Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


O'Halloran, K. 1989. Spotted owl inventory and monitoring: Annualreport for 1989. Unpublished report, USDA Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon.Old-growth Definition Task Group. 1986. Interim definitions for oldgrowthDouglas-fir and mixed-conifer forests in the PacificNorthwest and California. USDA Forest Service, PacificNorthwest Forest and Range Experimental Station, ResearchNote PNW-447, Portland, Oregon.Paton, P. W. C., C. J. Zabel, B. Bingham, H. Sakai, and C. Ogden. 1990.Examination of home range size and habitat use of the spottedowl in the Klamath Province. Unpublished report, USDAForest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range ExperimentalStation, Arcata, California.Paton, P. W. C., C. J. Zabel, D. L. Neal, G. N. Steger, N. G. Tilghman, andB. R. Noon. 1991. Effects of radio tags on spotted owls.Journal of Wildlife Management 55:617-622.Payne, R. S. 1971. Acoustic location of prey by barn owls (Tyto alba).Journal of Experimental Biology 54:535-573.Peek, J. M. 1986. A review of wildlife management. Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.Pious, M.1989. The northern spotted owl in second-growth forests ofMendocino County, California. Unpublished report, LouisianaPacific and Georgia Pacific Corporations. Samoa, California.Randi, E., G. Fusco, R. Lorenzini, and F. Spina. 1991. Allorzymedivergence and pylogenetic relationships within thestrigiformes. Condor 93:295-301.Reich, R. M. 1991. Statistical review of the 1990 status review of thenorthern spotted owl, StruK occidentalis caurina TechnicalBulletin 91-10. American Forest Resources Alliance, Washington,D.C.Richards, J. E. 1989. Spotted owl food habits and prey availability on theeast slope of the Washington Cascades. M.S. thesis, ColoradoState University, Ft. Collins, Colorado.Ripple, W. J., D. H. Johnson, K. T. Hershey, and E. C. Meslow. 1990.Forest fragmentation near spotted owl nest sites in westernOregon. Unpublished report, Oregon Cooperative WildlifeResearch Unit, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.Ripple, W. J., D. H. Johnson, K. T. Hershey, and E. C. Meslow. 1991. Oldgrowthand mature forests near spotted owl nests in westernOregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 55:316-318.Ruggiero, L.F., K.B.Aubry,A.B. Carey, andM.H. Huff. 1991. Wildlifeandvegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir forests. USDA ForestService, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range ExperimentalStation, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-285.242

Ruggiero, L. F., K. B. Aubry, R. S. Holthausen, J. W. Thomas, B. G. Marcot,and E. C. Meslow. 1988. Ecological dependency: the conceptand its implications for research and management. Transactionsof the North American Wildlife and Natural ResourcesConference 53:115-126.Rusch, D. H., E. C. Meslow, P. D. Doerr, and L. B. Keith. 1972. Responseof great homed owl populations to changing prey densities.Journal of Wildlife Management 36:282-296.Saurola, P. 1989. Ural Owl. Pages 327-345. In 1. Newton, ed. Lifetimereproductive success in birds. Academic Press, London.Schoener, T. 1969. Sizes of feeding territories among birds. Ecology49:123-141.Shaffer, M.1985. The metapopulation and species conservation: thespecial case of the northern spotted owl. Pages 86-99 In R. J.Gutierrez and A. B. Carey, eds. Ecology and management ofthe spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experimental Station,General Technical Report PNW-GTR- 185, Portland, Oregon.Shaffer, M. 1987. Minimum viable populations: coping with uncertainty.Pages 68-86 In M. Soule ed. Viable populations for conservation.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Great Britain.Sheriff, S. L. 1991. Statistical review of the 1990 status review: northernspotted owl. Technical Bulletin 91-08, American ForestResource Alliance, Washington, D.C.Short, L. L. 1965. Hybridizationinthe flickers (Colaptes) of NorthAmerica.Bulletin American Museum Natural History 129:309-428.Short, L. L. 1972. Hybridization, taxonomy and avian evolution. Annalsof the Missouri Botanical Gardens 59:447-453.Sibley, G. C., J. E. Ahlquist, and B. L. Monroe. 1988. A classification ofthe living birds of the world based on DNA-DNA hybridizationstudies. Auk 105:409-423.Simberloff, D. 1987. The spotted owl fracas: mixing academic, applied,and political ecology. Ecology 68:766-772.Simon-Jackson, T. 1989. Spotted owl inventory and monitoring program:Annual Report for 1989. Unpublished report, USDA ForestService, Pacific Southwest Region, San Francisco, California.Sisco, C. L. 1990. Seasonal home range and habitat ecology of spottedowls in northwestern California. M.S. thesis, Humboldt StateUniversity, Arcata, California.Sisco, C., and R. J. Gutierrez. 1984. Winter ecology of radio-taggedspotted owls on Six Rivers National Forest, Humboldt County,California. Unpublished report, Six Rivers National Forest,Eureka, California.Smith, J. B. 1990. From global to regional climate change: relativeknowns and unknowns about global warming. Fisheries15(6):2-6.243

O'Halloran, K. 1989. <strong>Spotted</strong> owl inventory and monitoring: Annualreport <strong>for</strong> 1989. Unpublished report, USDA Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon.Old-growth Definition Task Group. 1986. Interim definitions <strong>for</strong> oldgrowthDouglas-fir and mixed-conifer <strong>for</strong>ests in <strong>the</strong> PacificNorthwest and Cali<strong>for</strong>nia. USDA Forest Service, PacificNorthwest Forest and Range Experimental Station, ResearchNote PNW-447, Portland, Oregon.Paton, P. W. C., C. J. Zabel, B. Bingham, H. Sakai, and C. Ogden. 1990.Examination of home range size and habitat use of <strong>the</strong> spottedowl in <strong>the</strong> Klamath Province. Unpublished report, USDAForest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range ExperimentalStation, Arcata, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.Paton, P. W. C., C. J. Zabel, D. L. Neal, G. N. Steger, N. G. Tilghman, andB. R. Noon. 1991. Effects of radio tags on spotted owls.Journal of Wildlife Management 55:617-622.Payne, R. S. 1971. Acoustic location of prey by barn owls (Tyto alba).Journal of Experimental Biology 54:535-573.Peek, J. M. 1986. A review of wildlife management. Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.Pious, M.1989. The nor<strong>the</strong>rn spotted owl in second-growth <strong>for</strong>ests ofMendocino County, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia. Unpublished report, LouisianaPacific and Georgia Pacific Corporations. Samoa, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.Randi, E., G. Fusco, R. Lorenzini, and F. Spina. 1991. Allorzymedivergence and pylogenetic relationships within <strong>the</strong>strigi<strong>for</strong>mes. Condor 93:295-301.Reich, R. M. 1991. Statistical review of <strong>the</strong> 1990 status review of <strong>the</strong>nor<strong>the</strong>rn spotted owl, StruK occidentalis caurina TechnicalBulletin 91-10. American Forest Resources Alliance, Washington,D.C.Richards, J. E. 1989. <strong>Spotted</strong> owl food habits and prey availability on <strong>the</strong>east slope of <strong>the</strong> Washington Cascades. M.S. <strong>the</strong>sis, ColoradoState University, Ft. Collins, Colorado.Ripple, W. J., D. H. Johnson, K. T. Hershey, and E. C. Meslow. 1990.Forest fragmentation near spotted owl nest sites in westernOregon. Unpublished report, Oregon Cooperative WildlifeResearch Unit, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.Ripple, W. J., D. H. Johnson, K. T. Hershey, and E. C. Meslow. 1991. Oldgrowthand mature <strong>for</strong>ests near spotted owl nests in westernOregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 55:316-318.Ruggiero, L.F., K.B.Aubry,A.B. Carey, andM.H. Huff. 1991. Wildlifeandvegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir <strong>for</strong>ests. USDA ForestService, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range ExperimentalStation, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-285.242

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