Bonfiglioli - Houston Bearing and Supply

Bonfiglioli - Houston Bearing and Supply Bonfiglioli - Houston Bearing and Supply
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d) Once « T c2 » and « i » are determined, locate the gearbox rating chart for the drive speed « n 1 »and select a gearbox featuring the gear ratio « i » nearest to calculated ratio that also satisfiesthe condition:T n2 T c2(14)If a motor is to be fitted to the gearbox, check availability of the relevant adapter.12.0 - VERIFICATIONSAfter the selection of the applicable drive unit is complete, check the following:a) Thermal capacityMake sure that the thermal capacity of the gearbox is equal to or greater than the mechanicalhorsepower drawn by the application, as per equation (4).If this is not the case provide a supplementary cooling system (see chapter 26.0) or select alarger gearbox.b) Maximum torqueMake sure that neither the momentary peak torque nor the starting torque under load ever exceedthe « T 2max » value that the gearbox is rated for (see following table for reference).(A5)ModelT 2max[in·lbs]ModelT 2max[in·lbs]300 14,000 311 490,000301 21,500 313 580,000303 32,000 315 1,150,000305 62,000 316 1,500,000306 106,000 317 2,000,000307 160,000 318 2,600,000309 222,000 319 4,000,000310 354,000 321 5,800,000c) Overhung loadExamine the application and establish:- overhung load applying to input and/or output shaft through the following formula:T [in lbs] KrR[lbs]c 2 (15)D[in]R cTDK r =1K r =1.25K r =1.5-2.0Overhung load [lbs]Torque [in·lbs]P.C.D [in] of transmission element (sprocket, gear, pulley, etc.)Factor for chain transmissionFactor for gear transmissionFactor for V-belt transmission14

(A6)- for extended lifetime requirements, locate the applicable adjusting factor « f L », listed in the tablehere under:Expected lifetime 2500 h 5000 h 10000 h 15000 h 25000 h 50000 h 100000 hf L 0.81 1.00 1.23 1.39 1.62 2.00 2.46c 1 ) output shaft- for loads applying at shaft mid-point, check that the following condition is verified:R n2 R c2 f L(16)where « R n2 » is the permitted overhung load, as listed in the rating charts.- Should the force be acting off the shaft midpoint - with the exception of version FZ - establishthe offset value « x » and find the adjusting factor « f x2 » in the relevant diagram (following thepages showing the installation drawing of gearbox under study).The following condition must be verified:R x2 R n2 f x2 R c2 f L(17)Look up the diagram relevant to the gearbox under study and identify permitted radial load « R x2 »corresponding to distance «x»andtheratio A n2 /R n2 nearest to value A c2 /R c2 .Make sure the following condition is verified:R x2 R c2(18)For different speed, or lifetime expectancy, consider:- a speed factor « f n2 », see table below for reference:(A7)n 2 [rpm] 1 2.5 5 10 15 25 50 100f n2 2.0 1.51 1.23 1.00 0.88 0.76 0.62 0.50- a lifetime factor « f L », from table (A6).The following condition must be verified:R n2 f n2 R c2 f L(19)15

(A6)- for extended lifetime requirements, locate the applicable adjusting factor « f L », listed in the tablehere under:Expected lifetime 2500 h 5000 h 10000 h 15000 h 25000 h 50000 h 100000 hf L 0.81 1.00 1.23 1.39 1.62 2.00 2.46c 1 ) output shaft- for loads applying at shaft mid-point, check that the following condition is verified:R n2 R c2 f L(16)where « R n2 » is the permitted overhung load, as listed in the rating charts.- Should the force be acting off the shaft midpoint - with the exception of version FZ - establishthe offset value « x » <strong>and</strong> find the adjusting factor « f x2 » in the relevant diagram (following thepages showing the installation drawing of gearbox under study).The following condition must be verified:R x2 R n2 f x2 R c2 f L(17)Look up the diagram relevant to the gearbox under study <strong>and</strong> identify permitted radial load « R x2 »corresponding to distance «x»<strong>and</strong>theratio A n2 /R n2 nearest to value A c2 /R c2 .Make sure the following condition is verified:R x2 R c2(18)For different speed, or lifetime expectancy, consider:- a speed factor « f n2 », see table below for reference:(A7)n 2 [rpm] 1 2.5 5 10 15 25 50 100f n2 2.0 1.51 1.23 1.00 0.88 0.76 0.62 0.50- a lifetime factor « f L », from table (A6).The following condition must be verified:R n2 f n2 R c2 f L(19)15

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