Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Basal area growth continued to increase for 70 years, indicating that trees werevigorous and continued to respond to the growing space provided by the lowstocking. An understory of bigleaf maple, grand fir, and shrubs (e.g., hazel andoceanspray) had developed in these stands.Windthrow is a natural part of stand development which will occur in thinnedand unthinned stands. It is not necessarily a concern after thinning, even inolder stands. Graham et al. (1985) recorded windthrow on 400 acres ofthinned 100-year-old Sitka spruce-western hemlock stands near the coast atCascade Head, Oregon, from which 0 to 25 percent of the basal area wasremoved. Windthrow was variable and occurred in thinned and unthinnedsites. For example, all windthrow in one tract occurred on half the plots, andtracts which had heavy windthrow during some storms had only very lightlosses during others. Overall volume of windthrown trees was nearly twice asgreat in unthinned stands as it was in thinned stands, possibly because treesprone to wind damage were removed in thinning. Total mortality from allcauses, but not including thinned volume, was somewhat less on thinned sites(225 cubic feet per acre) than on unthinned sites (300 cubic feet per acre); thisamounts to about only one year's volume growth. Similarly, Williams and Price(1971), after studying 70- to 150-year-old stands 18 years after thinning,concluded that windthrow was related to factors such as soil depth andtopographic position and wind patterns rather than thinning.Ruth and Harris (1979) discussed the problems of wind and thinning inwestern hemlock-Sitka spruce forests. They concluded that site (topography,soil depth, soil drainage), root disease, type of thinning, and age at thinning (orother disturbance) predispose stands to windthrow. Thinning old, densestands likely will increase risk of damage on windy sites, while thinningyounger stands may decrease the risk at later stages of development. Leavingwind firm edges that do not channel wind and unthinned buffers is importanton exposed sites because they are likely to decrease the risk of blowdownprogressing throughout a stand. Thinning also lowers height to diameterratios of trees by increasing stem diameter growth relative to height growth andby lowering the center of gravity of the crown. Based on European experience,height to diameter ratios of 100 or more in Douglas-fir indicate susceptibility todamage (Worthington and Staebler 1961). Thinning would decrease this ratiobecause tree diameter growth usually is increased by thinning more thanheight growth is increased.B. Understory Vegetation and Advanced Regeneration500Regulating stand density affects understory vegetation. As the overstorybecomes less dense from thinning or natural disturbance, an understory ofshrubs, hardwoods, conifers, and other species develops. Conifer and hardwoodseedlings and saplings will grow to provide the multilayered stands usedby owls. Alaback and Herman (1988) reported the development of a twolayeredconifer stand 17 years following thinning in western hemlock andspruce stands. However, development of too dense an understory of hemlockmay inhibit development of shrub or forb layers. After disturbance to theoverstory (release), conifer seedlings and saplings increase their growth, and itappears that in open conditions the rate of growth following release is relatedto the size of their crowns and rates of prerelease height growth (Helms andSandiford 1985, Gordon 1973, Stein 1981, 1986). Careful removal of overstorytrees is needed to ensure release of advanced regeneration (Mann and Tesch1985, Tesch et al. 1990a); however, Douglas-fir seedlings can recover fromdamage by overstory removal (Tesch et al. 1990b). Growth of western hemlockand western red cedar present in the understory of a recently thinned 110-year-old Douglas-fir stand was increased by fertilization or thinning(Harrington and Wierman 1990).

C. FertilizationThinning or other disturbance also aids the development of shrubs (Long andTurner 1975) (see Figure G.3). Vine maple clones spread by layering as theyare pinned to the ground by falling trees (O'Dea 1991). Shrubs like salmonberryand salal spread from increased rhizome extension and seedling establishmentin thinned stands flappeiner et al. 1991, Huffman 1991). Too densea layer of shrubs or forbs will prevent the establishment of conifers and hardwoodsin the understory (Isaac 1938). Bigleaf maple seedlings become establishedas the overstory is thinned to about 70 to 80 percent cover or less, butbefore a layer of shrubs or forbs is formed (Fried et al. 1988). Where layers ofshrubs occur in the understory, some treatment to reduce their density may beneeded to establish trees to provide the stand structure used by owls.Fertilization has been shown to increase the rate of stand development instands 15 to 110 years old. For example, 90-year-old (Miller and Harrington1979) and 110-year-old (Harrington and Miller 1979) Douglas-fir standsincreased basal area and diameter growth rates following application of nitrogenfertilizer as urea or ammonium nitrate. Increased growth occurred inthinned and unthinned stands and on a range of sites and stand ages lessthan 90 years (Miller et al. 1979, Miller and Tarrant 1983). Fertilization alsoincreased diameter and height growth in thinned and unthinned 15-year-oldwestern red cedar stands (Harrington and Wierman 1990).D. Historical Stand Management PracticesThe primary silvicultural system for Douglas-fir and western hemlock forests inthe coastal forests and western Cascades of Oregon and Washington has beeneven-age management. This is an efficient way to manage these forests fortimber production primarily because a) the major conifers can be regeneratedin open conditions following disturbance, b) steep topography on many sitesprecludes tractor logging or makes it prohibitively expensive and likely to causeserious soil erosion, and c) cost of setting up cable logging equipment and roadbuilding in steep terrain makes it most efficient and least expensive to clearcut.Under the even-age system, stands most often are regenerated using theclear-cutting method, followed by site preparation, planting nursery-grownseedlings, and some level of control of herbs, shrubs, or hardwoods. Theshelterwood method also has been used on some sites where wind is not aserious problem (Williamson 1973).Early in the development of silvicultural practices in this region, Kirkland andBrandstrom (1936) recommended partial cutting and group selection as a wayto manage Douglas-fir. Isaac (1956) reviewed the early trials of this type of"selection management" in old-growth forests and recommended that Douglasfirforests be managed under even-age systems. His recommendations werebased on observations that a) there was little natural regeneration occurringafter selection cutting, b) understory trees were damaged by logging, c) therewas blowdown (few trees, but lots of volume), and d) the old trees generally didnot increase their growth rates after cutting. Isaac (1956) recognized severalcases where selection cutting (uneven-age management) appeared to be reasonable:a) dry sites with more open stands, b) stands with a high proportionof young trees, and c) salvage of mortality. It is important to note that hisrecommendations were based mainly on experience in old stands, not youngstands (less than 100 to 120 years). These recommendations considered onlynatural regeneration without well-planned site preparation prior to planting ornatural seeding, followed by vegetation control. Also, advances in logging501

C. FertilizationThinning or o<strong>the</strong>r disturbance also aids <strong>the</strong> development of shrubs (Long andTurner 1975) (see Figure G.3). Vine maple clones spread by layering as <strong>the</strong>yare pinned to <strong>the</strong> ground by falling trees (O'Dea 1991). Shrubs like salmonberryand salal spread from increased rhizome extension and seedling establishmentin thinned stands flappeiner et al. 1991, Huffman 1991). Too densea layer of shrubs or <strong>for</strong>bs will prevent <strong>the</strong> establishment of conifers and hardwoodsin <strong>the</strong> understory (Isaac 1938). Bigleaf maple seedlings become establishedas <strong>the</strong> overstory is thinned to about 70 to 80 percent cover or less, butbe<strong>for</strong>e a layer of shrubs or <strong>for</strong>bs is <strong>for</strong>med (Fried et al. 1988). Where layers ofshrubs occur in <strong>the</strong> understory, some treatment to reduce <strong>the</strong>ir density may beneeded to establish trees to provide <strong>the</strong> stand structure used by owls.Fertilization has been shown to increase <strong>the</strong> rate of stand development instands 15 to 110 years old. For example, 90-year-old (Miller and Harrington1979) and 110-year-old (Harrington and Miller 1979) Douglas-fir standsincreased basal area and diameter growth rates following application of nitrogenfertilizer as urea or ammonium nitrate. Increased growth occurred inthinned and unthinned stands and on a range of sites and stand ages lessthan 90 years (Miller et al. 1979, Miller and Tarrant 1983). Fertilization alsoincreased diameter and height growth in thinned and unthinned 15-year-oldwestern red cedar stands (Harrington and Wierman 1990).D. Historical Stand Management PracticesThe primary silvicultural system <strong>for</strong> Douglas-fir and western hemlock <strong>for</strong>ests in<strong>the</strong> coastal <strong>for</strong>ests and western Cascades of Oregon and Washington has beeneven-age management. This is an efficient way to manage <strong>the</strong>se <strong>for</strong>ests <strong>for</strong>timber production primarily because a) <strong>the</strong> major conifers can be regeneratedin open conditions following disturbance, b) steep topography on many sitesprecludes tractor logging or makes it prohibitively expensive and likely to causeserious soil erosion, and c) cost of setting up cable logging equipment and roadbuilding in steep terrain makes it most efficient and least expensive to clearcut.Under <strong>the</strong> even-age system, stands most often are regenerated using <strong>the</strong>clear-cutting method, followed by site preparation, planting nursery-grownseedlings, and some level of control of herbs, shrubs, or hardwoods. Theshelterwood method also has been used on some sites where wind is not aserious problem (Williamson 1973).Early in <strong>the</strong> development of silvicultural practices in this region, Kirkland andBrandstrom (1936) recommended partial cutting and group selection as a wayto manage Douglas-fir. Isaac (1956) reviewed <strong>the</strong> early trials of this type of"selection management" in old-growth <strong>for</strong>ests and recommended that Douglasfir<strong>for</strong>ests be managed under even-age systems. His recommendations werebased on observations that a) <strong>the</strong>re was little natural regeneration occurringafter selection cutting, b) understory trees were damaged by logging, c) <strong>the</strong>rewas blowdown (few trees, but lots of volume), and d) <strong>the</strong> old trees generally didnot increase <strong>the</strong>ir growth rates after cutting. Isaac (1956) recognized severalcases where selection cutting (uneven-age management) appeared to be reasonable:a) dry sites with more open stands, b) stands with a high proportionof young trees, and c) salvage of mortality. It is important to note that hisrecommendations were based mainly on experience in old stands, not youngstands (less than 100 to 120 years). These recommendations considered onlynatural regeneration without well-planned site preparation prior to planting ornatural seeding, followed by vegetation control. Also, advances in logging501

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