Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Potential habitat - a stand of trees of a vegetation type used by spotted owlsthat is not currently suitable, but is capable of growing or developing intosuitable habitat in the future. In general, potential habitats are stands inthe earlier successional stages of forest types used by spotted owls.Power - the probability of rejecting the null hypotheses in a statistical test.Precommercial thinning - the practice of removing some of the trees less thanmerchantable size from a stand so that remaining trees will grow faster.RGPredator - any animal that preys externally on others, i.e., that hunts, kills,and generally feeds on a succession of hosts, i.e., the prey. SAFPrescribed fire - a fire burning under specified conditions that will accomplishcertain planned objectives. The fire may result from planned orunplanned ignitions. RGPresuppression - activities organized in advance of fire occurence to ensureeffective suppression action. RGProtective management - measures taken by nonfederal entities to conservespotted owls and/or their habitat; measures may include participation inconservation planning (as defined in Endangered Species Act section 10)or other actions that benefit owls; entities may be states, private landowners,Indian tribes, or others.Province - see physiographic province.Quarter-township - an area approximately 3 miles square containing ninesections of land.Radio-telemetry - automatic measurement and transmission of data fromremote sources via radio to a receiving station for recording and analysis.In this recovery plan, it refers to the tracking of spotted owls by means ofsmall radio transmitters attached to them. NADRandom - being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whoseelements has equal probability of occurrence, also characterized byprocedures to obtain such sets or elements. WEBRange (of a species) - the area or region over which an organism occurs. EFGRecovery - action that is necessary to reduce or resolve the threats thatcaused a species to be listed as threatened or endangered.Recruitment - the addition to a population from all causes, i.e., reproduction,immigration, and stocking. Recruitment may refer literally to numbersborn or hatched or to numbers at a specified stage of life such as breedingage or weaning age. SAFReforestation - the natural or artificial restocking of an area with forest trees;most commonly used in reference to artificial restocking. RGRefugia - havens of safety where populations have high probability of survivingperiods of adversity.Regeneration - the actual seedlings and saplings existing in a stand; or theact of establishing young trees naturally or artificially. RG656

Regulated forest - a theoretical managed forest from which the same acreageof stands can be harvested annually in perpetuity.Regulations - generally refers to the Code of Federal Regulations.Rescue effect - immigration of new individuals sufficient to maintain a populationthat might otherwise decline toward extinction.Reserved land - lands that have been removed from the acreage base used tocalculate timber yields. These lands often have a preservation or protectionstatus. Wildernesses, research natural areas, and national recreationareas are examples of reserved lands.Reserved pair areas - In those portions of the species' range where habitatand owl populations were inadequate to apply the criteria creating DCAs1 and 2, individual pair areas were also reserved. These are areas ofsuitable habitat identified for pairs and territorial single owls. Theacreage of these areas varies throughout the range, based on data forpairs in each province. All suitable habitat is reserved within an areaequal to the mean home range for that province.Residual habitat area - a 100-acre area of nesting, roosting, and foraginghabitat encompassing the activity center for a pair of owls or a territorialsingle owl in the matrix.Residual stand - the trees that remain standing after some event such asselection cutting. RGRiparian area - a geographically delineated area with distinctive resourcevalues and characteristics that comprises aquatic and riparian ecosystems.This includes floodplains, wetlands, and all areas within a horizontaldistance of approximately 100 feet from the normal line of high waterof a stream channel or from the shoreline of a standing body of water. RGRoost - the resting behavior of an animal.Roost sites - a site where an animal roosts. Can refer to daytime and nighttimeroosting. Sites often provide protection from environmental conditionsand from predators.Rotation - the planned number of years between the regeneration of an evenagedstand and its final cutting at a specified stage.Rotation age - the age of a stand when harvested at the end of a rotation. RGSanitation salvage - removal of dead, damaged, or susceptible trees primarilyto prevent the spread of pests or pathogens and to promote forest hygiene.RGSapling - a loose term for a young tree no longer a seedling but not yet a pole.It is generally a few feet high and 2 to 4 inches dbh, typically growingvigorously and without dead bark or more than an occasional deadbranch. SAFSecond-growth - relatively young forests that have developed following adisturbance (for example, wholesale cutting, serious fire, or insect attack)of the previous old-growth forest.Section 7 - the section of the Endangered Species Act that specifies the rolesof interagency coordination in accomplishing the objective of species recovery.657

Potential habitat - a stand of trees of a vegetation type used by spotted owlsthat is not currently suitable, but is capable of growing or developing intosuitable habitat in <strong>the</strong> future. In general, potential habitats are stands in<strong>the</strong> earlier successional stages of <strong>for</strong>est types used by spotted owls.Power - <strong>the</strong> probability of rejecting <strong>the</strong> null hypo<strong>the</strong>ses in a statistical test.Precommercial thinning - <strong>the</strong> practice of removing some of <strong>the</strong> trees less thanmerchantable size from a stand so that remaining trees will grow faster.RGPredator - any animal that preys externally on o<strong>the</strong>rs, i.e., that hunts, kills,and generally feeds on a succession of hosts, i.e., <strong>the</strong> prey. SAFPrescribed fire - a fire burning under specified conditions that will accomplishcertain planned objectives. The fire may result from planned orunplanned ignitions. RGPresuppression - activities organized in advance of fire occurence to ensureeffective suppression action. RGProtective management - measures taken by nonfederal entities to conservespotted owls and/or <strong>the</strong>ir habitat; measures may include participation inconservation planning (as defined in Endangered Species Act section 10)or o<strong>the</strong>r actions that benefit owls; entities may be states, private landowners,Indian tribes, or o<strong>the</strong>rs.Province - see physiographic province.Quarter-township - an area approximately 3 miles square containing ninesections of land.Radio-telemetry - automatic measurement and transmission of data fromremote sources via radio to a receiving station <strong>for</strong> recording and analysis.In this recovery plan, it refers to <strong>the</strong> tracking of spotted owls by means ofsmall radio transmitters attached to <strong>the</strong>m. NADRandom - being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whoseelements has equal probability of occurrence, also characterized byprocedures to obtain such sets or elements. WEBRange (of a species) - <strong>the</strong> area or region over which an organism occurs. EFG<strong>Recovery</strong> - action that is necessary to reduce or resolve <strong>the</strong> threats thatcaused a species to be listed as threatened or endangered.Recruitment - <strong>the</strong> addition to a population from all causes, i.e., reproduction,immigration, and stocking. Recruitment may refer literally to numbersborn or hatched or to numbers at a specified stage of life such as breedingage or weaning age. SAFRe<strong>for</strong>estation - <strong>the</strong> natural or artificial restocking of an area with <strong>for</strong>est trees;most commonly used in reference to artificial restocking. RGRefugia - havens of safety where populations have high probability of survivingperiods of adversity.Regeneration - <strong>the</strong> actual seedlings and saplings existing in a stand; or <strong>the</strong>act of establishing young trees naturally or artificially. RG656

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