Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT



Table of ContentsI. Introduction and Sum m ary ................................................ 531A. Requirements of the Endangered Species Act ................................. 531B. The Problem ......................................................... 531C. The Role of Economic Considerations ............................................ 531D. Summary of Features to Reduce Costs .......................................... 533E. Summary of Preliminary Estimatesof the Economic Effects of Implementing the Recovery Plan ............ 534II.General Economic Principles forReducing the Cost of Spotted Owl Recovery . ........................... 536A. The Efficiency Principle ......................................................... 536B. The Importance of Owl Habitat Productivity ................................... 537C. Joint Production Possibilities ........................................................ 538D. The Importance of Timber Productivity .......................................... 539E. Institutional Principles for Promoting Efficiency ............................. 539F. Equity and Distributional Principles .............................................. 540G. Dealing with Uncertainty and Risk ................................................ 540III. Relationship Between Spotted OwlHabitat and the Timber Resource Base ................................................ 541IV. Economic and Social Cost InformationConsidered in the Formation of the Recovery Plan . ...................... 543A. Previously Estimated Economic Costsof Owl Conservation Proposals ...................................................... 544B. Potential Social Costs of Owl Conservation Measures ..................... 548C. Indicators of the Timber Dependency of Local Economies ............... 550V. Preliminary Evaluation of the Economic Effectsof Implementing the Spotted Owl Recovery Plan ................................... 558A. Economic Effects Covered by Preliminary Estimates ....................... 558B. Analytical Concepts .......................................... 5581. The Supply Curve ......................................................... 5582. The Fundamental Economic Benefits of Timber Production ...... 5623. Economic Effects of Owl Habitat Protection .............................. 5654. The Demand for Labor in the Timber Industry ......................... 5715. Effects on the Value of Capital Assets ...................................... 573C. Estimating Economic Effects of Implementing the Recovery Plan .... 5731. Estimating the Loss of Benefits from Federal Timber Harvest .... 5732. Estimating Employment Effects ............................................... 5743. Estimating Wage Losses ......................................................... 5764. Estimating the Economic Effects of Silvicultural Practices ........ 5785. Estimating the Economic Effects of Salvage .............................. 5806. Estimating the Effects on County Revenues ............................. 580Bibliography . 583Figures1. Timber supply curve . 5592. Timber supply curve from Table H.7 . 5603. Timber supply curves . 5604. Timber supply curves from Table H.8 . 5625. Effect of removing low cost timber from timber supply curve . 562529

Table of ContentsI. Introduction and Sum m ary ................................................ 531A. Requirements of <strong>the</strong> Endangered Species Act ................................. 531B. The Problem ......................................................... 531C. The Role of Economic Considerations ............................................ 531D. Summary of Features to Reduce Costs .......................................... 533E. Summary of Preliminary Estimatesof <strong>the</strong> Economic Effects of Implementing <strong>the</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> ............ 534II.General Economic Principles <strong>for</strong>Reducing <strong>the</strong> Cost of <strong>Spotted</strong> <strong>Owl</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> . ........................... 536A. The Efficiency Principle ......................................................... 536B. The Importance of <strong>Owl</strong> Habitat Productivity ................................... 537C. Joint Production Possibilities ........................................................ 538D. The Importance of Timber Productivity .......................................... 539E. Institutional Principles <strong>for</strong> Promoting Efficiency ............................. 539F. Equity and Distributional Principles .............................................. 540G. Dealing with Uncertainty and Risk ................................................ 540III. Relationship Between <strong>Spotted</strong> <strong>Owl</strong>Habitat and <strong>the</strong> Timber Resource Base ................................................ 541IV. Economic and Social Cost In<strong>for</strong>mationConsidered in <strong>the</strong> Formation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> . ...................... 543A. Previously Estimated Economic Costsof <strong>Owl</strong> Conservation Proposals ...................................................... 544B. Potential Social Costs of <strong>Owl</strong> Conservation Measures ..................... 548C. Indicators of <strong>the</strong> Timber Dependency of Local Economies ............... 550V. Preliminary Evaluation of <strong>the</strong> Economic Effectsof Implementing <strong>the</strong> <strong>Spotted</strong> <strong>Owl</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> ................................... 558A. Economic Effects Covered by Preliminary Estimates ....................... 558B. Analytical Concepts .......................................... 5581. The Supply Curve ......................................................... 5582. The Fundamental Economic Benefits of Timber Production ...... 5623. Economic Effects of <strong>Owl</strong> Habitat Protection .............................. 5654. The Demand <strong>for</strong> Labor in <strong>the</strong> Timber Industry ......................... 5715. Effects on <strong>the</strong> Value of Capital Assets ...................................... 573C. Estimating Economic Effects of Implementing <strong>the</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> .... 5731. Estimating <strong>the</strong> Loss of Benefits from Federal Timber Harvest .... 5732. Estimating Employment Effects ............................................... 5743. Estimating Wage Losses ......................................................... 5764. Estimating <strong>the</strong> Economic Effects of Silvicultural Practices ........ 5785. Estimating <strong>the</strong> Economic Effects of Salvage .............................. 5806. Estimating <strong>the</strong> Effects on County Revenues ............................. 580Bibliography . 583Figures1. Timber supply curve . 5592. Timber supply curve from Table H.7 . 5603. Timber supply curves . 5604. Timber supply curves from Table H.8 . 5625. Effect of removing low cost timber from timber supply curve . 562529

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