Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Annual Report 2011-12

Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Annual Report 2011-12 Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Annual Report 2011-12


Message fromThe Chief Operating OfficerJoseph JobinElders, Chiefs, Youth, Employees and all members of Treaty No. 8, I am pleased to introduce our 2011– 2012 Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta (T8FNA) Annual Report. T8FNA is always happy to take everyopportunity to report on our activities and this year, we once again have a great deal of info to share.The Elders and T8FNA Executive Board have provided a strong and positive contribution to the abilityto focus on our Treaty and Aboriginal rights. The Elders and Executive Board gave their time, guidanceand direction to T8FNA while at the same time, serving their people and communities and fulfilling theirduties and obligations. The Elders have shown their support in a strong way; T8FNA is appreciativeand grateful for their valuable information, insight, and particularly their prayers that we know not onlyhelps and protect us but also to motivate us in the very important work that we do.The employees of T8 are outstanding group of individuals through difficult and busy times; they haveshown they are dedicated, knowledgeable and experienced in a variety of ways that complement notonly each other but T8FNA as a whole. The staff is definitely to be commended for their continuingefforts to perform their duties and responsibilities without hesitation and with motivation.T8FNA extends its thanks to all those who have contributed to our operations and success in the pastand have nothing but best wishes for them in their future endeavors!Financially, as reported by the Auditors, we maintained strong operating results with an unqualifiedaudit and no deficit. This puts T8FNA in a strong position to maintain operations and continue toadvocate for lasting recognition of our Treaty Rights.There continues to be numerous issues arising at a very fast pace and from all directions, particularlywith the Government of Alberta. We are, however, confident with the Elders, Chiefs and the ExecutiveBoard’s support and direction, we will continue on the right path. Working together can only make usmore effective, and help us to reach our goal of success for all our people and communities in Treaty 8territory!2011 – 2012 has been another year forchanges and adjustments for T8FNA andalthough faced with challenging and difficultcircumstances during the year, T8FNAcontinues to ensure that the circumstancesare dealt with as smoothly and efficientlyas possible. It is the intention of T8FNA toremain true to the vision and intent of TreatyNo. 8 and they are put at the forefront of allT8 initiatives.Page 4

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