Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT



Adamcik, R. S., and L. B. Keith. 1978. Regional movements and mortalityofgreat homed owls in relation to snowshoe hare fluctuations.Canadian Field Naturalist 92:228-234.Advanced Sciences, Inc. 1989. Population monitoring of the northernspotted owl on coastal Sierra Pacific Industries timberlands.Unpublished report, Sierra Pacific Industries, Redding, California.Agee, J. K. 1991a. Fire history of Douglas-fir forests in the PacificNorthwest. Pages 25-33 In L.F. Ruggiero, K.B. Avory, A.B.Carey, and M.H. Huff, eds. Wildlife and vegetation ofunmanaged Douglas-fir forests. USDA Forest Service, PacificNorthwest Forest and Range Experimental Station GeneralTechnical Report PNW-GTR-285. Portland, Oregon.Agee, J. K. 1991 b. Evaluation ofcatastrophic habitat loss for spotted owls:Olympic Peninsula. Unpublished report, Northern SpottedOwl Recovery Team, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland,Oregon.Allen, H. L., K. R. Dixon, and K. L. Knutsen. 1989. Cooperativeadministrative study to monitor spotted owl managementareas in national forests in Washington. Washington Departmentof Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.American Omithologist's Union. 1957. Check-list of North Americanbirds. Fifth edition. The Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore,Maryland.Anthony, J. L. and E. B. Cummins. 1989. 1988-1989 Hoh-Clearwaterspotted owl inventory project. Unpublished report, WashingtonDepartment Natural Resources and Washington Departmentof Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.Azuma, D., J. Baldwin, and B. R. Noon. 1990. Estimating occupancy ofspotted owl habitat areas and adjustingforbias. USDA ForestService, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range ExperimentalStation General Technical Report PSW-GTR-124, Berkeley,California.Bailey, H. 1966. Geology of northern California. California Division ofMines and Geology, Bulletin 190, San Francisco, California.Barrowclough, G. F. 1980. Gene flow, effective population sizes, andgenetic variance components in birds. Evolution 34:789-798.Barrowelough, G. F., and S. L. Coats. 1985. The demography andpopulation genetics of owls with special reference to theconservation of the spotted owl (Strix occidentalis). Pages 74-85 In R. J. Gutierrez and A. B. Carey, eds. Ecology andmanagement of the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest.Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experimental Station,General Technical Report PNW- 185, Portland, Oregon.Barrowclough, G. F., and R. J. Gutierrez. 1990. Genetic variation anddifferentiation in the spotted owl (Strtx occidentalis). Auk107:737-744.231


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