Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Drew, T.J. and J.W. Flewelling. 1979. Stand density management: An alternativeapproach and its application to Douglas-fir plantations. Forest Science.25:518-532.Eversole, K.R. 1955. Spacing tests in a Douglas-fir plantation. Forest Science.1:14-18.Franklin, J. and C.T. Dymess. 1973. Natural vegetation of Oregon andWashington. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Oregon. 417 pp.Franklin, J.F. and M.A. Hemstrom. 1981. Aspects of succession in coniferousforests in the Pacific Northwest. Pages 212-229 In O.C. West, H.H.Shugart, and D.B. Botkin, eds. Forest Succession: Concepts and Application.Springer Verlag, New York.Fried, J.S., J.C. Tappeiner and D.E. Hibbs. 1988. Bigleaf maple seedlingestablishment and early growth in Douglas-fir forests. Canadian Journalof Forest Research. 18:1226-1233.Gordon, D.T. 1973. Released advance reproduction of white and red fir ...growth, damage, mortality. USDA Forest Service Research Paper. PSW-95.22 pp.Graham, J.N., J.F. Bell, and F.R. Herman. 1985. Response of Sitka spruceand western hemlock to commercial thinning. USDA Research PaperPNW-334.Greene, S.E. and W.H. Emmingham. 1986. Early lessons from commercialthinning in a 30-year-old Sitka spruce, western hemlock forest. USDAForest Service Research Note PNW-448, 15 pp.Gutierrez, R.J. and A.B. Carey (eds). 1985. Ecology and management of thespotted owl in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest Service General TechnicalReport. PNW-185.Hadfield, J.S., D.J. Goheen, G.M. Filip, C.L. Schmitt and R.D. Harvey. 1986.Root diseases in Oregon and Washington conifers. USDA Forest ServiceRegion 6, Portland, Oregon, 27 pp.Hann, D.W. 1991. Memo. Subject: Validation of ORGANON.Harrington, C.A. and R. E. Miller. 1979. Response of a 110-year-old Douglasfir stand to urea and ammonia nitrate fertilizer. USDA Forest ServiceResearch Note PNW-336.Harrington, C.A. and C.A. Wierman. 1990. Growth and foliar nutrient responseto fertilization and precommercial thinning in a coastal westernredcedar stand. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 20:764-773.Helms, J.A., and R.B. Standiford. 1985. Predicting release of advance reproductionof mixed conifer species in California following overstory removal.Forest Science. 31:3-15.Hester, A.S., D.W. Hann, and D.R. Larsen. 1989. Organon: Southwest Oregongrowth and yield model user manual, version 2. Forest Research Laboratory,Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.520Hoover, L.D. 1988. Gap regeneration in old-growth Douglas-fir hardwoodforests of northwestern California. M.S. thesis, Humboldt State University,Arcata, California.

Huffman, D. 1991. Salal seedling establishment and clonal development inyoung growth Douglas-fir stands. Data on file, College of Forestry, OregonState University, Corvallis, Oregon.Hunter, M.L. 1990. Wildlife forests and forestry, Prentice Hall, EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey. 370 pp.Isaac, L.A. 1938. Factors affecting the establishment of Douglas-fir seedlings.USDA Circular 486.Isaac, L.A. 1956. Place of partial cutting in old-growth stands of the Douglasfirregion. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and RangeExperiment Station Research Paper 16, 148 pp.King, J.E. 1986. Review of Douglas-fir thinning treats. In Oliver et al. (eds).Douglas-fir stand management for the future. Proceedings, Institute ofForest Resources Contribution 55, 388 pp.Kirkland, B.P. and A.J.F. Brandstrom. 1936. Selective timber management inthe Douglas-fir region. Charles Lathrop Park Forestry Foundation. Washington,D.C., 172 pp.Krumland, B. and L.D. Wensel. 1980. CRYPTOS(I) - user's guide. Universityof California, Berkeley, College of Natural Resources. Cooperative redwoodyield research project, Research Note 16.Lewis, R. 1991. Silvicultural systems for Douglas-fir tanoak stands. Report tothe Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Team.Lindquist, J.L. and M.N. Palley. 1963. Empirical yield tables for young-growthredwood. California Agriculture Experiment Station Bulletin 796. Universityof California.Long, J.N. 1977. Trends in plant species diversity associated with developmentin a series of Pseudotsuga menziesii/Gaultheria shalon stands.Northwest Science. 51:119-130.Long, J.N. and J. Turner. 1975. Above ground biomass of understory andoverstory in an age sequence of four Douglas-fir stands. Journal of AppliedEcology. 12:179-188.Mann, J.W. and S.D. Tesch. 1985. Coordinating silvicultural objectives withharvesting capabilities in southwest Oregon. p. 27-32 In Improving MountainLogging: Planning, Techniques, and Hardware. Joint symposium ofIUFRO and Sixth PNW Skyline Symposium, May 8-11, 1985. Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada.Marshall, D.D. 1990. The effects of thinning on stand and tree growth in ayoung high site of Douglas-fir in western Oregon. Ph.D. thesis, OregonState University, Corvallis, Oregon.McCreary, D.D. and Perry, D.A. 1983. Strip thinning and selective thinning inDouglas-fir. Journal of Forestry. 81:375-377.Miller, R.E. and C.A. Harrington. 1979. Response to urea and ammonianitrate fertilizer in an 80-year-old Douglas-fir stand. USDA Forest ServiceResearch Note PNW-330.521

Drew, T.J. and J.W. Flewelling. 1979. Stand density management: An alternativeapproach and its application to Douglas-fir plantations. Forest Science.25:518-532.Eversole, K.R. 1955. Spacing tests in a Douglas-fir plantation. Forest Science.1:14-18.Franklin, J. and C.T. Dymess. 1973. Natural vegetation of Oregon andWashington. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Oregon. 417 pp.Franklin, J.F. and M.A. Hemstrom. 1981. Aspects of succession in coniferous<strong>for</strong>ests in <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest. Pages 212-229 In O.C. West, H.H.Shugart, and D.B. Botkin, eds. Forest Succession: Concepts and Application.Springer Verlag, New York.Fried, J.S., J.C. Tappeiner and D.E. Hibbs. 1988. Bigleaf maple seedlingestablishment and early growth in Douglas-fir <strong>for</strong>ests. Canadian Journalof Forest Research. 18:1226-1233.Gordon, D.T. 1973. Released advance reproduction of white and red fir ...growth, damage, mortality. USDA Forest Service Research Paper. PSW-95.22 pp.Graham, J.N., J.F. Bell, and F.R. Herman. 1985. Response of Sitka spruceand western hemlock to commercial thinning. USDA Research PaperPNW-334.Greene, S.E. and W.H. Emmingham. 1986. Early lessons from commercialthinning in a 30-year-old Sitka spruce, western hemlock <strong>for</strong>est. USDAForest Service Research Note PNW-448, 15 pp.Gutierrez, R.J. and A.B. Carey (eds). 1985. Ecology and management of <strong>the</strong>spotted owl in <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest Service General TechnicalReport. PNW-185.Hadfield, J.S., D.J. Goheen, G.M. Filip, C.L. Schmitt and R.D. Harvey. 1986.Root diseases in Oregon and Washington conifers. USDA Forest ServiceRegion 6, Portland, Oregon, 27 pp.Hann, D.W. 1991. Memo. Subject: Validation of ORGANON.Harrington, C.A. and R. E. Miller. 1979. Response of a 110-year-old Douglasfir stand to urea and ammonia nitrate fertilizer. USDA Forest ServiceResearch Note PNW-336.Harrington, C.A. and C.A. Wierman. 1990. Growth and foliar nutrient responseto fertilization and precommercial thinning in a coastal westernredcedar stand. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 20:764-773.Helms, J.A., and R.B. Standi<strong>for</strong>d. 1985. Predicting release of advance reproductionof mixed conifer species in Cali<strong>for</strong>nia following overstory removal.Forest Science. 31:3-15.Hester, A.S., D.W. Hann, and D.R. Larsen. 1989. Organon: Southwest Oregongrowth and yield model user manual, version 2. Forest Research Laboratory,Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.520Hoover, L.D. 1988. Gap regeneration in old-growth Douglas-fir hardwood<strong>for</strong>ests of northwestern Cali<strong>for</strong>nia. M.S. <strong>the</strong>sis, Humboldt State University,Arcata, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.

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