Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Empirical - derived from direct observation or experimentation.Endangered species - any species of animal or plant that is in danger ofextinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range; plant oranimal species identified by the Secretary of the Interior as endangered inaccordance with the 1973 Endangered Species Act. RGEndemic - a species that is unique to a specific locality.Environmental analysis - an analysis of alternative actions and their predictableshort- and long-term environmental effects, incorporating physical,biological, economic, and social considerations. RGEnvironmental assessment - a concise public document required by theregulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. RGEnvironmental stochasticity - random variation in environmental attributessuch as temperature, precipitation, and fire frequency.Epiphyte - a plant that grows upon another plant and that is nonparasitic.Most of the plant's necessary moisture and nutrients are derived from theatmosphere. RGEven-aged forest - a forest stand composed of trees with less than a 20-yeardifference in age.Even-aged management - the application of a combination of actions thatresult in the creation of stands in which trees of essentially the same agegrow together. Managed even-aged forests are characterized by a distributionof stands of varying ages (and, therefore, tree sizes) throughout theforest area. The difference in age among trees forming the main canopylevel of a stand usually does not exceed 20 percent of the age of the standat harvest rotation age. Regeneration in a particular stand is obtainedduring a short period at or near the time that a stand has reached thedesired age or size for harvesting. Clear-cut, shelterwood, or seed treecutting methods produce even-aged stands. RGExtended rotation - a period of years that is longer than the time necessary togrow timber crops to a specified condition of maturity. SAF See rotation.Extended rotation age - a point in time when trees are harvested or plannedto be harvested that is beyond the age when harvest ordinarily wouldoccur. SAF See rotation age.Extinct - A species is extinct when it no longer exists. EFGExtirpation - the elimination of a species from a particular area.Fecundity - number of female young produced per adult female.Fire regime - the characteristic frequency, extent, intensity, severity, andseasonality of fires in an ecosystem.Fire severity - the degree to which a site has been altered or disrupted by fire.Severity reflects fire intensity and residence time.Fledge - to rear until ready for flight or independent activity. WEB650

Floaters - nonbreeding adults and subadults that move and live within abreeding population, often replacing breeding adults that die;nonterritorial individuals.Food chain - organisms that are interrelated in their feeding habits, eachfeeding upon organisms that are lower in the chain and in turn being fedon by organisms higher in the chain.Forest fragmentation - the change in the forest landscape, from extensive andcontinuous forests of old-growth to a mosaic of younger stand conditions.Fragmentation - see forest fragmentation.Fuel loading - the amount of combustible material present per unit of area,usually expressed in tons per acre.FWS - Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.GIS - geographical information system. This is a computer system capable ofstoring and manipulating spatial (i.e., mapped) data.Group selection cutting - removal of groups of trees ranging in size from afraction of an acre up to about 2 acres. Area cut is smaller than theminimum feasible under even-aged management for a single stand. RGGuideline - a policy statement that is not a mandatory requirement (as opposedto a standard, which is mandatory). RGHA (hectare) - a measure of area in the metric system equal to approximately2.5 acres.Habitat - the place where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives andgrows. RGHabitat capability - the estimated number of pairs of spotted owls that can besupported by the kind, amount, and distribution of suitable habitat in thearea. As used in the recovery plan, this means the same as capability tosupport spotted owl pairs.Harvest cutting method - methods used to harvest trees. Harvest cuttingmethods are classified as even-aged and uneven-aged. RGHCA (habitat conservation area) - as proposed by the Interagency ScientificCommittee, a contiguous block of habitat to be managed and conservedfor breeding pairs, connectivity, and distribution of owls; application mayvary throughout the range according to local conditions.HCP (habitat conservation plan) - an agreement between the Secretary of theInterior and either a private entity or a state that specifies conservationmeasures that will be implemented in exchange for a permit that wouldallow taking of a threatened or endangered species.Home range - the area within which an animal conducts its activities during adefined period of time.Home range of a pair - the sum of the home ranges of each member of a pairminus the area of home range overlap.Horizontal diversity - the distribution and abundance of plant and animalcommunities and successional stages across an area of land; the greater thenumber of communities, the higher the degree of horizontal diversity. RG651

Empirical - derived from direct observation or experimentation.Endangered species - any species of animal or plant that is in danger ofextinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range; plant oranimal species identified by <strong>the</strong> Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Interior as endangered inaccordance with <strong>the</strong> 1973 Endangered Species Act. RGEndemic - a species that is unique to a specific locality.Environmental analysis - an analysis of alternative actions and <strong>the</strong>ir predictableshort- and long-term environmental effects, incorporating physical,biological, economic, and social considerations. RGEnvironmental assessment - a concise public document required by <strong>the</strong>regulations implementing <strong>the</strong> National Environmental Policy Act. RGEnvironmental stochasticity - random variation in environmental attributessuch as temperature, precipitation, and fire frequency.Epiphyte - a plant that grows upon ano<strong>the</strong>r plant and that is nonparasitic.Most of <strong>the</strong> plant's necessary moisture and nutrients are derived from <strong>the</strong>atmosphere. RGEven-aged <strong>for</strong>est - a <strong>for</strong>est stand composed of trees with less than a 20-yeardifference in age.Even-aged management - <strong>the</strong> application of a combination of actions thatresult in <strong>the</strong> creation of stands in which trees of essentially <strong>the</strong> same agegrow toge<strong>the</strong>r. Managed even-aged <strong>for</strong>ests are characterized by a distributionof stands of varying ages (and, <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, tree sizes) throughout <strong>the</strong><strong>for</strong>est area. The difference in age among trees <strong>for</strong>ming <strong>the</strong> main canopylevel of a stand usually does not exceed 20 percent of <strong>the</strong> age of <strong>the</strong> standat harvest rotation age. Regeneration in a particular stand is obtainedduring a short period at or near <strong>the</strong> time that a stand has reached <strong>the</strong>desired age or size <strong>for</strong> harvesting. Clear-cut, shelterwood, or seed treecutting methods produce even-aged stands. RGExtended rotation - a period of years that is longer than <strong>the</strong> time necessary togrow timber crops to a specified condition of maturity. SAF See rotation.Extended rotation age - a point in time when trees are harvested or plannedto be harvested that is beyond <strong>the</strong> age when harvest ordinarily wouldoccur. SAF See rotation age.Extinct - A species is extinct when it no longer exists. EFGExtirpation - <strong>the</strong> elimination of a species from a particular area.Fecundity - number of female young produced per adult female.Fire regime - <strong>the</strong> characteristic frequency, extent, intensity, severity, andseasonality of fires in an ecosystem.Fire severity - <strong>the</strong> degree to which a site has been altered or disrupted by fire.Severity reflects fire intensity and residence time.Fledge - to rear until ready <strong>for</strong> flight or independent activity. WEB650

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