Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

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StatusasbOld ForestState Associationc Endemicd Priority RiparianSpecies Fed WA OR CA WA OR CA L B Species Associate Reterences*362Silky cryptanthaC2Cryptantha crinitaMendocino cypressC2Cupressus pygmaeaRed Mt. (Kellogg's) buckwheat C1EEriogonum kelloggiiMilo Baker's lupine C2 TLupinus milo-bakerMendocino bush-mallow C2Malacothamnus mendocinensisRed Mountain stonecrop C1Sedum laxum eastwoodiaeCrater Lake rock cress C2 CArabis suffrutescens horizontalisGorman aster C2 CAster gormanii hCrater Lake collomia C2 CCollomia mazamaHowell's howellii C2 CErigeron howelliiHowell's microseris C2 CMicroseris howell/iBarrett's penstemon C2 CPenstemon barrettiaePeck's penstemon C2 CPenstemon peckiiBristly sidalceaC2Sidalcea setosaPale blue-eyed grass C2 CSisyrinchium sarmentosumWestern sophora C2 CSophora leachianaOregon sullivantia C2 CSullivantia oreganaWayside aster C2 CAster vialisPeck's milk-vetch C2 CAstragalus peckiiHowell's mariposa lily C2 CCalochortus howell/iGreen-tinged paintbrush C2 CCastilleja chloroticaGentner's mission-bells C2 CFritillaria gentneriPurdy's lewisia C2 CLewisia cotyledon purdyiBellinger's meadowfoam C2 CLimnan<strong>the</strong>s floccosa bellingerianaCusick's lupine C2 CLupinus cusickiiBeardtongue C2 CPenstemon glaucinusWestern senecio C2 CSenecio hesperiusObscure Indian paintbrush C2Castilleja cryptanthaReedgrassC2Calamagrostis tweedyiShowy stickweedC1Hackelia venustaHinds' walnutC2Juglans hindsiiGairdner's yampahC2Perideridia gairdneri gairdneriBolander's beach pine C2Pinus contorta bolandenNorthcoast semaphore grass C2 RPleuropogon hooverianuscontinued-continues-

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