Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Demographic AnalysisAs noted earlier, one problem with estimating population trends based oncounts of owls is that nonterritorial owls are essentially undetectable, so theoverall population could be declining even if the counts did not indicate anydecline. One way around this problem is to use estimates of birth and deathrates to deduce whether the population is increasing or decreasing. Thisapproach may avoid the problem of not being able to detect floaters, and it hasthe added advantage of providing insight into what factors might be responsiblefor population declines. For example, in comparing two areas, one with astable population and one with a declining population, we might, by estimatingdemographic rates, learn that owl populations in the two areas had similarrates of productivity and juvenile survivorship, but that the declining populationhad a lower adult survival rate. This provides more information than wewould obtain simply by monitoring territorial populations.As a simple example of the approach, suppose we consider two consecutiveyears, beginning at the start of the breeding season (i.e., before any eggs havebeen laid). Let N. = the number of birds alive at the start of year 1, and N2 =the number of birds alive at the start of year 2. Then, we may write,N 2 = NiSa + Nifsi(M)where sa= proportion of the N. birds that survive until the start of year 2f = average number of young fledged per bird alive at the start of year 1s, = proportion of the young fledged during year 1 that survive until thestart of year 2.Eq. (1) contains no assumptions; it is simply a way of expressing the empiricalrelationship between N2 and N.. Given eq. (1), we can also writeN2IN, = Sa + fsJ (1)so if we could estimate sa, f, and sY, we could estimate N 2 /N,, the proportionalamount by which population size changed between year 1 and 2 (e.g., if N 2 /N.= 0.95, then the population declined 5 percent between the start of year 1 andthe start of year 2).Now suppose we wish to estimate the average change for several pairs of years.We may write eq. (1) in the more general form(t indicates year), and therefore,NIVl = Nts + Nftsj,Nt+, =s5t+frSflThe average annual change (with n pairs of years) is thus1 E Nt =n) (2)= S;+- I ,ftst264

Now, if f, and sy are uncorrelated (which will be true if they vary independentlyof each other), then1 Jsfl=f sj (3)in which caseave. -N_ a (4)so if we measured sa, f, and sJ for several years (and if the correlation between ftand s,, was sufficiently close to zero) then the average change among years (x)could be calculated as in equation (4).Several practical problems arise in estimating x for owls from demographicrates. Most of these problems are related to the fact that nonterritorial birds,and a few territorial ones, usually are missed during the surveys at the start ofeach year. Survival rates can be estimated from telemetry data but obtaining alarge enough sample is difficult. As a result, capture-recapture methods mustbe used to estimate the survival rates.Three common problems encountered in estimating population trends fromdemographic rates are described here. We discuss them with reference to thesimple equation for X described earlier, but note that in reality more complexequations generally must be used. Eq. 4, however, will suffice for illustratingthe problems and providing a general indication of how much error theseproblems may cause in estimating X. Before discussing the three problems, itmay be helpful to define the terms above in more detail. We define these termsusing all birds (i.e., males and females) whereas demographic analyses areusually based solely on females.Oft =no. fledglings produced in year tN.Satno. of the N. still alive at the start of year t+ of the ft still alive at the start of year t+ 1sitft1. Overestimation off.Nt includes all birds alive at the start of year t, but the number of fledglings per pairusually is estimated solely from territorial birds. Thus, N. is underestimated andIt is usually overestimated unless there are no floaters. One way to investigate thisproblem is by replacing f with fgpg where pg is the proportion of birds alive atthe start of the year that are territorial and fg is the average number offledglings per territorial bird. Omitting jig is equivalent to assuming that itequals 1.0. If it is less than 1.0, but is omitted, then population change isoverestimated by the quantity f-s(1 - Pg). For example, with f = sJ = 0.3 and Pg= 0.7, the error would be 0.027, so if population change was actually 0.975,265

Now, if f, and sy are uncorrelated (which will be true if <strong>the</strong>y vary independentlyof each o<strong>the</strong>r), <strong>the</strong>n1 Jsfl=f sj (3)in which caseave. -N_ a (4)so if we measured sa, f, and sJ <strong>for</strong> several years (and if <strong>the</strong> correlation between ftand s,, was sufficiently close to zero) <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> average change among years (x)could be calculated as in equation (4).Several practical problems arise in estimating x <strong>for</strong> owls from demographicrates. Most of <strong>the</strong>se problems are related to <strong>the</strong> fact that nonterritorial birds,and a few territorial ones, usually are missed during <strong>the</strong> surveys at <strong>the</strong> start ofeach year. Survival rates can be estimated from telemetry data but obtaining alarge enough sample is difficult. As a result, capture-recapture methods mustbe used to estimate <strong>the</strong> survival rates.Three common problems encountered in estimating population trends fromdemographic rates are described here. We discuss <strong>the</strong>m with reference to <strong>the</strong>simple equation <strong>for</strong> X described earlier, but note that in reality more complexequations generally must be used. Eq. 4, however, will suffice <strong>for</strong> illustrating<strong>the</strong> problems and providing a general indication of how much error <strong>the</strong>seproblems may cause in estimating X. Be<strong>for</strong>e discussing <strong>the</strong> three problems, itmay be helpful to define <strong>the</strong> terms above in more detail. We define <strong>the</strong>se termsusing all birds (i.e., males and females) whereas demographic analyses areusually based solely on females.Oft =no. fledglings produced in year tN.Satno. of <strong>the</strong> N. still alive at <strong>the</strong> start of year t+ of <strong>the</strong> ft still alive at <strong>the</strong> start of year t+ 1sitft1. Overestimation off.Nt includes all birds alive at <strong>the</strong> start of year t, but <strong>the</strong> number of fledglings per pairusually is estimated solely from territorial birds. Thus, N. is underestimated andIt is usually overestimated unless <strong>the</strong>re are no floaters. One way to investigate thisproblem is by replacing f with fgpg where pg is <strong>the</strong> proportion of birds alive at<strong>the</strong> start of <strong>the</strong> year that are territorial and fg is <strong>the</strong> average number offledglings per territorial bird. Omitting jig is equivalent to assuming that itequals 1.0. If it is less than 1.0, but is omitted, <strong>the</strong>n population change isoverestimated by <strong>the</strong> quantity f-s(1 - Pg). For example, with f = sJ = 0.3 and Pg= 0.7, <strong>the</strong> error would be 0.027, so if population change was actually 0.975,265

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