Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


__hardwoods are immune. Shade tolerant species in the understory which areless susceptible to P. weini, such as western hemlock, are usually favored thusspeeding up succession (Figure F.6A). In some cases, especially in very youngstands, hardwoods such as vine maple (Acer circinatunm), big leaf maple (Acerniacrophyllutm, and red alder (Alnus rubra) may establish in P. weirti pockets(Figure F.6B). These species are immune to P. weiiii and this process effectivelysets succession back in time. Brush species also may establish in diseasepockets devoid of trees (Figure F.6C). Thus P. weirti can create significantspecies and structural diversity at the landscape level.The spread of P. weirir is almost exclusively by vegetative growth along root contactsbetween neighboring trees. Spread by spores is rare (Hadfield et al.1986). Clones of P. weu-i can occupy the same relative location on the landscapefor 1,000 or more years moving very slowly (12 inches per year: Dickman1984). Tree species change is associated with spread of the infection center.The fungal clone usually is not destroyed by fire since it resides in large woodyroots and the base of trees. It also infects old-growth trees, but large, old treesoften survive infection for many years. Production of adventitious roots assiststhis process. In an old-growth stand dominated by Douglas-fir in the OregonCoast Range, Tkacz and Hansen (1982) estimated that 19 percent of the susceptiblespecies were healthy, 30 percent were live and infected, 36 percentwere killed by the fungus, and 15 percent were killed by other causes. There isno doubt some degree of genetic resistance to the fungus exists and someclones appear more pathogenic than others (Driver and others 1972). Afterfire, P. weirii can stay alive in large woody root systems for as long as 100years, thus influencing the structure of the post-fire stand.The area of western Oregon and Washington heavily infected by P. weirli isestimated to be about 10 percent (Hansen and Goheen 1989). Clones of P.weirti however, are not distributed evenly across the landscape. The incidenceof P. weirii seems to be higher on moisture and/or nutrient stressed sites. Incidenceappears to be higher in sites with dry gravelly soils and or lower rainfalland ridges and upper slopes (Kastner 1991). Disease incidence is not stronglyrelated to aspect. P. weirti incidence seems to be particularly high in the PugetSound region, the Cascade Mountains foothills, the Oregon Coast range, andmountain hemlock (Tsuga mertenstana) forests of the Oregon Cascades.Armrllaria ostoyae attacks a wider range of conifers than P. wetit, but in thissubregion it is not thought to be as important as P. weiriL It usually does notoccur in large pockets but attacks individual or small clusters of trees. Thesetrees are usually under environmental or competitive stress. Mortality causedby Armlllaria seldom occurs in stands older than 25 years west of the Cascadecrest unless the trees are undergoing extreme stress. Occasionally trees onvery moist sites are attacked. Armnilaria also may attack Douglas-fir alreadystressed by P.RweiriLBlack stain root disease has become important in young-growth managedstands in southern Oregon, but the role of this disease in older forests andforest succession is not known at this stage. In later stages of succession, buttrot and bole decay become increasingly important as shown in Figure F.6 A-C.Dwarf mistletoe is also important in areas with a lot of western hemlock.In coastal areas where western hemlock and Sitka spruce dominate, and wherewind is the primary disturbance rather than fire, root rots do not seem to be asimportant as they are in Douglas-fir dominated forests (Figure F.6D). Incoastal forests decay fungi tend to be the dominant disturbance agents alongwith hemlock dwarf mistletoe. Heterobastdion annosum is the dominant diseaseorganism in western hemlock, and commonly acts as butt and root rot.Trees do not seem to develop significant butt rot until they are more than 100450

years old. A successional sequence involving dwarf mistletoes and decay fungiin coastal western hemlock forest is shown in Figure F.6D. Dwarf mistletoesstrongly affect tree growth and branch habit, but usually do not cause muchmortality. Trees in the coastal area tend to grow to large sizes and ages, especiallyin areas protected from high winds. They typically have considerabledefect caused by diseases; large and irregular branches, dead tops andbranches, broken tops and snags created by wind, butt rot and decay fungi.Arrnillaria root rot may contribute to whole tree blowdown in old-growth forests.B. Management Effects on StandsStand manipulation in the West Cascades subregion has occurred since the1850s, when the first extensive logging began in the Douglas-fir region (Ficken1987). Management effects on stands still in a "natural" condition include firesuppression effects, of cutting pattern on adjacent stands, and the spread ofinsect and disease problems.Fire protection in most areas became effective only after 1910. With naturalfire return intervals in the hundreds of years, the effect of 80 years of successfulfire exclusion has been minimal. In the remote and rugged Olympic Mountains,Agee and Flewelling (1983) estimated that park fire protection this centuryhad "saved" only several thousand acres. Many of the stands in thesubregion would not have burned even if fire protection had not been in place,but protection has had subtle effects on the mosaic of age classes present.This subtle effect on the landscape has been overwhelmed by the effects ofclear-cutting in the subregion.Escaped slash fires have been an important component of recent wildfire acreagein the West Cascades subregion. For example, of the 14 major fires in theMt. Hood National Forest in 1960-75, all started or gained momentum in loggingslash (Dell 1977, Deeming 1990). Debris burning was responsible forabout 15 percent of wildfire acreage in Oregon and Washington in 1960-80(Agee 1989). Recent declines in area slash burned, due to air quality restrictions,as well as very large fires from other causes in the 1980s, may likelyreduce these percentages in the future.The effects of management on wind have been to accelerate windthrow alongsusceptible edges where clear-cuts border protected forest. For example,Ruediger (1985) noted that blowdown adversely affected small owl managementareas on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, particularly in locationswhere the forest was fragmented by timber harvesting. On the Bull Run watershednear Portland, Oregon, 43 percent of large blowdown areas after a 1973storm and 81 percent after a 1983 storm were associated with boundaries ofexisting clear-cuts and roads (Franklin and Forman 1987).Management of stands in the West Cascades subregion has had considerableinfluence on diseases and a lesser influence on insect populations. The Sitkaspruce weevil strongly influences the successful establishment of Sitka spruceplantations. Populations of the Douglas-fir beetle probably have increasedslightly as a result of logging but not usually to epidemic proportions. However,root diseases, especially Phellinus root rot, appear to have increased considerablyas more and more of the landscape has been converted to younggrowthDouglas-fir forests. Stumps created by logging harbor the fungus,allowing it to remain viable (Tkacz and Hansen 1982, Thies 1984). Manyyoung plantations of Douglas-fir are now at risk. Management activities suchas thinning seem to have increased the incidence of Armillaria and black stainroot disease. Reducing the variety of tree species in forests tends to promote451

years old. A successional sequence involving dwarf mistletoes and decay fungiin coastal western hemlock <strong>for</strong>est is shown in Figure F.6D. Dwarf mistletoesstrongly affect tree growth and branch habit, but usually do not cause muchmortality. Trees in <strong>the</strong> coastal area tend to grow to large sizes and ages, especiallyin areas protected from high winds. They typically have considerabledefect caused by diseases; large and irregular branches, dead tops andbranches, broken tops and snags created by wind, butt rot and decay fungi.Arrnillaria root rot may contribute to whole tree blowdown in old-growth <strong>for</strong>ests.B. Management Effects on StandsStand manipulation in <strong>the</strong> West Cascades subregion has occurred since <strong>the</strong>1850s, when <strong>the</strong> first extensive logging began in <strong>the</strong> Douglas-fir region (Ficken1987). Management effects on stands still in a "natural" condition include firesuppression effects, of cutting pattern on adjacent stands, and <strong>the</strong> spread ofinsect and disease problems.Fire protection in most areas became effective only after 1910. With naturalfire return intervals in <strong>the</strong> hundreds of years, <strong>the</strong> effect of 80 years of successfulfire exclusion has been minimal. In <strong>the</strong> remote and rugged Olympic Mountains,Agee and Flewelling (1983) estimated that park fire protection this centuryhad "saved" only several thousand acres. Many of <strong>the</strong> stands in <strong>the</strong>subregion would not have burned even if fire protection had not been in place,but protection has had subtle effects on <strong>the</strong> mosaic of age classes present.This subtle effect on <strong>the</strong> landscape has been overwhelmed by <strong>the</strong> effects ofclear-cutting in <strong>the</strong> subregion.Escaped slash fires have been an important component of recent wildfire acreagein <strong>the</strong> West Cascades subregion. For example, of <strong>the</strong> 14 major fires in <strong>the</strong>Mt. Hood National Forest in 1960-75, all started or gained momentum in loggingslash (Dell 1977, Deeming 1990). Debris burning was responsible <strong>for</strong>about 15 percent of wildfire acreage in Oregon and Washington in 1960-80(Agee 1989). Recent declines in area slash burned, due to air quality restrictions,as well as very large fires from o<strong>the</strong>r causes in <strong>the</strong> 1980s, may likelyreduce <strong>the</strong>se percentages in <strong>the</strong> future.The effects of management on wind have been to accelerate windthrow alongsusceptible edges where clear-cuts border protected <strong>for</strong>est. For example,Ruediger (1985) noted that blowdown adversely affected small owl managementareas on <strong>the</strong> Gif<strong>for</strong>d Pinchot National Forest, particularly in locationswhere <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>est was fragmented by timber harvesting. On <strong>the</strong> Bull Run watershednear Portland, Oregon, 43 percent of large blowdown areas after a 1973storm and 81 percent after a 1983 storm were associated with boundaries ofexisting clear-cuts and roads (Franklin and Forman 1987).Management of stands in <strong>the</strong> West Cascades subregion has had considerableinfluence on diseases and a lesser influence on insect populations. The Sitkaspruce weevil strongly influences <strong>the</strong> successful establishment of Sitka spruceplantations. Populations of <strong>the</strong> Douglas-fir beetle probably have increasedslightly as a result of logging but not usually to epidemic proportions. However,root diseases, especially Phellinus root rot, appear to have increased considerablyas more and more of <strong>the</strong> landscape has been converted to younggrowthDouglas-fir <strong>for</strong>ests. Stumps created by logging harbor <strong>the</strong> fungus,allowing it to remain viable (Tkacz and Hansen 1982, Thies 1984). Manyyoung plantations of Douglas-fir are now at risk. Management activities suchas thinning seem to have increased <strong>the</strong> incidence of Armillaria and black stainroot disease. Reducing <strong>the</strong> variety of tree species in <strong>for</strong>ests tends to promote451

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