoLS 23 12 2L / (ER 309 LMo)ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEwith OK Autrod308Lx347 x316Lx318 xTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo N FN OtherWith OK Autrod308L

ESAB stainless flux package. austenitic stainless steels and higher alloyed stainless steels. higher amount of ferrite for improving of resistence to hot crackingis required. lower ferrite content max. 3-6%. Low ferrite promotes bettermechnical properties mainly higher impact values.

OK Flux 10.93 – ESAB’s numberone for stainless steel anddissimilar jointsOK Flux 10.93 is anagglomerated, fluoride basic fluxfor submerged arc welding ofstainless steels. It is used forsingle run and multi-run weldingof all plate thicknesses givingexcellent welding characteristics.It can be combined with a widerange of stainless wires and iscommonly used for butt and filletwelding of all standard austeniticand higher alloyed stainlesssteels.The flux works very well on DCcurrent and has good weldabilityin the 2G/PB position. It providesa very good slag detachability, asmooth surface finish and a nicebead appearance. The low Siaddition during welding providesgood mechanical properties withparticularly good impacttoughness properties.OK Flux 10.93 is oneof the most commonly usedfluxes for welding stainless andcorrosion resistant steels. It iswell established in chemicaland petrochemical plants,offshore construction, pressurevessels, storage tanks,chemical tankers, powergeneration, nuclear, pulp andpaper, civil constructions andtransport industries. This is aflux particularly well suited forthe joining of duplex 2205stainless steels, for example inchemical tankers.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AF 2 DC 1.7 ~1.0 kg/dm 3 0.25 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferBasic DC+ NoneFlux consumption kg flux / kg wireVoltageDC+26 0.530 0.634 0.838 1.0ClassificationWireOK AutrodEN / AWS308LS 19 9 L / ER308L308HS 19 9 H / ER308H347 S 19 9 Nb / ER347316LS 19 12 3 L / ER316L317LS 18 15 3 L / ER317L316HS 19 12 3 H / ER316H16.38 S 20 16 3 Mn L318 S 19 12 3 Nb / ER318309LS 23 12 L / ER309L309MoLS 23 12 L / (ER309LMo)385 S 20 25 5 Cu L / ER385310 S 25 20 / ER310312 S 29 9 / ER3122209 S 22 9 3 N L / ER2209310MoLS 25 22 2 N L / (ER310LMo)2509 S 25 9 4 N L16.97 S 18 8 Mn / (ER307)ApprovalsABS BV DNV GL LR TÜV DB CEOK Flux 10.93 x xwith OK Autrod308L 308L x x x347 x x316L 316 L x x x318 x x309L 309L SS/CMnxxDup/CMn385 x2209 Duplex Duplex Duplex 4462M S31803 x2509 x16.97 SS/CMn58

Typical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo N FN OtherWith OK Autrod308L

OK Flux 10.94 – An efficienttechnical solution for super duplexand high ferrite applicationsOK Flux 10.94 is anagglomerated, fluoride basic,chromium compensating fluxfor butt welding of stainlesssteels. Specially recommendedfor welding stainless steelswhen a higher ferrite content isrequired. Primarilyrecommended for multi-runwelding of unlimited platethickness.Classification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AF 2 Cr DC 1.7 ~ 1.0 kg/dm 3 0.25 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferBasic DC+ Cr compensatingFlux consumption kg flux / kg wireVoltageDC+26 0.530 0.634 0.838 1.0This flux works well on DCcurrent and provides good slagdetachability and nice beadappearance. OK Flux 10.94gives a higher ferrite content inthe weld metal due to thechromium addition, reducingthe risk of hot cracking. Thelow Si addition during weldingprovides good mechanicalproperties of the weld metal.The flux is used in the chemicaland petrochemical industriesfor the welding of pressurevessels, storage tanks andchemical tankers. Especiallyrecommended for the joining ofsuper duplex 2507 stainlesssteels, e.g. in offshoreapplications.ClassificationWireOK AutrodEN / AWS308LS 19 9 L / ER308L347 S 19 9 Nb / ER347316LS 19 12 3 L / ER316L2509 S 25 9 4 N LTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo N FN OtherWith OK Autrod308L 0.02 0.5 1.4 20.2 9.7 11347 0.04 0.5 1.0 19.6 9.6 9 Nb: 0.5316L 0.02 0.6 1.2 19.5 11.5 2.72509

OK Flux 10.95 – Flux for high impactstrength at low temperaturesClassification flux Basicity index Density Grain sizeEN 760: SA AF 2 Ni DC 1.7 ~ 1.0 kg/dm 3 0.25 - 1.6 mmSlag type Polarity Alloy transferBasic DC+ Ni alloyingFlux consumption kg flux / kg wireVoltageDC+26 0.530 0.634 0.838 1.0OK Flux 10.95 is anagglomerated, fluoride basic,nickel adding flux for butt andfillet welding of austeniticstainless steels, with AWSER300 grade of wires.Especially recommended forthe welding of stainless steelswhen good impact toughnessat low temperatures is required.Primarily for multi-run welding.ClassificationWireOK AutrodEN / AWS308LS 19 9 L / ER308L308HS 19 9 H / ER308H347 S 19 9 Nb / ER347316LS 19 12 3 L / ER316LTypical weld metal chemical composition (%), DC+C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo N FN OtherWith OK Autrod308L

OK Grain 21.85 - Metal powderaddition for high depositionTypical chemical compositionGrain size: 0.075 - 0.71mmDensity: 3.1 kg/dm 3C Si Mn P S0.15% 0.40% 1.70% 0.010% 0.010%OK Grain 21.85 is a non-alloyedmetal powder which is added to theSAW process in order to increasethe deposition rate.The powder is melted by theheat of the arc. Either the powderis fed in front of the arc (option a)or it is transported by magneticforce, into the arc, along with thewire(option b).It is added to various flux -wire combinations, of which OK<strong>Welding</strong> wirePowersourceWire feed unitFlux fillBase materialFlux hopperMetal powderhopperMetal powderfeederOption bOption a<strong>Welding</strong> directionFlux 10.62/OK Autrod 12.32 is the mostcommon.The penetration is reduced, becausepart of the heat is utilised to meltthe powder. The process requires allparameters, including the metal powderfeeding rate on the additional equipment, tobe carefully controlled.The powder feeding rate is regulated bythe use of a potentiometer which controlsthe speed of the bucket wheel and the gapbetween the tube and the bucket wheel.A skilled welding machine operatoris needed who is capable of steering theadditional powder feed unit. Deposition rateincreases up to 100% can be achieved.<strong>Submerged</strong> arc welding with metalpowder addition remains a special process,but with tempting productivity benefits.62

General information pages63

--Product documentsProduct Data Sheet OK Flux 10.72S '<strong>Submerged</strong> arc welding'Product Data Sheet OK Autrod 12.22S '<strong>Submerged</strong> arc welding'Signed by Approved by Reg no Cancelling Reg date PageLars Andersson Martin Gehring/Christos Skodras EN003642 EN003239 2006-11-03 1 (1)REASON FOR ISSUEApprovals: CE and NAKS added, Ü deleted.Signed by Approved by Reg no Cancelling Reg date PageGENERALLars Andersson Martin Gehring/Christos Skodras EN003718 EN000925 2006-11-07 1 (2)REASON FOR ISSUEAll data revised. New layout.Copper-coated, unalloyed wire for <strong>Submerged</strong> <strong>Arc</strong> <strong>Welding</strong>. Suitable in combination with most fluxes.Increased Si content and thus especially suitable for neutral fluxes (e.g.: OK Flux 10.62) or in order toincrease the fluidity of the molten pool. For structural steels, ship building steels, pressure vessel steels, fineSigned by Approved by Reg no Cancelling Reg date PageProduct Data Sheet OK Flux 10.72/OK Autrod 12.22GENERALgrained steels, etc.CLASSIFICATIONS Wire ElectrodeEN 756 S2SiSFA/AWS A5.17 EM12KREASON FOR ISSUEAgglomerated aluminate-basic flux for <strong>Submerged</strong> <strong>Arc</strong> <strong>Welding</strong> especially for applications with toughnessrequirements at low temperature. Excellent slag removal also in narrow V-joints. For wind tower productions,pressure vessels, general constructions etc. Extremely high current carrying capacity. For single or multi wireprocedures. Suitable for DC and AC welding. Single layer and multi layer welding of unlimited plate thickness.Lars Andersson Martin Gehring/Christos Skodras EN003973 EN003224 2007-06-22 1 (2)S '<strong>Submerged</strong> arc welding'Mechanical Properties of Weld Metal rearranged, Approvals updated (Ü deleted; CE added), Generaldescription slightly modified.CLASSIFICATIONS FluxEN 760SA AB 1 57 AC H5GENERALAPPROVALSCE EN 13479DB 51.039.12Comments: All others: See Flux-Wire combinationsCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONAPPROVALSAgglomerated aluminate-basic flux-wire-combination for <strong>Submerged</strong> <strong>Arc</strong> <strong>Welding</strong>. Especially for applicationswith toughness requirements down to -50°C. Excellent slag removal also in narrow V-joints. For structuralsteels, fine grained steels, pressure vessel steels, low temperature steels, etc. Especially for wind towerCE EN 13479productions. Extremely high current carrying capacity. For single or multi wire procedures. Suitable for DC andAC welding. Single layer and multi layer welding of unlimited plate thickness.SLAG TYPEAluminate-basicCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONFlux (%)NomAl2O3+MnOCaF2CaO+MgOSiO2+TiO230202520CLASSIFICATIONS FluxEN 760 SA AB 1 57 AC H5CLASSIFICATIONS Weld Metal (as welded)EN 756 S 38 5 AB S2SiSFA/AWS A5.17 F7A8-EM12KCLASSIFICATIONS Weld Metal (PWHT)SFA/AWS A5.17 F6P8-EM12KCSiMnPSWire/Strip (%)Min Max0.08 0.120.15 0.300.90 1.150.0150.020APPROVALSDB 52.039.05NAKS/HAKC 2,5 - 3,2 mm: CZSepros UNA 347719Comments: All others: See Flux-Wire combinationsCLASSIFICATIONS Wire ElectrodeEN 756 S2SiSFA/AWS A5.17 EM12KCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONCE EN 13479DB 51.039.12 - 52.039.05VdTÜV 10084Other properties:Alloy TransferBasicity (Boniszewski) nom: 1.9Bulk DensityGrain SizeHydrogenWELDING POLARITYDC+, ACCSiMnPSNo Silicon and moderately Manganese alloyingMax Nom0. 1.2 kg/dm30.2-1.6 mm (10x65 mesh)max 5 ml H/100g weld metal (Redried flux)FLUX CONSUMPTIONDC+, 580A, 29V AC, 580A, 29VMax Nom(kg Flux / kg Wire/Strip)<strong>Arc</strong> Voltage DC+ AC26 0.7 0.630 1.0 0.934 1.3 1.238 1.6 1.4Current (A): 580Travel Speed (cm/min): 55Dimension (mm): Ø4.00.030.02All Weld Metal (%) Wire/Strip (%) Max0.08 0.120.15 0.300.90 1.150.0150.020All fluxes, wires and flux/wire combinations are supportedby core documentation such as product data sheets(PDS) and safety data sheets (SDS)64

The submerged arc weldingprocess<strong>Submerged</strong> arc welding (SAW) is amethod in which the heat required tofuse the metal is generated by an arcformed by an electric current passingbetween the electrode and the workpiece.A layer of granulated mineralmaterial known as submerged arcwelding flux covers the tip of thewelding wire, the arc, and the workpiece.There is no visible arc and nosparks, spatter or fume. The electrodemay be a solid or cored wire or a strip.SAW is normally a mechanised process.The welding current, arc voltage, andtravel speed all affect the bead shape,depth of penetration and chemicalcomposition of the deposited weldmetal. Since the operator cannotobserve the weld pool, great reliance isplaced on parameter setting andpositioning of the electrode.General scope: range between 100 and 3600 amps The welding operationWhen the apparatus is set intooperation, several things occur in quicksequence: through the hopper tube andcontinuously distributes itself over theseam a short distance ahead of thewelding zone. feed the welding wire into the joint ata controlled rate current flows between the electrodeand the work. automatically) to travel along theseam.The tremendous heat evolved by thepassage of the electric current throughthe welding zone melts the end of thewire and the adjacent edges of thework-pieces, creating a pool of moltenmetal. The submerged arc welding fluxcompletely shields the welding zonefrom contact with the atmosphere.As the welding zone moves along thejoint, the fused submerged arc weldingflux cools and hardens into a brittle,glass-like material which protects theweld until cool, then usually detachesitself completely from the weld.Benefits deep and safe penetration Limitations during welding possible Equipment – Basic PrinciplesThe high welding speeds anddeposition rates which arecharacteristic of submerged arc weldingrequire automatic control of the motorthat feeds the welding wire into theweld. No manual welder could smoothlydeposit welding wire at speedscomparable to those of a submergedarc welding machine. Nor could hemaintain the same precise control ofwelding parameters. The automaticcontrol and power supply system usedin submerged arc welding operates tomaintain a constant voltage andcurrent.Relationship of welding voltage todistance between welding wire andwork-pieceThe welding voltage is proportional tothe length of the current path betweenthe welding wire and work-piece: work-piece increases, the weldingvoltage will increase. work-piece decreases, the weldingvoltage will decrease.65

work-piece remains constant, thewelding voltage will remain constant.Rate of wire melt-off vs. rate of wirefeed If, for any short period of time, thecurrent flowing through the weldingzone melts off the wire at a faster ratethan it is being fed, the distancebetween wire and work will increase,and welding voltage will increase.Conversely, if for any short period oftime, wire is fed faster than it meltsoff, the distance between wire andwork will decrease, and weldingvoltage will decrease.A constant welding voltage can bemaintained if a control unit is usedwhich will automatically vary the rateof wire feed with change in weldingvoltage. With a constant potential powersystem the arc voltage is maintainedby the power supply. <strong>Arc</strong> current iscontrolled by the wire feed speed withincreased wire feed producingincreased current. Therefore, the wirefeed system is simplified to a constantspeed device and arc control isperformed by the power source.Controllable variablesA knowledge and control of the variablesin submerged arc welding are essential ifwelds of good quality are to beconsistently obtained. The variables are:<strong>Welding</strong> current<strong>Welding</strong> current is the most influentialvariable. It controls the rate at whichwelding wire is burned off, the depth offusion, and the amount of base metalfused. If the current is too high, thedepth of fusion will be too great and theweld may melt through the backing. Inaddition to this, the higher heatdeveloped may excessively extend theheat-affected zone of the adjacent plate.Too high a current also means a wasteof power and a waste of welding wire inthe form of excessive reinforcement. Ifthe current is too low, there isinsufficient penetration and not enoughreinforcement.<strong>Welding</strong> voltageThis is the potential difference betweenthe tip of the welding wire and thesurface of the molten weld metal. Thewelding voltage varies with the length ofthe gap between the welding wire andthe molten weld metal. If the gapincreases, the welding voltageincreases; if the gap decreases, thewelding voltage decreases.The welding voltage has little effect on theamount of welding wire deposited; mainlythe welding current determines this. Thevoltage principally determines the shapeof the fusion zone and reinforcement.High welding voltage produces a wider,flatter, less deeply penetrated weld thanlow welding voltage.<strong>Welding</strong> speedWith any combination of weldingcurrent and voltage, the effects ofchanging the welding speed conform toa general pattern:If the welding speed is increased: weld is decreased. smaller. of undercut and insufficientreinforcement.Effect of welding current on weld profile.If the welding speed is decreased: weld is increased. larger. Effect of arc voltage on weld profile.Consequently a large weld bead canlead to a slow cooling rate and excessivegrain growth, which can have adeleterious effect on the toughness ofthe weld metal.66

If the welding speed is decreased beyond acertain point, the penetration will alsodecrease. This is because a good portion ofthe molten weld pool will be beneath thewelding wire and the pool will cushion thepenetrating force of the arc.Effect of wire extension on weld profile.<strong>Welding</strong> directionWidth and depth of welding fluxIf the granular layer is too deep, a roughweld is likely to result. The gases generatedduring welding cannot readily escape, andthe surface of the molten weld metal isirregularly distorted.If the granular layer is too shallow, thewelding zone will not be entirely submerged.Flashing and spattering will be present; theweld will have a bad appearance, and mayPulling(backhand)NeutralPushing(Forehand)be porous. An optimum depth of granularmaterial exists for any set of weldingconditions. This depth can be establishedby slowly increasing the granular materialCircumferential weldinguntil the welding action is submerged andflashing no longer occurs.Electrode extensionThe distance between the contact tip andwork-piece is normally referred to as electrodeextension or stick-out and is typically between Small offset at edges Desired offset slight reinforcementLarge offset at centre and high atedgesincreased with the use of longer extensionsdue to resistive heating of the wire. If the stickoutis too long then the wire is preheated andcan tend to wander leading to miss-alignmentalso penetration is reduced.Angle of welding headThe pulling or backhand technique givesgreater penetration and a narrower weldwith a more convex weld bead. There isincreased risk of undercut using thisWeld metal dilutiondepends on the jointpreparation.technique. Conversely pushing or forehandwill give less penetration, a less convex weldbead and a low risk of undercut.67

SAW variantsCored Wire Single Wire Twin WireFlux hopper<strong>Welding</strong> wireWire feed unit<strong>Welding</strong> wireFlux hopperWire feed unitPowersourcePowersourceFlux fill<strong>Welding</strong> directionFlux fill<strong>Welding</strong> directionBase materialBase materialThe use of cored wire is a very simpleand easy way to increase the depositionrate in SAW without any major changesto existing equipment. As the currentdensity determines the burn-off rate ofthe wire, the deposition rate with thecored wire is higher than that with solidwire. The powder in the core of the wirecan be used to achieve weld metalchemistry and mechanical propertiesthat may not be readily available withsolid wires. ESAB basic cored wires canbe used with fused fluxes to achieveexcellent sub-zero toughness that couldbe difficult with solid wires and fusedfluxes. This enables the nonhygroscopicnature of the fused flux to befully utilized and baking of the flux beforeuse is not necessary. (see page 22)Cored wires can be used in any of theprocess variants listed here to give extraproductivity benefits.Single wire welding is the most widelyused SAW method. The solid or diameter, although for some thin 1.6mm can be used. DC+ current is out. A smaller diameter produces ahigher deposition rate at the samecurrent, because of a higher currentdensity. The current range for a largerdiameter involves higher currents andtherefore also higher deposition rates.A smaller diameter wire produces amore deeply penetrating andnarrower weld bead.For twin-wire welding, two wires areconnected to the same power source.A standard SAW machine is equippedwith double drive rolls and contact tipssuitable for feeding two wiressimultaneously. It producesconsiderably higher deposition ratesthan the conventional single-wireprocess using large diameter wires. Itoffers up to 30% higher deposition ratesand can be used at higher currents andspeeds. Very high welding speeds canbe achieved in fillet welding, but is alsoused successfully for butt welding.Cored wires can further enhancedeposition rates.Number of Wires 1 2Number of Power Sources 1 1Wire Diameter Range (mm) 1.6 - 5.0 1.2 - 3.0Current Range (A) total 200 - 1000 400 - 1200Current Type DC+ DC+Voltage (V) per wire 25 - 38 26 - 38Max. total deposition rate solid wire (kg/h) up to 12 up to 1568

Tandem Tandem Twin Multi WireFlux hopper<strong>Welding</strong> wire<strong>Welding</strong> wire<strong>Welding</strong> wireWire feed unit<strong>Welding</strong> directionWire feed unitFlux hopper<strong>Welding</strong> directionWire feed unitFluxhopper<strong>Welding</strong> directionPowersourceFlux fillPowersourceFlux fillPowersourceFlux fillPowersourceBase materialBase materialBase materialIn tandem sub-arc welding each of thetwo wires is connected to its own powersource and fed simultaneously by itsown feed unit. The lead arc, operatingat high current (mostly DC+) and lowvoltage, gives deep penetration, whilstthe trailing arc uses lower current (mostlyAC to avoid arc blow) to smooth andfinish the weld bead. The wires arenormally large diameter (3.0-5.0 mm)and deposition rates are about twicethat of single-wire welding. Theadditional capital expenditure is quitehigh. It is widely used in shipbuilding,offshore, beam production, wind towerproduction and pipe mills.The ESAB tandem-twin process involves Up to six wires can be used together,two twin wire heads placed in sequence. each with their own power source. TheWith the use of 4 x 2.5mm diameter, lead wire is usually DC+ polarity withwires deposition rates of up to 38 kg/h the trailing wires being AC. Speeds ofcan be achieved. The process can be up to 2.5 m/min can be achievedused in joints that allows accessibility for giving a maximum deposition rate ofthe equipment, e.g. circumferential 90 kg/h. This technique is particularlywelding in wind tower fabrication. suitable for longitudinal pipe welding.Process Variants - Deposition Rateskg/h4035302520151050400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400Current (A)Single wire (4.0mm)Twin <strong>Arc</strong> (2 x 2.5mm)Tandem (2 x 4.0mm)Tandem Twin (2 x 2 x 2.5mm)2 4 3 - 62 2 3 - 63.0 - 5.0 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 5.01500 - 2400 1500 - 2200 2000 - 5500DC+, AC DC+, AC DC+ , AC, AC ….28 - 38 26 - 38 30 - 42up to 25 up to 38 up to 9069

Neutral, active or alloying fluxesFluxes for submerged are weldingcan be grouped into neutral, active andalloying fluxes. Many fluxes alloy someSi and Mn to the weld metal; yet othersburn off these elements. The intensity ofthis chemical reaction depends on theflux quantity interacting with the wire.An increase in voltage/arc length willlead to an increased alloy or burn-off ofelements.Neutral fluxesIn the ESAB product range,neutral fluxes are those intended formulti-layer welding of unlimited platethickness with appropriate wires. Thealloying of elements, especially Si andMn, are carefully controlled. After thebalance for each element is met, thelevel remains consistent throughout allfollowing runs.The all weld metal chemical analysisindicates the balance point and isa good reference. For single layerapplications with neutral fluxes, theuse of wires with higher Si and Mncontents may be considered.Active fluxesActive fluxes add a significantamount of Si, acting as a deoxidiser,and Mn to the weld metal.They enhance resistance to porosity,improve bead appearance andtoughness in high dilution applications.Active fluxes are primarily used forsingle pass or multi-layer weldingwith limitation of layers.Since the balance point for Si and Mnis above normally anticipated levels,3 - 5 layers is normally the maximum.Alloy fluxesAlloy fluxes create an alloyed weldmetal, when combined with unalloyedwires. The ESAB product range offersa number of alloyed fluxes used forcladding applications. These fluxesadd C and Cr as well as Si and Mnto the weld metal. The alloying ofelements is related to the arc voltage,since this has an influence on theamount of flux being melted andtaking part in the chemical reaction. Inorder to create a specific weld metalcomposition, the arc voltage must becarefully controlled.ESAB <strong>Submerged</strong> arc joiningfluxesEach joining flux is catagorised asneutral or active in the table onpage 9.Weld metal alloyingIn the arc, chemical reactions takeplace between the molten wire andthe molten flux. They depend on thecomposition of both consumables.WorldwideWires with relatively low Mn andmoderate Si content are widely used.Most common is EM12K (OK Autrod12.22) with typically 1.0% Mn and 0.2%Si. Most fluxes alloy some Mn and Si tothe weld metal to obtain the desired Mn Mn/Si ratio of at least 2.In non-alloyed weld metals, Mn isthe main element used to increase thestrength. Si is needed for deoxidation andfluidity of the molten pool. C is burnt-offby the fluxes. A low C content isdesired for good toughness values.Only high basic fluxes (OKFlux 10.62) are neutral with regardto Si and Mn. All alloying comesfrom the wire, making the chemicalweld metal composition largelyindependent of the number ofpasses and welding parameters.High basic fluxes are generallycombined with wires with increasedMn content such as OK Autrod12.32, EH12K.Asia PacificTraditionally in Asia, wires witha high Mn and low Si content areused. These are EH14 (OK Autrod12.40) with less than 0.1% Si and2.0% Mn. In order to produce thedesired weld metal composition,appropriate fluxes burn-off Mn. Theyalloy high amounts of Si. A similaramount of C is burnt-off, as withEuropean fluxes.Suitable fluxes for multi-passwelding with OK Autrod 12.40 areOK Flux 10.61 and 10.62.Flux-wire-combinations are awell adjusted systems. Generally,an EH14 wire is not welded witha Mn-alloying flux, particularly notfor multi-pass welds, because ofalloying mismatch. For specialapplications (high dilution), however,it can be a suitable combination.70

Hydrogen in ferritic weld metalFerritic, fine grained steels,especially those with higher orhigh strength (Rel > 460 MPa), aresensitive to hydrogen induced coldcracking. Cracking can occur inthe heat affected zone (HAZ) andsometimes in weld metal, aftercooling down below 150°C. Crackingcan often be delayed several hoursafter welding. The risk of hydrogeninduced cold cracks is governed bythe 3 factors; microstructure, stressand hydrogen.HAZ and weld microstructureWith increasing base material andweld metal strength, the sensitivityfor cold cracks increases. Strengthis related to hardness, whichis determined by the chemicalcomposition (CE; carbon equivalent)and the t 8/5 cooling time (seebelow: Preheating). In order toachieve a high strength in steel andweld metal, alloying elements areintentionally added. This increasesthe CE value and sensitivity for coldcracking.StressesDuring welding, thermal stressesare added to the joint due to nonuniformtemperature distribution.In thicker plates using multi-layerwelding, these stresses increasewhich means a greater risk of coldcracks. An unfavorable design of aconstruction or an unfavorable orderof completing welding joints canfurther increase stresses.HydrogenHydrogen can be introducedinto weld metal from many differentsources, such as the surroundingatmosphere, plate contamination(cutting oil, grease, dirt, paint,coating, rust), flux and wire andcompressed air. All factors mustbe carefully controlled. For weldinghigh strength steels, fluxes with thesupplement H5 according to EN760 should be used. This meansthat a weld metal with maximum 5ml hydrogen per 100 g weld metalis produced with re-dried flux. Anincreasing hydrogen level increasesthe risk of cold cracks. Re-drying ofthe flux prior to use is recommended(see page 87).PreheatingHigh strength steels should bepreheated before welding, includingtack welding. Preheating increasesthe time the welding zone remainsabove 150°C; temperatures at whichhydrogen can diffuse away. It alsoreduces stress and eliminatesmoisture from the plate surface.Preheat temperatures are usuallybetween 80°C and 150°C. The heatinput and maximum interpasstemperature must be well controlledfor good toughness. A desired, finegrained structure is achieved byusing multi-layer techniques with thinlayers. An immediate post weld heat for at least 2 hours) further reducesthe hydrogen in the welding zone(see: EN1011-2).Austenitic weld metals are notsensitive to hydrogen cold cracking,because their face centered cubiclattice can dissolve a substantiallyhigher amount of hydrogen.ESABptH5 classlow-hydrogen weldingfluxes Hydrogen bubble initiation and propagation from grain boundary.71

Agglomerated and fused fluxesAgglomerated fluxThe main task of SAW fluxes is toprotect the arc, the molten pool and thesolidifying weld metal from the atmosphere.Moreover fluxes have the following tasks: Fluxes consist of minerals such asquartz, limestone, fluorspar, manganese andaluminum oxides. These components areobtained from natural sources, globally, andare well defined and specified. The ESABwelding fluxes are composed according tocentrally controlled formulations.Agglomerated fluxes are designedfor a wide range of applications. Also incountries where, historically, fused fluxeshave been used, more and more customersare transferring to agglomerated fluxes.Since these fluxes are hygroscopic, it isrecommended to re-dry the flux, prior touse, for hydrogen sensitive applications (seepage 87).Fused fluxesFused fluxes are manufactured bymelting all ingredients in an electrical arcfurnace. The fusion temperature is between1200 and 1400°C. After the pouring ofthe melt and solidification, the material iscrushed to grains, which are dried andsieved. Characteristically, fused flux grainsare chemically homogeneous - the closestcomparison being crushed glass.Fused fluxAgglomerated fluxesAgglomerated fluxes are manufacturedby “rolling” the components with additionof silicates. For this, the raw materials aremilled to small particles. Many of these smallparticles form a grain which contains thecorrect proportion of each component. Thegrains are dried and baked at temperaturesbetween 600°C and 850°C. Agglomeratedgrains are chemically heterogeneous.Since these fluxes have not reactedduring manufacturing, metallic deoxidants oralloying elements can be added. This is oneof the major advantages over fused fluxes,because the weld metal is more efficientlydeoxidised. As a result the toughnessvalues achieved at sub-zero-temperaturesare higher than those from fused fluxes.During welding the flux consumption islower, because the density is lower. Alsoin many applications the bead shape withagglomerated fluxes is more favorable.The grain strength of fused fluxesis higher than agglomerated fluxes.This can be beneficial when long fluxdelivery distances have to be overcomeby pneumatic transport or when therecommended addition of fresh flux to thesystem is not possible. Fused fluxes arenon-hygroscopic by nature and normally donot need to be re-dried prior to use.With high currents and low weldingspeeds, e.g. in cladding applications,some fused fluxes perform better thanagglomerated fluxes. Because re-dryingcan be avoided, fused fluxes can be abeneficial alternative to agglomerated ones.In combination with basic cored wires givinghigh toughness values, fused fluxes are evenapplied on hydrogen-crack sensitive, offshoreconstructions (see page 22).72

Cored wires for submerged arcweldingCored wires can replace solid wires inthe submerged arc welding process to givean immediate productivity benefit, withoutany major capital expenditure.achieved with a solid wire. This needs tobe considered when establishing suitableparameters for the root area of joints andalso for square edge butt joints.With cored wires the current is carriedonly by the steel sheath. This leads toan increase in the current density andsubsequently a higher wire burn-off rate.This increased burn-off can result in20-30% more weld metal being deposited,compared with the same diameter solid wireat the same current.Cored wires will produce a morefavourable, rounded bead shape than solidwires which reduces the susceptibility tocracking by reducing the depth / width ratio.Also in two-sided, two pass welds there isless chance of misalignment.Solid wireAn increased deposition rate leadsto productivity benefits, reducing costswith less flux consumption, less energyconsumption and reduced labour costs.Cored wireThere are two variants of cored wiresused in the submerged arc process. Theseare:Metal coredrecommended for fillet weldingOK Tubrod WireAlloy14.00S CMn14.02S 0.5Mo14.07S 1Cr 0.5Mo2018Two-sided square edge withcored wire16Basicrecommended for butt weldingOK Tubrod WireAlloy15.00S CMn15.21TS0.5Cr 0.5Mo15.24S 1Ni15.25S 2NiA further benefit is the excellentmechanical properties, even at highheat inputs, achieved through the use ofdeoxidants in the core of the wire.Deposition rate (kg/h)1412108615.00S 2.4mm15.00S 3mm415.00S 4mm12.20 2.5mm12.20 3mm212.20 4mm0300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000The depth of penetration per amp witha cored wire will always be lower than thatCurrent (A)Deposition rate comparison OK Tubrod 15.00S andOK Autrod 12.20 / OK Flux 10.71.73

Automation<strong>Welding</strong> automation gives distinctive advantages, such ashigh quality, higher capacity and of course much higherproductivity.ESAB develops and manufactures a wide range ofmechanised and automated welding solutions to meet anyneed.Rely on ESAB for a total system responsibility. Theexperienced automation team co-operates with thecustomer to ensure a complete solution, including processoptimisation, testing and training.<strong>Welding</strong> heads Wire feed unitsThe ESAB A2 SAW wire feed unit is designed for small wire submerged-arcwelding and can be used for single or twin-wire welding.The A6 SAW wire feed unit is designed for heavy-duty welding. Single or twinwire, strip cladding or arc-air gouging.Carriers A2 MultitracA comprehensive range of welding column and booms are available for differentcustomer requirements and applications, with loading capacities andworking ranges for utmost accessibility to the welding joints.74

Controllers PEHPower sources with well documented welding properties. A with square wave output to avoid arc blowLAFFlux handlingOPC: (recovery system for heavy duty environments)FFRS Basic & Super: (recirculated systems for continuous welding)FFRS 1200 & 3000: (long runs & mass production)CRE 30/60 Air drying unit: (built in monitor system, reduce condensation)ESAB has different flux equipment/systems to combine with automatic submerged-arc welding equipment. The OPC and A6 equipment, both stationary and travelling. The FFRS-systems (flux feed and recovery) are designed forcontinuous, high-capacity welding operations. They are ideal for long runs and mass production.Handling ESAB has a comprehensive range of positioners for automatic welding. Thesevery versatile handling tools enable welding to be carried out in the optimumpositions to enhance productivity and quality. They are easily integrated withA2/A6 automatic welding equipment. mechanical adjustment for circular workpieces and self-aligning roller bedswhich automatically adapt to the workpiece diameter. These roller beds aredesigned to operate in combination with A2/A6 automatic welding equipmentand ESAB column and booms.75

Handling equipmentESAB wire conduit A6Turntables, inner centering device and one wayspider frame.The efficiency of welding equipment can be dramaticallyincreased by decreasing the downtime. Bulk spool typeshelp to reduce the downtime by reducing the number ofspool changes. Switching from conventional 30 kg spoolsto 1000 kg EcoCoil, the number of spool changes isreduced by a factor of 33.Low friction inlet wireguiding tubeWire guide standAdjustable brakeBulk spool types such as EcoCoil (1000 kg), One WaySpider (800 kg) and drums (280kg) must be placed onturntables for decoiling. The wire is pulled by the wirefeeder, which rotates the turntable. During the complete useof these spools, the wire keeps the same twist and can bestraightened reliably at the welding unit.All turntables are low friction, easy rotating and without amotor drive, because they are rotated by the pulling of thewelding wire. They have an adjustable brake and areelectrically isolated. This is needed, because the wire haswelding voltage and any connection to ground must bestrictly avoided.The Type 1 turntable for drums has a diameter of 680 mmand a maximum load of 450 kg. The wire pick up point isintegrated by a vertical wire guide stand and a low frictionwire guide tube, through which the wire is fed to the weldingunit. 4 plastic bolts in the turntable center the drum.Lifting yoke forMarathon PacFor the EcoCoil and One Way Spider there are 2 turntables.Both have a diameter of 1050 mm and a maximum load of1000 kg.Type 2 has a wire guide stand and a fixed wire guide tubewhich gives the recommended 20 - 30° downwards inclineto the pack which is beneficial for smooth decoiling. Aninner steel centering device (yellow) designed to fit the OneWay Spider Frame (blue) ensures that the packs sit in thecentre of the turntable. EcoCoil is placed on the One WaySpider Frame.Type 3 turntable” is the single turntable. It has beendesigned for customers who position the wire pick-up pointindividually on their welding unit or on a steel framework.Marathon Pac TM trolley and lifting yokeWires up to 2.0 mm are delivered in MarathonPac (450, 475 kg). It is pre-twisted and feedsvertically and straight. Marathon Pac needs norotation and thus can be placed directly on theshop floor or on a trolley available from ESAB.Marathon Pacs can be safely lifted with aCE-signed yoke approved for crane and forkliftwork up to 500kg.76

Global manufacturingOK Flux is an ESAB AB trademarkand consequently the OK Flux rangeis fully globally managed, together withOK Autrod and OK Tubrod solid andcored SAW wires.All ESAB plants manufacturing OKFlux products do so based on centrallysubmitted specifications in terms of: parameters and limits requirements approvals With all these measures inplace, ESAB is confident thatOK products have identicalproperties regardless ofmanufacturing location,worldwide.Several OK products are madein more than one location tomeet local geographicaldemands. Equally important,this is part of ESAB’s supplycontingency plan, a global effortto consistently meet the supplychain needs of our customers.It is with this in mind that ESABis able to supply a market fromdifferent factories, in order toprovide the best possibledelivery service.26. Production facility certificates77

R&D and Central LaboratoryESAB Central LaboratoriesThe ESAB Central laboratoriesin Gothenburg, Sweden,together with the ProcessCentre, form the technical heartof ESAB worldwide. Equippedwith modern facilities, theyprovide research services to thedevelopment departments, toproduction sites and to endcustomers.The several laboratories are: Principal activities are: Defects, properties, welding procedures,failure analysis. Microstructure and properties fordevelopment and improvement ofproducts. Internal and external (universities,institutes) research projects. Verification of product quality andproduction processes.<strong>Welding</strong> Process CentreThe ESAB <strong>Welding</strong> ProcessCentre, located in Gothenburg,Sweden, is a fully equipped,multifaceted training and specifically designed foradvanced process and weldingapplication support tocustomers. The Process Centreis equipped with a great varietyof arc welding processes,including (multi-wire) SAW.Our focus is to help our clientsbecome more competitive byoptimising the quality andefficiency of their welding for best possible welding expert advice and training.In addition to this, the Process Centre has awell-equipped training area for all types ofmanual welding, complete with severalindividualised training booths for learningand practicing all types of manual welding,such as MMA, TIG and MIG/MAG.The ESAB <strong>Welding</strong> Process Centre isaccredited by the European <strong>Welding</strong> Federation- an approval training body associated with theInternational Institute of <strong>Welding</strong>.We have a global <strong>Welding</strong> ProcedureSpecification Database to which ESABspecialists have access, for you to benefitfrom.78

SAW joint preparationsTypical welding data and recommended joint preparations for submerged arc welding.Non and low-alloyed steelsType of joint50 - 60°Gap: as small aspossible; in locationswhere gap> 1 mm: MMA orMAG root run.50 - 60°4Welded from 1side root run:MMA or MAG.Thickness of rootrun ≥ 5 mm.6PlatethicknessWirediameterRunno<strong>Welding</strong>current<strong>Arc</strong>voltage<strong>Welding</strong>speedmm mm A V cm/min6 3.0 1 320 32 803.0 2 350 328 4.0 1 450 32 754.0 2 500 3210 4.0 1 550 33 704.0 2 600 3312 4.0 1 600 33 604.0 2 650 3314 4.0 1 700 34 554.0 2 750 34for all procedures: 1 run from back side:4.0 1 680 32 5014 4.0 1 650 26 5016 4.0 1 580 26 604.0 2 750 34 6018 4.0 1 580 26 604.0 2 750 34 5020 4.0 1 580 26 604.0 2 750 30 604.0 3 750 34 6025 4.0 1 580 26 604.0 2 750 30 604.0 3 750 30 604.0 4 - 5 750 32 5030 4.0 1 580 26 604.0 2 750 30 604.0 3 750 30 604.0 4 - 5 750 32 504.0 6 - 8 750 32 50≥ 40 4.0 1 580 26 604.0 2 750 30 604.0 3 750 30 604.0 4 - 5 750 32 504.0 6 - n 750 32 5014 1 MAG or MMA4.0 2 550 26 504.0 3 600 30 504.0 4 680 32 5016 1 MAG or MMA4.0 2 550 26 504.0 3 650 32 504.0 4 - 5 680 32 5018 1 MAG or MMA4.0 2 550 26 504.0 3 - 4 650 30 504.0 5 - 6 680 32 5020 1 MAG or MMA4.0 2 550 26 504.0 3 - 4 650 30 504.0 5 - 6 750 32 504.0 7 680 32 5022 1 MAG or MMA4.0 2 550 26 504.0 3 - 4 650 30 504.0 5 - n-2 750 32 504.0 n-1 - n 680 32 50Type of jointThroatthicknessmmWirediametermmRunno<strong>Welding</strong>currentA<strong>Arc</strong>voltageV<strong>Welding</strong>speedcm/min3 1 x 3.0 1 500 28 804 1 x 3.0 1 500 28 605 1 x 4.0 1 650 30 607 1 x 3.0 1 500 29 501 x 3.0 2 620 32 604 1 x 3.0 1 600 32 1005 1 x 3.0 1 600 32 606 1 x 3.0 1 650 32 557 1 x 3.0 1 750 32 45Twin <strong>Arc</strong>4 2 x 1.6 1 800 32 1155 2 x 2.0 1 800 32 100Cored wire5 2 x 2.4 1 800 30 120TandemDC+, AC4 4.0 1 (DC+) 800 32 1404.0 1 (AC) 700 36TandemDC+, AC4 4.0 1 (DC+) 800 32 1404.0 1 (AC) 700 365 4.0 1 (DC+) 800 32 904.0 1 (AC) 700 36Note: If a cored wire is used, an extra 2 volts are required in the highcurrent range (>600A) to spread the extra weld metal (25-30%).79

SAW joint preparationsStainless steelsType of joint12Plate thicknessmmWire diametermmRun No.<strong>Welding</strong>current A<strong>Arc</strong> voltageV6 2.4 1 300 33 402.4 2 400 34 403.2 1 400 34 1003.2 2 500 34 1308 2.4 1 350 33 402.4 2 450 34 403.2 1 450 34 553.2 2 550 34 554 1 450 34 1004 2 550 34 130<strong>Welding</strong> speedcm/min601.322gap: 0-2 mm10 2.4 1 420 30 452.4 2 420 32 402.4 3 420 32 403.2 1 500 30 553.2 2 500 32 554 1 550 31 654 2 550 34 10012 4 1 600 32 604 2 600 34 8020 4 1 575 31 604 2 600 32 604 3-5 600 34 6560gap: 20-2 mm mm1.422.325 4 1 550 32 604 2 600 34 504 3 600 34 504 4-8 600 34 609026 2 1-n 300 31 6010 3.2 1-n 380 32 6516 3.2 1-n 450 34 707058 4 1 450 32 904 2 550 34 8510 4 1 500 32 654 2 600 34 8570512 4 1 500 32 604 2 600 34 7014 4 1 550 32 604 2 600 34 6080

Trouble shooting guideDefect Possible causes RemediesPorosity Rusty plate Wire brush or grind plateOily plateContaminated plateWet platePrimerFlux cover too shallow, arc flashesWet fluxMagnetic arc blowFlux becomes too fineDefective root run with MMADegrease or preheatUse active flux or killed wirePreheat plateRemove primerIncrease flux feedingDry flux according to instructions on bagWeld towards earth clamp or split earth and attach at endsAdd at least 1 part new flux to 3 parts of recycled fluxWeld defect free root run; possibly change to MAGUndercut <strong>Arc</strong> blow Weld towards earth clamp or split earth and attach at ends<strong>Welding</strong> speed too highWire alignment incorrectVoltage too highAdjust welding parametersAdjust alignmentReduce voltageSlag sticking Voltage too high Reduce voltageCurrent too highPoor weld bead profileHot plateIncorrect joint preparationExcessive reinforcement <strong>Welding</strong> speed too lowCurrent too highReduce currentAdjust welding parametersCheck interpass temperatureModify joint preparationIncrease welding speedDecrease currentBurn through Current too high Reduce currentPoor fit-upRoot face too small<strong>Welding</strong> speed too lowAdjust fit-upIncrease root faceIncrease welding speedWeld metal running Rotation of work piece too slow Increase rotation speedIncorrect wire positionToo high voltage/currentFlux too fluidAdjust positionDecrease voltage/currentCheck flux selectionLongitudinal cracks Convex reinforcement Adjust welding parametersElongated weld poolPoor fit-upWrong consumable selectionWeld depth to width ratio > 1Weld metal hydrogenDecrease welding speedReduce root gapRefer to ESABAdjust welding parametersReduce all possibilities for hydrogen occurrenceInsufficient penetration and excessive reinforcement; alsomisaligned.Weld depth to width ratio > 1 and relatively large amount of impurities in basematerial (S, P, Nb).81

Trouble shooting guide, ctd.Defect Possible causes RemediesTransverse cracks Cooling rate too high Increase preheat / interpass temperatureExcessive restraintToo high heat inputWrong consumable selectionPreheat or redesign jointAdjust welding parametersRefer to ESABRough irregular bead Excessive heat input Adjust welding parametersFlux cover too highVoltage too highReduce flux heightReduce voltageErratic arc <strong>Arc</strong> blow Weld towards earth clamp or split earth and attach at endsWire feed problemsPower source failureCheck wire feed pressure and ensure smooth wire feedingRefer to power source supplierLoss of reinforcement <strong>Arc</strong> blow Weld towards earth clamp or split earth and attach at ends<strong>Welding</strong> speed too highWire feed problemsIrregular tack weldsReduce speedCheck wire feed pressure and ensure smooth wire feedingCreate a consistent joint preparation including tack welds<strong>Arc</strong> instability Poor earth Check earth connectionsLeads frayedPresence of large steel massDeep grooveEarthing too distantCheck if leads are over heatedUse AC currentReduce voltage / wire extensionMove earth closer<strong>Arc</strong> extinguished Wire feed problem Check wire feed pressure and ensure smooth wire feedingFlux dust Excessive recycling of flux Add at least one part of new flux to three parts of recycled flux.Faulty dust extractorReplace / repair extractorInsufficient penetration Current too low Adjust welding parameters<strong>Welding</strong> speed too highWrong joint preparationAdjust welding parametersRedesign jointCold laps Heat input too low Adjust welding parametersPlate temperature lowToo high travelling speedIncrease preheat / interpass temperatureAdjust welding parametersSlag inclusions Flux trapped in preparation Adjust welding parametersPlate preparation angle too smallInsufficient penetrationIncrease prepartion angleAdjust welding parametersGuidelinesRecommended current ranges (single wire)Diameter (mm)Current ( amps)2.4, 2.5 300 - 5003.0, 3.2 350 - 6004.0 400 - 850Electrode extension should be 10 times the wire diameterFlux height should be around 30mm; the lower the better for degasing of the weld pool but there should be enough to preventarc flashingDo not hesitate to contact ESAB for advice in case of persistent problems or defects.82

High productivity packagingFigure 1. Eurospool - 30 boxes flushfiton a europallet.Figure 2. ESAB 100kg wire basket.For a welding machine to weld, thewire must be fed disturbance free to the packages are therefore delivered on the wirebasket spool type 28 and 31. This uniqueEurospool TM is not only layer wound, butit also flush-fits on a Europallet (Figure 1).Damage and thus time to fix problems areminimised. The wire end is safely secured tothe spool basket by resistance welding.Also the 100 kg package is deliveredon a wire basket (Figure 2). The basketkeeps the welding wire in place on thespool holder, after the transport strips arecut, securing smooth decoiling. The wireend is also fixed to the wire basket in orderto prevent the end from detaching. It will,however, be detached by a reasonablestrong force from the feeding motor. This isneeded because 100 kg packages are oftenpositioned at the end of the boom, awayfrom the welding head.spool changes. Then the cost saving begins.Advantages over heavy spools are achieved,because the wire is not spooled tightlyaround the cardboard core, due to a specialtechnology (Figure 4). In the start and stopphase the spool can slowly accelerateand stop whilst the welding wire is fed tothe welding head with a constant speed.<strong>Welding</strong> defects are thereby reduced.SAW welding wires up to 2.0 mmdiameter are also available in MarathonPac (spool type 94). The wire is pre-twistedand is fed, straight and vertically, out ofthe Marathon Pac. No decoiling stand isneeded. Dramatic time savings on spoolchanges can be achieved when transferringfrom any low-weight spool type to MarathonPac. All material is fully recyclable and easyto separate.Figure 3. EcoCoil on a turning table.In many welding set-ups, it is possible toexchange conventional 30 kg spools by bulkspool types. Spool type 33, EcoCoil with1000 kg wire, reduces the spool changesby a factor of 33 (Figure 3). Moreover thepacking material is reduced to a minimum,whilst still giving full protection frommoisture and dust during transportand storage. All materials are fullyrecyclable. Since it is a oneway-packagethere isno need for any returnlogistics.Figure 4. Spool type 33 - EcoCoil.EcoCoil fits well onthe One Way Spider frame(also used for spool type 18). The costs forthe required decoiling stand / turning tableare soon compensated by the time saving forSpool type 94 - Marathon Pac is folded flatafter use for mimimal disposal space.83

A suitable spool for each applicationSpool type 76: 15 kgRandom wound wire basket. The empty basket is not returnable, butfully recyclable. For SAW wires up to diameter 2.5 mm.EN ISO 544: B 300.98Ø300Ø180Ø188Spool type 07/08: 30 kgRandom wound wire coil with cardboard former (07) or without former(08).EN ISO 544: C 450.Spool type 03: 25, 30 kgRandom wound wire basket. The empty basket is not returnable, butfully recyclable.EN ISO 544: B 450.Spool type 28/31: 25, 30 kg (Eurospool)Precision layer wound, octagonal wire basket (spool 31 is plastic coated).The empty basket is not returnable, but fully recyclable.EN ISO 544: ~ B 450.Spool type 52: 75, 100 kgRandom wound wire basket. The empty basket is not returnable, butfully recyclable. 75kg only for cored wire.Spool type 34: 270, 300 kgRandom wound wooden bobbin. Decoiling stand needed. The emptybobbin is not returnable. 270kg only for cored wire.EN ISO 544: S 760E.84

Spool type 30: 700 kgRandom wound spool with cardboard former. 4 lifting eyelets. Decoilingstand needed. All packaging material is not returnable, but fully recyclable.Spool type 18: 800 kgRandom wound spool on one way spider frame. Decoiling standneeded. Not returnable but fully recyclable. 475 854800/1500Spool type 33: 1000 kg (EcoCoil)Random wound spool with cardboard former. 4 lifting eyelets. Decoilingstand needed. All packaging materials not returnable but fully recyclable.Ø 505Ø 495lifting eyelet~ 9001200Ø ~ 800Spool type 04: 280 kgRandom wound pay-off drum. The empty drum is not returnable.Spool type 94: 450, 475 kgOctagonal cardboard drum. Wire is pre-twisted for straight delivery. Nodecoiling stand needed. Empty drum is not returnable, but fully recyclable.For SAW wires up to diameter 2.0mm.85

Always the most productivedelivery packagingESAB delivers fluxes in 25 kg paperbags, some types in 20 kg paper bags.Each bag has a polyethylene inlay to preventmoisture pick-up from the surroundingatmosphere. Secondary protection againstmoisture pick up is given by wrap foilingor shrink foiling each complete flux palette.The packing material is fully recyclableand therefore environmentally friendly. Themajority of the packing material is recycledas paper.The main ESAB flux types are alsoavailable in BigBags. Standard weight forBigBags is 1000 kg of welding flux. BigBagshave a well defined discharge spout whichcan be closed during the flux flow.Although it takes only about 25 secondsto empty a complete BigBag, customerscan chose to remove only a few kgs at atime. Therefore, BigBags are not only forlarge volume users. The complete BigBagis made from woven polypropylene materialwhich has an internal coating for moistureprotection to keep the flux dry. The materialis fully recyclable. Again, each palette of fluxis additionally protected against moisture bywrap foil or shrink foilFor a more robust package ESAB cansupply fluxes in steel buckets containing 20to 30 kg. Buckets are moisture tight andre-sealable, allowing the re-drying of the fluxto be avoided. They are usually for outdoorwelding or when re-drying facilities are notavailable.ESAB specifies not only its products, butalso packaging and packing materials, for allproduction units, globally. Hence we ensurethat our customers such as internationalwelding companies will always get the sameproduct in the same packaging, no matterwhich continent their manufacturing is located.86

Easy and efficient storage andhandling of fluxesEquipment for storage and re-dryingESAB fluxes, agglomerated and fused, havea guaranteed as-manufactured moisturecontent from production. This moisturecontent is controlled by internal ESABspecifications. Before transport, each palletis shrink wrapped in plastic foil. Thisprecautionary action is done in order tomaintain the as-manufactured moisturecontent for as long as possible. Flux shouldnever be exposed to wet conditions, suchas rain or snow.Storage maintained storage conditions as follows:Temperature: 20 +/- 10°CRelative humidity: As low as possible - notexceeding 60%. years. must, after an 8 hours shift, be placed in adrying cabinet or heated flux hopper at atemperature of 150 +/- 25°C. placed at a temperature of 150 +/- 25°C.Re-cycling the compressed air used in the re-cyclingsystem. the proportion of at least one part newflux to three parts re-cycled flux. slag, must be removed by a suitablesystem, such as sieving.Re-drying ESAB fluxes can normally be used straightaway. applicable material specification, re-dryingof the flux is recommended. picked up moisture, re-drying can returnthe flux to its original moisture content. Agglomerated fluxes: 300 +/- 25°C forabout 2-4 hours.Fused fluxes: 200 +/- 50°C for about2-4 hours. equipment that turns the flux so that themoisture can evaporate easily or in anoven on shallow plates with a flux heightnot exceeding 5 cm. be kept at 150 +/- 25°C before use.Disposal container or liner in an environmentallyacceptable manner, in full compliance withfederal and local regulations. company for prescribed disposal. given in the Safety Data Sheets availablethrough 200 Flux storage silo- Keeps flux dry and clean- Adjustable temperaturebetween 100 and 300°C- Capacity: 200 l- Supply voltage: 220V, 1phase; output: 2 kWJK 50 Powder Dryer- Redries flux at max. 500°C forabout 3 hours- Then automatically drops temperatureto pre-set value (max.200°C) and stores flux- Capacity: 50 l- Supply voltage: 400V, 3 phase;output: 3.7 kW87

Classification StandardsEN 756 Guide to the EN coding, EN 756 for flux/wire combinationsExample: OK Flux 10.72 / OK Autrod 12.24 - S 46 3 AB S2MoS 46 3 AB S2MoChemical composition of fluxS <strong>Submerged</strong><strong>Arc</strong> weldingSymbol for tensile propertiesGradeDesignationYieldStrengthMPa (min)TensileStrengthMPa35 355 440-570 2238 380 470-600 2042 420 500-640 2046 460 530-680 2050 500 560-720 18Elongation% (min)Symbol Type of fluxMS Manganese-silicateCS Calcium-silicateZS Zirconium-silicateRS Rutile-silicateAR Aluminate-rutileAB Aluminate-basicAS Aluminate-silicateAF Aluminate-fluoride-basicFB Fluoride-basicZ Any other compositionSymbol for impact propertiesSymbol Minimum parentmaterial yieldstrength MPa2T 275 3703T 355 4704T 420 5205T 500 600Minimum tensilestrength of thewelded joint MPaGradeDesignationType of wire according to EN 760 and chemical composition of wire electrodeCharpy-V ImpactJ (min)Z No requirementsA 47 200 47 02 47 -203 47 -304 47 -405 47 -506 47 -607 47 -708 47 -80GradeDesignation C Si Mn Ni Mo Cr othersSZ Any other agreed analysisS1 0.05-0.15 -0.15 0.35-0.60 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S2 0.07-0.15 -0.15 0.80-1.30 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S3 0.07-0.15 -0.15 1.30-1.75 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S4 0.07-0.15 -0.15 1.75-2.25 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S1Si 0.07-0.15 0.15-0.40 0.35-0.60 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S2Si 0.07-0.15 0.15-0.40 0.80-1.30 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S2Si2 0.07-0.15 0.40-0.60 0.80-1.20 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S3Si 0.07-0.15 0.15-0.40 1.30-1.85 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S4Si 0.07-0.15 0.15-0.40 1.85-2.25 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 *)S1Mo 0.05-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.35-0.60 -0.15 0.45-0.65 -0.15 *)S2Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.80-1.30 -0.15 0.45-0.65 -0.15 *)S3Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 1.30-1.75 -0.15 0.45-0.65 -0.15 *)S4Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 1.75-2.25 -0.15 0.45-0.65 -0.15 *)S2Ni1 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.80-1.30 0.80-1.20 -0.15 -0.15 *)S2Ni1.5 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.80-1.30 1.20-1.80 -0.15 -0.15 *)S2Ni2 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.80-1.30 1.80-2.40 -0.15 -0.15 *)S2Ni3 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.80-1.30 2.80-3.70 -0.15 -0.15 *)S2Ni1Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.80-1.30 0.80-1.20 0.45-0.65 -0.20 *)S3Ni1.5 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 1.30-1.70 1.20-1.80 -0.15 -0.20 *)S3Ni1Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 1.30-1.80 0.80-1.20 0.45-0.65 -0.20 *)S3Ni1.5Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 1.20-1.80 1.20-1.80 0.30-0.50 -0.20 *)Temp °CS2Ni1Cu 0.06-0.12 0.15-0.35 0.70-1.20 0.65-0.90 0.15 -0.40 *) Cu: 0.40-0.65S3Ni1Cu 0.05-0.15 0.15-0.40 1.20-1.70 0.60-1.20 0.15 -0.15 *) Cu: 0.30-0.60*) Other elements: Cu -0.30Al -0.030P, S 0,025 or 0,020All-weld metal chemical composition of tubular cored electrode-fluxcombinations.Chemical composition %SymbolMn Ni Mo CuT3 1.4-2.0 - - 0.3T3Ni1 1.4-2.0 0.6-1.2 - 0.3EN 760Guide to the EN coding, EN 760 for fluxesExample: OK Flux 10.71 - SA AB 1 67 AC H5SA AB 1 67 AC H5Method of manufactureHydrogen content of deposited metalS <strong>Submerged</strong><strong>Arc</strong> weldingSymbolF Fused fluxA Agglomerated fluxM Mixed fluxSymbol Hydrogen contentml/100 g deposited metal (max)H5 5H10 10H15 15Chemical composition of fluxType of currentSymbol Type of fluxMS Manganese-silicateCS Calcium-silicateZS Zirconium-silicateRS Rutile-silicateAR Aluminate-rutileAB Aluminate-basicAS Aluminate-silicateAF Aluminate-fluoride-basicFB Fluoride-basicZ Any other compositionApplicationClass1 SA welding of non alloy and lowalloy steels2 SA welding and surfacing ofstainless and heat resisting Cr andCr-Ni steels and/or Ni and Ni-basedalloys3 Surfacing purposes yielding a wearresisting weld metal by alloying C,Cr or Mo from fluxSymbolDC Direct current onlyAC Alternating and direct currentMetallurgical behaviourSymbol Metallurgicalbehaviour1 Burn-out 0.7 -Contributionfrom flux2 Burn-out 0.5 - 0.73 Burn-out 0.3 - 0.54 Burn-out 0.1 - 0.35 0 - 0.16 Pick-up 0.1 - 0.37 Pick-up 0.3 - 0.58 Pick-up 0.5 - 0.79 Pick-up 0.7 -Class 1 Si and Mn as aboveClass 2 Stating correspondingchemical symbolsClass 3 Stating correspondingchemical symbols88

SFA/AWS A5.17: SPECIFICATION FOR CARBON STEEL ELECTRODES AND FLUXES FOR SUBMERGED ARC WELDINGExample: OK Flux 10.71 / OK Autrod 12.22:SFA/AWS A5.17: F7A5-EM12KF 7 A 5 - EM12KIndicates a submerged arcwelding flux.Symbol for tensilepropertiesSymbol for heattreatmentSymbol for impactpropertiesChemical composition ofwire electrodesTensile strengthYield strength- min.Elongation(Tensilestrength)(Yield strength- min.)[psi] [psi] [%] ( [MPa] ) ( [MPa] )6 60.000 - 80.000 48.000 22 ( 415 - 550 ) ( 330 )7 70.000 - 95.000 58.000 22 ( 480 - 650 ) ( 400 )APAs weldedPostweld heat treated (PWHT);620°C / 1hDigit Temperature Charpy-V impact (min) (Temperature) Charpy-V impact (min)[°F] [ft * lbf] ( [°C] ) ( [J] )0 0 20 ( - 18 ) ( 27 )2 - 20 20 ( - 29 ) ( 27 )4 - 40 20 ( - 40 ) ( 27 )5 - 50 20 ( - 46 ) ( 27 )6 - 60 20 ( - 51 ) ( 27 )8 - 80 20 ( - 62 ) ( 27 )Z no requirementsChemical composition for solid electrodes - in % (extract of complete table)Classification C Mn Si S P Cu (includingCu-coating)EL12 0.04 - 0.14 0.25 - 0.60 0.10 0.030 0.030 0.35EM12 0.06 - 0.15 0.80 - 1.25 0.10 0.030 0.030 0.35EM12K 0.05 - 0.15 0.80 - 1.25 0.10 - 0.35 0.030 0.030 0.35EH12K 0.06 - 0.15 1.50 - 2.00 0.25 - 0.65 0.025 0.025 0.35EH14 0.10 - 0.20 1.70 - 2.20 0.10 0.030 0.030 0.35Chemical composition for composite electrode weld metal - in %Classification C Mn Si S P CuEC1 0.15 1.80 0.90 0.035 0.035 0.35ECGNot specifiedSingle values are maximum.EN 12070: WIRE ELECTRODES, WIRES AND RODS FOR ARC WELDING OF CREEP RESISTING STEELS CLASSIFICATIONExample: OK Autrod 13.10 SCEN 12070 - S CrMo1Symbol for the product /processSymbol for the chemical composition of wire elctrodes,wires and rods - in %GSWgas shielded metal arc weldingsubmerged are weldinggas tungsten arc weldingAlloy Symbol Chemical composition in % (m/m) 1) 2) (extract of complete table)C Si Mn P S Cr Mo V other elementsMo 0.08 - 0.15 0.05 - 0.25 0.80 - 1.20 0.025 0.025 - 0.45 - 0.65 - -MnMo 0.08 - 0.15 0.05 - 0.25 1.30 - 1.70 0.025 0.025 - 0.45 - 0.65 - -CrMo1 0.08 - 0.15 0.05 - 0.25 0.60 - 1.00 0.020 0.020 0.90 - 1.30 0.40 - 0.65 - -CrMo2 0.08 - 0.15 0.05 - 0.25 0.30 - 0.70 0.020 0.020 2.2 - 2.8 0.90 - 1.15 - -CrMo5 0.03 - 0.10 0.20 - 0.50 0.40 - 0.75 0.020 0.020 5.5 - 6.5 0.50 - 0.80 - -CrMo9 0.06 - 0.10 0.30 - 0.60 0.30 - 0.70 0.025 0.025 8.5 - 10.0 0.80 - 1.20 0.15 Ni 1.0CrMo91 0.07 - 0.13 0.50 0.4 - 1.1 0.020 0.020 8.0 - 10.5 0.80 - 1.20 0.15 - 0.30 Ni 0.4-1.0; Nb 0.03-0.10; N 0.02-0.07; Cu 0.25ZAny other agreed composition1.) If not specified: Ni

SFA/AWS A5.23: SPECIFICATION FOR LOW-ALLOY STEEL ELECTRODES AND FLUXES FOR SUBMERGED ARC WELDINGExample: OK Flux 10.63 / OK Autrod 13.20 SC:F 8 P 8 - EB3R - B3RSFA/AWS A5.23: F8P8-EB3R-B3RIndicates a submergedarc welding fluxSymbol for tensilepropertiesSymbol for heattreatmentSymbol for impactpropertiesChemical compositionof wire electrodesChemical compositionof weld metalTensile strength Yield strength- min.A As weldedP Postweld heat treated (PWHT); dependingon alloy, 620°C, 690°C and other temp. / 1hElongation (Tensilestrength)(Yield strength- min.)[psi] [psi] [%] ( [MPa] ) ( [MPa] )7 70.000 - 95.000 58.000 22 ( 480 - 650 ) ( 400 )8 80.000 - 100.000 68.000 20 ( 550 - 690 ) ( 470 )9 90.000 - 110.000 78.000 17 ( 620 - 760 ) ( 540 )10 100.000 - 120.000 88.000 16 ( 690 - 830 ) ( 610 )11 110.000 - 130.000 98.000 15 ( 760 - 900 ) ( 680 )12 120.000 - 140.000 108.000 14 ( 830 - 970 ) ( 740 )Chemical composition of wire electrodes - in % (extract of complete table)Classification C Mn Si S P Cr Ni Mo Cu (includingCu-coating)EA2 0.05 - 0.17 0.95 - 1.35 0.20 0.025 0.025 - - 0.45 - 0.65 0.35 -EA3 0.05 - 0.17 1.65 - 2.20 0.20 0.025 0.025 - - 0.45 - 0.65 0.35 -EA4 0.05 - 0.17 1.20 - 1.70 0.20 0.025 0.025 - - 0.45 - 0.65 0.35 -EB2R 0.07 - 0.15 0.45 - 1.00 0.05 - 0.30 0.010 0.010 1.00 - 1.75 - 0.45 - 0.65 0.15 see 2.)EB3R 0.05 - 0.15 0.40 - 0.80 0.05 - 0.30 0.010 0.010 2.25 - 3.00 - 0.90 - 1.00 0.15 see 2.)EB6 0.10 0.35 - 0.70 0.05 - 0.50 0.025 0.025 4.50 - 6.50 - 0.45 - 0.70 0.35 -EB8 0.10 0.30 - 0.65 0.05 - 0.50 0.025 0.025 8.00 - 10.50 - 0.80 - 1.20 0.35 -EB9 0.07 - 0.13 1.25 0.30 0.010 0.010 8.00 - 10.00 1.00 0.80 - 1.10 0.10 see 3.)ENi1 0.12 0.75 - 1.25 0.05 - 0.30 0.020 0.020 0.15 0.75 - 1.25 0.30 0.35 -ENi2 0.12 0.75 - 1.25 0.05 - 0.30 0.020 0.020 - 2.10 - 2.90 - 0.35 -ENi3 0.13 0.60 - 1.20 0.05 - 0.30 0.020 0.020 0.15 3.10 - 3.80 - 0.35 -EG not specified( EC ) ( composite electrode )Single values are maimum. 2.) As: 0.005; Sn: 0.005; Sb: 0.005 3.) V: 0.15 - 0.25; Nb: 0.02 - 0.10; N: 0.03 - 0.07; Al: 0.04OtherChemical composition of weld metal - in % (extract of complete table)Symbol for impact propertiesDigit Temperature Charpy-Vimpact (min)(Temperature) Charpy-Vimpact (min)[°F] [ft * lbf] ( [°C] ) ( [J] )0 0 20 ( - 18 ) ( 27 )2 - 20 20 ( - 29 ) ( 27 )4 - 40 20 ( - 40 ) ( 27 )5 - 50 20 ( - 46 ) ( 27 )6 - 60 20 ( - 51 ) ( 27 )8 - 80 20 ( - 62 ) ( 27 )10 - 100 20 ( - 73 ) ( 27 )15 - 150 20 (- 101 ) ( 27 )Z no requirementsClassification C Mn Si S P Cr Ni Mo Cu (includingCu-coating)A2 0.12 1.40 0.80 0.030 0.030 - - 0.40 - 0.65 0.35 -A3 0.15 2.10 0.80 0.030 0.030 - - 0.40 - 0.65 0.35 -A4 0.15 1.60 0.80 0.030 0.030 - - 0.40 - 0.65 0.35 -B2 0.05 - 0.15 1.20 0.80 0.030 0.030 1.00 - 1.50 - 0.40 - 0.65 0.35B2R 0.05 - 0.15 1.20 0.80 0.010 0.010 1.00 - 1.50 - 0.40 - 0.65 0.15 see 2.)B3 0.05 - 0.15 1.20 0.80 0.030 0.030 2.00 - 2.50 - 0.90 - 1.20 0.35B3R 0.05 - 0.15 1.20 0.80 0.010 0.010 2.00 - 2.50 - 0.90 - 1.20 0.15 see 2.)Ni1 0.12 1.60 0.80 0.025 0.030 0.15 0.75 - 1.10 0.35 0.35 see 3.)Ni2 0.12 1.60 0.80 0.025 0.030 - 2.00 - 2.90 - 0.35 -Ni3 0.12 1.60 0.80 0.025 0.030 0.15 2.80 - 3.80 - 0.35 -F3 0.17 1.25 - 2.25 0.80 0.030 0.030 - 0.70 - 1.10 0.40 - 0.65 0.35 -EG not specifiedSingle values are maximum. 2.) As: 0.005; Sn: 0.005; Sb: 0.005 3.) Ti+V+Zr: 0.05 4.) Weld metals generated with a composite electrode have the prefix ”EC”Other90

EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 14295: WELDING CONSUMABLES – WIRE AND TUBULAR CORED ELECTRODESAND ELECTRODE-FLUX-COMBINATIONS FOR SAW OF HIGH STRENGTH STEELS - CLASSIFICATIONExample: OK Flux 10.62 / OK Autrod 13.40EN 14295 – S 62 6 FB S3Ni1MoS 62 6 FB S3Ni1MoSymbolMSCSZSRSARABASAFFBZType of fluxManganese-silicateCalcium-silicateZirconium-silicateRutile-silicateAluminate-rutileAluminate-basicAluminate-silicateAluminate-fluoride-basicFluoride-basicAny other compositionSsubmerged are weldingSymbol for the impact properties of all-weld metalSymbol Charpy-V Impact J (min) Temp °CZ No requirementsA 47 +200 47 02 47 -203 47 -304 47 -405 47 -506 47 -60Symbol for the tensile propertiesSymbol Yield StrengthMPa (min)Tensile StrengthMPaElongation% (min)55 550 640 – 820 1862 620 700 – 890 1869 690 770 – 940 1779 790 880 – 1080 1689 890 940 – 1180 15Chemical composition of wire electrodeAlloyChemical composition in % (m/m)1)2)3)Symbol C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Total other elementsZAny other agreed compositionS2Ni1Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 0.80-1.30 0.020 0.020 0.20 0.80-1.20 0.45-0.65 0.30 0.50S3Ni1Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.35 1.30-1.80 0.020 0.020 0.20 0.80-1.20 0.45-0.65 0.30 0.50S2Ni2Mo 0.05-0.09 0.15 1.10-1.40 0.015 0.015 0.15 2.00-2.50 0.45-0.60 0.30 0.50S2Ni3Mo 0.08-0.12 0.10-0.25 0.80-1.20 0.020 0.020 0.15 2.80-3.20 0.10-0.25 0.30 0.50S1Ni2,5CrMo 0.07-0.15 0.10-0.25 0.45-0.75 0.020 0.020 0.50-0.85 2.10-2.60 0.40-0.70 0.30 0.50S3Ni2,5CrMo 0.07-0.15 0.10-0.25 1.20-1.80 0.020 0.020 0.30-0.85 2.00-2.60 0.40-0.70 0.30 0.50S3Ni1,5CrMo 0.07-0.14 0.05-0.15 1.30-1.50 0.020 0.020 0.15-0.35 1.50-1.70 0.30-0.50 0.30 0.50S3Ni1,5Mo 0.07-0.15 0.05-0.25 1.20-1.80 0.020 0.020 0.20 1.20-1.80 0.30-0.50 0.30 0.50S4Ni2CrMo 0.08-0.11 0.30-0.40 1.80-2.00 0.015 0.015 0.85-1.00 2.10-2.60 0.55-0.70 0.30 0.501.) Al, Sn, As and Sb

EN ISO 18274: WELDING CONSUMABLES - WIRE AND STRIP ELECTRODES, WIRES AND RODS FORARC WELDING OF NICKEL AND NICKEL ALLOYS. - CLASSIFICATION (EXTRACT).Example: OK Autrod 19.82:EN ISO 18274 - S Ni6625(NiCr22Mo9Nb)Symbol for the process: (Box 1.)Symbol for the chemical compositionof strip, wire or rod.Chemical symbol (Box 2.)SNi6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb)<strong>Welding</strong> Process<strong>Submerged</strong> arc weldingStrip claddingAlloy symbols C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo Nb Cu FeNi6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) 0.1 0.5 2.5-3.5 18.0-22.0 Min. 67.0 - 2.0-3.0 0.5 3.0Ni6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) 0.1 0.5 0.5 20.0-23.0 Min. 58.0 8.0-10.0 3.0-4.2 0.5 5.0Ni6276 (NiCr15Mo16Fe6W4) 0.02 0.08 1.0 14.5-16.5 Min. 50.0 15.0-17.0 - 0.5 4.0-7.0Ni6059 (NiCr23Mo16) 0.01 0.1 0.5 22.0-24.0 Min. 56.0 15.0-16.5 - - 1.5SFA/AWS A5.4: SPECIFICATION FOR STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRODES FOR SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (EXTRACT).Example: OK Autrod 308L:SFA/AWS A5.4: ER 308LER308LSymbol for the product:ER = Solid wireThe nominal chemical compositionof the filler metal. (Box 1.)AWS Classification C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo N Cu othersER307 0.04-0.14 0.9 3.30-4.75 0.04 0.03 18.0-21.5 9.0-10.7 0.50-1.5 - 0.75 -ER308L 0.04 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 18.0-21.0 9.0-11.0 0.75 - 0.75 -ER308H 0.04-0.08 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 18.0-21.0 9.0-11.0 0.75 - 0.75 -ER309L 0.04 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 22.0-25.0 12.0-14.0 0.75 - 0.75 -ER309MoL 0.04 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 22.0-25.0 12.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 -ER310 0.08-0.20 0.75 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 25.0-28.0 20.0-22.5 0.75 - 0.75 -ER312 0.15 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 28.0-32.0 8.0-10.5 0.75 - 0.75 -ER316L 0.04 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 17.0-20.0 11.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 -ER316H 0.04-0.08 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 17.0-20.0 11.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 -ER317L 0.04 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 18.0-21.0 12.0-14.0 3.0-4.0 - 0.75 -ER318 0.08 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 17.0-20.0 11.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 Nb=6xCmin/1.0maxER347 0.08 0.9 0.5-2.5 0.04 0.03 18.0-21.0 9.0-11.0 0.75 - 0.75 Nb=8xCmin/1.0maxER385 0.03 0.75 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.02 19.5-21.5 24.0-26.0 4.2-5.2 - 1.2-2.0ER2209 0.04 0.9 0.5-2.0 0.04 0.03 21.5-23.5 8.5-10.5 2.5-3.5 0.08-0.20 0.75 -92

SFA/AWS A5.9: BARE STAINLESS STEEL WELDING ELECTRODES AND RODS (EXTRACT).Example: OK Autrod 316L:SFA/AWS A5.9: ER 316ER316LSymbol for the product:ER = Solid wireThe nominal chemical compositionof the filler metal. (Box 1.)AWS Classification C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo N Cu othersER307 0.04-0.14 0.30-0.65 3.3-4.75 0.03 0.03 19.5-22.0 8.0-10.7 0.50-1.5 - 0.75 -ER308L 0.03 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 19.5-22.0 9.0-11.0 0.75 - 0.75 -ER308H 0.04-0.08 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 19.5-22.0 9.0-11.0 0.50 - 0.75 -ER309L 0.03 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 23.0-25.0 12.0-14.0 0.75 - 0.75 -ER309LMo 0.03 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 23.0-25.0 12.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 -ER310 0.08-0.15 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 25.0-28.0 20.0-22.5 0.75 - 0.75 -ER312 0.15 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 28.0-32.0 8.0-10.5 0.75 - 0.75 -ER316L 0.03 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 18.0-20.0 11.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 -ER316H 0.04-0.08 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 18.0-20.0 11.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 -ER317L 0.03 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 18.5-20.5 13.0-15.0 3.0-4.0 - 0.75 -ER318 0.08 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 18.0-20.0 11.0-14.0 2.0-3.0 - 0.75 Nb=8xCmin/1.0maxER347 0.08 0.30-0.65 1.0-2.5 0.03 0.03 19.0-21.5 9.0-11.0 0.75 - 0.75 Nb=10xCmin/1.0maxER385 0.025 0.50 1.0-2.5 0.02 0.03 19.5-21.5 24.0-26.0 4.2-5.2 - 1.2-2.0ER2209 0.03 0.90 0.50-2.0 0.03 0.03 21.5-23.5 7.5-9.5 2.5-3.5 0.08-0.20 0.75 -SFA/AWS A5.14: SPECIFICATION FOR NICKEL AND NICKEL ALLOY BARE WELDING ELECTRODES AND RODS (EXTRACT).Example: OK Autrod 19.81:SFA/AWS A5.14: ERNiCrMo-13ERNiCrMo-13Symbol for the product:ER = Solid wireSymbol for the chemical compositionof strip, wire or rod. (Box 1.)AWS Classification C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Cu FeERNiCr-3 0.1 0.5 2.5-3.5 0.03 0.015 18.0-22.0 min. 67.0 - 2.0-3.0 0.5 3.0ER NiCrMo-3 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.02 0.015 20.0-23.0 min. 58.0 8.0-10.0 3.15-4.15 0.5 5.0ER NiCrMo-4 0.02 0.08 1.0 0.04 0.03 14.5-16.5 Bal. 15.0-17.0 - 0.5 4.0-7.0ERNiCrMo-13 0.01 0.1 0.5 0.015 0.005 22.0-24.0 Bal. 15.0-16.5 - - 1.593

ApprovalsApprovals from marine societies (Unified rules for major marine societies such as ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LR, RINA, RS)Normal and higher strength hull structural steels:Grade of welding Hull structural steel gradesconsumables(see notes) A B D E A32/36 D32/36 E32/36 F32/36 A40 D40 E40 F401 x1Y x x (1)2 x x x2Y x x x x x2Y40 (2) (2) (2) x x x x3 x x x x3Y x x x x x x x3Y40 (2) (2) (2) (2) x x x x x x4Y x x x x x x x x4Y40 (2) (2) (2) (2) x x x x x x x x(1): When joining higher strength steels using Grade 1Y welding consumables, the material thickness should not exceed 25 mm.(2): The welding consumables approved for steel Grades A40, D40, E40 and/or F40 may also be used for welding of the corresponding grades of normal strength steelssubject to the special agreements with the Classification Society.High strength quenched and tempered steels:Grade of weldingconsumables Steel Grades covered3Y42 A - D 36, A - D 40, A - D 423Y46 A - D 40, A - D 42, A - D 463Y50 A - D 42, A - D 46, A - D 503Y55 A - D 50, A - D 553Y62 A - D 55, A - D 623Y69 A - D 62, A - D 694Y42 A - E 36, A - E 40, A - E 424Y46 A - E 40, A - E 42, A - E 464Y50 A - E 42, A - E 46, A - E 504Y55 A - E 50, A - E 554Y62 A - E 55, A - E 624Y69 A - E 62, A - E 695Y42 A - F 36, A - F 40, A - F 425Y46 A - F 40, A - F 42, A - F 465Y50 A - F 42, A - F 46, A - F 505Y55 A - F 50, A - F 555Y62 A - F 55, A - F 625Y69 A - F 62, A - F 69Temperatures for approval gradesgradetemperature2 0°C3 -20°C4 -40°C5 -60°CAdditional lettersApproved for two-runtechnique(one run fromTeach side)Approved for multi-runMtechniqueApproved for two-runtechnique(one run fromeach side) and for multiruntechniqueTMLow hydrogen approved,confirming to standardweld metal containingnot more than 15, 10, 5cm3 of hydrogen in 100 gH15, H10, H5 of weld metal deposit.Other approvalsApproval according to“Construction Product DirectiveCPD” - CE-signBuilding materials, structural elementsand constructions (also prefabricated)which are permanentlyinstalled into structural works fromstructural and civil engineering andwhich are connected to the groundare regulated according to CPD. Forexample, halls, cranes, bridges,lattice masts, chimneys and stacks.94

World leader in welding and cuttingtechnology and systems.ESAB operates at the forefront ofwelding and cutting technology. Over& Safety Management Systems across allour global manufacturing hundred years of continuousimprovement in products and processesenables us to meet the challenges oftechnological advance in every sector inAt ESAB, quality is an ongoing processthat is at the heart of all our productionprocesses and facilities worldwide.which ESAB operates.Quality and environmentstandards three key areas of focus. ESAB is one offew international companies to haveachieved the ISO 14001 and OHSAS18001 standards in Environmental, HealthMultinational manufacturing, localrepresentation and an internationalnetwork of independent distributorsbrings the benefits of ESAB quality andunrivalled expertise in materials andprocesses within reach of all ourcustomers, wherever they are located.ESAB Sales and Support Offices worldwide* Includes manufacturing facilities of ESAB North America.A wholly owned subsidiary of Anderson Group Inc.ESAB ABBox 8004 S-402 77 Gothenburg, SwedenTel. +46 31 50 90 00.Fax. +46 31 50 93 90www.esab.comReg. No: XA00136020 05 2008

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