Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


A. FireThe combination and interaction of fire frequency, intensity, and extent thatoccur in an ecosystem are known as a fire regime. The fire regimes of PacificNorthwest forests span a wide gradient of variation (Agee 1981). Natural fireregimes ranged from infrequent (hundreds of years) stand replacement fires, tovery frequent (several years) low-intensity surface fires that had little effect onthe canopy trees. The fire regime is a way to synthesize the effects of fire bycombining many of the descriptors listed earlier. Although fire regimes can bedescribed on the basis of characters of the disturbance itself (Heinselman1981), or character of the vegetation (Davis et al. 1980), another way is by definingthe fire regime on the basis of fire effects, or severity (Agee 1990). Thesystem using fire severity is defined in terms of fire effects on dominant treespecies, and works well for application to owl habitat. For the Pacific Northwest,three levels of fire severity are recognized (Figure F.2): high, moderate,and low. Northern spotted owls occur in forests subjected to all three fire severitytypes.A high severity fire is one that topkills most of the vegetation in the stand (70to 80 percent plus of the basal area); a moderate severity fire topkills 20 to 70percent; and a low severity fire topkills less than 20 percent of the basal area.Fire, in a silvicultural sense, tends to thin from below, first taking smaller treesand/or those less fire-resistant (thin-barked, for example). It must be recognizedthat each regime is defined on the basis of the modal severity but thatfires of other severity levels are likely to occur as well (Figure F.3). The mostcomplex fire regimes are the moderate ones because of the mix of expected fireseverities, while the low and high fire severity regimes are generally more predictable.Management activities over decades, such as successful fire protection,can change low or moderate severity fire regimes to moderate to high severityfire regimes. Descriptions of fire regimes in later sections of the reportwill refer to these severity diagrams.Within the DCA system lightning will be the largest single source of ignition forfires. Lightning is the primary source of forest fires worldwide, with as manyas 44,000 thunderstorms occurring daily over the earth (Trewartha 1968).Thunderstorm activity is relatively mild in the Pacific Northwest. While Portland,Oregon, and Tacoma, Washington, average 5 thunderstorm days peryear, and Baker, Oregon, and Walla Walla, Washington, average 10 to 15,southeastern areas such as Mobile, Alabama, average about 75 thunderstormdays per year (Alexander 1924). However, in the southeast only 2 percent ofwildfires are lightning-caused, while in the Pacific states 37 percent of ignitionsoriginate from lightning (Taylor 1974). Some lightning storms in the PacificNorthwest are very localized and others are regional in extent. The regionalstorms can ignite hundreds of fires almost simultaneously and pose the greatesttype of fire threat to DCAs. Lightning detection systems can pinpoint wherethe lightning is striking, but crews may not arrive in time to suppress the firewhile it is small.In the past, human ignitions have been locally significant in the West Cascadessubregion, particularly Indian burning of grasslands and oak woodlands (Boyd1986, Teensma 1987, Norton 1979, White 1980). In the East Cascade subregion,Indian burning was more common in the forest (Shinn 1980, Barrett andArno 1982). Today's human ignitions (recreation, logging, debris burningcauses) are partially amenable to management actions through education(Keep Green campaigns) or by limiting access (complete or weather-relatedroad closures).432

B. WindMost of the information about wind as a disturbance factor is from coastalareas exposed to the Pacific Ocean winds. This area includes the Sitka SpruceZone, as defined by Franklin and Dyrness (1973), and the adjacent WesternHemlock Zone.The successional dynamics of these coastal forests are complex because of thetypes and intensities of disturbances that have interacted with the forests overtime. In the absence of disturbance over many centuries, western hemlockand western redcedar (7huja pkcata) would dominate the forests of this zone.In the presence of major periodic disturbance such as fire, which removes almostall of the pre-existing stand, Douglas-fir would initially dominate on uplandsites and red alder (Alnus rubra) would initially dominate on very wetsites, gradually being replaced by hemlock and cedar. Sitka spruce appears tobe a "gap-phase" species capable of regenerating in small openings created bywindthrow or overstory mortality (Hines 1971). Large fires and blowdowns dooccur in spruce-hemlock forests, but smaller scale events may be equally importantforces in forest stand development (Harcombe 1986).Wind appears to have been the most important disturbance factor for the forestsof the Sitka Spruce Zone (Ruth and Harris 1979). Most wind-dominatedstands have "pit and mound" topography. It is a hummocky ground topographycaused by uprooting of tree stems by wind, causing the pit, and subsequentsloughing of the soil material from the base of the uprooted stem, creatingthe adjacent mound. Usually, the prevailing wind direction creates apattern of pits on the upwind side and mounds on the downwind (direction oftree fall) side. Most recent windthrown trees also are oriented downwind, althoughjackstrawing also may occur.Studies of windthrow in Washington and Oregon suggest most damaging windsare from the southwest (Ruth and Yoder 1953, Steinbrenner and Gessel 1956),or occasionally east (Gratkowski 1956). Blowdown is more important on poorlydrained soils (Gratkowski 1956), or where the area is oriented across the directionof the prevailing winds (Moore and McDonald 1974). Species' tolerances towind may be site-specific. Western hemlock and Pacific silver fir are generallyprone to windthrow, western redcedar and Sitka spruce at times may bewindfirm, and Douglas-fir has been described as both wind-tolerant and windsensitive(Boe 1965, Moore and McDonald 1974, Henderson et al. 1989).Dominants in a stand are often more windfirm than intermediate crown-classtrees (Boe 1965, Gordon 1973).The frequency of winds strong enough to affect stand dynamics cannot be determinedwith much accuracy. However, topographic situations suggest thatflat lands or slopes/ridges exposed to the southwest will be least sheltered. Inareas where clear-cutting occurs, the lee side of the patch is most susceptibleto accelerated windthrow. Areas sheltered from these winds will suffer lessblowdown. For example, at Fort Clatsop near Astoria, Oregon, MerriwetherLewis noted on February 15, 1806: ". . . the S.W. winds are frequently veryviolent on the coast when we are but little sensible of them at Fort Clatsop, inConsequence of the lofty and thickly timbered fir country which surrounds usfrom that quarter, from the south to the N. East" (Thwaites 1905).C. InsectsInsects cause many problems in Pacific Northwest forests and there are thousandsof species (Furniss and Carolin 1977). Only a few, however, have major433

A. FireThe combination and interaction of fire frequency, intensity, and extent thatoccur in an ecosystem are known as a fire regime. The fire regimes of PacificNorthwest <strong>for</strong>ests span a wide gradient of variation (Agee 1981). Natural fireregimes ranged from infrequent (hundreds of years) stand replacement fires, tovery frequent (several years) low-intensity surface fires that had little effect on<strong>the</strong> canopy trees. The fire regime is a way to syn<strong>the</strong>size <strong>the</strong> effects of fire bycombining many of <strong>the</strong> descriptors listed earlier. Although fire regimes can bedescribed on <strong>the</strong> basis of characters of <strong>the</strong> disturbance itself (Heinselman1981), or character of <strong>the</strong> vegetation (Davis et al. 1980), ano<strong>the</strong>r way is by defining<strong>the</strong> fire regime on <strong>the</strong> basis of fire effects, or severity (Agee 1990). Thesystem using fire severity is defined in terms of fire effects on dominant treespecies, and works well <strong>for</strong> application to owl habitat. For <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest,three levels of fire severity are recognized (Figure F.2): high, moderate,and low. Nor<strong>the</strong>rn spotted owls occur in <strong>for</strong>ests subjected to all three fire severitytypes.A high severity fire is one that topkills most of <strong>the</strong> vegetation in <strong>the</strong> stand (70to 80 percent plus of <strong>the</strong> basal area); a moderate severity fire topkills 20 to 70percent; and a low severity fire topkills less than 20 percent of <strong>the</strong> basal area.Fire, in a silvicultural sense, tends to thin from below, first taking smaller treesand/or those less fire-resistant (thin-barked, <strong>for</strong> example). It must be recognizedthat each regime is defined on <strong>the</strong> basis of <strong>the</strong> modal severity but thatfires of o<strong>the</strong>r severity levels are likely to occur as well (Figure F.3). The mostcomplex fire regimes are <strong>the</strong> moderate ones because of <strong>the</strong> mix of expected fireseverities, while <strong>the</strong> low and high fire severity regimes are generally more predictable.Management activities over decades, such as successful fire protection,can change low or moderate severity fire regimes to moderate to high severityfire regimes. Descriptions of fire regimes in later sections of <strong>the</strong> reportwill refer to <strong>the</strong>se severity diagrams.Within <strong>the</strong> DCA system lightning will be <strong>the</strong> largest single source of ignition <strong>for</strong>fires. Lightning is <strong>the</strong> primary source of <strong>for</strong>est fires worldwide, with as manyas 44,000 thunderstorms occurring daily over <strong>the</strong> earth (Trewartha 1968).Thunderstorm activity is relatively mild in <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest. While Portland,Oregon, and Tacoma, Washington, average 5 thunderstorm days peryear, and Baker, Oregon, and Walla Walla, Washington, average 10 to 15,sou<strong>the</strong>astern areas such as Mobile, Alabama, average about 75 thunderstormdays per year (Alexander 1924). However, in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>ast only 2 percent ofwildfires are lightning-caused, while in <strong>the</strong> Pacific states 37 percent of ignitionsoriginate from lightning (Taylor 1974). Some lightning storms in <strong>the</strong> PacificNorthwest are very localized and o<strong>the</strong>rs are regional in extent. The regionalstorms can ignite hundreds of fires almost simultaneously and pose <strong>the</strong> greatesttype of fire threat to DCAs. Lightning detection systems can pinpoint where<strong>the</strong> lightning is striking, but crews may not arrive in time to suppress <strong>the</strong> firewhile it is small.In <strong>the</strong> past, human ignitions have been locally significant in <strong>the</strong> West Cascadessubregion, particularly Indian burning of grasslands and oak woodlands (Boyd1986, Teensma 1987, Norton 1979, White 1980). In <strong>the</strong> East Cascade subregion,Indian burning was more common in <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>est (Shinn 1980, Barrett andArno 1982). Today's human ignitions (recreation, logging, debris burningcauses) are partially amenable to management actions through education(Keep Green campaigns) or by limiting access (complete or wea<strong>the</strong>r-relatedroad closures).432

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