Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


lished works and many government documents are not usually formallyreviewed, and often are referred to as grey literature. Peer-reviewed scientificjournals, symposia, and books form the backbone of scientific literature. Whilepeer review cannot, in most cases, assure the credibility of raw data, it doesassure the reader that the information has been subjected to rigorous scrutinyof its methods, analysis, logic, and the appropriateness of an author's inferencesand conclusions given the quality and amount of data and the analyticaltools used to evaluate the data. In the case of the northern spotted owl, muchof the available information is found only in grey literature. Grey literaturefrequently has been used in this document because it often represents the verylatest field data. In addition, to categorically reject grey literature would resultin a virtual absence of information derived from the timber industry. Use ofsuch information should result in a more informative review and a strongerrecovery plan.F. Acknowledgments8The Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Team has been assisted in its work by alegion of able cooperators. Many of these people volunteered their time andefforts in excess of what anyone could have plausibly expected, and haveendured schedules and deadlines that can only be described as unreasonable.The list below is undoubtedly incomplete, and the Recovery Team regrets anyomissions. To all named and any unnamed collaborators, we express ourgratitude: we could not have completed our work without their contributions.James K. Agee, David Allen, David Anderson, Brad Andres, Keith Aubry, PhilAust, Robert W. Baker, Allison Banks, Timothy A. Barnes, Joseph Beatty, GaryBenson, Marty Berbach, Bill Beyers, Monte Bickford, Bruce Bingham, KevinBirch, Helen Birss, Andrew Blaustein, Kathryn Boula, Nancy Brooks, CharlieBrown, Ken Burnham, Bruce Bury, Andrew Carey, Jill Carroll, JohnCharbonneau, Steve Corn, Eric Cummins, Tom Cyra, Larry Davis, William F.Delaney, Velma Delp, Nicholas Dennis, Randy Dettmers, Lowell Diller, AimeeDour, James Eby, Ed Ehlers, Rich Everett, Robert A. Ewing, Lee Folliard, EricForsman, Louise Fortmann, Alan Franklin, Terrence Frest, Florissa Fuentes,Bob Gara, Keith Gilless, Brian Greber, Jeff Grenier, John H. Grobe, TomHamer, Michael Hamel, Melissa Hamel, Jeff Hannum, Mark Harmon, ConnieHarrington, Michael Hay, Mauragrace Healey, Lorin Hicks, Patrick Higgins,Jerry Hoyer, Robert J. Hrubes, Mark Huff, Larry Irwin, Frank Isaacs, KirkJobeson, K. Norman Johnson, Rebecca Johnson, Connie Kahn, BooneKaufmann, Jon Kennedy, Steve Kerns, Walt Knapp, William LaHaye, JackLattin, Robert G. Lee, George Leitner, Gary Lettman, Rob Lewis, Joe Lint,Bruce Lippke, Dan Luoma, Mike Lunn, Tom Lynch, Kathy Majors, BruceMarcot, Sandy Martin, Bill McComb, Kevin McKelvey, William McKillop, WalterJ. Mead, Chuck Meslow, Joe Meyer, Nanette Miller, Christine Moen, AndrewMoldenke, Jeff Morrell, Peter Morrison, Robert Motroni, Barry Mulder, EdMurphy, Gil Murray, Jim Neely, Susan Nelson, Bill Nietro, Barry Noon, TheronOdell, Kathy O'Halloran, Chad Oliver, Tom Owen, Dave Perry, Rick Peterson,Malcolm Pious, Ann Potter, Terry Raettig, Martin Raphael, Richard Reynolds,Jo Ellen Richards, Paul Roush, Frank Ryals, Bob Saunders, Mel Schamberger,Steve Self, Mike Skinner, David Solis, Paul Sommers, Tom Spies, Mike Srago,Argon Steel, John Steffenson, Dave Stere, Robert Storm, John Teply, SteveTesch, Jack Ward Thomas, Dale Thornburgh, David Thorud, Melvie Uhland,Jerry Verner, Frank Wagner, Paul Warner, Bill Watterson, Phil Weatherspoon,Thomas Williams, Wendell Wilson, George Wyatt, Cindy Zabel, and JohnZasada.No project like this one comes to fruition without exacting a toll on the participants'personal support groups of family and friends. We appreciate theindulgence of those closest to us, who have put up with our frequent physicaland mental absences during the preparation of this recovery plan.

Chapter IIBiology and Managementof the Northern Spotted Owl9

lished works and many government documents are not usually <strong>for</strong>mallyreviewed, and often are referred to as grey literature. Peer-reviewed scientificjournals, symposia, and books <strong>for</strong>m <strong>the</strong> backbone of scientific literature. Whilepeer review cannot, in most cases, assure <strong>the</strong> credibility of raw data, it doesassure <strong>the</strong> reader that <strong>the</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation has been subjected to rigorous scrutinyof its methods, analysis, logic, and <strong>the</strong> appropriateness of an author's inferencesand conclusions given <strong>the</strong> quality and amount of data and <strong>the</strong> analyticaltools used to evaluate <strong>the</strong> data. In <strong>the</strong> case of <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn spotted owl, muchof <strong>the</strong> available in<strong>for</strong>mation is found only in grey literature. Grey literaturefrequently has been used in this document because it often represents <strong>the</strong> verylatest field data. In addition, to categorically reject grey literature would resultin a virtual absence of in<strong>for</strong>mation derived from <strong>the</strong> timber industry. Use ofsuch in<strong>for</strong>mation should result in a more in<strong>for</strong>mative review and a strongerrecovery plan.F. Acknowledgments8The Nor<strong>the</strong>rn <strong>Spotted</strong> <strong>Owl</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> Team has been assisted in its work by alegion of able cooperators. Many of <strong>the</strong>se people volunteered <strong>the</strong>ir time andef<strong>for</strong>ts in excess of what anyone could have plausibly expected, and haveendured schedules and deadlines that can only be described as unreasonable.The list below is undoubtedly incomplete, and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> Team regrets anyomissions. To all named and any unnamed collaborators, we express ourgratitude: we could not have completed our work without <strong>the</strong>ir contributions.James K. Agee, David Allen, David Anderson, Brad Andres, Keith Aubry, PhilAust, Robert W. Baker, Allison Banks, Timothy A. Barnes, Joseph Beatty, GaryBenson, Marty Berbach, Bill Beyers, Monte Bick<strong>for</strong>d, Bruce Bingham, KevinBirch, Helen Birss, Andrew Blaustein, Kathryn Boula, Nancy Brooks, CharlieBrown, Ken Burnham, Bruce Bury, Andrew Carey, Jill Carroll, JohnCharbonneau, Steve Corn, Eric Cummins, Tom Cyra, Larry Davis, William F.Delaney, Velma Delp, Nicholas Dennis, Randy Dettmers, Lowell Diller, AimeeDour, James Eby, Ed Ehlers, Rich Everett, Robert A. Ewing, Lee Folliard, EricForsman, Louise Fortmann, Alan Franklin, Terrence Frest, Florissa Fuentes,Bob Gara, Keith Gilless, Brian Greber, Jeff Grenier, John H. Grobe, TomHamer, Michael Hamel, Melissa Hamel, Jeff Hannum, Mark Harmon, ConnieHarrington, Michael Hay, Mauragrace Healey, Lorin Hicks, Patrick Higgins,Jerry Hoyer, Robert J. Hrubes, Mark Huff, Larry Irwin, Frank Isaacs, KirkJobeson, K. Norman Johnson, Rebecca Johnson, Connie Kahn, BooneKaufmann, Jon Kennedy, Steve Kerns, Walt Knapp, William LaHaye, JackLattin, Robert G. Lee, George Leitner, Gary Lettman, Rob Lewis, Joe Lint,Bruce Lippke, Dan Luoma, Mike Lunn, Tom Lynch, Kathy Majors, BruceMarcot, Sandy Martin, Bill McComb, Kevin McKelvey, William McKillop, WalterJ. Mead, Chuck Meslow, Joe Meyer, Nanette Miller, Christine Moen, AndrewMoldenke, Jeff Morrell, Peter Morrison, Robert Motroni, Barry Mulder, EdMurphy, Gil Murray, Jim Neely, Susan Nelson, Bill Nietro, Barry Noon, TheronOdell, Kathy O'Halloran, Chad Oliver, Tom Owen, Dave Perry, Rick Peterson,Malcolm Pious, Ann Potter, Terry Raettig, Martin Raphael, Richard Reynolds,Jo Ellen Richards, Paul Roush, Frank Ryals, Bob Saunders, Mel Schamberger,Steve Self, Mike Skinner, David Solis, Paul Sommers, Tom Spies, Mike Srago,Argon Steel, John Steffenson, Dave Stere, Robert Storm, John Teply, SteveTesch, Jack Ward Thomas, Dale Thornburgh, David Thorud, Melvie Uhland,Jerry Verner, Frank Wagner, Paul Warner, Bill Watterson, Phil Wea<strong>the</strong>rspoon,Thomas Williams, Wendell Wilson, George Wyatt, Cindy Zabel, and JohnZasada.No project like this one comes to fruition without exacting a toll on <strong>the</strong> participants'personal support groups of family and friends. We appreciate <strong>the</strong>indulgence of those closest to us, who have put up with our frequent physicaland mental absences during <strong>the</strong> preparation of this recovery plan.

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