Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Congressionally classified and designated areas - areas that require congressionalenactment for their establishment, such as national wildernessareas, national wild and scenic rivers, and national recreation areas. RGConifer - a tree belonging to the order Gymnospermae, comprising a widerange of trees that are mostly evergreens. Conifers bear cones (henceconiferous) and needle-shaped or scale-like leaves. SAFConnectivity - a measure of the extent to which intervening habitat trulyconnects DCAs for juvenile spotted owls dispersing among them.Conservation - the process or means of achieving recovery.Conspecifics - belonging to or pertaining to the same species.Consultation - a formal interaction between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceand another federal agency when it is determined that the agency's actionmay affect a species that has been listed as threatened or endangered orits critical habitat.Contiguous habitat - habitat suitable to support the life needs of owls that isdistributed continuously or nearly continuously across the landscape.Corridor - a defined tract of land, usually linear, through which a species musttravel to reach habitat suitable for reproduction and other life-sustainingneeds.Cost efficiency - the usefulness of specified inputs (costs) to produce specifiedoutputs (benefits). In measuring cost efficiency, some outputs, includingenvironmental, economic, or social impacts, are not assigned monetaryvalues, but are achieved at specified levels in the least costly manner.Cost efficiency usually is measured using present net value, although useof benefit-cost ratios and rates-of-return may be appropriate. RGCritical habitat - specific areas within the geographical area occupied by aspecies on which are found those physical or biological features essentialto conservation of the species.Crown - the upper part of a tree or other woody plant which carries the mainsystem of branches and the foliage. SAFCrown closure - see canopy closure.CWD (coarse woody debris) - portion of a tree that has fallen or been cut andleft in the woods. Usually refers to pieces at least 20 inches in diameter.DBH - diameter at breast height. The diameter of a tree measured 4 feet 6inches from the ground. RGDCA - designated conservation area.Defoliators - insects that feed on foliage and thus act to remove some or all ofthe foliage from a tree, shrub, or herb.Demographic model - a model that predicts the future state of an animalpopulation based on its birth and death rates.Demography - the quantitative analysis of population structure and trends:population dynamics. EFG648

Density, biological population - the number or size of a population in relationto some unit of space. It is usually expressed as the number of individualsor the population biomass per unit area or volume. RGDepauperate - poorly developed. In biology, it usually refers to an area thathas relatively few plant and animal species.Designated conservation area (DCA) - a contiguous area of habitat to bemanaged and conserved for spotted owls. This general description can beapplied to two categories:DCA 1 - category of DCA intended to support at least 20 pairs ofspotted owls.DCA 2 -category of DCA intended to support one to 19 pairs ofspotted owls.Dispersal - the movement, usually one way and on any time scale, of plants oranimals from their point of origin to another location where they subsequentlyproduce offspring.Dispersal capability - ability of members of a species to move from their areaof birth to another suitable location and subsequently breed.Dispersal habitat - habitat that supports the life needs of an individual animalduring dispersal. Generally satisfies needs for foraging, roosting, andprotection from predators.Distribution (of a species) - the spatial arrangement of a species within itsrange.Disturbance - a significant change in structure and/or composition caused bynatural events such as fire and wind or human-caused events such ascutting.Diversity - see biological diversity.Down log - portion of a tree that has fallen or been cut and left in the woods.Early seral stage forests - Stage in forest development that includes seedling,sapling, and pole-sized trees.East side forests - the 12 national forests in Washington, Oregon, and Californiathat lie partly or wholly east of the Cascade Mountain Range crest:Colville, Deschutes, Fremont, Klamath, Malheur, Ochoco, Okanogan,Shasta-Trinity, Umatilla, Wallowa-Whitman, Wenatchee, and WinemaNational Forests. RGEcosystem - an interacting system of organisms considered together with theirenvironment: for example, marsh, watershed, and lake ecosystems. RGEdge - where plant communities meet or where successional stages or vegetativeconditions within plant communities come together. RG See also edgecontrast and horizontal diversity.Edge contrast - a qualitative measure of the difference in structure of twoadjacent vegetated areas; for example, 'low," "medium," or 'high" edgecontrast. RGElectrophoresis - a technique used to distinguish among allozymes by comparingtheir relative mobility in an electrical field.649

Congressionally classified and designated areas - areas that require congressionalenactment <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir establishment, such as national wildernessareas, national wild and scenic rivers, and national recreation areas. RGConifer - a tree belonging to <strong>the</strong> order Gymnospermae, comprising a widerange of trees that are mostly evergreens. Conifers bear cones (henceconiferous) and needle-shaped or scale-like leaves. SAFConnectivity - a measure of <strong>the</strong> extent to which intervening habitat trulyconnects DCAs <strong>for</strong> juvenile spotted owls dispersing among <strong>the</strong>m.Conservation - <strong>the</strong> process or means of achieving recovery.Conspecifics - belonging to or pertaining to <strong>the</strong> same species.Consultation - a <strong>for</strong>mal interaction between <strong>the</strong> U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceand ano<strong>the</strong>r federal agency when it is determined that <strong>the</strong> agency's actionmay affect a species that has been listed as threatened or endangered orits critical habitat.Contiguous habitat - habitat suitable to support <strong>the</strong> life needs of owls that isdistributed continuously or nearly continuously across <strong>the</strong> landscape.Corridor - a defined tract of land, usually linear, through which a species musttravel to reach habitat suitable <strong>for</strong> reproduction and o<strong>the</strong>r life-sustainingneeds.Cost efficiency - <strong>the</strong> usefulness of specified inputs (costs) to produce specifiedoutputs (benefits). In measuring cost efficiency, some outputs, includingenvironmental, economic, or social impacts, are not assigned monetaryvalues, but are achieved at specified levels in <strong>the</strong> least costly manner.Cost efficiency usually is measured using present net value, although useof benefit-cost ratios and rates-of-return may be appropriate. RGCritical habitat - specific areas within <strong>the</strong> geographical area occupied by aspecies on which are found those physical or biological features essentialto conservation of <strong>the</strong> species.Crown - <strong>the</strong> upper part of a tree or o<strong>the</strong>r woody plant which carries <strong>the</strong> mainsystem of branches and <strong>the</strong> foliage. SAFCrown closure - see canopy closure.CWD (coarse woody debris) - portion of a tree that has fallen or been cut andleft in <strong>the</strong> woods. Usually refers to pieces at least 20 inches in diameter.DBH - diameter at breast height. The diameter of a tree measured 4 feet 6inches from <strong>the</strong> ground. RGDCA - designated conservation area.Defoliators - insects that feed on foliage and thus act to remove some or all of<strong>the</strong> foliage from a tree, shrub, or herb.Demographic model - a model that predicts <strong>the</strong> future state of an animalpopulation based on its birth and death rates.Demography - <strong>the</strong> quantitative analysis of population structure and trends:population dynamics. EFG648

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