Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Perry, D.A., and J.G. Borchers. 1990. Climate change and ecosystem response.Northwest Environ. J. 6:293-313.Peterson, D.L., and K.C. Ryan. 1986. Modeling post-fire conifer mortality forlong-range planning. Environmental Management 10: 797-808.Pettinger, L.F. and D.J. Goheen. 1972. A field guide to important forest insectsand diseases of Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, PacificNorthwest Region, Division of Timber Management.Pickford, S.G., G. Fahnestock, and R. Ottmar. 1980. Weather, fuels, andlightning fires in Olympic National Park. Northwest Sci. 54: 92-105.Pyne, S.J. 1982. Fire in America: a cultural history of wildland and rural firein America. Princeton University Press.Quinault Natural Resources 1983. The great fire of 500 years ago. Quin. Nat.Res. IV,5: 23.Reinhardt, E.D., and K.C. Ryan. 1988. Eight-year tree growth followingprescribed underburning in a western Montana Douglas-fir/western larchstand. USDA Forest Service Res. Note INT-387.Ruediger, W.C. 1985. Implementing a spotted owl plan: the Gifford PinchotNational Forest experience. pp. 10-13 In: Gutierrez, R.J., and A.B. Carey(eds). Ecology and management of the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest.USDA Forest Service General Technical Report. PNW- 185.Ruth, R.H., and A.S. Harris. 1979. Management of western hemlock - Sitkaspruce forests for timber production. USDA Forest Service GeneralTechnical Report. PNW-88.Ruth, R.H., and R.A. Yoder. 1953. Reducing wind damage in the forests of theOregon Coast Range. USDA Forest Service Pac. Northwest Forest andRange Experiment Station Res. Pap. 7.Sawyer, J.O., D.A. Thornburgh, and J.R. Griffim. 1988. Mixed evergreen forest.pp. 359-381 In: Barbour, M.G., and J. Major (eds.) Terrestrial Vegetationof California. California Native Plant Society Special Pub. 9.Schowalter, T.D. 1988. Forest pest management: a synopsis. NorthwestEnviron. J. 4:313-318.Shinn, D. 1980. Historical perspectives on range burning in the inland PacificNorthwest. Jour. Range Management 33: 415-422.Sinclair, W.A., H.H. Lyon and W.T. Johnson. 1987. Diseases of trees andshrubs. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.Steinbrenner, E.C., and S.P. Gessel. 1956. Windthrow along cutlines inrelation to physiography on the McDonald Tree Farm. WeyerhaeuserForestry Res. Notes 15. Centralia, Washington.Stewart, G.H. 1986. Population dynamics of a montane conifer forest, westernCascade Range, Oregon, USA. Ecology 67: 534-544.Stone, E.C., R.F. Grah, and P.J. Zinke. 1969. An analysis of the buffers andwatershed management required to preserve the redwood forest andassociated streams in the Redwood National Park. Stone and Associates.Berekley. California. Mimeo Rep. 106 pp.Stoszek, K. J. 1988. Forests under stress and insect outbreaks. NorthwestEnviron. J. 4:247-261.Stuart, J.D. 1987. Fire history of an old-growth forest of Sequoia sempervfrensflaxodiaceae) forest in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, California.Madrono 43: 128-141.478

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Perry, D.A., and J.G. Borchers. 1990. Climate change and ecosystem response.Northwest Environ. J. 6:293-313.Peterson, D.L., and K.C. Ryan. 1986. Modeling post-fire conifer mortality <strong>for</strong>long-range planning. Environmental Management 10: 797-808.Pettinger, L.F. and D.J. Goheen. 1972. A field guide to important <strong>for</strong>est insectsand diseases of Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, PacificNorthwest Region, Division of Timber Management.Pick<strong>for</strong>d, S.G., G. Fahnestock, and R. Ottmar. 1980. Wea<strong>the</strong>r, fuels, andlightning fires in Olympic National Park. Northwest Sci. 54: 92-105.Pyne, S.J. 1982. Fire in America: a cultural history of wildland and rural firein America. Princeton University Press.Quinault Natural Resources 1983. The great fire of 500 years ago. Quin. Nat.Res. IV,5: 23.Reinhardt, E.D., and K.C. Ryan. 1988. Eight-year tree growth followingprescribed underburning in a western Montana Douglas-fir/western larchstand. USDA Forest Service Res. Note INT-387.Ruediger, W.C. 1985. Implementing a spotted owl plan: <strong>the</strong> Gif<strong>for</strong>d PinchotNational Forest experience. pp. 10-13 In: Gutierrez, R.J., and A.B. Carey(eds). Ecology and management of <strong>the</strong> spotted owl in <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest.USDA Forest Service General Technical Report. PNW- 185.Ruth, R.H., and A.S. Harris. 1979. Management of western hemlock - Sitkaspruce <strong>for</strong>ests <strong>for</strong> timber production. USDA Forest Service GeneralTechnical Report. PNW-88.Ruth, R.H., and R.A. Yoder. 1953. Reducing wind damage in <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>ests of <strong>the</strong>Oregon Coast Range. USDA Forest Service Pac. Northwest Forest andRange Experiment Station Res. Pap. 7.Sawyer, J.O., D.A. Thornburgh, and J.R. Griffim. 1988. Mixed evergreen <strong>for</strong>est.pp. 359-381 In: Barbour, M.G., and J. Major (eds.) Terrestrial Vegetationof Cali<strong>for</strong>nia. Cali<strong>for</strong>nia Native <strong>Plan</strong>t Society Special Pub. 9.Schowalter, T.D. 1988. Forest pest management: a synopsis. NorthwestEnviron. J. 4:313-318.Shinn, D. 1980. Historical perspectives on range burning in <strong>the</strong> inland PacificNorthwest. Jour. Range Management 33: 415-422.Sinclair, W.A., H.H. Lyon and W.T. Johnson. 1987. Diseases of trees andshrubs. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.Steinbrenner, E.C., and S.P. Gessel. 1956. Windthrow along cutlines inrelation to physiography on <strong>the</strong> McDonald Tree Farm. WeyerhaeuserForestry Res. Notes 15. Centralia, Washington.Stewart, G.H. 1986. Population dynamics of a montane conifer <strong>for</strong>est, westernCascade Range, Oregon, USA. Ecology 67: 534-544.Stone, E.C., R.F. Grah, and P.J. Zinke. 1969. An analysis of <strong>the</strong> buffers andwatershed management required to preserve <strong>the</strong> redwood <strong>for</strong>est andassociated streams in <strong>the</strong> Redwood National Park. Stone and Associates.Berekley. Cali<strong>for</strong>nia. Mimeo Rep. 106 pp.Stoszek, K. J. 1988. Forests under stress and insect outbreaks. NorthwestEnviron. J. 4:247-261.Stuart, J.D. 1987. Fire history of an old-growth <strong>for</strong>est of Sequoia sempervfrensflaxodiaceae) <strong>for</strong>est in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.Madrono 43: 128-141.478

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