River of Life Blessing For Church - Fire and Ice Ministries River of ...

River of Life Blessing For Church - Fire and Ice Ministries River of ...

River of Life Blessing For Church - Fire and Ice Ministries River of ...

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<strong>River</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Blessing</strong><strong>For</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Children: I bless the children’s ministry to grow <strong>and</strong> be filled with kids that love Jesus.May the word <strong>of</strong> God dwell in them richly <strong>and</strong> they be baptized in the Holy Spirit at ayoung age. I bless them to receive the impartation Jesus has for them. May they beprepared <strong>and</strong> led into their destiny, <strong>and</strong> their feet never stray from the path the Lord hasfor them.Gathering/Outcry/Youth: You will grow <strong>and</strong> be filled with teens <strong>and</strong> college age thatwill be white-hot flames <strong>of</strong> fire. May you have continual baptisms in Holy Spirit <strong>and</strong> fire<strong>and</strong> a hunger for God’s word. May you to be established in sound doctrine <strong>and</strong> theword <strong>of</strong> God dwell in you richly. I bless you that you will love what God loves <strong>and</strong> hatewhat he hates. You will be leaders into righteousness <strong>and</strong> never followers intounrighteousness. You will be strong in the Lord. I bless you that your feet will beguided into your destiny, <strong>and</strong> the Lord will keep your steps from straying <strong>of</strong>f the pathGod has for you in life. You will marry the right person <strong>and</strong> the wrong people will bekept far from you. You will have godly friends that are a strength to you spiritually <strong>and</strong> astrength to your character. I bless you with quick spiritually growth.Worship: I bless the praise <strong>and</strong> worship <strong>of</strong> <strong>River</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>and</strong> the whole ministry. Mayyou have talented people on the praise team that are anointed <strong>and</strong> live holy. I blessthem to have a humble Christlike hearts <strong>and</strong> be submitted to authority. I bless thepraise to go very high in dancing, singing, shouting, twirling, leaping, <strong>and</strong> clappingh<strong>and</strong>s. I bless the worship to go deep. May the worship be filled with the atmosphere<strong>of</strong> heaven. Even as the praise <strong>and</strong> worship is taking place, I declare people will begetting right with God <strong>and</strong> having encounters with God. They will be healed, delivered<strong>of</strong> anything satan has ever had in their life, family, bloodline, household, or ministry.They will be baptized in the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues, <strong>and</strong> be clothed with powerfrom on high. They will receive the impartation God has for them. They will becomegood fertile soil for the work <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit <strong>and</strong> the word <strong>of</strong> God. I bless the praiseteam members that your voices become incredibly strong, your range increase, yourskills on your instrument to increase radically, <strong>and</strong> you will usher people into theatmosphere <strong>of</strong> heaven as the Holy Spirit anoints <strong>and</strong> uses you in an awesome way!May the Lord sing <strong>and</strong> play through you.Facility: Whatever facility we are in, I bless you facility. You will have an open heavenabove you, a great outpouring <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit to take place in you, the gifts <strong>of</strong> theSpirit will be at work accurately <strong>and</strong> powerfully in you, great demonstrations <strong>of</strong> the Holy

Spirits power will take place in you so people’s faith rest in God not man, <strong>and</strong> freedomin praise <strong>and</strong> worship will be in you. The Holy Spirit will be in charge in you.Atmosphere: I bless the atmosphere <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Ice</strong>, <strong>River</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, The Gathering,Outcry, Smooth Stones to be filled with the atmosphere <strong>of</strong> heaven. Not just theservices, but the ministry as a whole, our homes, <strong>and</strong> lives also. I bless you that life,health, strength, God’s glory, <strong>and</strong> his power will fill you. Angelic activity from the Lordwill be in you. I bless youServices: <strong>River</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> you will grow <strong>and</strong> prosper. I bless your services. You will befruitful for the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God. You will see people getting right with God, born again,<strong>and</strong> transformed. You will have healings <strong>and</strong> miracles take place in full view <strong>of</strong> many.Powerful testimonies will come forth from you <strong>of</strong> God’s miraculous power changinglives. People will be healed body, soul, <strong>and</strong> spirit in you. Marriages <strong>and</strong> relationshipshealed <strong>and</strong> restored in you. People will be totally delivered from everything satan hasever had in their lives, family, bloodline, <strong>and</strong> ministry in you. Everything Jesus paid forus to have on the cross will be released to all present in our services, watching online,<strong>and</strong> even outside the services. Many will be baptized in the Holy Spirit <strong>and</strong> receiveimpartation in you, <strong>and</strong> the word <strong>of</strong> God will go forth <strong>and</strong> accomplish what the Lorddesires. People will grow radically fast spiritually in you. What would normally takedecades will be accomplished in one service. People will have major breakthroughs inlife. Things they have been praying for, even for years, will take place in you.Laying on H<strong>and</strong>s: Only those authorized by the Pastor will be laying on h<strong>and</strong>s.People will appreciate <strong>and</strong> respect <strong>and</strong> obey that. I speak that no one will be able to layh<strong>and</strong>s through our ministry or in our services that the Lord would not want laying h<strong>and</strong>son people. May great protection from the Lord be in this area.Submission/Honor: People associated with our ministry or coming to a service willlove, honor, obey, <strong>and</strong> respect authority. They will be humble, teachable, <strong>and</strong> submittedto authority. I bless everyone to honor one another, <strong>and</strong> to be Christlike to one another.There will be NOT ONE unrepentant Jezebel or Ahab in our midst. They cannotremain. There will NOT BE ONE unrepentant Pharisee, gossip, sl<strong>and</strong>erer, or divisiveperson found among us. If a wolf in sheeps clothing comes, they will not be able todevelop a relationship with anyone. They won’t be able to get involved, <strong>and</strong> they will bequickly exposed <strong>and</strong> removed from our midst. There will be no division among us. Thisministry will be a ministry <strong>of</strong> love <strong>and</strong> unity.Evangelism: Great authority, power, <strong>and</strong> a fresh anointing will rest on all soul-winnersin our ministry. You will be as bold as lions! You will love what you do for the Lord!God will give you wisdom <strong>and</strong> give you the words to speak! I bless you to see a greatharvest <strong>of</strong> souls, <strong>and</strong> the Lord will confirm his word through you with signs <strong>and</strong> wonders.

I bless you that the sick will be healed, demons come out <strong>of</strong> people, people baptized inthe Holy Spirit, <strong>and</strong> impartation take place as you are out witnessing! I declare revivalwill break out through you.Prayer: I bless the prayer <strong>and</strong> intercessory ministries. You are the health <strong>and</strong> life <strong>of</strong>the ministry. You are a watchmen on the wall. May God give you wisdom <strong>and</strong> vision.May you intercessors be blessed <strong>and</strong> powerfully used <strong>of</strong> God. I bless all prayerservices <strong>and</strong> ministries that the praise, worship, prayer, <strong>and</strong> intercession that comesforth from you will be in spirit <strong>and</strong> truth <strong>and</strong> will ascend unto God’s throne as a fragrant<strong>of</strong>fering. Your prayers will change the world we live in, <strong>and</strong> God will use you in anawesome way!Revival: I bless <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Ice</strong>, <strong>River</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, Smooth Stones, The Gathering, <strong>and</strong> theOutcry’s to be revival ministries that see a great harvest <strong>of</strong> souls.Money: I bless all the finances <strong>of</strong> this ministry <strong>and</strong> individuals associated with theministry. I speak over you finances, you will multiply <strong>and</strong> always be more than enoughfor every need. I bless you.Harvest: I speak to the north, south, east, <strong>and</strong> west; I bless our harvest to be fruitful<strong>and</strong> come forth. You will receive all God has for you. I bless youFamily Atmosphere/love: I bless this ministry <strong>and</strong> all associated with it. You will be aloving family. You will be a sanctuary <strong>of</strong> rest, renewal, <strong>and</strong> refreshing for the nations.You will be continually <strong>and</strong> perpetually filled with love, unity, harmony, <strong>and</strong> peace.Sounds <strong>of</strong> joy <strong>and</strong> laughter will be heard in you, <strong>and</strong> great spiritual growth will takeplace in you. You will be a warm loving environment. I bless you that division <strong>and</strong>satanic attack will not prosper in you.Faith/miraculous: I bless the atmosphere <strong>of</strong> this ministry to be filled with faith <strong>and</strong>expectancy. I bless you that notable miracles, healings, signs, <strong>and</strong> wonders will takeplace in you. You will be a place people come expecting a miracle <strong>and</strong> an answer toprayer.I bless you ministry that you will be a haven <strong>of</strong> peace <strong>and</strong> love. Unity will remain in you<strong>and</strong> satan cannot divide you. Satan cannot curse what God has blessed <strong>and</strong> you arethe blessed <strong>of</strong> the Lord. You love Israel therefore you prosper. You bless Israel <strong>and</strong>God’s blessing is upon you. You have wisdom to prevail <strong>and</strong> succeed. I bless you thatall in you will love, honor, <strong>and</strong> respect authority. You will grow <strong>and</strong> prosper. No pride,rebellion, lust, witchcraft, or idolatry will be found in you. You will be a holy lump withoutyeast. God’s h<strong>and</strong> is mightily upon you. Attacks from the accuser or Leviathan will fallback where they came from <strong>and</strong> not harm you. I bless you in the mighty name <strong>of</strong> Jesus!

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