Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Mixed conifer - as used in this document, the term "mixed conifer" refers tostands of trees, made up of pine, Douglas-fir, and true firs, that aregenerally found east of the Cascades.Mixed-conifer forest - a forest community that is dominated by two or moreconiferous species.Mixed-evergreen forest - a forest community that is dominated by two ormore species of broad-leaved hardwoods whose foliage persists for severalyears: important western species include madrone, tanoak, chinquapin,canyon live oak, and California-laurel.MM - million. RGMMBF - million board feet. Lumber or timber measurement term.Modal - of or relating to a statistical mode that is the highest-frequency valuefor a variable in a data set. WEBModel - an idealized representation of reality developed to describe, analyze, orunderstand the behavior of some aspect of it; a mathematical representationof the relationships under study. The term model is applicable to abroad class of representations, ranging from a relatively simple qualitativedescription of a system or organization to a highly abstract set of mathematicalequations.Monitoring - a process of collecting information to evaluate whether objectivesof a management plan are being realized.Multiple use - the management of renewable resources so that they areutilized in the combination that will best meet the needs of people. RGMultistoried - term applied to forest stands that contain trees of variousheights and diameter classes and therefore support foliage at variousheights in the vertical profile of the stand.Multivariate analysis - a field of statistics in which multiple variables are usedto compare sample groups. Multivariate analysis contrasts withunivariate analysis, in which single variables are used to compare samplegroups.NAAgS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards. RGNatal area - the location where an animal was born.NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. RGNesting, roosting, and foraging (NRF) habitat - forest vegetation with appropriatestructure and composition to meet some or all of the life needs ofnorthern spotted owls.Nexus - a means of connection. Often used in a legal context to refer to thelegal connection between one action and another.NF - National forest. RGNFMA - National Forest Management Act of 1976. RGNocturnal - referring to organisms that are active or functional at night. EFG654

Nonmarket - products derived from resources that do not have a well-establishedmarket value: for example, recreation, wilderness, wildlife. RGOccupancy rate - in reference to spotted owls, the percent of inventoriedspotted owl habitat that is estimated to be occupied by breeding pairs ofspotted owls.Off-road vehicles (ORVs) - vehicles such as motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles,four-wheel drive vehicles, and snowmobiles. RGOld-growth - a forest stand with moderate to high canopy closure; a multilayered,multispecies canopy dominated by large overstory trees; a highincidence of large trees with large, broken tops, and other indications ofdecadence; numerous large snags; and heavy accumulations of logs andother woody debris on the ground.Old-growth species - plant and animal species that exhibit a strong associationwith old-growth forests.Old-growth stand - a mappable area of old-growth forest.Oregon-Washington Interagency Wildlife Committee - a committee composedof administrators from federal and state agencies; including theU.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Bureau ofLand Management, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and theWashington Department of Game.Overstory - trees that provide the uppermost layer of foliage in a forest withmore than one roughly horizontal layer of foliage.Owl site - any site where there has been a recent or historic observation of asingle spotted owl or a pair of owls.Pair site - an amount of habitat that is considered capable of supporting onepair of spotted owls.Phenology - the annual recurrence of plant and animal phenomena that isinfluenced by seasonal and other environmental changes, e.g., floweringof plants, ripening of fruit.Physiographic province - a geographic region in which climate and geologyhave given rise to a distinct array of landforms. Biology and habitatrelationships of spotted owls vary by physiographic province due todifferences in climate, vegetation, and productivity of habitats.Platform nest - a relatively flat nest constructed on a supporting structuresuch as a broad branch.Population density - number of individuals of a species per unit area.Population dynamics - the aggregate of changes that occur during the life of apopulation. Included are all phases of recruitment and growth, senility,mortality, seasonal fluctuation in biomass, and persistence of each yearclass and its relative dominance, as well as the effects that any or all ofthese factors exert on the population. SAFPopulation viability - probability that a population will persist for a specifiedperiod of time across its range despite normal fluctuations in populationand environmental conditions.655

Mixed conifer - as used in this document, <strong>the</strong> term "mixed conifer" refers tostands of trees, made up of pine, Douglas-fir, and true firs, that aregenerally found east of <strong>the</strong> Cascades.Mixed-conifer <strong>for</strong>est - a <strong>for</strong>est community that is dominated by two or moreconiferous species.Mixed-evergreen <strong>for</strong>est - a <strong>for</strong>est community that is dominated by two ormore species of broad-leaved hardwoods whose foliage persists <strong>for</strong> severalyears: important western species include madrone, tanoak, chinquapin,canyon live oak, and Cali<strong>for</strong>nia-laurel.MM - million. RGMMBF - million board feet. Lumber or timber measurement term.Modal - of or relating to a statistical mode that is <strong>the</strong> highest-frequency value<strong>for</strong> a variable in a data set. WEBModel - an idealized representation of reality developed to describe, analyze, orunderstand <strong>the</strong> behavior of some aspect of it; a ma<strong>the</strong>matical representationof <strong>the</strong> relationships under study. The term model is applicable to abroad class of representations, ranging from a relatively simple qualitativedescription of a system or organization to a highly abstract set of ma<strong>the</strong>maticalequations.Monitoring - a process of collecting in<strong>for</strong>mation to evaluate whe<strong>the</strong>r objectivesof a management plan are being realized.Multiple use - <strong>the</strong> management of renewable resources so that <strong>the</strong>y areutilized in <strong>the</strong> combination that will best meet <strong>the</strong> needs of people. RGMultistoried - term applied to <strong>for</strong>est stands that contain trees of variousheights and diameter classes and <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e support foliage at variousheights in <strong>the</strong> vertical profile of <strong>the</strong> stand.Multivariate analysis - a field of statistics in which multiple variables are usedto compare sample groups. Multivariate analysis contrasts withunivariate analysis, in which single variables are used to compare samplegroups.NAAgS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards. RGNatal area - <strong>the</strong> location where an animal was born.NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. RGNesting, roosting, and <strong>for</strong>aging (NRF) habitat - <strong>for</strong>est vegetation with appropriatestructure and composition to meet some or all of <strong>the</strong> life needs ofnor<strong>the</strong>rn spotted owls.Nexus - a means of connection. Often used in a legal context to refer to <strong>the</strong>legal connection between one action and ano<strong>the</strong>r.NF - National <strong>for</strong>est. RGNFMA - National Forest Management Act of 1976. RGNocturnal - referring to organisms that are active or functional at night. EFG654

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