Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


25-° 20/0M 15-a)CLU)0 10-0CL 5 -0)0 200 400 600 800 1,200 1,600 2,000Annual rate of production --- -11.1.1 .... 111.1 ..................... - - ...I...................................... ------- -.11111-Figure H.2. Tifnber supply curve derlvedfrom Table 7.The second supply curve also could represent the supply curve in a region inwhich lands with low cost timber were held off the market. Prohibiting timberharvests on sites with relatively low costs shifts the supply curve to the left forall higher costs. Table H.8 shows the supply schedule from Table H.7 recalculatedto reflect the removal of sites 1 and 2. Figure H.4 shows the supply curvederived from Table H.8. As a comparison of Figures H.2 and H.4 shows,policies that remove harvestable timber from the timber resource base generallycan be represented by a leftward shift in the supply curve from SO to S. asshown in Figure H.5. This is particularly true if low cost sources of timber aremade unavailable for harvest.PS Timber-poor regiona)CD*0 cis0 2-Da)0.U)oS Timber-rich region0)a-)Annual rate of productionQFigure H.3. Timber supply curves.560

Table H.7. Derivation of timber supply curve.Potential Timber Production Potential Timber Production Supplyby Site and Cost by Cost ScheduleProductionSite Cost Production Cost Production Price (units per(dollars per unit) (units) (dollars per unit) (units) (dollars per unit) year)1 5 200 5 450 5 4501011010510109601515475151,4352050 20300201,7352500025140251,875251015275205025 203550o 010015020100255045250104001515020502520550100150201002550111.11 .....-.......I...111.1111 .1.11 I -Table H.8. Effect of restricted timber availability on derivation of timber supply curve.\Potential Timber Productionby Site and CostPotential Timber Productionby CostSupplyScheduleSiteCost(dollars per unit)Production(units)Cost(dollars per unit)Production(units)Price(dollars per unit)Production(units peryear)2345510152025510152025510152025510152025510152025000000000000010050250400150502000010050I'll -1- 1.1- 111- 11" .." .., ... 11 ......510152025250400150250120510152025........... I....... ........... ....I..................................................................... ..11 I I ----... 1 .1.1 11,2506508001,0501,170JI561

Table H.7. Derivation of timber supply curve.Potential Timber Production Potential Timber Production Supplyby Site and Cost by Cost ScheduleProductionSite Cost Production Cost Production Price (units per(dollars per unit) (units) (dollars per unit) (units) (dollars per unit) year)1 5 200 5 450 5 4501011010510109601515475151,4352050 20300201,7352500025140251,875251015275205025 203550o 010015020100255045250104001515020502520550100150201002550111.11 .....-.......I...111.1111 .1.11 I -Table H.8. Effect of restricted timber availability on derivation of timber supply curve.\Potential Timber Productionby Site and CostPotential Timber Productionby CostSupplyScheduleSiteCost(dollars per unit)Production(units)Cost(dollars per unit)Production(units)Price(dollars per unit)Production(units peryear)2345510152025510152025510152025510152025510152025000000000000010050250400150502000010050I'll -1- 1.1- 111- 11" .." .., ... 11 ......510152025250400150250120510152025........... I....... ........... ....I..................................................................... ..11 I I ----... 1 .1.1 11,2506508001,0501,170JI561

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