Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT

Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - DRAFT


where timber harvest is limited to partial cutting. The Valley View Shed isapproximately 2 miles wide (17,000 acres) and serves specifically as a viewshed to the Trinity River but also effectively serves to connect DCAs on ForestService land north and south of the reservation.The principal protection provided to wildlife and fish species on the reservationis the maintenance of stream protection zones which are up to 400 feet wide.Stream protection zones include 4,700 acres. The Tribe is concerned with theprotection of threatened and endangered species of fish: wildlife and plants;and also culturally important species such as, chinook and coho stocks,lampreys, fishers, pileated woodpeckers, acorn woodpeckers, bald eagles,ospreys, Port Orford cedars, and others.Round Valley Indian Reservation (Covelo IndianCommunity), CaliforniaA wildlife management survey has been initiated to survey all wildlife specieson the Round Valley Indian Reservation. A spotted owl survey was conductedin the 1991 season. Within the 30,000-acre reservation a survey was conductedon land recently purchased -11,304 acres purchased with a timbercutting right easement where conifers more than 11 inches in diameter remainthe property of the prior landowner. This resource area had one spotted owlactivity center. If harvest is not undertaken under the easement and after acomplete survey of the reservation has been done, the Tribe will reevaluate itsmanagement to provide protection for this activity center.The Tribe has a new Fish and Wildlife Program that works in conjunction withthe Natural Resource Program to manage and protect its wildlife resourceswithin the reservation. For now, the Tribe will manage for the northern spottedowl and continue to inventory this species habitat and will develop its ownmanagement plan.92

Chapter IIIRecovery93

where timber harvest is limited to partial cutting. The Valley View Shed isapproximately 2 miles wide (17,000 acres) and serves specifically as a viewshed to <strong>the</strong> Trinity River but also effectively serves to connect DCAs on ForestService land north and south of <strong>the</strong> reservation.The principal protection provided to wildlife and fish species on <strong>the</strong> reservationis <strong>the</strong> maintenance of stream protection zones which are up to 400 feet wide.Stream protection zones include 4,700 acres. The Tribe is concerned with <strong>the</strong>protection of threatened and endangered species of fish: wildlife and plants;and also culturally important species such as, chinook and coho stocks,lampreys, fishers, pileated woodpeckers, acorn woodpeckers, bald eagles,ospreys, Port Or<strong>for</strong>d cedars, and o<strong>the</strong>rs.Round Valley Indian Reservation (Covelo IndianCommunity), Cali<strong>for</strong>niaA wildlife management survey has been initiated to survey all wildlife specieson <strong>the</strong> Round Valley Indian Reservation. A spotted owl survey was conductedin <strong>the</strong> 1991 season. Within <strong>the</strong> 30,000-acre reservation a survey was conductedon land recently purchased -11,304 acres purchased with a timbercutting right easement where conifers more than 11 inches in diameter remain<strong>the</strong> property of <strong>the</strong> prior landowner. This resource area had one spotted owlactivity center. If harvest is not undertaken under <strong>the</strong> easement and after acomplete survey of <strong>the</strong> reservation has been done, <strong>the</strong> Tribe will reevaluate itsmanagement to provide protection <strong>for</strong> this activity center.The Tribe has a new Fish and Wildlife Program that works in conjunction with<strong>the</strong> Natural Resource Program to manage and protect its wildlife resourceswithin <strong>the</strong> reservation. For now, <strong>the</strong> Tribe will manage <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn spottedowl and continue to inventory this species habitat and will develop its ownmanagement plan.92

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