Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT



The Recovery TeamTeam MembersThe Recovery Team is made up of 18 members appointed by Secretary of theInterior Manuel Lujan Jr. The members include biologists, ecologists, foresters,economists, federal forest and wildlife managers, and representatives ofthe governors of the three affected states.Secretary Lujan directed the Recovery Team to develop a recovery plan for thenorthern spotted owl, giving appropriate consideration to the needs of otherspecies and economic effects (see pages 639-641).The Recovery Team began its work in March 1991. It held numerous meetings,as a team and in smaller committees working on specific matters such asconsideration of other species, potential economic and social effects, currentmanagement and regulations, silviculture, and other topics. Members visited awide variety of owl habitats and forests in the three states, including lands inthe Mt. Hood, Willamette, and Six Rivers National Forests, Olympic NationalPark, the BLM Eugene District, the Yakima Indian Reservation, Oregon'sTillamook State Forest, and Washington state forestlands. Privately ownedcommercial forests toured included those of Fruit Growers Timber Company,Sierra Pacific, Weyerhaeuser, Willamette Industries and the National Councilfor Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) study area.Beginning with information compiled by the Interagency Scientific Committee(ISC), the Recovery Team then sought new information on owls from a varietyof sources and commissioned special reviews on topics such as silviculturalpractices, and management of threats from fire, insects, and disease. Anautomated geographical information system was developed to manage the greatarray of data on owl sites, habitat areas, and timber resources.Early in the recovery planning process, most of each week-long Recovery Teammeeting was held in open session, attended by interest group representatives,elected officials, news media representatives, and the general public. Duringthe planning process, the Recovery Team sent summaries of past meetings andagendas of future meetings to a mailing list of nearly 400 persons, includingthe news media and local, state, and federal elected officials. Also, two lettersrequesting specific new information about owls were sent to the same mailinglist. A number of people, representing various interests, presented informationor points of view to the Recovery Team or one of its committees. Periodicbriefings were held for elected officials and agency staff.Donald R. Knowles - Secretary's representative and team coordinator.Current Position: Associate Deputy Secretary, U.S. Departmentof the Interior, Washington, D.C.Experience Includes: Professional staff member, U.S. Senate Committee onAppropriations, including subcommittee assignments on funding for the ForestService, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, National ParkService, Coast Guard, and the Federal Highway Administration: variousmanagement, program and budget analyst positions with the U.S. Departmentof Commerce and U.S. Department of Agriculture.Education: B.A. in economics from North Carolina State University; M.P.A.with major in water resources from North Carolina State University.Marvin Plenert - Team leader.Current Position: Regional Director, Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific RegionWashington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific TrustTerritories), Portland, Oregon.627


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