Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Education: B.S. in forestry from Oregon State University, studies in PublicAdministration at American University, awarded an American Political ScienceAssociation Congressional Fellowship.Richard Nafziger - Representing the Governor of the State of Washington.Current position: Special Assistant to the Governor for Timber Policy and RuralDevelopment: Coordinator of Interagency Task Force on Timber CommunityDevelopment, Olympia, Washington.Experience includes: Member of Governor's Economic Recovery CoordinationBoard: senior policy analyst for Economic Development and Labor, Office ofFinancial Management.Education: B.A. in religion from Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota; economics, New School for Social Research, New York, New York.Martha Pagel - Representing the Governor of the State of Oregon.Current position: Oregon Governor's Senior Policy Advisor on Natural Resources,Salem, Oregon.Experience includes: Director, and Deputy Director, Oregon Division of StateLands; Assistant Attorney General, General Counsel Division, Oregon Departmentof Justice, providing general legal advice to various natural resourceagencies.Education: B.A., in Journalism, San Diego State University: J.D., WillametteUniversity College of Law.Christine Sproul - Representing the Governor of the State of Califomia.Current position: Assistant Secretary, Legal Affairs, The Resources Agency ofCalifornia, Sacramento, California.Experience includes: Staff Counsel, Office of the General Counsel, CaliforniaAir Resources Board: Staff Counsel, Office of the Chief Counsel, State WaterResources Control Board.Education: B.A., in international relations from the University of California,Davis; J.D. from Martin Luther King Jr. Law School, University of California,Davis, California.Edward E. StarkeyCurrent position: Research Biologist and Terrestrial Ecology Program Leader,National Park Service Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Oregon State University:Professor of terrestrial ecology, Departments of Forest Resources, and Fisheriesand Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.Experience includes: Chief scientist and wildlife ecologist for the National ParkService Denver Service Center: research and teaching assistant in zoology andbiology at Washington State University: more than 30 publications (and sixtheses supervised) since 1980, mostly concerning deer and elk in old-growthforests, fire ecology, and nutritional ecology.Education: B.S. in biology from Bemidji State University; M.A. in biology fromSt. cloud State University; Ph.D. in zoology from Washington State University.John C. TappeinerCurrent position: Professor of Forestry at Oregon State University, Corvallis,Oregon, teaching silviculture and forest ecology, research in shrub and hardwoodecology and vegetation management and forest stand growth.Experience includes: Lecturer in forestry, University of California, Berkeley;Regional Silviculturist for U.S. Forest Service Region 5 (17 national forests inCalifornia); international forestry consulting; associate professor University ofMinnesota Cloquet Forest Research Center; numerous peer-reviewed papers.Education: B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in forestry (specializing in forest ecology andsilviculture) all from the University of California, Berkeley.630


Education: B.S. in <strong>for</strong>estry from Oregon State University, studies in PublicAdministration at American University, awarded an American Political ScienceAssociation Congressional Fellowship.Richard Nafziger - Representing <strong>the</strong> Governor of <strong>the</strong> State of Washington.Current position: Special Assistant to <strong>the</strong> Governor <strong>for</strong> Timber Policy and RuralDevelopment: Coordinator of Interagency Task Force on Timber CommunityDevelopment, Olympia, Washington.Experience includes: Member of Governor's Economic <strong>Recovery</strong> CoordinationBoard: senior policy analyst <strong>for</strong> Economic Development and Labor, Office ofFinancial Management.Education: B.A. in religion from Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota; economics, New School <strong>for</strong> Social Research, New York, New York.Martha Pagel - Representing <strong>the</strong> Governor of <strong>the</strong> State of Oregon.Current position: Oregon Governor's Senior Policy Advisor on Natural Resources,Salem, Oregon.Experience includes: Director, and Deputy Director, Oregon Division of StateLands; Assistant Attorney General, General Counsel Division, Oregon Departmentof Justice, providing general legal advice to various natural resourceagencies.Education: B.A., in Journalism, San Diego State University: J.D., WillametteUniversity College of Law.Christine Sproul - Representing <strong>the</strong> Governor of <strong>the</strong> State of Califomia.Current position: Assistant Secretary, Legal Affairs, The Resources Agency ofCali<strong>for</strong>nia, Sacramento, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.Experience includes: Staff Counsel, Office of <strong>the</strong> General Counsel, Cali<strong>for</strong>niaAir Resources Board: Staff Counsel, Office of <strong>the</strong> Chief Counsel, State WaterResources Control Board.Education: B.A., in international relations from <strong>the</strong> University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia,Davis; J.D. from Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r King Jr. Law School, University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia,Davis, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.Edward E. StarkeyCurrent position: Research Biologist and Terrestrial Ecology Program Leader,National Park Service Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Oregon State University:Professor of terrestrial ecology, Departments of Forest Resources, and Fisheriesand Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.Experience includes: Chief scientist and wildlife ecologist <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> National ParkService Denver Service Center: research and teaching assistant in zoology andbiology at Washington State University: more than 30 publications (and six<strong>the</strong>ses supervised) since 1980, mostly concerning deer and elk in old-growth<strong>for</strong>ests, fire ecology, and nutritional ecology.Education: B.S. in biology from Bemidji State University; M.A. in biology fromSt. cloud State University; Ph.D. in zoology from Washington State University.John C. TappeinerCurrent position: Professor of Forestry at Oregon State University, Corvallis,Oregon, teaching silviculture and <strong>for</strong>est ecology, research in shrub and hardwoodecology and vegetation management and <strong>for</strong>est stand growth.Experience includes: Lecturer in <strong>for</strong>estry, University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Berkeley;Regional Silviculturist <strong>for</strong> U.S. Forest Service Region 5 (17 national <strong>for</strong>ests inCali<strong>for</strong>nia); international <strong>for</strong>estry consulting; associate professor University ofMinnesota Cloquet Forest Research Center; numerous peer-reviewed papers.Education: B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in <strong>for</strong>estry (specializing in <strong>for</strong>est ecology andsilviculture) all from <strong>the</strong> University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Berkeley.630

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