Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Experience Includes: Assistant Director, Refuges and Wildlife, FWS nationalheadquarters: Deputy Assistant Regional Director, Refuges and Wildlife, FWSRocky Mountain region: refuge supervisor for operations, FWS Alaska region.Education: B.S. and M.S. in wildlife management from Kansas State University.Jonathan Bart - Chatniian.Current position: Assistant Leader of the Ohio Cooperative Fish and WildlifeResearch Unit: Associate professor in the Department of Zoology at Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, Ohio.Experience includes: teaching graduate seminars and courses in wildlifebiology, biometry and behavioral ecology; publications in the areas of surveydesign and evaluation, survival analysis, quantitative analysis, and behavioralecology.Education: B.S. in biology from Syracuse University, M.S. in ecology fromCornell University, Ph.D. in wildlife biology from Cornell University.Robert G. AnthonyCurrent position: Assistant Unit Leader and Professor of Wildlife Ecology,Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Oregon State University, Corvallis,Oregon.Experience includes: Teaching mammalogy, wildlife natural history, andwildlife biometrics; researching, and directing graduate students in research inthe areas of wildlife ecology, dynamics of wildlife populations, and applicationof quantitative procedures to ecological concepts; Assistant and AssociateProfessor of Wildlife Ecology, Pennsylvania State University: 15 publicationswithin the last 5 years.Education: B.S. in biology from Fort Hays Kansas State College: M.S. inWildlife Biology from Washington State University; Ph.D. in zoology fromUniversity of Arizona.Melvin BergCurrent position: Chief, Division of Forestry, U.S. Bureau of Land Management,Washington, D.C.Experience includes: BLM district manager, Roseburg, Oregon: BLM associatedistrict manager; area manager, natural resource specialist, realty specialist,access specialist, and forester.Education: B.S. in forest management from Iowa State University.John H. BeuterCurrent position: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resourcesand Environment, Washington, D.C.Experience includes: Consulting Forester with Mason, Bruce and Girard, Inc.,Portland, Oregon; professor and department head of Forest Management atOregon State University; director of Oregon State University research forests.Education: B.S. in forestry, M.S. in forest economics from Michigan StateUniversity, Ph.D. in forestry and economics from Iowa State University.Wayne ElmoreCurrent position: U.S. Bureau of Land Management State Riparian Specialistfor Oregon and Washington, Prineville, Oregon.Experience includes: BLM resource area forester, and BLM district wildlifebiologist in Spokane, Washington: BLM district wildlife and fisheries biologistin Prineville, Oregon; approximately 20 publications on riparian ecosystemfunction and management.Education: B.S. in forest management from Oklahoma State University, postgraduatestudies in fisheries and wildlife management.John FayCurrent position: General Biologist, Division of Endangered Species, U.S. Fishand Wildlife Service, Washington D.C.Experience includes: Botanist, Division of Endangered Species, FWS; Assistant628

Chief, Branch of Biological Support, Office of Endangered Species, FWS;Associate Editor, Flora North America; Botanist, Pacific Tropical BotanicalGarden; former FWS.representative on Species Survival Commission, I.U.C.N.:numerous scientific and Federal Register publications.Education: B.S. in biology from Fordham College; Ph.D. in biology from CityUniversity of New York.R. J. GutifrrezCurrent position: Professor, Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University,Arcata, California. Current major studies ongoing in habitat, dispersal, genetics,and population dynamics of the spotted owl.Experience includes: Chairman of Wildlife, Humboldt State University; assistantprofessor in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University;more than 70 wildlife consulting projects for universities, associations, andcorporations; more than 30 peer-reviewed publications on avian ecology.Education: B.S. in wildlife biology from Colorado State University: M.S. inbiology from University of New Mexico; Ph.D. in zoology from University ofCalifornia, Berkeley.H. Theodore Heintz, Jr.Current position: Assistant Director for Economic Analysis, Office of PolicyAnalysis, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.Experience includes: Staff Director of the President's Task Force on OuterContinental Shelf Leasing and Development; Research Director, Commission ofFair Market Value Policy for Federal Coal Leasing; Director of Economics andSystems Analysis, Earth Satellite Corporation, Washington, D.C.Education: B.E.E. in electrical engineering from Cornell University; M.P.A. inpublic affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and InternationalAffairs at Princeton University.Richard S. HolthausenCurrent position: National Wildlife Ecologist, U.S. Forest Service, Logan, Utah.Experience includes: Regional Wildlife Ecologist, U.S. Forest Service PacificNorthwest Region; Assistant Wildlife Ecologist, National Fish and WildlifeEcology Unit, F.S.; forest planner, Bighorn National Forest; forest planningbiologist and range conservationist, Bighorn National Forest; range scientist,Peter Kiewit Sons Mining, Sheridan, Wyoming; various teaching and coursedesign work in forest management, wildlife and fish ecology.Education: B.S. in ecology and mathematics from Cornell University; M.S. inecology from Utah State University.Kenneth LathropCurrent position: Supervisory Forester, Forest Products and Sale Administration,U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Portland, Oregon.Experience includes: Assistant Forester - Timber Sales, Portland Area Bureauof Indian Affairs; District Ranger and Timber Sale Officer, White Swan RangerStation, Yakima Indian Reservation.Education: B.S. in forestry from Michigan Technological University; postgraduate work in forestry, wildlife, Indian culture, and public administration atOregon State University, Washington State University, University of Washington,Central Washington College, and Lewis and Clark College.Kent MaysCurrent position: Program Manager for Spotted Owl Research, Developmentand Application program involving 24 national forests and two forest and rangeexperiment stations, Portland, Oregon.Experience includes: 34 years with the U.S. Forest Service in various line andstaff positions, including District Ranger and Forest Supervisor, on sevennational forests in four states; worked in various positions in the U.S. ForestService National Headquarters in Washington D.C. in recreation, planning, andlegislative affairs; and the President's Commission on American Outdoors.629

Chief, Branch of Biological Support, Office of Endangered Species, FWS;Associate Editor, Flora North America; Botanist, Pacific Tropical BotanicalGarden; <strong>for</strong>mer FWS.representative on Species Survival Commission, I.U.C.N.:numerous scientific and Federal Register publications.Education: B.S. in biology from Fordham College; Ph.D. in biology from CityUniversity of New York.R. J. GutifrrezCurrent position: Professor, Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University,Arcata, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia. Current major studies ongoing in habitat, dispersal, genetics,and population dynamics of <strong>the</strong> spotted owl.Experience includes: Chairman of Wildlife, Humboldt State University; assistantprofessor in <strong>the</strong> Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University;more than 70 wildlife consulting projects <strong>for</strong> universities, associations, andcorporations; more than 30 peer-reviewed publications on avian ecology.Education: B.S. in wildlife biology from Colorado State University: M.S. inbiology from University of New Mexico; Ph.D. in zoology from University ofCali<strong>for</strong>nia, Berkeley.H. Theodore Heintz, Jr.Current position: Assistant Director <strong>for</strong> Economic Analysis, Office of PolicyAnalysis, U.S. Department of <strong>the</strong> Interior, Washington, D.C.Experience includes: Staff Director of <strong>the</strong> President's Task Force on OuterContinental Shelf Leasing and Development; Research Director, Commission ofFair Market Value Policy <strong>for</strong> Federal Coal Leasing; Director of Economics andSystems Analysis, Earth Satellite Corporation, Washington, D.C.Education: B.E.E. in electrical engineering from Cornell University; M.P.A. inpublic affairs from <strong>the</strong> Woodrow Wilson School of Public and InternationalAffairs at Princeton University.Richard S. HolthausenCurrent position: National Wildlife Ecologist, U.S. Forest Service, Logan, Utah.Experience includes: Regional Wildlife Ecologist, U.S. Forest Service PacificNorthwest Region; Assistant Wildlife Ecologist, National Fish and WildlifeEcology Unit, F.S.; <strong>for</strong>est planner, Bighorn National Forest; <strong>for</strong>est planningbiologist and range conservationist, Bighorn National Forest; range scientist,Peter Kiewit Sons Mining, Sheridan, Wyoming; various teaching and coursedesign work in <strong>for</strong>est management, wildlife and fish ecology.Education: B.S. in ecology and ma<strong>the</strong>matics from Cornell University; M.S. inecology from Utah State University.Kenneth LathropCurrent position: Supervisory Forester, Forest Products and Sale Administration,U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Portland, Oregon.Experience includes: Assistant Forester - Timber Sales, Portland Area Bureauof Indian Affairs; District Ranger and Timber Sale Officer, White Swan RangerStation, Yakima Indian Reservation.Education: B.S. in <strong>for</strong>estry from Michigan Technological University; postgraduate work in <strong>for</strong>estry, wildlife, Indian culture, and public administration atOregon State University, Washington State University, University of Washington,Central Washington College, and Lewis and Clark College.Kent MaysCurrent position: Program Manager <strong>for</strong> <strong>Spotted</strong> <strong>Owl</strong> Research, Developmentand Application program involving 24 national <strong>for</strong>ests and two <strong>for</strong>est and rangeexperiment stations, Portland, Oregon.Experience includes: 34 years with <strong>the</strong> U.S. Forest Service in various line andstaff positions, including District Ranger and Forest Supervisor, on sevennational <strong>for</strong>ests in four states; worked in various positions in <strong>the</strong> U.S. ForestService National Headquarters in Washington D.C. in recreation, planning, andlegislative affairs; and <strong>the</strong> President's Commission on American Outdoors.629

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