Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


figure 0.3. Effects of thinning Douglas-ftr. Stands are about 40 years okld Photograph takennear Hoskins, Oregon (Curtis and Marshall 1986).G.3.A. (treatment 9) = no thinning. No understory: average tree diamneter at 4.5 feet is about 12inches.G.3.B. (treatment 7) = lightly thinned. Some understory development: average diameter is about18 inches.490

0.3.C. (treatment 1) = heavy thinning. Considerable understory: aver-age diameter about 20 inches.See Figure G.5 and G.6.Figure G.4. An unthinned,dense Douglas-fir standabout 70 years old, with nounderstory. Carefulthinning and making smallopenings. followed byestablishing shade-tole-ranttree species, would aid thedevelopment of amultistoried stand and owlhabitat. Thinnings atearlier ages would haveresulted in trees with largerdiameter stems, longercrowns, development of anunderstory, as well ascommercial wood production.491

figure 0.3. Effects of thinning Douglas-ftr. Stands are about 40 years okld Photograph takennear Hoskins, Oregon (Curtis and Marshall 1986).G.3.A. (treatment 9) = no thinning. No understory: average tree diamneter at 4.5 feet is about 12inches.G.3.B. (treatment 7) = lightly thinned. Some understory development: average diameter is about18 inches.490

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