Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Annual Report 2011-12

Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Annual Report 2011-12 Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Annual Report 2011-12


Over 70 historical treatiesnegotiated with First Nationsbetween 1701 and 1023 in Canada.Modern Treaties are still beingmade with Canada today.Canada and the First Nations Historical TimelineThe Treaty 8 Elder’s Advisory Council met in July 2011 at the “Honouring our Treaty” gathering in FortChipewyan. The gathering was a success again and this year it was a bit more challenging as Fort Chipewyanis a fly-in community, so we had to ensure flights for participants were looked after, arranging barges to get allthe supplies and billeting rooms within the community. A special thank you to all the community members whoopened up their homes to the Chiefs, Elders and membership and made them feel so welcome.We would like to thank both AthabascaChipewyan First Nation and Mikisew CreeNation for hosting this event and to ChiefAllan Adam and Chief Steve Courtoriellefor making us feel so welcome in theircommunity. We would like to acknowledgeand thank Margaret Whiteknife who did agreat job coordinating the gathering on theFirst Nation’s behalf.Honouring our Treaty 2011 hosted byMikisew Cree Nation and AthabascaChipewyan First Nation July 2011 –Grand EntryCommunity EngagementsThis year we were fortunate to have visited many of our First Nation communities with the Children’s Agendaand Education team to provide an update on Treaty Discussions and proposed Alberta Treaty Commission. Webelieve that membership needs to be informed and engaged in the work we do at the office, after all it is theywho ultimately gives various mandates to their leadership and that we can help facilitate and advocate on thosevarious issues impacting them in their communities.Little Red River CreeNation: Welcome SignGetting ready to boardthe plane to Fox Lake, AB.Elders Coordinator: DustinTwin. Children’s Agendastaff: Lynn Muskwa &Raelynn LamoucheTreaty CommissionWe continue our work on exploring the possibility of the Alberta Treaty Commission. We held a Special AOTCMarch 14-15th, 2012 at the Ramada Inn. At the request of the Chiefs, we asked INAC to put funding in placeto have citizen engagements directly with the First Nations to inform them of the Treaty Commission and togather their input. The team will be going to your community in the summer of 2012 to seek your input andrecommendation on the Treaty Commission.We would like to extend our sincere gratitude for the Elders, their prayers, wisdom andknowledge that assist us in all the work we do at the Treaty 8 office!“As long as the sun shines,the grass grows,and waters flow.”Page 10



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