Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


Table A.6. Reliability of trend estimates for red-tailed hawks in Wisconsin as afunction of interval Iengtha.NumberPercent of samples Inof Years which the error ( JX~ was:In Sample

analyses to determine effects of sample size, outliers, and autocorrelation butwere unable, with this small sample size, to reach definitive conclusions. Evenif we had, it would probably be difficult to predict the form of the spotted owldata set. For example, survey data on diurnal raptors such as the red-tailedhawk that inhabits open landscapes might be considerably different fromsurvey data for spotted owls. The analysis of Breeding Bird Survey datasuggests that obtaining "reliable" estimates might take 7 years to more than 15years, depending on one's definition of reliable and features of the data set.The analysis, while necessarily crude at present, provides no support forimagining that reliable estimates of trend could be obtained in fewer than 7 or8 years.Conclusions: We caution that these estimates provide only crude approximationsof the sample size requirements, especially concerning number of yearsrequired for reliable trend estimates. As noted earlier, accuracy, for a givennumber of years of survey data, depends on many factors, none of which iswell known at present for spotted owls. The analyses discussed earlier suggestthat a minimum of 8 years probably will be required to obtain trend estimatesreliable enough to be of any practical use, and the time certainly could bemuch longer, particularly if "bad years" have a pronounced effect on trends orif trends exhibit significant nonlinearity.ITable A.7. Number of years required to obtain reliable estimates of long-term trendsfrom sample Breeding Bird Survey data sets.Approximate, minimumnumber of years for 80 percentprobability that ( X- X) was:Species State c0.02 15 9 8Maryland 12 7 6Ohio 15 15 5Oklahoma 1 10 9Black vulture Alabama >15 13 10Florida 10 10 10Red-tailed hawk Kansas 8 7 4Oklahoma 14 8 7Wisconsin 5 13 6Red-shouldered hawk Florida 8 7 6American kestrel New York 8 6 5Ohio 8 8 8Ontario, Canada 13 10 8Osprey Florida 9 8 7Great horned owl Kansas 14 11 9aX. X-= estimate of trend minus true trend.I . 111.1 ...I... I.- 1. I.. I I . .. - - - 11- 1- - -.. .1.111 I1263

Table A.6. Reliability of trend estimates <strong>for</strong> red-tailed hawks in Wisconsin as afunction of interval Iengtha.NumberPercent of samples Inof Years which <strong>the</strong> error ( JX~ was:In Sample

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